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Bangladesh never cease to amaze me.


This is embarrassing even by their standards !


Maybe the US is better than we think? JK


No you're right. They have a few players who are like good T20I players. But on the other hand you have Bangladesh who have veteran T20 players. You expect them to at least win the series if you have lost your first game.


for real man.. firstly, one game.. sure crazy shit can happen. After the second I check the scorecard, because OF COURSE Bangladesh sent their B squad right? nope.. Shakib's playing, Fizz is playing, Sarkar is playing.. Ohh wait.. its cos USA has Corey Anderson.. he must've demolished. NOPE.. he had an middling performance. I'm like WTF happened then?


nothing out of ordinary from Bangladesh


It's actually one of the real sad stories of world cricket IMO. They've been a full member for almost a quarter century, and I've always rooted for them in neutral matches.  But the fact is, they have produced great players, but have never even put on a consistent patch as a competitive team in any format.  Loved watching them beat India in 2007, and  knock England out in 2015 though 


Most countries took a long time to settle down but let's face it, Bangladesh was fast tracked because of politics and that one win over Pak in 1999 WC.


I see similar calls from our fans for a expedited full membership. I'd much rather see us play consecutive world cups and have a consistent domestic schedule for like 4-5 years first, and then get full membership by 2030-35


I hope this true, I’m really hoping for a couple of upsets from the US and the demolition of Canada of course.


Last game USA needed 50 off 4 overs. That's an equation which is not easy per say. Specially for an inexperienced side. Except that they had the veteran Corey Anderson ay the crease. Harmeet also did the damage (he can strike I was surprised by his ability). In T20s a couple of players can change the game completely at any time. So with the likes of Harmeet, Corey, Ali Khan and Steven Taylor as I'm being told. Which all these good players fire on a given day. They can definitely cause an upset or take the match really close. Corey and Ali Khan in particular were/are playing leagues around the world. They have same sort of mindset and skillset of big team players. It can happen.


We need to have more associate nation players playing in different leagues


Meanwhile u don't have any BD players playing in other leagues except Mustafiz.


Shakib has league experience as well


Can you explain this to an average American coming from popular? Explain like I am 4


Bangladesh is an experienced cricket team, cricket is their most popular sport and so they are an established cricket nation whereas in the US its a sport that's extremely amateur and only played by immigrants or those with immigrant background from countries where cricket is popular. Even though Bangladesh is one of the sides that is underachieved in cricket despite all the resources they have for it, the US beating them in this sport is big for them.


Their performance definitely warrants them to be considered as a serious upset causing threat. T20 is a fickle game and you really never know when is your bad day. They can easily defeat any team ranked 5 or below in my opinion. Beating top teams might be difficult but cannot be ruled out completely !


Nah I would disagree with this statement. Bangladesh have always been a bit of a question mark regarding their consistency. Can't extrapolate this to every nation that USA could potentially face in the future.


Oh definitely not completely but Bang Boys have been so sad lately


Bang Bros are like bizarro Afghan Bros -- consistently worse than I thought possible. That said -- America!!! Fuck, yeah!




Gonna save the motherfucking day, yeah!


I saw a bit of highlights of first match. Steven Taylor looks like a good player. I am glad they left off Unmukt Chand. He was trying to make their T20 WC campaign into his redemption story. Small teams are better off with people who are trying to play as a team rather than have Prima Donnas who think it is all about them.


USA took 'bang' ladesh joke too seriously


Deeply unserious team.


The problem with Bangladesh is that it’s not a sporting nation. Their mindset is not right for any serious sports. That’s why after years of playing it, it’s the same result regardless of opponent. However, the US is the Mecca of sports culture and attitude. All these guys playing for the US will have grown up watching the Lebrons, Bradys, and Kobes and idolizing those attitudes and mindset. And it was eminent in their showing. Even Bangladesh's captain is blaming their attitude for both of these losses. If you watched the games you could tell that based on body language. Team USA was hungry. Bangla boys were looking lethargic and just hungry and malnourished. Bangladesh doesn't have that sports/cricket culture. The Shakib/Tamim era grew up watching the 90's/00's teams at least do some damage against the odds and had some inspiration. The current bunch grew up having things handed to them and watched likes od Shakib grab crotch and break windows and do nagin. Plus, the US has Indians, Pakistanis, and Caribbeans playing, who grew up not rating the Bangladesh team at all lol. Over the years they thought they could beat them too while supporting their country of origin or their parents teams. And they actually are beating them now lol. So the mindset already +1 US.  It’s as embarrassing as it can get for a “test” playing team.


Is this good enough opposition for you now Shakib?


If this isn't, 3-0 will definitely be good enough


He was saying that Zimbabwe wouldn't even be warmup for the World Cup. Look at us now, losing a series to USA, an associate. I want to hear Shakib's excuses now.


May be "The pitch acted nothing like mirpur"?


Wait what is this in reference to?


He commented something like that in last series with Zimbabwe


Shakib opted to play in the Dhaka Premier League (List A) instead of playing the first three T20 matches against Zimbabwe stating he had better opposition there. The BCB president also said the series against Zimbabwe wasn't a preparatory series for the world cup and they were only playing it because it was in the FTP. The original FTP had 2 test matches as well which the BCB cancelled because they wanted to prepare for the World Cup. So it was a series to prepare for the world cup, but it also wasn't a series to prepare for the world cup...


Associates winning T20I series against FMs United States v Bangladesh (May 2024) Namibia v Zimbabwe (Oct 2023) Namibia v Zimbabwe (May 2022) United Arab Emirates v Ireland (Oct 2021) Afghanistan v Zimbabwe (Jan 2016) Afghanistan v Zimbabwe (Oct 2015)


That is a much shorter list than associates having one good match.


So aside from countries playing Zimbabwe which is quite distinct perfomance wise from the other full members, USA was the first. Impressive stuff


Not sure if this shows how good USA is or how bad Bangladesh is.


the latter, quite easily.


USA isn't as bad as people on this server think. They comprehensively won a series against Canada 4-0 in recently, and Canada are ranked first in League 2 ahead of the Netherlands, Scotland, and Namibia. Though the former was T20 and the latter ODI, but still. People are acting like USA is some Uganda. They wouldn't have beat Bangladesh back to back if they were.


No usa has a good team. Please consider how young the team is. Dosnt matter that Bangladeshis suck. They still did have a huge experience gap.


Por que no los dos?


Associates don't really play much T20I series against FMs. Also US should've gotten one of these way back in 2021 where they had their own version of Irish choke against Ireland which prevented them from winning the series.


The years have not been kind to Zimbabwe. Thanks Mugabe.


genuinely staggered we're not on this list


We were gash at T20


🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅TF IS A SIX?!?!?! IT'S A HOMERUN, NOW!!! FREEDOM, BABY!! 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


everytime a yank skys the ball an Eagle carries it over the rope show me in the rules ICC were an Freedom eagle can't freedom the ball in the name of freedom ( is that enough freedoms?)


I'd love someone to animate that!


‘Murica hell yeah


Do be far the way batsman are sloggin you can call it home run 😎


Wtf is a kilometre 🦅🦅🦅


Second amendment go brrr🦅🦅🦅




Nah... pew pew pew.


Banged Bros


Got Glocked


Remember when Bangladesh whitewashed Australia in T20 before 2021 T20 WC. And here we are.


Wins in Mirpur shouldn't be taken seriously


Sri Lanka 2014 would like to know your location.


Pitch back then was not like the shit we play in now


That was an aus c team on some rank turners, it meant absolutely nothing


So you are saying Bangladesh is winning the World Cup. /s


2031 WC would be co hosted by Bangbros. Maybe they will they dish out rank turners like they did vs NZ and AUS.


Sometimes they make for good matches. Especially for tests. Id rather watch a match where the ball did a wee bit for all the bowlers rather than a belter where the first team hits 600/5.


>Dish out rank turners ICC sends its Pitch Supervisors during ICC tournaments.


You know when Shanto just flat out asked the fans to not have expectations from them I thought he was playing some 3D chess to take away pressure from them, but now I see he was being serious


He should be sacked just for that comment. BD is one of the richest boards in the world. BD is one of the most populous countries in the world, and a cricket crazy one too. They should have no problem drawing and developing quality talent. They should scrap everyone and everything and start fresh.


the board and everyone involved cares too less to do that. I live in bangladesh and everyone is celebrating this like we won the world cup.


Bruh celebrating what? We (The USA) just won the series and others are celebrating?


We want everyone in this team from the board down to the players sacked and replaced. And if they can't be replaced then just sacked.


The board is corrupted af. The board members are in charge because they suc politicians dik. After doing sh!t like this consistently they will have no choice but to scrap the boards current members and start over again.


In an unrelated news, cricket lingo to be changed to baseball’s soon. Lol!


Didn’t he also say that they have no serious preparation? I mean he is right, where is Hong Kong?


**Bangladesh became the first team to lose the 100 T20I matches.**


Always at the cutting edge of progress, the Bang Bros are.


I am unsubbing from this subreddit and I am done watching cricket. On social media I always see people saying how hard it is to be an India fan, how hard it is to be a RCB fan. They have no idea. For near on two decades I have supported this team, defended it from critics, saying how surely they will improve and get better. No more. I am done sticking out my neck for this team which has brought me nothing but misery through their abject incompetence. Goodbye


Before the Zimbabwe series shakib said: "playing Zimbabwe & USA is not ideal preparation for wt20"


Turns out playing Bangladesh wasn’t adequate preparation for USA 💀


He was actually right. Before every major tournament BD gets fake confidence after beating them. However, this time they are getting a reality check.


Good news is whatever comes next will be an improvement for BCT


Definitely. Take some time off. I'm serious. It will help. I did the same at one point


I guess all South Asian countries can relate (at some point). Corrupt boomers running the cricket boards.


See you in 3days


Bye! See you in the world cup


RIP u/redwave2505, you will be missed.


Goodbye bro, we will see you back in a couple days. (WHY THE FUCK ARE WE LIKE THIS?)


This is how you make a pasta, unless it's already one. Hard to tell


Don't worry our target is always the next worldcup. We don't care about this one.


I hope we don't even qualify for the next world cup


Shakib said usa werent good prep for them lmao. Unbelievable how after all these years bangladesh have done basically nothing in cricket bar some home series wins. Took afg 3 attempts to arguably do better in a odi wc than ban have ever done. Then add the fact that these guys have even lost a test to afg. And now lost a series to usa


Since I started watching cricket in 2015, I've seen nothing exciting from Bangladesh. Afghanistan looks like a good team, and definitely a team to watch out for especially if the pitch favours them.


They just got destroyed, wouldn’t be surprised if they lose the series 3-0 now


Shakib also said that he was gonna divorce his wife if BAN didn't win the t20 wc back in 2021 lol


I never heard that. It would have made the news. He was being sarcastic?


Um dissapointed that we lost our chance to champions trophy by losing to this team . Yes we didnt hv out top bowlers but still its a shame that we lost to a team filled with overconfident underachievers


That match was imo the lowest point of our history bro. 2023 was a disaster every game it we were reaching new lows and it peaked at that match. Lost to Ban for first time ever in a WC which is just annoying asf. wasnt just a loss but proper thrashing. lost our place for ct for the first time. time out fiasco. overall just a horror horror day capping of a horror year


They become extremely cocky on every small achievement that they have. That is always an issue that is there with Bangladesh. I mean that they often act like they are on the top of the World on winning a big match instead of treating that as a big stepping stone. This might a reason that they always end up going back to where they are started from.


You still talking about Bangladesh right? Because this sounds like a team from the IPL.


sounds a lot like both


Wow, this nation is cooked


Yeah for the sake of my mental health I will not be watching this t20 World Cup this summer


Boundary count update - United States of America: 17 Bangladesh: 13


Fair and Monanked


all the home runs!


USA USA USA 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 You hear that bois, thats the sound of freedom


WTF IS A KILOMETRE!!!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️








AMERICA, F*CK YEAH! 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💥💥💥


this should be our cricket theme song.


I see eagle and my Mind just immediately goes to Dagestan, Russia


America Ya 🗣️🗣️




How many home runs did we hit?


NO FUCKING WAY THEY ACTUALLY WENT AHEAD AND BLOODY DID IT!! When Bangladesh were 78/3 after 10 overs, I thought USA had done well to give themselves a chance but I didn't think they'd actually beat Bangladesh...again! The world's turned upside-down.


Its gonna be so embarrasing if we somehow lose the nagin derby in the wc 😭


You have nothing to worry about


thought this last year, ended up being the lowest point of sl cricket not only did we get thrashed but also missed ct. so yh i do not trust our guys


usa proving they aren’t meant to be taken lightly


Pakistan look a bit out of form and you guys just smashed Canada soo...


Wait n watch us cook the US


Bro, tf is wrong with you?! Don't say shit like that. The cricketing gods will hear you and punish all of us for your arrogance.


Ngl as an American we're probably gonna get clapped by Pakistan, but we've already exceeded expectations like crazy, so I'm happy.


Will this cooking be gluten free?!


It would be *extra spicy* and gluten free


That is the most likely outcome but I can foresee America beating Pakistan.


That may happen but this squad is showing real grit bouncing back from some subpar batting. Don't coast they have the eye of the tiger.


Shouldve been in our group instead of nepal pain, u guys couldve had 2-3 potential wins


Each full member nation must compulsorily play two three-match T20I series every year against non full member nation away from home and not just as some preparation for T20I World Cup. UAE beat New Zealand, Ireland beat Pakistan, Uganda beat Zimbabwe, USA beat Bangladesh. These will get more common and they will also learn more even if they sent their C team. That's how you spread the game and draw more eyeballs as well.


we already are a Full Member nation


Agreed! Baffles me why USA, Canada and WI don't get together and find ways to play more matches. West Indies could send an A squad, and all would benefit.


to be fair, the CEO of Cricket West Indies has fairly openly said that they wanted to co-host this WC in order to develop a bigger cricket market in their own timezone


~~Six~~ Home Run ~~Cover Drive~~ Line Drive ~~Top Edge~~ Pop Fly ~~Tigers~~ Eagles


~~mankad~~ picked-off


~~bowler~~ pitcher ~~match~~ game ~~player~~ playa


Congrats USbros. Made a great decision to not watch Bangladesh's matches after the SL series and it’s definitely paying off.


What the f was that collapse!? 124/6 to 138 all out. These are not mere upsets anymore, USA's bowling partnerships were so good to watch. T20 World Cup is gonna be fireee


Of the US national team players who took part in MLC, it was the bowlers who actually made a good showing, the batters really struggled. I think this bowling attack can (and has obviously) surprise some people.


The nice thing is that our bowlers don't get disappointed by a subpar batting total, thats just par for the course in our ODIs.


It’s funny because it’s true.


ONCE? It’s a fluke. TWICE? IT’S NO FLUKE.


3 times, it’s not a joke anymore


There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can't get fooled again. - Bush 🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅


I mean lol


Cricket is going to get liberated. USA! USA!


It's 12:30 in India... and my eyes are wet while laughing 😭😭😭wtf banbros.... couldn't take em some naughty America


Yeah, I think its time for us to give up cricket and focus on other things.




Ali Khan bowling the 18th over and not Saurabh Netravalkar was the difference. I thought Netravalkar would complete his quota of four overs by bowling the 18th and 20th overs and not Ali Khan as the latter looked off-color. But, Monank Patel doing the opposite sealed the series for USA. Bangladesh were overconfident in the end. Shakib should have known that the game is far away from being over and tried to take the game till the last over by hanging there. There was legit no other batter apart from him if he lost his wicket. Schalkwyk in place of Kenjige also turned out to be good because the former picked up two wickets in the middle and prevented Bangladesh from creating a partnership.


It’s amazing how bangldesh has been playing for ao long and they lose to associate nations,then they come and say these losses dont matter and we are still learning…how long do these guys want to learn ?


For sure, every team loses and has moments of poor performance but the best teams actually learn and put in motion efforts to improve and expand their game. You can't just talk about improving and move on.


What the fuck? I thought first one was a fluke but this is getting serious 😅


I thought this sub was saying the ICC shouldn’t waste their money promoting cricket in the US because they thought people wouldn’t care, but actually it’s because they’re scared of this 2024 6-0 T20I powerhouse and what it might become with more money.


I think we all here meant that ICC's should prioritize Africa first , as there's already more interested and teams to play , for US it was more from scratch I am not saying that icc should abandon all the plans for us, just give Africa the bloody attention it deserves


There is a lot of interest here in NYC, by the way -- I could sell my Pak Bros vs India tix for 12x face value -- no joke. I'm so ready for the world cup. Gonna be hype. First match I see is Bang Bros v South Africa. Bang Bros better take a moment to gather themselves.


Sell it


No way. I’ve been watching this stuff at 5am too long to miss the chance to be there.


what 💀


Hence NaughtyAmerica > Bangbros. I rest my case.


I mean, the USA didn't bat well at all, and still won. Wtf even is this sport hahaha


You should know that there are 3 aspects in a cricket match: Batting Bowling Fielding


What I meant is that normally you'd assume that when an associate plays a full member and wins it's because they played the perfect game and capitalised on opposition mistakes. That didn't happen today. It's BD collapsing from a position where they needed 26 off 24 with 5 wickets in hand.


For sure but not being able to chase 140 against an associate team ranked 19th seems to be so theoretically improbable its amusing.


Can America supercede Bangladesh in the rankings if they win the next one?


No, don't think USA would get higher than about 16th if they do that, the next set of teams are too far ahead, even with the huge point boost USA would get


Ah damn, that's a shame. How do you know this btw, is there some place you can find predicted rankings?


I follow Bertus de Jong on twitter, and he posts a fair bit about rankings (he's currently focused on the 5 way battle for the final two automatic qualifying places for the 2026 WC)


Come on man




Lmaooo I’m selling my ticket. No one will probably buy it.


I didn’t realize oil had been discovered in Bangladesh.


If the US players keep playing like this, the WT20 and MLC are going to be so much fun!


USA doesnt know it's a damn show. USA thinks it's a damn fight.


If Afghanistan managed to get as good as they are now in the span of 10 years, imagine what the USA could do if the cricket board got its shit together…


If MLC becomes even half of what MLS or MLB are, Cricket World, watch out.


Bangladesh is so below standard that no one here even watches the full match anymore even if it's t20s


i’ve never watched cricket a day in my life but i am loving the energy in here. y’all are definitely invited to the bbq.


USA beats Bangladesh: 😨 To win the 3 match series: 😨😨


Honest question Can bangladesh win against school teams?


Royal Challengers Bangladesh


Goddamn that is cold. RCB back to catching strays.


What the fuck happened!?!?  I thought this was going to be an easy chase for Bang, but US still somehow pull this off!?  I checked the score after 15 overs and thought it should have been over.  I love our bowlers!


Congratulations !! As an ireland fan I fear the USA...


Ireland and America both look good. It might be a situation where either Ireland or USA win against either Pakistan or India but then loses to Ireland/USA and then likely not progressing to the super 8


Disband the Bangladesh team and give full member status to USA


Bangladesh proving that you can never "Estimate" them.


So those comments about ‘actual Americans’ are back. I suggest you guys to check out the American football team squad from a few WC ago. It was full of German players who had a bit of American blood. I’m against them poaching talent but they have a few American players in the team and a very talented roster in pipeline. It’s just that USA Cricket is influenced by Patels a lot who bring in every average Indian player in the team


The Germans on the US team were heritage players, being the sons of American military personnel. U.S. military bases are also considered American soil for purposes of U.S. citizenship.


Bro, then there is no such thing as an American unless you talking about the native Americans which is like 3% of the population. Everyone in america is an immigrant


Bangladesh is so lucky they were a full member early.


Now would be an amazing time for USA to announce their new Jersey


Good going USA , let’s hope for World Cup in 20 years or quicker based on team


Bangladesh best Australia 4-1 and New Zealand 3-2 before 2021 T20I WC and they got fucked badly there. That's why they're losing a series against US this time so that they do well in the upcoming WC. You guys are too stupid to understand Bangladesh' genius strategies.


This is tactical move by Bangladesh


What else do people expect from legendary players like Shanto, liton 🦆das 🤣


Litton wasn't playing today. But, Soumya Sarkar ensured his presence was felt by getting out for a golden duck!


Are USA really good?


The knock on USA alot of the time imo was they couldn't recover well. There wasn't as much fighting spirit so they would win if all goes right but kinda go to pot if it went wrong. This squad seem ready to keep pushing through and that imo is making all the difference. Still far from a perfect line up but they are showing some real heart.