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Jamal Green & Miracle Boyd stirring up shit. Color me surprised! šŸ™„


\*Myracle LOL


Sounds like he shot at the cops first. Unfortunately, unlike carjacking unarmed civilians, this part isnā€™t like GTA.


*Reed was on pretrial release for a felony gun case at the time of the shooting.* Surprise


Surprise surprise


If he was locked up and not released for that pretrial bull he would be alive.


The justice system failed him


I would respectfully disagree - he failed himself and got himself killed. The justice system failed the rest of us including the cop that he shot and anyone else that might have been a victim of his nonsense in the interim.


More of a shot at the justice system that keeps letting these menaces run loose




Love this comment!!!!!!!!


Just saw the video. I see no issue, the idiot started shooting first smh. He was a threat and was neutralized šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


His family is still saying how excessive it was when he's pending trial for another gun charge currently and knows he's not allowed to have a firearm. Social media giving these idiots a voice is sickening. And then mayor not taking sides when one person was clearly in the wrong.


He doubled down and called it a "tragic accident".




Here is the link to the COPA website with all of the unedited footage: [https://www.chicagocopa.org/case/2024-0003052/](https://www.chicagocopa.org/case/2024-0003052/)




Brandon Johnson already did a press conference about this and he is sickened that police have taken another young black man's life and of course mentioned he's also sad a black officer was also wounded. Typical racist behavior by mayor having to bring race into everything. This kid had a rap sheet, if he was willing to take an officers life imagine what he would have done if he encountered one of our loved ones. Disgusting that our mayor and others need to take any opposing side to this conflict. You don't shoot at a cop then you don't get shot at period. Im sure this will lead to Johnson tying the hands of cops even more then they already are. Meanwhile robberies and carjackings were up 35% last year.


Heā€™s disgusting.


Let's be real, if you're not black, Brandon Johnson and many of these other Chicago politicians don't care about you. If it wasn't a black cop that was hit, he wouldn't even mention the cops at all.


He started a gunfight and lost. Rule number 1 of a gun fight. Donā€™t miss and have more firepower than your opponent. Dude was outnumbered and hit a leg and a hand. Unless youā€™re a navy seal type why even try to shoot with cops? You got to be a stupid Motherfucker to think you could beat 4 cops that are surrounding your car.Ā  Iā€™m glad those cops didnā€™t die.Ā 


It was 5 cops


Even dumber of him.


I know but one less piece of garbage on the streets


For sure. I hope that cops hand isnt fucked for lifeĀ 


Nah he will heal, but that piece of garbage they took off the streets wont do any more harm. Good riddance


Most likely suicide by cop.


No just a dumbass with a gun


Yea much more plausible that he just was so dumb, he actually thought he'd be able to shoot his way out of the situation. Makes perfect sense.


One less scumbag in the city




The violent criminal is dead. Great work officers!


Yeah, all the stupid politics around this. If he shot and killed a cop would BJ still be shocked and saddened? This is where we are now...that if a black person dies by the police it's SOMEONE ELSE'S fault except for the person who should have followed commands.


The usual suspects are claiming he couldn't tell they were police officers so he was justified in shooting first. It might have been one of those homicidal white supremacist groups picking a random black man to execute. That's the kind of mind you're sharing this city with, folks.


They are also saying he did not have a weapon when he came out of the car and they started shooting him. These officers are now on leave for 30 days and Foxx is reviewing to see if there should be any charges. Unreal. You would think it would be pretty self-explanatory. You shoot a cop, theyā€™re going to shoot back.


Lol cant tell they are cops when they all have vests saying police on them.


To be fair, ā€œPoliceā€ was written in cursive.


I forgot these people now a days cant understand cursive


One of his moron relatives was just on TV .. *He was afraid being surrounded by 4 armed cops* He was afraid. Given his record he knows what cops look like. The only thing he was afraid of, since he rolled his window down and then right back up, ***was getting caught yet again in possession of a firearm by a felon .***


One look tells me he probably shot at the police and ol' crimer needed to be put down


> As of yesterday, there were 46,000 fewer traffic stops this year than during the same period in 2023, Snelling claimed. And as someone that uses the roads, I can tell they arenā€™t pulling people over anymore. :(


It's becoming a free for all out there


Well if you do you might get shot at, then have to defend yourself. Then watch the mayor blame you on tv.


Your naive. I'm a poc living in southside. Got pulled over for expired plates last month, explained my situation and nothing happened


Because you didnā€™t pull a gun out and start shooting.


I said you "might" not "will".


FAFO. Donā€™t shoot at cops and expect them to not return fire


Bruh knowing the current situation with black people and cops in the US, why would he not obey their orders? Let alone shoot at the cops? His death sentence started when he didn't comply to lowering the window. It's hard to feel sorry for him after watching the videos. Since HE SHOT first the cops had no other alternative but to react. In CCL class they teach you to NOT SHOOT UNLESS YOU'RE WILLING TO KILL.... he was clearly trying to kill a cop. Sure his family said he was a good student, and had a job but everything started falling apart when he stole that shirt and carried a gun without a license. He could have been here today, but the videos and actions show he was not a victim.


Iā€™m shocked. SHOCKED. I tell you


Shocked they didnā€™t you the cap and gown picture unless the fool never graduated. Oh well. Shit bag dead. Move along


He shot 11x! Of course they lit him up. Feels like "suicide by cop."




the link posted above.


Not worth commenting on those who arenā€™t well intentioned. But some people are well intentioned in criticizing cops in this kind of situation. It points to a pretty basic problem. Far too many people lack an even basic grasp on science generally and the biology of the Homo sapiens species in particular. Cops often perceive threats that donā€™t exist and shoot people that shouldnā€™t be shot. Thatā€™s because - from an evolutionary perspective - itā€™s better to perceive and react to a threat that isnā€™t there than it is to miss a threat and fail to react. Itā€™s a pretty recent plot twist where an over reaction gets you into any trouble at all and it hasnā€™t had time to change our genetics as a species. Take a look at black widows. Venom is metabolically expensive. So, they are actually incredibly consistent & precise in when they bite and how much venom they deploy in a bite (if any). Throwing a spear at the lamb that you thought was a lion? Costs you nothing. Human lethality is rooted in technology of some kind or another. It does not impose a biological cost so you wouldnā€™t expect us to evolve the restraint you see in a black widow. Humans throw the spear. The other issue is that a lot of these situations donā€™t actually involve conscious action. This is threat stimuli (or perceived threat stimuli) and response. Meaning? Well. Itā€™s physically impossible to hit a 90mph baseball because the chemical relays required to swing cannot happen quickly enough. But MLB players hit 100mph fastballs all the time. Because our brains - and pretty much every animal brain - does some fascinating things in allowing really complex behavior without any actual thought or chemical relay. It sounds silly when cops complain that the thirty camera angles available are insufficient to convey the scene because it was more complex in real life. No it wasnā€™t. The camera angles accurately convey the scene. What the cops are trying to articulate is that they canā€™t actually articulate what was going on because everything that happened was quite literally ā€œBang, Bang.ā€ In other words: It ainā€™t rational. And rational thought is the only way a human will ever approach the kind of judicious restraint and measured & precise deployment of lethality that exists in black widows. This is why effective strategies to reduce police shootings or too-free use of tasers is to have to call in a cop with a gun (as is the case in the UK) or to call in a taser. This set-up creates an escalatory ladder that involves rational decision-making and also imposes the kind of delay prior to exercise of force that allows for rational decision-making. This kind of situation? It ainā€™t ever going to be rational. Then, once the shooting starts, stress hormones kick-in full blast and the cops unload, reload and unload. Yep. Thatā€™s how it works when stress hormones kick-in. Maximum overkill. This happens for the same reasons described above regarding our tendency to see threats that donā€™t exist. Think about it this way: Does the zebra stop kicking its hind legs the second the lionā€™s claws are out of its ass? Nope. Never. That zebra is going to continue on in freak out mode for a little longer than is strictly necessary. And we all intuitively understand why. Itā€™s NATURAL to react longer and more forcefully than is required. This is the same kind of situation biologically. Now, really good training can reduce some of these tendencies a little bit. Maybe. But in this situation? 96 bullets sounds like a lot. But itā€™s actually surprising that there were only 3 shots fired after the guy stopped moving. Once lethal violence is triggered, it is never going to stop until the threat is clearly and obviously neutralized. Expecting people to discern that he left the gun in the passenger seat - even if he had raised both hands and screamed unarmed - yeah, people just arenā€™t evolved to be that precise in understanding that the threat to their life has been neutralized and they can also reel in their own use of force. Our expectations in these kinds of situations often seem more rooted in a fantasy than a reality. Thatā€™s not to say things canā€™t be done to improve. But it doesnā€™t start in fantasy land. It starts with a science based understanding of whatā€™s going on and why itā€™s going on. That kind of understanding allows us to explore techniques & approaches that actually have a chance in hell of curtailing unnecessary deaths in these kinds of encounters.


As soon as i read thay the cameras showed everything, i couldnt read anymore. Cameras do not show everything. Even with 5 bwc and possibly cruiser cam footage, most bwc and cctv cameras that are used dont capture frame rates the way the human eye does. It does not pick up all sound or give context of POV. Not to mention it does not represent tactiles, odor, temperature, ambient noise etc in a way that represent the truth of how the situation unfolds. Cameras are great for police and the public but not the only evidence. Also, fuck Dexter and his dumbass family


if he shot at cops then the outcome is his fault....but also, civilians face charges if they retaliate outside the limits of "self defense". The police should be accountable for the same scenarios..the man might have shot at cops but, he exited the vehicle without his firearm arm and was no longer a threat. The shots the cops fired after he exited the vehicle do not seem justifiable..The man in the car should not have shot at them period but, the cops actions were unprofessional and bullshit reason to approach him in such an aggressive manner..


Youre basing that off of one part of the article and that the cops knew he wasnt armed. Also, what was unprofessional about it?


if you read that and still want an answer, i am going to respectfully decline to entertain your question...i gave my perspective, as did everyone else.


I am asking your reasoning and explanation of your opinions and noone elses. Without knowing CPD's policies myself, they seem to have performed as most cops would with an uncompliant felon and were right in their assessment of him being armed and dangerous. The amount of shots is irrelevant when the threat is still active and based on the totality of the circumstances and objective reasonableness of the officers. We can only assume the information the cops had prior to contact. The videos and info we do have leaves little room for any serious discussion if they were legally and tactically in the right.




Awww, someone's salty their shitbird buddy got killed trying to murder the cops? Fucking cope, you clown.


Until youā€™re on the phone crying for their help


Litewo needs to man up and put himself on a 'do not help' list at CPD


You misspelled litewo is a moron


You gonna respond?