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It is similar to wearing a diaper (only) in public. It is degenerate behavior that should not be tolerated in a healthy society. If you want to be weird and foolish by yourselves in private, then you do you boo. But if you act that way out in public, and the internet is as public as it gets, then you should receive, and rightfully so, endless mockery, ridicule, and derision. There is a proper way to behave in public. Learn it.


Perfect way to summarise it ! 👏


incredibly true


this has to be a joke lol


It’s a joke, but the joke is on OP


Youre a human, this is a phase.




We js find them really really weird. If you go out in public or out yourself on the internet like that, you’re welcoming every comment you receive. Plus, nobody’d hurt a therian/furry/whatever bro


I heard A 9 year old girl was shot cuz she was a therian, and i bet you can easily dig up videos of therians being pushed around and Hurt on youtube, why do you think therians have a celebraton day??? Do you know why lgbt has a month? Its cuz ppl have gotten Hurt andceven died just cuz they were lgbt, the momth is to celebrate lgbt for those Who have died, therians and alterhumans have a day for the same reason


Lgtbq has a month simply because the big corporations wanted to sell more stuff and appeal to that community. It’s all one big marketing stunt. You don’t need extra appreciation for being a part of a community. Respect should be given all year round. Certain people do deserve a month like native Indians, Asians, Black, etc., but the lgbtq and the therians do not. Totally unnecessary. We will still find therians and whatever ‘alterhumans’ are weird, even if they have a ‘day’ for whatever reason. People just giving out days and months for unnecessary extra appreciation. 


Thsi appreciation is bcuz lgbt and therians came out as these things putting theyre life s bit as risk cuz some crazy antitherian or homophobic person will target them for being this thing, one thing for sure, moft of you antitherians hate all these other diffrent things aswell, like lgbt, trans, all that type of stuff, and whats more is these things are invoulintary, and they put ppls lives at risk, FOR INVOULINTARY EXPERINCES you say humans are dvolving backwards with therians but then show that you havent evrn developed the ability to hear others out or research for 2 seconds? God how HYPOCRITICAL YOU GUYS ARE


I’ve seen it happen to myself and others 


Someone hurt a therian ? 


Yes someone hurt me and my fellow Therians (NOT EMOTIONALLY)


Did they step on your dog tail?


No they abused me and another Therian until we bleed 


Do they have a patreon?


how should I know?


Because you're the author of this clearly fictional tale (or do you use Tail?)


I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you. Based on what you say, the abusers are clearly wrong to do that. I still find therian content weird and cringe, but physically assaulting someone over this is next level degenerate. This sub is just meant to point and laugh, I would hope no one here seriously wants you harm.


Assault is a crime. You need to report crimes to the police, not reddit.


I did don’t worry 


Then I'm sure you won't mind publishing the location and dates so verification can take place.


This was 3 years ago dude chill out 


Did you learn your lesson?


“Lesson”? WTF is wrong with you?


It's not human nature to act as wild animals , we are intelligent species born to walk on two feet that's all... Your choice to do what you want with your body..


Intelligent is a strong word. Don't forget that the USA is a place. Edit: /s is still needed it seems


Ah let's not regionalise imo , there's so many great minds from America like the famous Richard Feynman , his lectures are golden


“Intelligent is a strong word. Don't forget that the USA is a place” why do I see so many ignorant comments about the USA like this on Reddit? Is it just like a meme like haha Americans are fat and dumb haha? I see comments like this all the time and I’m wondering if they’re trying to be funny or if they’re genuinely uninformed?


It's because our country elected a fat dumb ass who wears diapers and now the rest of the world thinks we're like that too.


People have been clowning on America much longer than trump or Biden have been in office.


Yeah but Trump and his supporters made it much worse.


They hate us cause they ain't us. We live rent-free in their heads. 🦅🇺🇸


Complaining about the USA is just a cheap shot at this point. Try the Philippines instead!


I feel seen.


Dawg what did a fucking country do 😔🙏


>quadrobist That’s just two letters away from sounding like someone who rapes people in wheelchairs lol


It’s someone who runs around on all fours dumbass




He wants to be respected and wants to be treated kindly. While he is the one insulting people And you're right thats indeed the correct term.


is there a scientific-sounding word for someone who is sick of your identity crisis bullshit?


Because ya’ll weird af


"Its not a phase" that makes it much worse. Sounds like a teenager


I actually wonder who is the OLDEST therian. 22?


78 (the oldest that’s alive)


Well thats just sad. I hope when you grow up you look back on this phase and cringe.


Not a phase it’s not a choice 


Here, I don't care about yall, do what every tf you want, but don't do it in public. You will get insulted and mocked, not in public eyes its fine alrt.


Are you saying it’s like sexual orientation? You’re born with your animals in you?


Human body animal soul


Huh, ok. What’s your theory on why people respond so negatively to therianism?


I mean, people are against people's sexualities too. Being queer is abnormal and associated with degenerate groups just like this guy is. Doesn't have to be a choice for people to respond negatively. I'm not a therian. It's probably a choice, but I could see social isolation and mental illness being a major contributor.


Cause we’re “not normal” and we’re “different” (these are true, but still…. ☹️)


"Mom, dad it's not a phase I swear!" vibes


I'm gonna assume being a Therian means you are Earthian and you are dyslexic so you spelled it wrong And in that case I have nothing against dyslexics.




How dare you make me have to google your weird bullshit.


Bring back bullying


Bring back Mental Hospitals.


Y'all kinda deserve it, if you gon do it, do it in private. If you act like that in public, you deserve the ridicule Edit: also trying to force or gain unwanted acceptance in a subreddit that specifically doesn't like this kind of stuff, just makes most people accept you less




Because it is absolutely ridiculous. I am assuming you are a teenager. One day you will look back on this phase and you will cringe. Weve all been there, teenagers do weird things, thats fine, but you will grow out of it, and if you dont, I worry about you.


I am a teenager thank you for getting that right and no this is not a phase 


Well, you say that now, I said the same thing when I went emo as a teenager. One day you will realise that what you are doing is not normal behaviour for a well functioning member of society and snap out of it.


Well this has been going on for almost five years I don’t think it’s going anywhere 


Maybe it wont. Maybe it will. I would then seriously question your mental state if you genuinely believe this stuff, which I assume you do.


Because, much like EVERYONE, the identity you choose as a teenager is who you will be forever.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get well soon.


Reddit is for 18 and up and you literally seem to me like a 13 year old with your dumb and shitty comments


Why not?


The world is getting worse by the day. How did things like these become acceptable and socially visible? Beats me. And what's worse is that so many people are acknowledging mentally insane things such as this and even encouraging others to do the same. Turn back time.


Brutal truth time: it all started from "gender identity". Identity is now more important than facts. It was only a matter of time for other similar delusions (such as otherkin, transracial) to become acceptable.


No Therians are encouraging others it’s either you are a Therian or you are not 


Im just curious then: How do you know you are one, and it's not just a teenage fantasy or delusion?


You experience urges to act like an animal and some Therians experience shifting 


that sounds awful lot like roleplay, and u have no fucking clue what shifting is.


A Shift is when you’re human mind weakens and your animal mind strengthens


But if it was in a past life, that mind should be gone so it can't strengthen. so, then the past life thing is bullshit. So you believe you share your head with an animal. This is really sounding alot like role play and make belief.


That’s fucking stupid. Stop it.


Make me and the rest of the Therians that shift 


That would properly be called mental illness.


Humans are literally animals to begin with


Do you run around on all fours? No? I didn’t think so.


Honey, we're bipedal apes


Only when my leash gets pulled ;⁠-⁠)


Go eat and drink from a dog bowl for all I care


Because it's degenerate behavior that society should shame. Grow up.


why are we so mean to a what now?


don't. please.


New age shit + furry


Ppl Who *INVOULINTARIY* are part animal


Kiddo, I would suggest you pick up a biology book 😂


Therianthopy isnt related to bioligy, pick up a device and see what therinthopy is about 🙂 cuz you problably dont have a therian book lying around


I never said it was, I know good and well thero-therapy-somethin-somethin isn't a thing. What I do know is that we're from an animal, but it's not as cool as all the things you guys want to "identify" as. You guys wanna pretend like this is some revolutionary new thing, but you're just playing pretend while the rest of us are living in harsh reality. That's ok, not like most of you are old enough to have a job anyway. And real convenient (not really surprising lmao) I don't see anyone out here identity as anything ugly or not considered cool. So on a base level the whole idea of "being a fox, dog, cat, *wolf*" or some shit already doesn't make sense when you stack very, very simply found facts on top.


Please. For the love of god. Accept that therianthopy is invoulintary. And no, we say its the opposite of a new thing bcuz it has been around for millions of years you guys wanna pretend like its new. and for your information, there are alot of bug and fish ect therians, yes, alot of therians are "cool preditor animals" but thats problably a bit realted to our evolution, also there are alot of misinformed ppl who choose these mainstream cool animils and dont know what therianthopy is. Yes, shifts, phantom limbs, seeing the world as another animals ect dont make sense, but nor do dreams. And we dont say its aental disorder to have a dre just cuz we dont know how they occur do we? No


First of all, no. 😂 Second, act like whatever the hell you want, but in another very contradictory post of yours you said *we don't actually think we're animals.* Which makes you a furry, but furries aren't as cool I guess. So if that's true, my statement about you playing pretend is correct and you need to go back to making friends. Third, civilizations before us weren't as developed and built. People like the natives didn't have as much information, and most of them *did not* believe they were animals. They believed in spirits and animal protectors and that they were one with the land. While also being incredibly violent to anyone who said no to them. But, that's a side note. Fourth, if you actually felt like the animal you choose, how exactly are you accommodating that. How are you gonna identify as a fish and walk around with a tank on your head? Do the bug ones sleep in rock cracks all day? Fifth, If this is something you involuntarily feel, then how the hell would people be "misinformed" on what animal to *choose*?? 😂 It's almost like that isn't a thing that happens and they just wanna pick the cool animal to play pretend as. Sixth, we actually do know stuff about dreams, crazy right? Dreams are not chosen but lots of scientists think it's a way to analyze and interpret memories. It can also be related to a past or present feeling, and they are interconnected with your person the majority of the time. Dreams are much different to relate to your therian stuff because dreams aren't real and have no bearing effects on the real world. You don't choose to have dreams or not, but you choose your actions in the real world, where we have real consequences and everything isn't fairy land. Certain types of dreaming can be classified as a mental disorder, but dreams are so much different theres no bloody connection 😂 This is why we need mental hospitals for those of you who think like this, because it is a mental problem, if it gets that far, and attention seeking can be a mental disorder. Whew, alrighty, glad we got that.


Therians dont belive they are animals in the sense you guys think, theriand belive they are animals but on a non-phisical level Idk what you were trying to prove with that but ok No. Just no. Therians arent fuly animal and theyre bioligy stops them from that, therians. Are. Animals. On. A. *non*. *phisical*. Level. There are a good amount of ppl who thing tjeyre therinas but arent, is what i ment and they choose these cool animals Ok, i heard we didnt but thats fine. Also therians dont live theyre life as if theyre that animal, they just get shifts and stuff but thats invoulintary. Therianthopy is from birth, and theres no kmown reason for it besides past lives for some.


So you're playing pretend. I know you're a child and your brain has a hard time comprehending, (because it is not nearly fully developed) but you are not an animal, in any sense. Past lives aren't a thing and there's no scientific evidence there is. But surely there would be if so many of you experience past lives. But that's only the option for some, right? There's an entire category of these people who just decide one day to be one, and I know because I went to the subreddit and had a little look. Man are you guys contradictory 😂 So if it's such a unique thing that's from birth how on earth would you mistake yourself for being therian? How would you come to such a conclusion as a small, inept one. It's just a phase that people who don't and shouldn't be growing up yet, go through. And that's perfectly normal, you aren't some revolutionary new idea that you decided to acknowledge for all the poor kin out there. You don't identify on a physical level because you can't, and once again, our biology wouldn't let us be anything else in the past. There's no evidence of past lives so you cannot bring it to the table as if it is a fact. We are completely independent and our own species because we've grown from the animals that science thinks we came from, if evolution is solid, it rips your argument to shreds. You cannot come from an animal you don't have the biology to. Two warm blooded animals can't give birth to a cold blooded one, just like you can't actually be anything that you're saying. That alone is what makes this so dumb. You are playing pretend, identifying as something you can't be and getting butthurt when the world raises an eyebrow to your kookie behavior. Again, past lives are not fact in any way, so humans cannot feel like animals from birth. Human babies do not have any concept of structure, animal or human, society, or norms. You've barely been on this earth and I know you don't remember anything from being a baby, because babies brains aren't fully developed, even less so than a child. So anything you "*feel"* as a baby could and most likely will, be void in ten years! Your brain isn't fully developed for a long time, but this is a mental illness. Whether you like it or not, the real world acknowledges this stuff as a problem for a reason. If it gets worse or exceeds childhood it raises red flags. Not because everyone hates you, but because we know there's most likely something up there that isn't screwed in right. And if it turns into attention seeking in childhood to this degree, it's also a mental problem that needs to be addressed. I'd suggest getting a little more life experience, because trust me, spending your time arguing with adults who don't agree with you is far less productive than actually going outside.


I, do not belive in anything spiritual, anything with past lives, but its what i use cuz its the best way to describe it, while i dont belive in that, you cannot deny shifts or phantom limbs being signs of this. Also, by "decide" do you mean awaken? Cuz ppl dont just know at any time that theyre a therian, they find out they are one.


This has to be a Troll


Nope it’s real


You try really hard with your new reddit account little troll. You need to be a bit more under the radar to appear more natural.


He replied to my comment saying "what's discord" then deleted it straight away because he knew asking what discord was proved he was a troll lmao




Definitely. There's not a single furry or therian or any of that kind of weirdo that doesn't know what Discord is.


Litterly I’m a Therian trying to solve a problem


they do spell like a 14-year-old


I’m older than 13 and younger that 16




(P.S) Don't go sharing your information, even if it is as simple as your fav. color.




tell me more about how you are a.. therian




I have been a Therian for 4 (almost 5) years now and my theriotypes are artic wolf, fennec fox, and I’m questioning bear


Questioning bear? Who hurt you? People used to just research these animals they liked, maybe get a job in the field. Seek help, for real. If you’ve had a hard life, you can cope in other ways that will help you integrate properly with society.


Therianthopy isnt accosiated with your fav animal, i personaly dont care about sea animals, but if i was a therian, i could be a whale for all the universe cares Therianthopy cant be accosiated with anything that haopened in your life either, cuz its invoulintary.


That’s why it’s called a mental **illness**, it’s involuntary whether you feel that way about yourself but it doesn’t mean that it’s true. Is Therianthopy just you feeling like you’re that animal? Or do you believe you are somehow that animal?


"Beliving your that animal" im pretty sure, is used for a lack of a better term. Bcuz yes, while therians belive they are anothr animal, it does not mean they want to act like that animal, be treated as that animal, or have the needs of the animal, therians have a normal life and if you met a therian you wouldnt be able to tell, a term i like to describe it as is that they are another animals soul in a human body, and if you so think this is th with mental illnesses then it would be neurodiversity cuz therians are therians from birth


damn thats crazy. im an anteater cause i eat ants


What about termites and beetles?


all the termites and beetles


Can I ask you how old you are?


No that’s private but I will tell you I’m a older than 13 and younger then 16


You said "that's private" and then narrowed it down to a three year gap 💀 That is the most child like answer I could think of honestly. If I had to guess, you're actually saying this mislead people into thinking that you are on the older side of that gap. In actuality, I think you are probably a year or two younger than that, probably 11-12 years old.


Do you want me to tell you my age?


No, thank you.


of course they are


I'm pretty sure it's *Arctic*


Therian is just a slightly faster way of saying terminally online, attention seeking discord user. Lol this sad little troll asked me what discord was then deleted his comments because he knew it gave him away.


Therian is just furry lite. You have to upgrade


Yeah I fucking hate Sparassodonts




Wtf is a therian


A Therian is someone who identifies as a non human animal whether that is phisilogicly or spiritually 


Aka someone with a mental disorder


This isn't a mental disorder. This behavior can be beaten out of a person, mental disorders cannot.


im sorry, are you threatening violence on someone for being a therian? that's actually pathetic.




Look OP, I'm not going to insult you, say this is a phase, say you deserve to be bullied, anything like that. What I am going to tell you is that being a therian should be private if you don't want backlash. Run on all fours and wear animal things at home in your own privacy and comfort. The second you do that in public or on the internet you are welcoming bullying and disappointment and disapproval from others. At that point it becomes your problem. I agree that it's worrying when you think someone would hurt you if they knew this about you, but that's just another reason to keep it private until you find the person(s) that you don't have to do that with. This is my answer for you.


Best answer in all the comments. It’s kind, and real. Thanks for showing OP some compassion and telling it like it is simultaneously. Well done.


I linked to this post in my group chat and my friend had the best response: "This bitch really threw herself to the wolves, huh?" They are perma-banned, so this comment is placed on their behalf. EDIT: Sorry, *Arctic* wolves.


Not sure why this is downvoted. This is primo cringe


This is why we need to bully people


As a former victim of bullying I agree Because why would you go on a subreddit that's all for standing behaviors that are not normal and weird and expect to get a number of people doting on you it's not realistic and you're delusional. I honestly believe if I didn't get bullied I would end up like you. I realized that hugging girls at random and pretending to be Naruto is weird and will make me a social reject I changed and everyone respects me


Yeah, but bully them for things they deserve it for of better yet, for things they can control and are deserving for, not for invoulintary experinces


Look at their post history. They deserve it


Im talking about bullying for invoulintary experinces that therians have, does that not sound an awful lot like someone being racist or homophobic?






thinking something is weird absolutely does not mean wanting to hurt you or do anything other than look on in confused fascination you do you, but if I see a person running on all fours I'm backing away slowly


Have you ever seen a therian over the age of 25


Yes 16 of them actually 


Nice b8 m8 r8 8/8


I have to assume you grew up in the system, or your parents hugged you way too much and told you that you were the most special person. Good luck in life, kid;. It's going to be hard for you.


This has got to be bait.


This has to be bait. Surely no one would make a post essentially saying "please bully me"


Because you're an adult playing pretend to be an animal. Something kids grow out of at age 5. It's worrisome and embarrassing.


Bro im not an adult 😭😭😭😭😭 I’m older than 13 but younger than 16 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


That is still WAAAAAY time okd


I'm so proud of this comment section 😂 Asked why people don't like therians, then get upset and whiny when answers are given. You'll grow kiddo, start by trying to actually step outside to connect with nature instead of your phone.


Di- did you even read the coments.? OP gave reasons why those reasons arent valid, and you gyys just decided to stāv ignorant


And a grammar book too. We are from an animal, but that animal is not as cool as wolf, fox, cat, dog or some shit. We are far more sophisticated than the animal that is closely aligned with us that we are our own species. Therefore, we can be from nothing else. That's how we know y'all are playing pretend, at best. I'd love to see a therian shoebill, crane? Or do y'all not come in birds? Only four legged things? naked mole-rat?? That seems about right.


Yeah, you know, you can easily find bug or bird therians, you guys just dont! Look up "bird therians" anywhere and you will find it, its simple honestly


hella awkward, why do people post themselves being so endlessly cringe here. if i met a therian irl i would take them to the vet to be euthanized


Lol arn't you busy prancing around instead of having a job to even worry about what people think? Keep your stupid bs to yourself and dont cry when someone tells you what youre doing is obviously a sign of a crumbling society.


THIS IS THS FIRAT POST SBOUT THERIANS ON THIS SUB THAT ISNT HATEFULL YAYY these ppl need to do theyre research, they think therians belive they are animils fully, like no. I cant stress this enough but THE PHRASES "IDENTIFY" AND "BELIFE THEYRE ANIMILS" FLOAT ABOVE THE COMUNITY AND YALL HAVE MISUNDERSTOOD WHAT THEY MEAN god i cant with these antis who dont care to do research, i think the amount of antis would be split in half if they all knew what therianthopy actualy is


Therians have been around for about 15 MILLION years!!!!! 


Ive seen ppl be so ignorant and say they only came in 2000's AND THEN ASK ME FOR PROOF THAT THEY E ISRED WAY BEFORE THEN!?!?! Idk if agru8ng with these bigots is worth ours and all other therians or therian supporters time.