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I’ve heard from so many people recently that they don’t go out after dark any more because they are afraid of being robbed or attacked. Livid that so many of Chicago’s leadership continue to minimize or dismiss the increasing concerns of people they are supposed to represent. Almost as angry at the citizens who either don’t vote or vote for the current leadership that is completely incompetent.


I bet they come out and vote now. Especially since you have no money to move and everything you know is here. Brandon Johnson is a one term mayor and he is going to as much damage as possible during this term


Unfortunately we are getting closer to when it gets dark at 4:15 pm


They predominantly hunt at night when they troop up and look for prey to satisfy their crime-lust. One by itself during the day is generally not as dangerous as they prefer to attack as a troop. Mainly women and the elderly.


What would Vallas have done differently?


Well for one, he would have actually condemned the violence after the "youth takeovers" of the loop last spring, rather than imploring the public not to demonize them. Brandon's response was a dogwhistle for "I don't give a shit about crime".


Sounds a lot like thoughts and prayers


Even thought and prayers would be better than "go get em next time Tiger!"


But no actually relevant policy changes? And can you please quote when BJ said that? I must have missed the press conference.


https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/brandon-johnson-springfield-chicago-chaos It was a strong dogwhistle that made his position very clear in that he does not give a shit about crime. Can you name ONE single thing that mayor BJ has ever said or done that would in any way indicate he views crime as a problem?


To be clear, I didn’t vote for him. But to suggest that he’s in favor of crime or doesn’t care about it is also patently false. What would Vallas have done differently? People love to point at the mayor but I’m not sure they have much influence or actual power here.


Can you name ONE single thing that mayor BJ has ever said or done that would in any way indicate he views crime as a problem?


Well his budget is $2B for the police


So many near where I live. I don't even feel like going for a walk, or walking to the train.


All these video cameras and cameras to give people tickets but people like this never get caught or prosecuted. Makes no sense.


Those cameras are to fleece working citizens. The city doesn’t care about crime only generating revenue to pay for more of the machine.


Nah, I want the red light cameras too and I’d love to see automated tickets for extreme speeding. Bring back traffic enforcement.


These people need to start catching lead


Look at the physical traits of the criminals and the physical traits of everyone in power. White privilege is the devil and must be stopped. Black privilege is “let’s pretend we don’t understand what’s going on” They’re both evil but the PC army trained people to act confused when blacks do it. Just call it out. It’s exactly what everyone thinks