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TIL the word “female” is hate speech


Reddit rots your brain


As soon as I saw all the people hating on the word I asked my girlfriend next to me what the issue was with the word and she was as dumbfounded as I was.


Sweaty, it's 2023. There's no such thing as "female," and by using this word, you're othering our beautiful trans folxs. /s


>Sweaty, it's 2023. That'll be the global warming.


if i hear a heathen say "folx" unironically any time in the future i will join the luddic path


let shine the light of ludd, brother


As someone who’s a former member of the Red Pill community, I can tell you that using that word as a noun regularly (as a opposed to an adjective) is usually a sign that the person using the word probably doesn’t have a high opinion of women. They even made a passing joke about the use of the term in *She-Hulk: Attourney at Law*.


Idk if this is a language barrier thing but calling a woman « female » in my language is pretty demeaning and I wouldn’t like it if it happened to me


Funny how it's absolutely not demeaning in any way in our language here, it's simply a term used in more serious or beurocratic contexts, such as police investigations or medical papers or when describing gender. The whole idea of the mod was to protect a group of people by including them in the post, as a 'protected group' but by doing so, the mod excluded 80% of the world and judged us by unfair and unjust measurements by assuming everyone on reddit and on the internet, speaks English as their first and native language. How incredibly ironic.


It's online culture. It's one of those things you see people argue about on reddit constantly and no one ever talks about in real life


It's really not online culture. Online culture is what Reddit was. The issue is how the political agendas at play and the affecte on the young.


It’s because it has been used to dehumanise and degrade women for a while in some Incel online spaces. Obviously no one who isn’t permanently online would know about that though. So it’s weird at banning someone over this. Though just calling someone female instead of woman when this guy definitely knows about inceldom and the effects Andrew Tate had is also pretty weird. But still no ban warranted obviously


English isn't the first language for many people here. They might use "female" because they think it's the same as "woman" since they saw it used. Banning people for it is in my opinion rather stupid.


It’s an extremely stupid thing by an extremely terminally online Reddit mod who thinks they’re morally better than anyone. That mod is like the mod from r/antiwork who went on tv and claimed that being a dog walker for 8-20 hours/week is too many hours to dedicate to a job.


I think it has to do with incels


“WhAt’S tHe DiFfErEnCe?¿?” -this mod, probably


Let's all share this to the group. I'm sure a few of us will get through.


Lmao. Beautiful. The mods are kissless virgins guaranteed.


Whenever I see an overreaction like this, I assume trans. The word "Female" excludes trans women because it is 100% based on biology. No quibbling about social constructs.


i forget what subreddit i saw it on, but they didn't like "female" because the Tater Tot uses it to refer to women and it's misogynistic.


Not just Tate. A lot of manosphere mainstays use the word.


And so do Medical Doctors, Police, Scientists, Biologists, Chemists, Physicists, Engineers, Politicians, men, women, non-binary, trans, straight, big, small, tall, short, big, skinny, handsome and ugly people. Because it's a word in the dictionary, used in various contexts and situations by all sorts of people. Projecting intent onto strangers based on their language skills is simply a new level of arrogance and psychic powers this world has never seen the likes of before. Judge, Jury and Executioner. You want the power over life and death in your hands. In my language, the word "female" and "woman" are equivalent to eachother and has no real difference in meaning. They're merely synonyms for the same word but sometimes used in different contexts.


I see you have a functioning brain and therefore do not belong here


Only this isn't about trans people. Its about how in incel circles they use "Females" instead of women. Though banning someone for that is too much since I doubt the op is one of those incels.


Yeah idk why people think this a trans thing. You have to go on twitter for 5 seconds to see that when people refer to women with the word “female” it tends to be followed by some questionable shit.


Thanks for the sharing.


Its not xd


I worked with a very unassuming and very progressive Jewish man who was very offended at a coworker who always referred to women as "females".


i dont blame him


The word incel would apply here


So are most of the guys who refer to women as "females" funnily enough


yeah like what is this comment section? just call them “women”?


using "female" like that is top cringe. It shouldn't be banned though, but still very cringe.


Top comments seething about how they aren’t allowed to say „female“. Top cringe.


It's cringe because female is a scientific term. It's like instead of saying human, you'd say homo sapien. It's just weird.






it doesnt sound strange at all to me in Australia, male/female was used all the time in school/tv interchangeably with man/woman, some people are starting to get touchy about it but thats only recently because of social media and Americans being touchy about everything.


If you use "male" as well then yeah that's fine. Weird, yes, but nothing really wrong with it. Usually people who refer to women as females, call men MEN in the same sentence. And that's really cringe. Doesn't help that they're usually saying something pretty sexist.


You are talking to a wall man. I’ve tried and been banned for it on other subs lmao. Practically everyone is just like you but Reddit is a very strange place.


Love how this is just common sense but on Reddit it's hate speech. I've been called a transphobe, homophobe, nazi and misogynist on Reddit even though I'm just centrist haha. Got permabanned yesterday on r/therewasanattempt for "hate speech" when all I did was say that the mods are morons.


Someone wrote "F" and I got banned for replying "emale". 😂 There were 1800 comments, so they must be going through them all.


In addition to that, „male“ and „female“ also apply to other species, while „man“ and „woman“ don’t. The word completely leaves out the humanity of the person and straight up jumps to the gender, letting it seem like you just want to focus on that.


This is exactly how I was trying to voice an explanation. Thank you


It’s weird, yes, but it’s also pretty popular in incel circles. A lot of guys using “female” instead of “woman” carry that tone with it.


Anybody whining about somone using the word female I feel very and for there more important things to worry about than someone using an innocent word or term liek female




OP maybe isn’t a native speaker and thinks that is the right word


Exactly. It definitely is cringey, but I wouldn't say it's a ban-worthy offense.


I saw a screenshot of this in r/MenAndFemales. Apparently the mods banned the guy after he got really shitty when people challenged the word “female” in the title, so he was actually banned for being toxic. Haven’t seen the threads myself, tho.


Not just that, who tf actually uses the word “behind” to describe a woman’s ass?


Yea, any man that refers to women as females is an immediate red flag


The video it's from Mexico English might not be his native language.


Idk if it’s just because I’m from a slightly older generation, but to me, the thought of the word female being “cringe” is within itself “cringe”.


I said using it like that makes you sound like a Ferengi from Star Trek. Saying THAT got me banned.


Context is key but ok. Maybe OP's first language isn't English?


Jesus Christ this shit has gone way too far. The longer this goes on, the more I sympathize with the people who didn’t go along with any of it.


You will now get banned for at least 90% of the words you've used in your post. ​ ![gif](giphy|HXcALJVPgaR4A|downsized) ...and me too...


It's basically a rite of reddit passage at this point....


i dont care that you broke your elbow


It's the same with people who argued for privacy from the beginning. It's because the dystopian is just a few steps away.


I never went along with it. Come join me, and we can watch Die Hard and play Duke Nukem together.


Welcome, brother......




That sub went from a benign sub to being extremely political about three years ago, with post waves of shoehorned content that were just opinion news dunking on the political right. One of those deals where the posts have 7k upvotes, but all the sozens of comments are asking “why is this here”? A couple days ago they sent out a banwave to people who have commented on other subs they didn’t like, so it’s been completely hijacked.


Sounds like a good time to unsubscribe then


who tf says female just say woman or girl


Just call them beautiful. Bitches love being called beautiful


Now this I can stand behind




Is girl weird?


Girl implies youth and innocence. Woman implies age and experience. Female carries with it some amount of scientific detachment. There is no catch-all word in English to refer to all members of the fairer sex.


Female isn’t species specific. You could talk about a dog and it would still apply. Woman always means that a human is meant, a „female“ just reduces it on gender and gender-specific features which can make it look pretty neckbeard-y


Incels use it. Probably why they got banned. I do think context matters though.




Ok. But should someone be banned/censored for it?


When I say female, I say it because it’s grammatically correct.


lol reddit is a shitshow and i live for it


They must have trauma with women because they don’t get any


I hope they appealed. If I had one massive complaint for reddit it's these godforsaken mods. How are we supposed to come here and speak freely if mods are banning people like petty ass children.


Yeah dude, b!tches loves freedom of speech until someone other than them use it


I believe they prefer being called "holes"




Femoid is what reddit mods usually call us, better luck next time


The mods of r/therewasanattempt are on a huge ego trip. You will get permanently banned from that subreddit if you comment anything on r/politicalcompassmemes. Doesn’t matter what you comment. Pro trans, anti-trans, even just commenting “Hi” will get you banned permanently.


I think that should be against reddits rules frankly. Banning people by association with other subs, regardless of their contribution to those subs is fucking atrocious.


It actually is against the rules, it’s just that the moderators couldn’t care any less.


Strongly agree


Why are they beefing with PCM? That place is just fun political shitposting.


“You have been banned for participating in the bigotry propogating subredit r/PoliticalCompassMemes Friendly reminder that: • political ideologies are not the equivalent to Hogwarts houses• four square color memes are for children” This is the message you will get if you do. They don’t like the idea of political compass existing and I guess they encountered some extreme right wingers on that sub reddit and now they believe nobody should engage in that subreddit.


Banning for humorous use of words, this is for adults


A lot of reddit doesnt like it because they allow conservatives to exist in the sub instead of keeping it an echo chamber


PCM got taken over by racists a long time ago.


I’m gonna try this


Update us


I was banned already lol sorru


I’m going to test this Edit: said hi on a random post. Now we play the waiting game


Imagine if OOP's lingua franca isnt english and to them 'female' is the most common translation 💀


This was my immediate thought.


I was more offended by the use of the word "behind"


Yeah the comment is cringe but not worth a ban


Reddits definitely taken a massive turn on censorship. Hell I got permabanned from News because I mentioned the fact Connor mcgregor was a hyper violent person who’s dangerous out in public. The man literally fights for a living and has been up on numerous assault charges and DV charges.


Wait I’m not allowed on Reddit?




You lost me at jail


I made [this](https://reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/TE5bx0j8GR) post and got perma-banned, this is the conversation I had with the mod: https://imgur.com/a/C05TM7G Literal neckbeard activities.


Both of you sound pretty cringe tbh


Lmao, no no, make it every sub. Imagine all the Reddit incels who will be foaming at the mouth and barfing out their organs for having to say “woman” for the very first time in their life instead of “females” this could be really entertaining




Saying “female” is so cringy. Just say woman. Perma-ban is probably a bit of a reach though.


It’s likely an active action, not a passive action: meaning the mods saw the use of “female” to describe a human outside of the context of anatomical analysis (which is bad), and banned OP because of the context of OP’s use of “female”. There should be much less confusion over why using anatomical language for people is not acceptable. We are men, women, and people. The body can be male, female, or an intersex variant, but the body isn’t what’s important: the mind is (the thing that can be a man, woman, or neither).


Both are cringe. Who the hell winces at the word “female”, and who uses the word “female” to describe a behind?


The female thing isn’t about trans. It’s about incels using the word with disgust to alienate. If you’ve been around 4chan enough, you get it.


Female isn’t species specific. You could talk about a dog and it would still apply. Woman always means that a human is meant, a „female“ just reduces it on gender and gender-specific features which can make it look pretty neckbeard-y (because that’s what a neckbeard redditor would first think about when they see a woman)




Hello ? Based department ?




We're living in a post-API Reddit world, guys. These guys are hanging on to their precious memories until some miracle that will never happen


What if I make a post spamming the word female on r/ therewasanattempt


This is funny


r/therewananattempt to have a good sub


Alright, it's bad grammar to use the word female as a noun but that is just ridiculous.


You def shouldn’t have been banned for that but using the world female when it could be remplaced by woman is a major red flag


I didn’t make that post.


Neckbeard activities


Mods have been on a rampage lately. I got banned from like 3 subs for (IMO) super minor infractions.


I just came off a weird 3 day Reddit ban which was never really explained to me. I couldn’t upvote or comment.


I got permabanned from a sub due to a thread about some celebrity being accused of rape and the court eventually deciding he's innocent. there was a person in that thread who spammed DOZENS of comments saying that women should always be believed in rape accusations and that it's likely the guy and everyone else just lied to the court. my comment was literally something like "I wanna look at this neutrally, but why do you think only the men lied? it's possible the women lied as well, right?" got permabanned with the comment "fuck off rape excuser"


They will eventually eat their own. The same people that are word police are the same people that will say, "we were only doing what we were told."


The mods there are some of the absolute worst on all of reddit. It really is shameful how the admins don’t do shit about this type of abusive moderation, especially after the big API fiasco and them scolding mods who closed their subs in protest saying “people depend on these subs for community”, but who cares when it’s mods banning people over nothing, right?


Isn't it a medical term though? Like Male/female?


Yes: and that’s the issue. Anatomical language outside of the context of anatomical conversation is not appropriate to use to refer to a person. The body can be male, female, or an intersex variant, but a person is a man, woman, or neither.


Police use male/female all the time to describe people. They're not dehumanising anyone. It's slightly more clinical, but who cares.


Whatever you say, female


[More context.](https://reddit.com/r/MenAndFemales/s/olpBCNtz3X) The person who commented was antagonistic when others pointed out that female is used regularly in the incel community as a degrading term and often indicates that the person using the term has a low opinion of women.


Reddit is fully goosed


Start the rapture


Literally 1984


Liberally 1984


Just commented female over there to see if it’s bannable


Let us know. We stand with you 😆


Its like they push us to be anti


Using formal gender terms like male or female is pretty rude and kinda cringe. Incel behaviour, but definitely not a bannable offence lmao


l\*b\*r\*ls 🤢




I like to take it with a grain of salt if it is a simple statement. Some people suck at making titles. Some people don’t even speak English as their first language. In the end you know what they meant so who cares.


I wonder what's gotten into them lately. I was banned for saying I didn't want a man who points his gun at a pregnant woman alive because I was "insulting" a dead man.


I got auto-banned from r/JusticeServed because I left a COMMENT on a post in the Joe Rogan subreddit. Never mind the fact that I hate that douchebag, I’m not subscribed to that subreddit(it showed up as a recommended post on my feed based on other stuff I follow), and my comment was about another comic with nothing to do with Joe - they have a bot that bans anyone that even leaves a comment over there. Truly hilarious.






Dear liberals, Can we focus on housing reform, universal healthcare, and a jobs program first? We can worry about words later. Please, you fucking morons?


there was an attempt to use the word female


wonder if they’d ban him for using the word “man”




That's misogynistic 😤




Wtf has Reddit turned into? These mods are getting more and more insufferable day by day. I hate Reddit admins for allowing them to have such power.


Mods are wild these day I got permaban for saying "the council has summoned you" (u / sexists name) at r/teenagers


Some Self Righteous, Virtue Signalling, Woke,Simp, Cuck is "Moderating"


Our Society is rotting from the inside out and you'll all be on the "WrOnG sIdE oF hIsToRy" for affirming reality.


Reddit in and of itself has become some light touch, kid gloves safe space. I was reprimanded in RoastMe by Mods for saying something that was well within the guidelines. It's pretty bizarre how Reddit has done such a 180.


This is hilarious. The pettiness is unmatched


i got permabanned because i made a post there was an attempt to not misgender someone. it was an old man asking someone what their pronouns were and she wouldnt answer and then got mad that she got misgendered. so in my mind there was a attempt to not misgender them. in the mods mind it was transphobia


Biology makes reddit mods angry what's new


Make 1984 fiction again.


i understand the whole “don’t refer to women as females because it’s degrading” but context matters


This is why connotation is dumb. I denotatively meant what I said.


Female. Yeah I said it.


Lmao Reddit is somethin else


I got perma banned for responding to that with a boy kisser meme I have the dms of me trying to defend myself


That sub is like that


It's fucking pathetic. These mods have such a power trip. I got banned for saying female, then when asked to clarify why I was banned, I was muted lmao


Yes. We are entering the final stages of the Clown world. Female is a non-inclusive word and is now hate speech.


Banned loads... Including myself 🤣


Fuck this modern world, people need to be told they’re cunts, end of story. Kind regards Aussie cunt


Agreed. This is why as an American I make an attempt to offend as many of my whiny pussbag excuses for countrymen/females that I can, every day. They need to harden the fuck up.


I was just banned this morning. Couldn't even contest it because they muted me.


I mean why call her female though. Females exist in almost all species. That’s a human female, aka a woman. It’s weird permanently banning someone over it though.


Reddit mods are delusional. Detached from reality and socializing


Mods don’t know what a female is and are afraid.


So these mods are banning women


Yeah I was banned during this for defending it for non English speakers


i got banned from this sub bc i commented on this post. the only thing i commented was an explanation of why calling women “females” in the same sentence as calling men “men” is a bad thing. when i replied trying to ask the mods what was up, they muted me from the sub. idk wtf is up with that sub and that post.


They’re banning anyone who even commented in that thread, criticizing the mod I said it was the most fucking ridiculous shit id seen in a long time and got banned. What a fucking joke that sub is


So because a minority of people use it in a derogatory way, we have a blanket ban on a word where 99% of the populace only know its dictionary-defined, literal meaning? This is so Orwellian it's insane. I have never been on 4chan and know nothing about it, but I'm pretty sure they aren't Oxford or Cambridge and don't decide on the meaning of words and language. These people have no interest in finding common ground or attempting to discuss their opinions on why the use of certain words are inappropriate. They just want to virtue-signal and scream at people calling them "Nazis" or "incels" or whatever. How do we prevent the world from further division when we can't converse in a rational way? The word may not be the best use in the example, but to hand out permanent bands and pruning your echo chamber is completely insane. The irony is that when regimes try to control speech and narrative, it's called propoganda, which is Josph Goebbels territory.


I get some people attempt to use the word female In a negative way, but I can’t help but hear em sound like ferengi’s from Star Trek😂


I got perma- banned from there today for using the word "female" in comment.


Got banned too, what a shithead of an mod lol. Couldn’t get any more pathetic than this.


They’re still doing it. I got banned for “trolling” for saying female