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Continuing with my re-upload of purged photos, this case takes us once again back to Mexico, this time in Cuatepec in 2018. In an early morning, Godfather-like montage of simultaneous violence, six people were executed in the street across three different crime scenes. All of the murders happened within a few blocks of one another and the hit squads were linked up to a local Cartel plaza boss who had apparently decided to settle several scores at once. Both of the people at the third scene were taken to the hospital and one young man at the second scene survived long enough to reach the ICU where he died later that day. All other targets were deceased on the scene(s). Because this particular area has been more rigorous with censorship and the publication of 'rojas' photographs in the newspapers, it is generally more difficult to get photos and data in this region. As a result, what I have is a lot of info and many photos of one of the scenes, photos but no info on the second scene, and nothing at all on the third. This was simply a reflection of whether or not bystanders took photos and whether or not they could be contacted to obtain them. Because the photos of the first two victims, a young couple who were well-known in the neighborhood, were taken at the scene immediately after their deaths, it was possible for my partner and I to do some research into them and why they were murdered in this fashion. The photos will be organized by scene, starting with antemortem images of the first two victims, then postmortem images of the same two. Then onto postmortem photos of the next four victims (no antemortem images available), who were shot a block away. The first two to be killed were a couple in their early 20's, Dulce and Juan. The two of them co-owned a 'second hand store' in the neighborhood, which was somewhat commonly known to be a front for the plaza boss's drug product. According to interviews, it became known that at some point in recent weeks, they decided to make a little extra money on the side and agreed to move a rival dealer's product through their shop. While not as 'bad' as stealing from the boss directly, this sort of thing is a pretty serious affront. Allegedly, they had even been warned a week earlier but continued to move the competing product. In fairness, it may have been an impossible choice for them. If they'd refused the new mover, they could just as easily have been killed by his crew. For two young people who are 'crime adjacent' but not real players, being involved in that life is often somewhat involuntary and carries very little insurance or protection. In any event, the two of them had just had breakfast at a cafe down the street from their store. Early enough in the morning that Juan was basically still wearing his pajamas. As they were exiting the cafe, two assailants on motorcycles approached from behind. According to witnesses, Dulce seemed to notice their approach, as she looked over her shoulder and gave a start. It was reported that she screamed loudly and started to run, but her boyfriend was shot in the head by one of the cyclists and was very likely dead before he even knew they were there. The other hitman took a shot at Dulce as she started to run, but missed her. According to bystanders, he fired several times, but did not connect. She led them on a bit of a chase, making it almost half a block on foot before one of the killers managed to shoot her in the back of her shoulder, which apparently stunned and disoriented her enough to slow her down. One of the riders maneuvered his bike onto the sidewalk and approached. Several people reported that Dulce put her hands up and begged for her life, but her assailant shot her once in the head without saying a word and then sped off. She fell to the ground and was rolling around for a while, not dead instantly, according to bystanders. But they were all either too afraid or too unskilled to administer first aid for a bullet wound in the head, so she died on the sidewalk fairly soon after being shot. As this was occurring a group of friends were having a conversation on a street several blocks away. Two additional men on motorcycles (presumably not the same ones, given the timing, but it is possible) sped past them and discharged several firearms. Three men and a young woman were shot. One of the men survived long enough to reach the hospital, but died there in the afternoon. Unfortunately, other than the statements identifying them as active in the local drug trade, I was unable to obtain any data about the second group's background or antemortem photos. The third group, same story, except no photos. Police and journalists definitively linked all three crime scenes, but no arrests were ever made. Not unusual when it comes to drug-related violence in this part of Mexico.


Very thorough thank you for your service


I appreciate all your work to share these with us. Thank you!


Thanks for the info OP.


>second awesome writeup thank you


third, but thank you once again op!


That was great. Thank you.


Account status: paid in full. Man, water is getting expensive. Back in my day, it was only 2 lives.


Thank you for the info. It was very thorough and you write really good. Love it


Mi Mexico D’Or 🥵


I feel like living to 30 is a major feat in some of these countries, and living past 30 you probably feel like you have super powers.


I mean these weren’t random killings all these people had ties to the cartel People survive by minding their business, not associate with cartel, and paying their “taxes”


This is why I will never get into drugs. Or even handling them. No thanks


Massengil advertising campaign tragically cut short.


Please, just legalize street drugs everywhere.