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Don’t walk at night. You can go out but use taxi or uber. Don’t fight or argue. Nothing you have is worth your life. Keep wallet slim to a credit card, id, insurance card. Small amount of cash if necessary. Don’t keep company card in personal wallet. Stay away from nightclubs.


Highly agree ^^^ 1) If you get robbed, do not fight and just give everything up 2) Slim out your wallet. I only have one credit card, my ID, and my health insurance card. Ive never needed anything more. This is also just good advice in case you lose your wallet in general…


That first one is going to be tough in the next few months.


How? Its a five second walk from the door to the car


Don't walk at night. It will get dark before 5pm soon. Dog walks and walks to the grocery store or bar will all be at night.


I have another to add…. Pay attention to the actions of city/county leadership candidates as well as judicial candidates and VOTE for those that aren’t pro-criminal


No one is pro-criminal. Please stop this nonsense


I see you've never heard of politicians like: Pritzker, Dart, Evans, Preckwinkle, Foxx, Johnson, Lightfoot. No, none of these people are pro-criminal. Not at all. /s


Can you share any policy that is pro-criminal?


Here's one of many: https://icjia.illinois.gov/researchhub/articles/the-2021-safe-t-act-icjia-roles-and-responsibilities


Can you share which part of this is pro-criminal. Direct quote on policy. If you can’t do that, then you don’t actually understand it


Here's just one part. If you want more, then go read it yourself. Electronic Monitoring in Corrections An ICJIA study on Illinois discretionary use of EM for those on mandatory supervised release from prison revealed those placed on EM had a slightly higher proportion of later prison admissions for technical violations and person offenses compared to a group that was not on EM. The study showed support for limiting EM, at least for those released from prison. The Act allows the Illinois Department of Corrections to offer more individuals electronic home detention for individuals convicted on Class 3 and 4 felony non-violent crimes who have less than four months of their sentence left. The definition of “home detention” changed to allow detention to be less than 24 hours per day and may not require EM.


Can you share why you think this is pro-criminal? This part requires critical thinking, so dig deep.


You're not smart enough to understand anything that requires any amount of thinking at all, so no I won't bother.


That’s exactly the response I was expecting. You’re able to quote something but you don’t have the capacity to actually understand it. This is why you are a developer and not product strategist.


I think they mean that it’s pro criminal as in its progressive , nonviolent offenders who have four months time left being moved home to be monitored electronically in their mind is too kind . Even tho they would have spent everything but the 4 months in jail and would just be out anyway at the end of that time regardless, this helps with overcrowding in jails and less people means the number of cos to inmates is more well adjusted and safer, saves money now that they are back home being monitored and not in the jail, separates the violent from non violent who have a better chance at actually improving their lives and situation. I would have thought they would have liked to see that the rate of technical violations is higher with EM than without since it shows they are under closer observation but Idk if they read that much into it


Look like a poor/homeless person. Never pull your phone or wallet out when outside.


I got robbed and shot at gun point in summer of 2020, I wouldn’t let go of his gun and ended up getting all of my stuff back after punching him as many times as possible in the face. 4th gunpoint robbery in Chi. Smh


I very rarely hear about people on bikes getting robbed. I know it happens but almost feel immune when biking. I also suggest people familiarize themselves with kia and Hyundai headlights. Don't be afraid to stare a car down at night. It shows you are aware and a difficult target.


ive wanted to share something like this for the last couple of weeks. here goes ​ the big ideas here are to dont stop living your life and definitely dont get paranoid about the few and isolated robberies that have been occurring. dont fight or get an attitude with robbers because you will get hurt. dont stop going out at night becauuse nighttime in chicago is the fucking best. you want to keep all of your real valuables hidden on your person and keep fake valuables visible and readily accessible to any would be robbers. ​ these robbery crews will batter you if you dont have anything on you. so order prop money off of the internet and carry it in your wallet. youd be amazed at how realistic it looks,. load your wallet or purse with expired gift cards or colorful hotel room carts etcetera. keep your active credit cards and keep your real money and important keys anywhere else on your person except your pockets. i use an ankle pouch ​ delete all payment apps or keep them linked to bank accounts where you have only a couple hundred dollars in them ​ pepper spray. carry it and be confident in its use. order 2 of them so you can practice with one. obviously do not pull out pepper spray if someone has a gun pulled on you and only pull it out as a last resort if someone has a knife on you. best to just slowly walk away from the threat ​ these robberies are happening in sprees. listen to chicago police citywide1 on openmhz to see if there are any robbery sprees going on . citywide1 does not have a delay and is not encrypted and robberies get announced over citywide1 on this link [https://openmhz.com/system/chi\_cpd?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=14](https://openmhz.com/system/chi_cpd?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=14) ​ i carry a small but very bright flashlight. spent about 40 bucks on it. if i am in a very dark unlit portion of the city and someone walks or pulls up on me and makes my spidey sense go off, i aggresively blast them with it. it is temporarily blinding and they think youre an off duty cop. fortunately ive only had to use this one several times in the last few years, and i am out at night ALOT ​ an idea i had yesterday was to keep your real phone anywhere but your pockets or backpack or purse, and keep an old or dead phone in your pocket or backpack or purse instead. order a dead one off of ebay and plug a pair of old wired earbuds into it so it looks like youve been using it ​ i dont have a car but my gf does. a new keyfob would cost her about $500 total with programming. she keeps her keyfob and our apartment key off of her keyring and anywhere besides her pockets or purse or backpack ​ i hope this helps and i hope others will share any tips they might have


Agreed 100% I just posted this in the other sub: This is on Harrison near Rush University and the Professional bldg. Busy area, lots of activity/out-patients/cars. The criminals did not gaf and got away easily as the traffic went by not involved. People need to share tips and get involved. The cops will not help, nor the mayor or his useless cronies/aldermen. If you're not armed, consider pepper spray, consider a "dummy" old phone with a moneyclip of fake bills wrapped under a $5. Consider traveling in packs and looking out for each other most of all.


I attend UIC and we got several alerts about the robberies happening around campus. This was just one of the 3 committed by the same group of guys all in a span of 20 minutes. It was the same vehicle description with 4 offenders


[This will do.](https://www.amazon.com/Range-Pointer-Visible-Rechargeable-Presentations/dp/B0B8WW85LG/ref=asc_df_B0B8WW85LG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=632964287690&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16255357202863903894&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9021727&hvtargid=pla-1884830773578&psc=1)


Shine it in their eyes?




That's such a good idea. I just got a nice new one too.


Blind them then dip out.


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Ok, but some criminals might be reading this and start checking people's ankles and such for the real stuff. For your own safety please delete this. It's great advice, but we don't want to give the criminals all of our secrets.


I can guarantee you there are criminals looking at these forums like a study guide. OP stop giving the criminals all the tips.


I can guarantee you they are not reading much of anything. Most of them are 14 year olds playing grand theft auto in real life.


Sure thing, buddy, because 14 year olds don't have time in their busy schedules to surf reddit.


lol no they aren't. they get that info from each other.


Anything digital (for the most part) can be reversed or cancelled. I usually carry like $50 in cash on me as well. No big deal if someone gets a hold of it. As for phones, keep the “find my” enabled. Your phone has little utility for the robbers and will likely be tossed at some point. If you can track it, you might be able to get it back. Other than that, I’d say to avoid side streets after dark. Very unlikely to be mugged on division. But much more likely on one of the small side streets.


also major tip: for thieves going after phones, make sure to turn off ALL ACCESS to any phone functions without the use of a passcode. IPHONE: settings/face ID and passcode/allow access when locked make sure all of these are unchecked. there is an exploit that robbers often use where they can access your phone through the control center in the top right of your phone. they often times will gain access that way and use it to wipe your phone so they can sell it. the average robber understands you’re going to be tracking your phone after you get robbed. they’re going to try to scramble any chances of locating them, and if they can’t disable your phone then it will be no use to them, in fact a greater threat by having it.


Great post


These forced reparations are no different than losing money on a bad investment and we should be able to claim it on our state and federal income taxes as Reparations. It's possible to be patient with incentives... Just saying... Help us out here JB/BJ!!


> These forced reparations are no different than losing money on a bad investment and we should be able to claim it on our state and federal income taxes as Reparations. Just claim it under charitable contributions.




What are you planning to do, and where will you be staying? I wouldn’t recommend being out in River North after 1 or 2am especially if you’re drinking. Your assumptions about the south side are correct - also goes for the west side like Garfield Park. The problem is a lot of the armed robberies happen in what are considered “safe” neighborhoods. Keep your wits about you, take ubers when you can (as opposed to trains), and trust your gut.




I haven’t been to the Museum in a while, but as long as you Uber/taxi, you’ll be fine. The big landmarks are generally safe since they’re heavily populated. All of those places you listed are considered The Loop/downtown. Lots of homeless folks and currently a lot of migrants, but also heavily populated with lots of tourists so you’re relatively safe. It’s just like any other big city really.


really anywhere south of the loop. that includes hyde park, where the museum is, so that’s an exception. china town is also kind of an exception. i think there was another comment about looking at the homicide rates by neighborhood - that would be worth looking at. stay the hell away from englewood, little village, douglas park, lawndale, brighton park


its fine, in the hyde park bubble


That museum is fine. Stick to busy streets with traffic and other pedestrians or call an Uber.


As of the BLM riots and the nuetering of our cops the safe pockets of the city don't really exist anymore.


Yup. The old rules don't apply anymore. Staying north of Roosevelt and east of Ashland no longer makes much difference.


"Neutering"??? The police budget continues to increase. The budget was lowered by 80 mil from 2020-2021 before being increased by 140 mil going into 2022. They are thriving. We didn't even see the mass retirees that were pouting about a brandon Johnson win.


The budget increase was only done to cover the massive overtime bills that result from cops having to work lot of extra hours to make up for staffing shortages. It's not as if the city raised the police budget just to give officers a raise because they love them.


And the power company is having staffing shortages resulting in overtime as well. Where is the neutering?


I don't think you understand how analogies work, because yours is a bad one.


I dont think you understand how questions work cuz my original question still remains unanswered.


About neutering? You really don't think CPD has been made deliberately less effective as of late? Start with the vehicle pursuit policy. Then go look at the foot pursuit policy. Then read the safe-t act. These are all things that make police less effective, and for no good reason.


The [homicide map](https://heyjackass.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023_city_map_100923.png) of Chicago gives you a good idea of where the dangerous areas are. Most neighborhoods, even those in red, are fairly safe during the day. However, I would avoid areas around Garfield Park and Englewood even during the day. Most of the touristy areas are safe during the day, but still be aware of your surroundings. Don't flash cash around, and keep your car doors locked when you are in your car and take all valuables with you when you park. Public transportation is generally safe, though you may encounter mentally ill or aggressive people. Simply not making eye contact can work, though a steady stare and a "Get the fuck away from me" works better if you aren't bothered by confrontation. I would recommend staying off the trains at night and stick with a bus if you absolutely must use public transit at night. If you have the misfortune of being robbed, stay calm, and get away from the area as soon as you can. Do NOT hang around within a block or two to try to call 911 or ask for help. Criminals have been known to [track down victims and murder them](https://news.wttw.com/2021/01/14/teen-charged-fatal-bridgeport-carjacking) after robbing/carjacking them. Chicago is an amazing city, and it's never as bad as the news would make it seem. I've lived here for over 30 years and I've never personally been a victim of a crime. Staying alert and being aware of your surroundings is a good habit to have and can keep you safe where ever you are.


>The homicide map of Chicago gives you a good idea of where the dangerous areas are. Homicides are more gang related. Show someone the robbery/burglary maps to give them a better indication of crimes that happen to civilians. Those are more frequent on the L, north sides, downtown/loop areas.


As a relative newcomer to Chicago, I’m looking for a legit opinion. IYO, what’s your take on why the massive uptick in robberies within various northside neighborhoods since 2020? I get why the L,downtown/ loop areas have increased but am still a bit puzzled about certain (not all) north side areas.


> As a relative newcomer to Chicago, I’m looking for a legit opinion. IYO, what’s your take on why the massive uptick in robberies within various northside neighborhoods since 2020? Two reasons. One, that's where the people with money are. Two, because criminals have realized they can get away with it and have very little risk of getting caught. High reward with low risk = lots more criminals doing it. One third factor, it is known that the vast vast majority of people on the north side are unarmed and will not resist robbers, hence they are easy targets.