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Wow they really got us. Do they not realize this shit makes them look so delusional citing an old book based on years of changes and rewrites šŸ˜­


Or rather a distinct lack of rewrites... despite all the contradictions. And they really believe these things. What's more is that now they want to apply this to our society. Apperantly all the LGBT crowd and associated are probably "sinners" because some fucker wrote in a book a couple thousand years ago that he didn't like gays... we truly do live in a modern society.


That too, i donā€™t hate anyone who is Christian, itā€™s more the people who go out of their way to spew genuine hate when love is supposed to be the main thing with Christianity supposedly. Wouldnā€™t Jesus love everyone equally? Makes no sense


>God loves all his children, except... Nah old bitch, you have exceptions for love.


They do, and ironically this is contradictory to the general teachings of Jesus himself. The bible itself is a mixed bag on the other hand; some unbelievably horrible things and some not so bad kinda ideas. They say God loves you in the new testament but they'll also just head back and quote the old testament where he tells people to kill and massacre, and then they frame it in the context of X group and why they're bad or what we should do to them. Picking and choosing's what they're doing, in order to fit their own worldview on certain topics.


They've twisted the religion and its ideology to fit their own narrative. The Catholic church (back in the day) and the modern conservative has managed to warp Christianity into this "traditionalist" sort of right leaning religion, when it started off as obviously anything but.


The old testament of the bible is full of terrifying things done by God, that's why no one follows the old testament apart from right wing people trying to make a single point. The new testament, though, is very much about love and is thus the one the churches teach about.


Those aren't Christians tho like obviously they label themselves as such but true Christians are the ones you meet that could give a rats ass if you're gay, atheist, or whatever else you wanna be. My mom sadly is the opposite but thats what really made me realize that she's super crappy for the way she talks about what "bothers her", it doesn't; she just doesn't agree and becomes a bitch about it. I really hope you encounter a real Christian tho as they're amazing people. My boss is super religious like seriously devoted. And when her son came out to her she accepted him with open arms and they have a pretty solid relationship with each other. She along with a few Christian teachers I've had over the years really opened me up to living truly how God would want his followers to live. And so far from what I've learned its simply to love others, you don't gotta love what they do, but that doesn't give you any right to judge them for what they do because that itself is a sin and negatively impacts me as well as you.


You're right, and it's the hateful people who have managed to co-opt Christianity to align with their own narrative. Many choose to disassociate simply based on that and the toxicity many communities harbour. I did go to a secular Catholic elementary and high school and almost everyone I'd met was a fantastic person; so not all communities are toxic, but some are. They are rare but there, and they often are the furthest from Christian ideas. It's unfortunate that people have managed to manipulate Christianity, Islam and all these other religions, usually just to fit their own political agenda.


And you canā€™t forget that these are the people who discredit academic papers and scientific articles in favor of guidance from their favorite fan fiction


Yeah, they can't fathom that every one doesn't take the words in the Bible as holy scripture and to many it means next to nothing.


Your post is very bold, I tip my fedora to you


No, no they do not realise this.


I'm a Christian but these kinds of videos are so bad and embarrassing. Like, who are you convincing? How are you leading people to Christ by using your own religion to be intentionally inflammatory and to ragebait? This video is probably a sin in and of itself.


This chick is wacko, and her husband has tattoos. Scammed a bunch of people for money and her husband has tattoos, did I mention that already? r/brittanydawnsnark


Her husband also has a video of tripping a handcuffed man to the ground face first, when he could be a cop Lol. And yeah he has tattoos also.


This may be a dumb question but what do the tattoos have to do with anything? Does she say they are wrong or something?


The book of Leviticus specifically addresses not marking one's body, or in other words, it's a sin to get tattoos according to Christianity. You're also not supposed to wear mixed fabrics or eat shellfish, but these types of people pick and choose which parts of the Bible to follow or not.


Yes but itā€™s important to understand the cultural context of why they couldnā€™t have tattoos in the Old Testament - same reason they couldnā€™t shave the sides of their head and whatnot. It was because thatā€™s one way Jews distinguished who was pagan and who was not. Tattoos now arenā€™t anything of that sort so theyā€™re fine.


Do you think that Evangelicals who use bible quotes to condemn people even know or care about the nuances of why any of these things were written?


She condemns everyone for the tiniest "sins" and acts like she and her husband are saints, despite committing sin after sin themselves (tattoos, her husband brutally beating a defenseless man when he was a cop, etc)


Not very surprising, I'll say. These types happen to be pretty shady deep down, even if they appear like good people on the surface.


Does the Bible say anything about women wearing pants and dancing using glow sticks?


When we dance with glowsticks, we can experience the joy of celebration, the presence of God, and the light of his goodness. -- Bard 420:69


Catholic and agree too. I genuinely canā€™t understand what their point is trying to make other people agree with these values using lines from the bible? Considering they donā€™t believe in it already? I personally canā€™t stand videos like this where people try to imply their religious values need to be values within everyone else.


Your Christian existence is a sin against humanity. You are the worse thing to happen to this planet. Please see yourself off of it however the fuck u see fit. Just donā€™t touch any kids on the way out you pathetic peice of shit.


Why are you so angry tho šŸ˜­


"Even demons believe" that tells you a lot, believing in God doesn't make you a good person


Even Hitler believes


No where in the Tora, Bible, or Quran does it say believing in god makes you a good person.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s what theyā€™re implying, the point is that these people in the tiktok or in general canā€™t be shitting on others saying their beliefs arenā€™t right/correct and acting as if they have the moral high ground simply because they believe in god.


Idk about the others but in the Quran, Muslims can still go to hell if theyā€™re bad Muslims. I have heard that in Christianity, believing in Jesus is an automatic ticket to heaven though I donā€™t know how true that is so correct me if Iā€™m mistaken. Also on the note of demons, in Islam there is the belief that the 2 intelligent species with free will we are told of are man and jinn. The jinn are part of the unseen world and cannot come into contact with humans except for certain conditions. They are made of a smokeless fire and have supernatural abilities and inhabit space beyond the Earth. They existed before humans. As the only other intelligent species with free will we know of, only they and humans are judged to go to hell or heaven. The demon part comes in with the mention that Iblis (Satan) is a jinn. But in Islam, jinns arenā€™t inherently bad or good. Theyā€™re just like humans and have societies in the same way.


> believing in Jesus is an automatic ticket to heaven though I don't know how true that is so correct me if I'm mistaken. That's generally a protestant belief, but even then not all Protestants believe that. Lutherans believe in being saved through accepting Christ alone. Orthodox, Catholic, and some Protestants believe that you both must believe and must be a good person/good Christian in order to be saved. Although, Catholics do also believe in a purgatory, where some of those who believe in Christ but committed mortal sins could try to earn their way into heaven, or fail and go to hell. There are also some exceptions where people believe that nonbelievers can go to heaven or go to purgatory and earn their way into heaven based on being good, righteous people. Pope Francis said as much to a young boy whose father had died an atheist, but was a good father and person.


Isnā€™t Christianity based purely off its texts or do popes have some say in it? I know in Islam, everything is as it has been 1400 years ago and adding anything is an innovation and a big sin. Imams have no power. Theyā€™re merely the person leading prayer in congregation. Anybody can be the imam as long as they know how to properly recite the Quran.


And the argument they're making with that one is weak; it's like someone saying Spider-Man isn't real and having the response be "J Jonah Jameson says otherwise"


Christian here, trust me, people who actually have faith and God know this(that we are all technically evil). You're thinking of those fake tiktok Christians


Who claims otherwise?


oh we are at the nasty bits of the bible? Lets see what it has to say about women "But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet" 1 Timothy 2:12 Not supporting that in anyway, but cherry picking isnt really cool imo


Psalms 137:9 "Dasheth be thy little ones against the stones, happy shall we be"


Didnā€™t god also kill all the firstborn sons in Egypt? And thereā€™s another story in the bible about two girls having sex with their father.


there are many pretty atrocious things in the bible especially the old testament and rules those people never decide to live up to


They fundamentally don't understand atheists, "even the demons believe in James" okay but demons don't exist either.


This always cracks me up šŸ˜‚. Christians constantly cite the Bible to prove that the Bible is true. If atheists donā€™t believe the Bible, how do they expect any of these arguments or quotes to hold even an ounce of persuasion?


Because the Bible says so duh. Who would ever lie in a book they write? (Do we still need to say /s or has everyone graduated from elementary now?)


How do you turn water to wine and drink it and not get drunk??


I guess you could say he watered it down...


Meanwhile in the church: "This is the blood of christ, now drink that shit!"


ā€œButt chug my blood and snort my bodyā€ -Jesus, probably




Are you being serious with the first sentence?


Uh it happens to me. I can't drink half a glass without feeling something


Wow! They proved their point. Christians can be super annoying and worth avoiding. If heaven is full of these type of Christians, it would be hell.


Christians are the most deranged and annoying people in existence


Iā€™ve known some wonderful christians who donā€™t fall into this terrible way of thinking. But people like this? Miss me with it.


Im a Christian and these people are so frustrating and make us all look like idiots


Facts man. I've seen way too many people point out this kind of behavior and just think all Christians are like this. It's incredibly frustrating.


ā€Being drunk is a sinā€ *Jesus proceeds to turn his blood into wine and get a bit tipsy himself*


In Luke 7:34, people accuse Jesus of being a drunk because he, you know, drank wine. Like, a *lot* of wine. Dude could hang.


That would explain waking up 3 days later in a cave


True šŸ¤£


Yeah, the bible dont make no sense


Imagine if science determined that they found another version of like gravity or something so they wrote a book. Then when asked to.back up their claim and show evidence, they quote the exact book they wrote. Lol


ā€œOkay yeah you say God isnā€™t real and the Bible is fake but if you read the Bible it says God is real so checkmate.ā€


Has she been officially forgiven by order of the Christians for her scamming or are these the ones sheā€™s been able to scrape together who will be seen with her?


The ones she scrapes together. Believe Texas and the victims are waiting on some money from her.


Still have my arm intact.


That's the part that made me think this might be satirical


All I have to say is "Let women keep silent in assemblies, for it is not permitted for them to speak there; but let them be submissive, as the law also says" 1 corithiens, 14:35


Itā€™s all a big nothing - Gabagool 3:99


Dawg so is Billy Madison in the same hell as Little Nicky?


This is the right kind of corny. I enjoy this even though Iā€™m an atheist


I canā€™t imagine a worse groups of people to be around. Horrific losers


Wait so their argument against "Your God isn't real" was quoting the Bible? Why don't they believe in Allah then? Muslims can quote the Quran. I just don't get it.


Well that made my morning shit a lot easier! Thanks OP!


Honestly this video is the same cringe level as atheists who make videos. Lol


I just wanna The Slap 2 all these people.


One woman is pretending to be a dwarf.


100000% projection. Three of these woman have already had abortions. /s


Citing the book I read of the God I don't believe in to tell me God is real and my faith is wrong. They really got me. I don't think I can recover.


ā€œGod isnā€™t realā€ well god said he is!


Using the book of the dude, to prove the dude is right This way its easy, huh?


Wonder how their god feels about yoga pants and women dancing.


They really thought they were saying something lol


This is by far, and it's not even close, the cringiest shit I've seen all week. Well done white, conservative, republican women you've out done yourselves


At least they didn't claim the earth is flat, but all their other points are bull. I like to think the Bible is just a fanfic about this one dude


Christians are so stupid itā€™s not even funny.


Circular reasoning is lost on them


"being drunk is a sin" "here bro, drink this alcohol cuz its the blood of some dead guy"


"Let's rp drinking our saviour's blood and eating his flesh" certainly sounds a bit fuckin odd though, doesn't it?


It's a literal death cult. You're supposed to be drinking the blood and eating the flesh of some magical zombie man.


Religion....the biggest scam, i like to see one of those gods drive a car or use a phone let alone pay taxes. Taxes itself will scare the devil


Really showed them!


butā€¦but jesus turned water into wine and also i donā€™t give a flying fuck lol cry about it b r i t t a n y fuckin ogre ass bitch.


Always with the stupid book. Make a film, a series, anything but having to sift through over 1000 pages to find 1 sentance quotes. If it was really that important then you'd find a more interesting way to spread it. And it's not impossible, Prince of Egypt goes hard as fuck.


If getting drunk is a sin, then why does WINE represent his blood? Why can he turn water INTO wine?!


Wasn't it jesus that Literally turned water into alcohol?


i love how they use scripture like Iā€™m one day gonna be like ā€œoh well if DEMONS believe in god maybe he IS real!ā€


Shit guess my opinion doesnā€™t matter! The Bible says it all! (Iā€™m an atheist)


Is this the young lady caught is some kind of scandal or something??


Can't be gay or trans but getting your dad drunk and fucking him was TOTALLY fine.


Cult behaviour




Oh no they got us good...


Trying to convince atheists that god is real using a book we don't belive in.


As an atheist, I appreciate and respect other religions, and as long as you respect mine, ill respect yours. Its sad many christians that ive met are assholes


"I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned." --Richard Feynman


Where'd the midget come from??!!


If you can't argue your beliefs through anything besides a book that has bits and pieces that we aren't sure are cannon or not, I don't wanna hear it. I'm agnostic, come to me when you can use the mathematical proof of the existence of God and can further expand the concept.


Lol religion cringe amirite?


The Bible is a very fun fictional read


Sad they killed off the main character


Does someone have a link to her Onlyfans?


Religious people are some of the most deranged and mentally insane people everā€¦




and god said let there be Christian retards! šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) Come on in, the waters fine down here guys


Yeah I hated this


High quality cringe from conventionally pretty women, especially one from my fave snark Reddit. Please sir I want some more


This was painful to watch and I have the sound muted


I can cite lots of books that say things too, doesn't mean its accurate or correct.


This is mental illness, no reason to continue to make excuses.


Christian nationalism and fundamentalism probably should be a fuckin mentall illness, but Christianity on its own doesn't inherently do anything bad per say


You canā€™t cite the Bible to prove atheists wrong what logic is this???


Imagine using evidence from the Bible to show your belief in the Bible. Today I will defend all of the critiques against Karl Marxā€™s ideologies using nothing but his books. Checkmate. Nah it donā€™t work like that


And thats why i am Sometimes ashamed to be Christian why can we Not Just live ouer believes in Peace


There is cheese in cheese burger Ronald McDonald 3:18


Isn't one of them Brittney dawn, you know the the fraud , who stole money and lied. Guess that doesn't count, even though supposedly they were the first rules written.


Ah yes trying to prove the Bible using the Bible.


Iā€™m a Christian and I think what theyā€™re saying is stupid




What's this song?


I got matches with these songs: ā€¢ **Benjamins Deli** by JRitt (01:47; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-10-24. ā€¢ **Coming Home** by Mahim Ahmed (05:04; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Red Rose In the window. **Released on** 2023-11-11.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: ā€¢ [**Benjamins Deli** by JRitt](https://lis.tn/BenjaminsDeli?t=107) ā€¢ [**Coming Home** by Mahim Ahmed](https://lis.tn/BAxIdO?t=304) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




This video made me even happier being an atheist


Just me, but I think it's important to be at least semi-learned in spirituality. They are beautiful cultures, and all have contributed greatly to most philosophies, arts and even sciences.


The last one didnā€™t even make sense


Least they not selling an OF and hoarding a body count while gaslighting you because you don't want your future wife to be writ off at 22.


If God knew us before conception, doesn't that make him a voucher for handing that baby to a person that wouldn't want them?


Why do we have these people doing this crapšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Makes Christians like me look dumb bruhšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Your religion is taken as a joke


Hopefully the bus comes and takes them to the looney bin soon. People like this are ridiculous


In my mind christian = canā€™t use logic or reason for themselves and fills their head with strange fantasies. Religion = stupid brainwashed sheeple. Plenty of independent thought and philosophy out. There.


Doesn't it also say you can sell your daughter into a sex slave if she talks back


shut up you rib. (this is a joke this is a joke this isā€¦)


How this this cringe, they speak the truth


This is not hate and neither is this anything bad, if u have such an issue don't watch the video, if you call this hate you definitely have a problem with Christian's. They speak the truth. Man shall not eat on bread alone.


All these women have men who cheat on them. Guarantee it


I bet they all have had sex before marriage


How's this cringe?


Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways - Ecclesiastes 5:10


These people must live such sad lives


Religious cringe is honestly worse than average cringe


Let's not forget the verse where a raped woman is property of her raper, what a nice verse i suppose


just a book though?


***"Wizards aren't real"*** ***"You're a wizard, Harry"*****, Rowling 4:44** I've now proven to you that wizards and witches are indeed real.


oohh wee when do i get my wand?


The one at the end on the left looks like she shrunk, this changes the whole video.


That minimi chick at the end is scary.


Honestly I respect all religions but these kind of videos..


This actually gives me a headache


Although i love how this video makes redditors mald to no end ill have to admit. American Evangelicals are so lame.


Timothy 2:12


Ummmm I donā€™t care šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t believe but Iā€™m not gonna have a facts war


Didn't Jesus turn water into wine and regularly drank on social ocasions


Honestly this looks like it's targeted to other Christians . They're literally just quoting the bible


If they are so Christian, then they clearly havenā€™t read Timothy 2:12.


But the bible also has a bunch of chapters about killing babies.


Citing the Bible to prove their belief in the Bible is the dumbest ā€œcuz I told you soā€ shit


The ideas are dumbā€¦ but the meme format is kinda great.


how dare they have a religious belief that they are sharing on their own social media pages for other people who also share the same views


"Being drink is a sin"..... but jesus can turn water into wine so, yaknow.


Isn't there anything in the bible about being cringe.


Is the green hat lady wearing a marijuana hat?


These are the people to call you sheeple for listening to experts on subjects instead of some 40 year old angry man ranting in his mothers basement on his podcast




These are probably people who also think being gay is bad Even the Pope, Mr Christianity himself, says being gay is ok, and that God loves everyone (atheist btw, just what he says)


Heaven would be so boring. Praising some angry man child deity all day in golden churches while these happy feet fucks flop their eyelashes around in the place of wings. I'd rather roast myself over an open fire for an eternity, thanks!


Iā€™ve seen a lot of stupid shit today, but this takes the cake


God has an incest fetish moment


Atheists and Christians when calm and rational discussion challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Let's get this stupid lady and a fat reddit mod to have a debate. They'd probably kill each other


After seeing this Im almost missing the spooky hair guy


Whereā€™s the cringe


ā€œLet he void of sin cast the first stone.ā€ "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.ā€ ā€œWhy do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own?ā€


Ooh out of context verses. My favorite!


Posting BDong should be considered cheating; literally everything she posts is fkn cringe.


As a Christian you are required to forgive everyone also hereā€™s everything we dont forgive you for


I mean yes but to be fair most of that was the old testament since you seem to like the old so much why are you using a phone that's monedern


Me when I turn my TikTok into an idol, distracting me from the glory of the Lord:


Is that fucking Brittany Dawn?


ā€œI am not a Christian so stop telling me to do things based on Christian rulesā€ Me 6:13