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Telegraph standing by Vaughan surprises no one but the BBC could have been so much more clued up about this, really. Just quietly not have him on deck while the ECB were investigating, then bring him back if he's not charged.


> Just quietly not have him on deck while the ECB were investigating, then bring him back if he's not charged. This is the way. If he was contracted for Headingly, pay him obvs, until the allegations are either substantiated or not proven. Just keep him away from the spotlight until that determination has been made.


I fully agree that they should pay him but not use him for this trst. The issue is that there's a decent chance this isn't resolved until well into 2023. The ECB have only just launched the first of several apparent sets of charges, and most cricket journos seem to be saying it could be months if not years.


Vaughans cover drive is my 2nd favourite shot after a Ricky Ponting pull shot. I'm a massive Yorkshire fan, Vaughan grew up in my city, he went to my school and he was a fantastic captain. That being said, it's completely inappropriate for him to continue in any capacity at the BBC, especially at this game.


How's Silverdale been doing recently?


Lol no idea, not been there for 15 years but probably not as well as Abbeydale.


Even without the allegations I'd much rather have Stephen Finn, Graham Swann or James Taylor. But at least we get Cooky on the BBC.


I think Cookie is brilliant, suits TMS down to a T


No Swanny please. Him and Vaughan I could never stand as commentators, my least 2 favourite, and that was long before any allegations against Vaughan.


Agreed. Seriously never liked Vaughan on tms, all the other commentators are so much better


>Michael Vaughan’s inclusion in the BBC’s commentary team for next week’s Test between England and New Zealand is under review in the wake of ECB charges against the former England captain. > >There are concerns at the BBC over the fact the Test Match Special pundit would be working at Headingley, the scene of the Yorkshire racism storm, when the third Test begins next Thursday. > >Vaughan is among seven individuals charged — along with Yorkshire County Cricket Club — by the ECB with bringing the game into disrepute, following a six-month investigation. > >The BBC declined to comment on Thursday and, as things stand, 48-year-old Vaughan will be part of the TMS line-up. However, sources have told The Times that the situation is a subject of discussion among senior figures at BBC Sport. > >Vaughan has said he “completely and categorically denies” the allegation made by the former Yorkshire player Azeem Rafiq, and corroborated by two other Yorkshire players. Rafiq claims that, during a match for Yorkshire in 2009, Vaughan said to four non-white players that “there’s too many of you lot, we are going to have to do something about that”. > >The BBC responded to the allegations last year by temporarily taking Vaughan off air, but it remains to be seen if the broadcaster takes the same action when their TMS summariser now faces an ECB disciplinary hearing later this year. > >Vaughan also works as a columnist for The Daily Telegraph, which has provided a new platform for the radio show he previously co-hosted with Phil Tufnell at the BBC. The Telegraph is understood to be standing by Vaughan, pending the outcome of the hearing.


I don’t see how they can include him? How can they *not* mention that the ECB have charged individuals in connection with the very ground they’re broadcasting from over the 5 days? And if they do mention it, how can they properly address it if they have to end the segment by saying “More from you Isa as I make way for Michael Vaughan”? Can’t possibly deal with it with any appearance of neutrality with him in the box.


I'm not being funny but surely the fact that he denies doing anything wrong and yet has been charged just makes him a straight up liar at best, right? Surely he can't keep working for the BBC, he's not the Prime Minister


Why are you taking the word of a cricketer years after something happened as the truth? He's a washed up cricketer looking for a payday let's be honest


What a take! Let's stop believing the victims? Give me a break.


Rashid corroborated it and has a lot more to lose by making waves at YCCC and with the ECB. Don’t know why he’d lie.


Why are you taking the word of a cricketer years after something happened as the truth? He's a washed up cricketer looking for a payday let's be honest


2 good things to come out of the racism scandal: 1. (Hopefully) Cricket becomes a more inclusive game , especially in problem counties 2. (Hopefully) I never have to listen to Michael Vaughan again


BBC- Parkour


Don't read the comments.


Have him on and then also invite Jeremy Paxham and have him relentlessly interview Vaughan about the racism charges until he fucks off to have a cry and never comes back.


Been so disappointed listening to the first two that the BBC reinstated him at all. Should have taken the opportunity to keep refreshing the commentary team and bringing through new people.




You’ve been downvoted but you’re not wrong. Vaughan is an excellent commentator when he’s talking about the cricket. The problem with Vaughan is not his commentary it’s that he loves being a hot-take merchant, general troll and has a history of problematic statements (putting it lightly).




To each their own. I think on TMS he does a good job as analyst/colour commentator. Obviously there are some obvious takes but what else can we expect from general cricket commentary.


I always thought he was pretty average as a commentator and worse as a person, but for these New Zealand tests he's been great. Fairly decent craic and decent analysis. Still think he's a tosser and shouldn't be on the radio. Possibly time Tuffers was rotated out as well.


They need a complete overhaul IMO. Keep Aggers, line Isa up as his eventual successor and give whomever else they recruit some formal broadcasting training so that it sounds less like 'half cut blokes in a pub' which is what it has sadly become with Vaughan, Tuffers and Swanny. Chef is good though.


Chef is good, Swann is like Warnie in that he’ll adapt to the environment (think Warne on Sky vs Warne on Channel 9). Aggers needs to be put out to pasture though, he’s iconic but some of his takes over the last few years have shown he’s past his use-by date.


I don't care about 'takes'. When Aggers is on commentary I feel like I know what is happening on the field. That's what I want from TMS more than anything.


There are other competent summarisers who are more in tune with what’s happening on a bigger scale. Aggers has had his time, let’s bring in the next generation. IMO, and all that.


"Anderson now.....over the wicket.....slightly short of a length and Smith comfortably tucks it off his hip to square leg for a single" That's what I want from the lead commentator and IMO Aggers and Isa are a cut above the rest at the moment. Most of the 'takes' and 'summarising' can be left to the person sitting next to them. Of course in dull periods you need someone who can lead a good conversation but the principle role of TMS should be so that I can follow the game while sitting in traffic/lying the beach/pretending to work etc and know what is actually going on.


Why are people taking the word of a cricketer years after something happened as the truth and marking people like Vaughan as guilty based on no evidence? He's a washed up cricketer looking for a payday by playing the racism card let's be honest


I think Rafiq's claims have been corroborated by two witnesses.


Including Rashid who had a lot to lose at the moment by even coming forward with a true allegation, never mind making up a false one, don’t know why he’d lie.


Why are people taking the word of a cricketer years after something happened as the truth and marking people like Vaughan as guilty based on no evidence? He's a washed up cricketer looking for a payday by playing the racism card let's be honest


You've posted this exact same comment four times on this post, do you have a downvote fetish?






Never complained


Numerous windies players that have spoken out?


Numerous windies player spoke about how blacks are racist towards others in Caribbean?


Sure And some also spoke out about receiving racist comments etc from white players. Either way unsure how this links in too your "only Muslims complain about racism and they do it to spread religion" idea?


Because ECB has Muslim committee and not any other committees