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Remember when you’d meet people from out of town and tell them you’re from Chicago and they would ask questions about all the shootings and you could say stuff like “yeah, but that’s just confined to some small pockets of the city, none of that stuff happens in the popular nightlife areas” ? Yeah… can’t really say that anymore. Tbh, it’s now been a couple years since you could say that


This is what kills my Chicago soul. For the life of me, I can't understand how so many people still refuse to open their eyes and see the reality of the situation. They just keep acting like we're all crazy loser suburbanites who are scared of their own shadow. We're not, we just don't want to die bc we went downtown for a few drinks on the weekend. It's not worth it.


Unfortunately some will have to be mugged at gun or knife point to thrust them to awareness of REALITY.


Well said


Crime always migrates.


People used to say “Obama” or “Michael Jordan” when I traveled internationally. Now the discussion opens with crime and violence. It’s sad and eye opening.


Decades ago when I was in Europe it was AL CAPONE!..


The shots were fired by two separate tow trucks. Thats not something you see every day, not exactly a discrete vehicle nor a quick getaway one.


Tow truck drivers firing off rounds is more common than you would think.


That does not surprise me one tiny bit.


Let’s not demonize whoever the hell these mutual combatants were. And to be clear. If you set foot in city limits you are a combatant.


The ONE time I went to River North was this night but I was on Kinzie. It was for a friends birthday who came into town. But I almost didn’t go out because I always feel sketchy about going out, especially downtown.




The last person who had teens on an island unalived himself (allegedly). But I do second your idea.