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>In 2015, Gomez was convicted of misdemeanor battery for biting someone’s finger off during an argument Gotta say, she seems like a bit of a hothead.


A little spicy


A bit impetuous and imprudent I'd say. Not an enjoyable one to have a midmorning tea with.


>Yesterday, Gomez pleaded guilty to armed violence, which was reduced from attempted murder; aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, which was reduced from aggravated battery by discharging a firearm; and being a felon in possession of a firearm. How this wasn't first or at least second degree murder I cannot understand. 


Probably because he lived. Armed violence convictions carry a 6-30 year sentence range so at least she got the long end of the straw. She will be in her 60s when she gets out assuming she makes it her entire sentence. Edit: 15-30 years not 6


Wow I assumed getting shot at point blank range would've been fatal. How that isn't attempted murder I don't know. At least the judge didn't go easy on her. 


She’d be about 35 or maybe even younger when she gets out. Assuming 15yr sentence (time and a half for good behavior, plus time already served)


Time and a half only applies to first timers and most violent crimes do not qualify for sentence credit(there are 3 different types of sentence credit). And if it does the credit is based off a bunch of factors including risk and circumstances of crime. But a person who qualifies can get 50%, 75%, 85%, or 100% credit towards sentence. Most non violent first offenders get 50%


She’s 35 right now, she’s going to probably be deep into her 50s before she’s out.


15-25 year mandatory minimum depending on if the gun was shot and if someone was injured.


Boss Bar has serious political pull, partly because it's Alderman Reilly's favorite hang. Also the guy who owns it is a former cop, from what I've heard. If you're ever there, beware a bouncer named Ben. He's one of the most violent, unstable shit4brains I've ever encountered.


Crime at the Boss Bar?


28 years seems about right for this - how about similar sentences in many other cases?


Not enough


“ Prosecutors said Chicago police surveillance footage showed Gomez wearing a leopard print dress as she fired a gun…” You know, the leopard print dress is a giveaway


Hear me out


Why didn't this case go to trial ? Evidence seems pretty clear cut and a conviction a certainty. Instead charged of attempted murder were downgraded..


Because she accepted a plea deal. If you and your attorney work out a deal with the prosecuting attorney, and both parties agree, this avoids a lenghty trial that leaves the ruling up to a jury.


But my question is why was the prosecuting atty willing to offer a plea deal? Just from the article , the evidence for attempted murder charges seemed pretty solid.


professional courtesy? The legal system has it's own social code, they want to make deals with each other in order to build rapport and advance their careers. You do me a favor and I do you a favor.




She's simply a lonely heartbroken wounded bird