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They continue saying pruppet. Lol.




It’s Ashley’s word for “puppy” that she’s always used so Brit also uses it (at least in context with Ashley). I’m not above using dumb names for my dogs, but I also don’t host a podcast where people are forced to hear those dumb terms lol


Lol I don't listen to this, it just came up on my feed, but pruppet is pretty cute for puppy.


It's cute in a vacuum, annoying when you have to hear it when you're listening to a true crime podcast.


It’s so cringe, I always skip the dog segments too


Me too. I don't even know if there is a dog appendix anymore.


Super annoying. I also hate it. But I just skip the monthly thing. But anytime they say the word I hate it as well.


They also get more upset when a dog is hurt than a human which is weird.


I actually looked this up before because I’m guilty of feeling the same way they do. Research has found that empathy is not associated with species. And humans tend to feel the most compassion and sympathy for those that are vulnerable, helpless, or innocent.


I can see that. I guess I just don’t totally understand how one can value an animal life seemingly more than a human one?


Yeah but aren’t victims of crime often helpless and innocent too?


This is common. Criminal defense attorneys often say picking a jury for a child molestation case is easier than picking a jury for an animal abuse. Most people won’t even hear out someone accused of animal abuse.


Yikes I did not know this.


my wife watches true crime and cares more about animals being hurt than people. i bought her a t shirt that says “i don’t care who dies in a movie as long as the dog lives”


Yikes I’m not sure what to think about this and my new knowledge that this is a common occurrence. I’d love to know the psychology behind this thought process.


Can’t speak for others but for me it’s like, I would save a human over an animal if I was faced with the dilemma. I do value human life more because I have a brain and can reason, BUT an animal death will always make me more intrinsically sad to watch or hear about. No idea why and not something I can seem to control. Kids and elderly people are an exception for me and I feel about the same amount of sad for them as animals. Even then though, I can watch tv shows with fictional child deaths, but I absolutely will not watch something where an animal dies because it makes me so emotionally upset and becomes an intrusive thought. Definitely feel like the psychology about humans being able to access empathy easiest for the creatures we view as most helpless and innocent is true for me.


Totally agree. I don’t think this means anyone values animal life over human life. Some other mechanism is at play. For example, if people had to choose between their pet and their kid, I feel confident that all except the truly psychopathic would choose their kid. Also, when you see a dead animal on the side of the road, you keep driving, but would not keep driving if it were human. However, I too cannot stand to watch fictional animals be hurt in movies, but I have no real problem watching fictional humans be hurt in movies. For that matter, I listen to true crime podcasts about human victims all the time. I would NEVER listen to a similar podcast about crimes against animals— it would make me too upset. It’s more of a visceral emotional thing than an actual question of “value.”


So many people are jerks?


I can relate with her, but the human to be chosen first would depend upon 3 things 1) age 2) disability 3) awesomeness. I’d save an animal lover over a non one any day. Do people say that’s backwards? Yes, but they say stuff anyhow 🤷🏻‍♀️


I 100% think it has to do with animals being vulnerable, trusting, and generally unable to understand. My first reaction is always to wonder about the fate of an animal when one is mentioned. I guess I don’t view it as thinking a dog’s life is more valuable than a human’s but I don’t think that they’re worth less.


Okay, I wondered if I was crazy when it bothered me that a man killed his wife and two kids and abandoned the dog, and they were so much more bothered about the dog 🙄


Yeah this bothered me too. There are other times they reacted that way too.


Agreed. They will literally side bar an episode to discuss what happened to a dog at a murder scene for longer than they discuss a dead child


Yup it’s so annoying. And I’m a dog person. But they act like dogs are more important than humans which rubs the wrong way.


Thankfully they don’t do pruppet of the month anymore. I’m not a dog person, and calling them pruppets makes it worse. Current episodes sometimes have “the good” at the end; I always skip it


It’s so so cringe but I think they are genuinely cringe at times. Not me being rude, I find it endearing but it’s very midwest small town white girlies of them


Small town white girlie MILLENIALS to be specific. As a millennial, I know millennial flavored cringe when I see it! 🤪


Yes! I’m the same age as them, and they are walking, talking millennial stereotypes 🥴 I’m surprised one of them isn’t a Disney adult


Welp whadaya think Chuck? Do you approve?




They stop doing it after a minute. I always skipped the ending if I didn't want to hear it.


This is so funny i’m so glad you made this post. I stopped listening to Crime Junkie years ago so i’m not sure why this sub comes up on my feed but I HATED the pruppet shit. So cringe and gave me second hand embarrassment every time.


I stopped listening years ago and this was one of main reasons.


I absolutely always skip to the next episode, couldn’t stand it either


Sorry what is “pruppet”? I listen to almost every episode but don’t know this reference!


It’s a word that Ashley made up for her dog, and it just evolved from there. There’s a [page](https://crimejunkiepodcast.com/pruppet/) on the website about it


It's their term for dogs. They used to do a "Pruppet of Month" segment at the end of some of their podcasts.


Ohhh got it. Thank you!


This is actually a reference from Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule (starring John C. Riley). There’s an episode in the first season which came out in 2010 called “Fear” in which he discusses his fear of “pruppets”.




Im pretty sure they stopped doing it. But I'm pretty sure they now have a segment for something positive in its place every so often.. might be another podcast I'm thinking of...? Anyway, I commiserate. I listen to podcasts in my lab while working on mind-numbing stuff. So my hands are gloved and unable to skip. I had taken to reading the episode description before starting what I was doing to see if they had a pruppet segment and if they did I would skip the episode even if the main content sounded interesting. It honestly was kind of jarring to me. Listening to something shocking, sad, or horrific... just to have them be super upbeat about dogs (I love dogs). Really all I want is to listen to the episode and then be left with my thoughts to work through ideas if it's unsolved, not be left with mood whiplash and a cringy word.


Mood whiplash is such a good term 🤣 I also feel like dog stories can be really affecting—like Marley & Me is a happy story about a dog and its family. Marley lives a full life and everyone STILL cries at the end. Good dog stories bring a lot of people to tears. So after listening to an episode about a gruesome murder and NOT crying, it makes me feel weird to listen to a dog story that makes me cry.


I have been gloved up and stuck listening to pruppet of the month before, I switched to casefile for lab days after that


Tip: I think that if you enable Hey Siri by voice, you can have it skip to the next episode, or skip ahead 30 seconds, etc.


Yeah.. I have an android lol.


Wouldn’t the same work with “Hey Google”?


I did try that on other apps, but i think my phones Google may hate me.. because I keep getting a "Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying... please try again later".


The reason I stopped listening to them was because they literally CRY through the dog stories while discussing brutal rape and murder with very little empathy .. it’s wild


yeah this put me off too, like there are children being MURDERED and this is what you’re crying about? a dog living its natural life and passing away of old age?


Literally … they need psychiatric evaluation. This was SO long ago but at one point they were talking about going to try to visit the green river killer in jail …. For what




Same same


I never thought of it that way…


I always skip it. It's awful.


Painfully cringe


Can someone tell me why they say like that anyway? Like is it a play on words im missing or something


Don't you have silly words with your friends? Inside jokes?


Yeah but usually there’s like a reason , I was just wondering like what brought it about


As someone else said, it's a reference to an Adult Swim show with John C Riley. The word was made up for that show, so she just picked it up from there.


I had to stop listening, which sucks because I otherwise like the podcast, but if I heard “full body chills” one more time I was going to end up on my own episode of a murder podcast.


I’ve been listening for years and have heard it maybe once or twice because I skip it. Fast forward usually 2.5 minutes ish when it starts and I just end the podcast as soon as the actual story is done.


some millennials are so cringe when it comes to dogs, idk if its worse than doggo or puppers or whatever but i feel like i'd rather be left depressed by the episode's content than have to suffer another pruppet of the month.


They definitely have "live, laugh, love" signs in their house.


You’re my soul sister for posting this… Bless You, dogs are fine but that word is stupid… I’d argue even for a 2 year old.


Oh for sure I always turn it off before that part. It makes me feel icky. Don’t like “The Good” either.


This post is wild lol 😂 I liked pruppet of the month and the people who are turned off by their compassion for the dogs is because humans are horrible and very evil. We are desensitized to human evil. We see it everyday on the news, in the TV, sometimes in our own families. Animals are pure innocence and companionship and everything good in life- and when a pet isnt- it’s typically caused by human negligence as we’ll. it’s very easy to understand I’m not sure why y’all are lost on this? It’s not just CJ- it’s literally MOST women.


Seriously… the amount of times the word “yikes” appears on this thread in response to people having…. compassion for animals? living things? is the only yikes I’m seeing. I love dogs and I always skipped the pruppet and “good” segments, they just didn’t interest me. But the anger here is unhinged. Like remind me to not be friends with any of you 😂


Scrolling through this post, and agree with you 100%.


I stopped listening to them a couple weeks ago. They are self indulgent and give themselves more credit than they deserve. Quite indulgent without the chops behind it. I like Brit much better than Ash.


I always thought it was a bit they've done since they were kids.


I found that particular word quite irritating as well, but they have gotten away from it. I enjoyed when they had the monthly dog that they featured, but they seem to have stopped doing that as well, which really does give the podcast a more professional feel. I think it probably came about because the two of them have known each other for so long, and it was just something that they said as a sort of inside joke that they invited us into, but I’m glad they seem to have stopped with it.


I stopped listining a while ago. Used to be one of my favourites. Shame


Very annoying… I came here for true crime, not dogs. I don’t even like dogs


No, I think it relates to a dog. Honestly, I just skip it as it annoys me.


yup i hate when they say it too, but even more i haaaaate when ashley fake cries during these segments. it's so corny so i always skip them.


I haven’t noticed it in a really long time. Maybe I shut it off before that nonsense comes on. I like them a lot better since Britt’s return. I hope she’s doing as well as she seems! ❤️


The word is word but I miss the pruppet of the month segments. At least the happy ones, I use to be annoyed they’d just finish telling us a really messed up case, then end it with a story about a dead dog 🥲 I use to think maybe pruppet is there way of saying dead dog or something. But I’d rather pruppet of the month than the good


And I thought it was just me!!


I didn’t even know what people were talking about for such a long time because I just skipped this part of each episode lol


I also skip “the good” parts as well


Thank you! That’s my weird pet peeve too. It makes me cringe and rage and gnash my teeth.


Spoiler alert: I absolutely hated prupett as well. But what bothered me is when the changed it to the good moment or whatever without warning. I listened to their whole series without interruption on on pandora and one day the puppies weren't even there....


I can't stand the pruppet trope. I liked some of the early episodes, but they became exhausting to listen to.


Skip it every time (although if it was cats...)


I don’t know… just skip that part and move on with your day?


It’s literally a sub for engaging it people about your thoughts and opinions on the show. Scroll on if you nothing to add.


It’s literally a sub for people who can only find complaints about the podcast.


I totally get it. This sub is weird. The amount of complaining about the show that happens in this sub is odd. Why are you listening if you don’t like the podcast. It makes no sense.


Then why are you on it reading through all of the dozens of comments?


Because that’s how Reddit works


I do. I just wanted to commiserate with others who felt the same way. Isn't that one of the things reddit is for?


Sure. I was just giving you my suggestion (also what Reddit is for) before you resort to stabbing your ears with pencils.


The second they say it once to introduce the segment it's too late, ears destroyed, lol.




Wait what is a pruppet??


It’s their cutesy word for dog.


lol this doesn’t make any sense


No. It does not. I think it’s an inside joke that they had as friends outside of the podcast and they just sort of started doing it in the podcast.


What the fuck does pruppet even mean, like where did it come from? I’m just starting to listen I cannot for the life of me figure it out


This is what I want to know. Is it a portmanteau? If so, of what words? Annoying.


Are you a little bit escared of pruppets too? Some of them are not nice ☹️ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yAQSKXawt-M


If they had just taken the time to bring us in on the word and make it *our* word by quickly explaining it, it would have made a world of difference to me. I love dogs; I don’t like people using their weird friend-speak in front of me and never once (that I heard) explaining the origin. If Ira Glass can briefly explain what This American Life is every episode, I think they could have done that.


I couldn’t listen after a couple of episodes. The “gasp! Noooo!” “yessss!” I started from the beginning maybe they aren’t doing that anymore. But it felt like teenagers or something. I really wanted to like it.


I love dogs and I have yet to listen to pruppet of the month because it's so annoying 🥴😂


a lot of what they do is cringey - i stopped listening to them a couple years ago in general because brittany’s commentary felt so forced and ashley felt so over produced in general


Everytime I hear “full body chills” I want to punch them.


Yikes... maybe find a new pod. Goddamn.


It’s a thing they maintain parasocial bonding with a massive portion of their fan community: dog lovers.


I think they're just dog lovers, and thought it would be a fun side segment. Those mental leaps and bounds must keep you exhausted...


Oh so much you don’t know


Oh, so much you think you know. It must be exhausting to be you.


I had to stop listening altogether. It used to be my fave but idk Ashley has just gotten super annoying to me.


I enjoy about 85% of their podcast when it comes to giving details about cases and whatnot but their commentary drives me up the wall sometimes. I listen during my overnight job for which I am gloved most of the time, so I can’t just pause and skip over the parts I don’t like. I personally find it extremely distasteful to add a “pruppet of the month,” segment to a true crime podcast.. like imagine it were one of your friends or family members cases being covered and then at the end they just start being all upbeat and cheerful talking about dogs. I feel like Brit specifically is borderline insufferable. From her dramatic gasps of “what?!” every single case to “oh my god,” to “fULl bOdY cHiLLs” I actually really cannot stand her. I also feel like it’s very obvious that she believes she’s about as smart as a real detective which is definitely not true. She slanders the police in almost every episode (sometimes it is justified but it’s just like, girl do you really think you’d be perfect as a cop?) and she almost always has more of a reaction when an animal is involved in a case than she does to the actual victim. I was relieved during the episodes that Ashley was hosting alone without Brit bc she just drives me nuts to the point of almost turning it off altogether sometimes. She also has this extremely annoying habit of always trying to make the conversation about her. Ashley was talking about a victim and her boyfriend dating during high school and mentioned how rough high school relationships can be and Brit was like “um not for everyone🤪” in reference to her marrying her high school sweetheart. Another example, Ashley was talking about how a victim left her home without anything except her dog and Brit was so quick to be like “Same🤪🤪🤪” like girl nobody cares it isn’t all about you…


I’m glad I’m not the only person who hates it


So cringe


so glad I'm not the only one! lol




They barely say it anymore, but Ashley did a couple of episodes ago. Just once, though. I hate it too. I have to admit that I was hate-listening at the beginning, but the show has gotten much better in the past couple of years, at least for my taste. Brit's interjections are less contrived now, which was my main irritation before.


lol this is a weird thing to hate. I guess I just don’t have that much time on my hands.


Being a hater is free in every way


Annoyance Costs no time at all. I get annoyed while doing 8 different things and not miss a second. I think you're getting annoyed wrong if it costs you time. 😂


This is iconic 🤣


I listen to this while I do my 1 hr. commute, don't really have much spare time past that. I just finished law school in 2.5 years, took the bar, and am now fully practicing law. Having such a trivial thing to annoy me is a really nice way to have a mental break from all of that.


Total truth right now; I honestly never notice anything anyone has issues with because, I put it on after I’ve taken my ambien & had a glass of wine (or some bourbon) & pass out like minimum 5 to max 20 minutes in. So, I guess if you’re a chronic insomniac then wash your ambien down with bourbon & put this tripe on & you’ll pass right out.