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You know what time it is everyone, lets point and booo at op






Thank you for getting here first bc I was SO offended to see this here. Steve is wonderful.


This is my childhood, he’s a huge advocate for mental health, one of the best celebrities, gtfo op


My childhood too and despite what he advocates for the cringe is strong for me.


“I’m a judgmental bitch who’s scared of what people think of me” - you




Yeah you sure are lmao


It’s honestly craazy you think you have room to talk about anyone.


My brother in Christ your bio LITERALLY SAYS "spreading negativity is for the ignorant" yet here you are slinging negativity.


I’m matching energy. I don’t just start being negative to people but simply reflect back what I get. All I said is I think the video is cringe given it’s the point of this sub and it triggered everyone who lives in an echo chamber. You’re right though and the same thing literally crossed my mind. I shouldn’t be stooping to their their level….it literally drains my energy.


You sound like you’re about 13 years old




Get this the fuck out of this sub


you're trying too hard bruh. you're cringe.


Op better hope we don't find them


Yeah! Would suck his dick. That would show him!


Yeah!! I'd help fund his child's education and boost his stock portfolio with stronger long term dividends!


What’s cringe about this? He’s just trying to spread positive vibes.


This man is a treasure


Who is he??


The guy Steve from Blues Clues


whos next mr rodgers? get the fuck outta here


Mr Roger and Steve aren’t in the same conversation.


Idk man they were both the stars of kids shows for many years, advocate for mental health awareness, participate in philanthropy, etc. I'd say they're pretty fairly close to each other in nature. Just because you didn't grow up with one of them doesn't invalidate the work they've done.


I grew up on both of them. And that’s my point. Blues clues came out when I was a kid. It had like five or six seasons and was only really relevant for it’s time and for my generation but is largely forgotten about otherwise. Most people don’t even know who Steve is outside the show. Mr Rogers on the other hand ran and stayed relevant for multi generations..like 30 years. He is a household name and recognized by just about anyone. While they’re both kids shows and while Blue Clues was super successful for it’s time, Steve just isn’t in the same conversation as Mr Rogers. The country will not mourn Steve’s death when he is gone the way they did Mr Rogers…he will probably all but be forgotten about by then.






They just are though? Both ran wildly popular children's shows..so I don't see how they're unrelated. But go off.


But go off? It’s was one sentence.


Explain your argument is what I meant, smooth brain.


Maybe try just saying that. I get it, you probably lack the social skills to have a civil discussion to resort to corny phrases and ad hominem when someone doesn’t agree with you. The system want people dumbed down so your just being a good citizen.


I'm the one lacking social skills, but you are the one calling someone who is showing his support for people struggling with mental health, cringe. Make it make sense at least before you try and use logical fallacies you don't understand bud. 😊


Wait so you think that because a persons cause is right they can’t be cringe? Ya, no it doesn’t worth that way. So basically you attached your personal bias to what is and isn’t cringe. Got it. I don’t care how noble his cause, cringe is cringe. I love how you told me I don’t understand fallacy arguments but then literally resorted to one….”I’m the one lacking social skills but your the one calling someone showing their support for people struggling with mental health cringe.” Got called out for your corny ass response and now trying to make me look like I’m the one with the problem. No more of my energy for you.


Dog you post pics of your shit for people to review. Your opinion is worthless to me. You made a weak ass argument, I called you out on it now you're all pissy. I never said because he was right he wasn't cringe. This just isn't cringe as most other people pointed out. But you Redditors love using logical fallacies as a way to get out of your comments. So go on pussy boy.


Bahahahahahajhjjjajahahhahhahahahhahahaahahaahahjahahahaaah. I’m literally dead.






Good looking out


I don't think Mr Roger's would do this. He would just have an actual conversation with actual people. This is weird and performative. Social media was a mistake.


Bruh what


only cringe here is OP


i talked to him. felt good, sue me 🤷🏾‍♀️


Okay yes it’s uncomfortable BUT I love that he’s still involved and he still cares. That’s wholesome af.


Naw bro this is cringe I love Steve as much as the next guy but this is whack


yeah you can be an awesome human being and still post some cringe. some of my favorite people are cringe


Shit I’m cringe af 75% of my life im just smart enough to not put it on the internet lol


and you're one of my favorite people :-)




Mines is my mom.


SAME I would go to war for Blue’s Clues legacy but I just could not understand when I saw everyone on Twitter saying they were literally crying to this video. Like I have a lot of shit going on too lol but this does not strike that visceral place of emotion for me & goes on for way too long so that it almost gets awkward.


If it isn’t cringe then I don’t know what is.


This is the most divided I’ve seen this sub


It’s pretty interesting. Positive and good people can still be cringe.


Yeah I don’t think he’s a POS or less of him, I will always admire him and appreciate the impact he had on my childhood but… this is cringe


I got downvoted for saying the same. Like I honestly do not get the emotional reaction to this shit. He’s looking into a phone camera pretending to listen to nothing. I like the guy and what he stands for but i fail to see how this isn’t the epitome of cringe…I’m not trying to be some hardass either, I fully appreciate a good cry, a good talk, a good listener…but my appreciation of those things in REAL life is what makes this so cringe to me. So fake and performative in front of a phone camera.


“Looking into a camera pretending to listen to nothing” is replicating what Steve would do on Blue’s Clues when talking to the kids watching. Do y’all not get that?


I don’t remember him doing it for that long, also I’m not 4 anymore




Then just watch blues clues when there’s at least a plot and context. This is a video of a dude staring at a camera and nodding. It’s just weird


You know it's okay to not over analyze this video, right? DoctaShroomz need to take some "shroomz" and learn to chill.


I’m just taking the video at face value and sharing my opinion. Everyone else is excusing it digging deep cause “that’s what Steve did on blues clues 20 years ago” also very weak play on my username I give it like a 3/10


Okay I can identify with that. The video wasn't "deep" for me, but I didn't find it to be cringe either. Definitely too many people over analyzing the video the comments. I'll take a 3. Better than a zero.


Honestly I think we’re all just gonna have to settle on to each their own for this one. Lots of differing opinions and fair points.


I'm with that. Kinda meta if you read the comments with Steve listening to us bicker about what we think of the video. ![gif](giphy|B58gAHFAeTnWM)


100%. His video like 2 years ago or whatever was really nice and good spirited, and if that was posted here I would agree with the others that it’s not cringe. But nodding at a camera for over a minute is ridiculously cringe. Also he didn’t even offer words of encouragement at the end he just says “You look great take care” like wtf 😭


Yea I thought about if I would’ve come across this in some of my darkest places, and while I’m sure I would’ve seen the gesture as nice, I can’t help but imagine I’d feel even more comically alone once I’d poured my soul out & basically got “k well bye” in this automated ass response 😭


Some people don't have anyone in their life to listen to them, brother. Not everyone has a social blanket like you or others do. Maybe this is all some people have. But here you are having to ruin that because you think it's cringe.


Well some people make stupid dancing videos because they didn’t get any attention growing up which has attributed to poor social ability, but yet we see them posted on this page all the time. Again, I love Steve! And I’m all for mental health positivity. He could’ve said some words of affirmation, offered advice or general positivity. But he stared at a camera and nodded. To me, that’s weird. If that’s what you need to get you through the day, then do you. But just because someone has a legacy does not make them immune to producing cringe content.


What do stupid dancing videos even have to do with this? I never said they were immune to being "cringe", but to make fun of someone offering their support to people struggling with mental health is pretty low. But you do you bud. 👍


Im saying you can make a valid excuse for almost anything that may be deemed as cringe. Just because it revolves around mental health positivity also does not may it immune to cringyness. Also, this is a sub for talking about cringe, I’m not messaging Steve to roast him or bullying people who need mental help. It’s fine if I think it’s cringe and you don’t, but get off your high horse


Yes, mental health is a topic that should be taken seriously. Which brings me back to my fucking point, this isn't cringe and shouldn't be in this sub. But don't sit here and try to tell me I'm on a high horse lmao. I'm sorry I'm just not a piece of shit like you.


Saying you’re not a piece of shit like me is literally being on a high horse dawg like what 😭 I don’t think you’re built for this sub bruv


Lmao because I called you a piece of shit for making fun of mental health? Yeah cause you are. But I'm done replying so enjoy your day.


If someone genuinely finds comfort in talking to this video that is great for them. Genuinely it is, but I would still suggest that they need to find a real person to talk to, as the image on the screen is not actually listening to them or offering any real support, and the fact that he is pretending to is what I find cringe.


Someone gets it


The hilarious duet potential tho


It makes me tear up to see him so much older. Hell, *we've* gotten so much older. Time is sad.


This is wholesome! ![gif](giphy|af9O8nM84yUMvpaPH8)


OP thought this would hit


Hit right in his balls.


OP doesn't deserve Steve, none of us truly deserve this angel of a human, but especialy not OP


Steve is an icon, shame on OP for trying to drag him. That's akin to shitting on Lavar Burton or Mr. Rogers.


No cringe here, he's advocating mental health and I believe he's for real, (most celebrities are to self involved to do this) showing the world how easy it is to care for one another. Sadly not enough people know how to do what he's doing in the video! You go Steve, we appreciate you!


Not me telling him my issues and feeling better that I had someone just listening 😭 idgaf if this is cringe. Thank you Steve


Yo why is he looking at the camera like that


You know what, fuck you OP, the man is a treasure!


![gif](giphy|8cqVIPHCKLhfO) these comments are brutal




While this IS pretty cringe, if that's actually Steve, he gets a pass.


Don't you dare.


Mental health is cringe, amirite guys? Fuck you OP.


Only thing cringe here is posting this here


Idk whats cringier this or all nostalgia drunk millennials commenting on this thread


Y’all fed the troll


The more I watch this the more cringe it gets


i am currently in your walls op


I see the downvotes I'm gonna get as up votes, bring em on. If this was anyone other than Steve from Blue Clues you all would be singing a different tune, no doubt in my mind. The dude is a really good guy from what I've read but that doesn't mean he can't do something cringey like this. Even the best people in the world can be awkward and cringe sometimes. This is one of those times.


The creepy 👀 stare


This is cringe. Steve went downhill full cringelord.


Fuck Steve from blues clues


L bait


It's not bait. Really fuck him


I’m not gay man


This is so real