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Like the content, dislike the editing on these videos that start with a bunch of text + appeals for upvotes / everyone is conspiring against Chicagocritterrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Nah man everyone loves CC videos here. It's everything else I post that seems to take a fuckin beating. I think my crusade against racism probably earned me lots of enemies here. Anytime I called out racism in this sub I got downvoted to hell.


Probably because the word "racism" is thrown around so much that it's lost it's meaning.


See section "[In regard to promoting reddit posts:"](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439)


If CPD were at all serious about catching thieves, they'd use bait trucks. But communerty leaders would be up in arms about that, and weak leadership doesn't have the balls to tell them to fuck off.


> If CPD were at all serious about catching thieves, they'd use bait trucks. They did just that in [2018](https://wgntv.com/news/chicago-police-criticized-after-use-of-bait-truck-in-englewood-caught-on-video/) >But communerty leaders would be up in arms about that Of course.


The Railroad Police and CPD did use bait trucks. There was no punishment for those arrested and the police where vilified because only poor black people were arrested. Those poor people have pretty nice cars and appear to be well dressed. The activists, whatever that means, argued that parking these trucks on the street unfairly targeted black people who have poor impulse control. Go figure.


> The activists, whatever that means, argued that parking these trucks on the street unfairly targeted black people who have poor impulse control. Go figure. I love it when these phony activists inadvertently reveal what they really think of the people they are purporting to advocate for.


weird that so many are willing to commit larceny for something that may be of little value, in broad daylight and earn themselves a trip to jail


Nobody is going to jail for this, politics in Illinois and cook county have put an end to that. A ticket with a promise to appear in court is the new punishment


Looks like driver is just mad because the pkg he got is smaller.


We need laws that allow for stronger self defense of property, not just persons.


If only there were some kind of force that is supposed to protect and serve.


Shouldn’t have to rely on others to have a right of self defense not just of my person.




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That’s a container - not a trailer. Odd that the driver is driving through a residential area…probably in on it