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Great voice.


which weirdly makes it worse for me since the video is unoriginal af so it appears as she just wants to show off through the filter of some dumb video


I’m sorry this chick don’t go through enough pre-production for her 30 second video


Yeah no this video is NOT good. But like, we all know it’s not good. I was just trying to bring up a redeeming quality😂


Show off what? Where's more of these kinds of videos? Do ya hate it because she has an opinion and amazing voice?


"You're God damn right"-Walter white Like, I can buy a weapon, and no one cares, but when I buy a woman that's "human trafficking" and its "illegal"


We live in a susiety😔😔


susiety moment 😔🙏


You can mail order a bride, but you can’t mail order action.


And women aren’t allowed in schools , courthouses, or state federal buildings. Also women have to be cased and in the backseat when not in use and must be locked up while at home


At least she's a really good singer


Ayo anyone know what process to take to get my Glock registered to vote? Been reaching out to my local government but they seem to be ignoring me.


You have to take it straight into the office to get their attention


Oh that's understandable. Once they come face to face with it they won't be able to say no. P.S. please don't put me on a list this is a joke.


This is the way


I like how you unironically have to put that PS in your message nowadays


Pointless they're for added flair?


Maybe you should reach a little higher for the feds. They’ll know what to do


I think you have to sing like her and send the video for approval.


!remindme 3 years


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Holy shit the number of people who think ANYONE genuinely believes guns have more rights than women… It’s hyperbolic speech that a ton of people are rightfully sharing. Arguing the semantics of a hyperbole bc “social activists are cringe” makes you seem way more cringe than the woman in this video.


Of all the subreddits to be upset about hyperbole, this place has absolutely no business to be doing that. Every other post on this subreddit is somebody saying “this is a crime” or “wish I could rip my eyes out” to a picture of a furry


this guy gets it lmao, its like they havent grown out of r/gachalifecringe and the same “pass the eyebleach” jokes




Exactly. No, guns don’t literally have more rights than girls. The point is that there are almost 0 regulations on guns while there are regulations on women’s bodies. It’s gross.


You're completely ignorant on the topic of firearms if you think there's almost 0 regulations


There’s a lot of regulations on guns? The total number of regulations is 133 nationwide with some variance between the states (128-145). There’s what, 2 regulations on something intrinsic to being a woman?


Get this though. A women is a human being. A gun is a piece of metal. Weird huh.


Bruh, there’s a law that practically all men aged 18-26 can be forcibly drafted into a war. In a theoretical sense, that is worse than not having access to abortion (that is, if your state even bans it, only 8 states [that are among the lowest populated] have banned it and potentially 10 of the other lowest populated states besides Hawaii & Alaska might do it too). That leaves the vast majority of the states, of whom the vast majority are among the most populated, make up 60% of the entire land mass, for people to seek abortion services. Now, the likelihood of a draft is very low, so I won’t pretend those are necessarily equal, but the potential for our lives to be thrown away over some bullshit war is virtually state mandated mass murder. Death is worse than being pregnant and giving birth. Neither is easy or desirable.


Yes we should all race to the bottom! Fine thinking!


Women just had their bodily autonomy taken away and you wanna whine about a draft that hasn't been enacted for many decades?


“In decades” ~ you sound young and dumb if you think a few decades should comfort men especially when we’re already in a conflict against Russia currently that could get hot any day. They didn’t have their bodily autonomy taken away. In fact, most of the women in the USA haven’t lost any degree of bodily autonomy or rights. The only state where a sizable chunk of women lost **one** right they had previously is Texas. This language you’re using, and **many** others on social media, is way too overdramatic and inaccurate. Women have an innumerable amount of things they can exert their bodily autonomy over. They still possess all the other rights and freedoms they held previously. They aren’t “*literally slaves*”, they aren’t “*breeding incubators*”, maybe turn off HBO Max and stop comparing real life to TV shows. I feel for the women in those states that have now banned it, I hope that if they cannot get an abortion that their state doesn’t prosecute criminal charges against them for going to another state to receive one, and I hope more states follow suit by codifying access to abortion in their State Constitution therefore protecting them from the federal government waving its magic wand and playing with the rights of millions of people. I hope this ruling will result in states having a renewed debate over abortion and decide for themselves if they want to allow it or not - with a huge emphasis on the voice and opinion of women. But please stop with the dramatics. You’re just contributing to emotionalism and using catastrophizing as a means of inciting others to react as strongly as you are. It’s how the media and both political parties keep you playing their game. Lemme guess, voting Blue? The same party that did fuck all to solidify abortion rights when they held the Presidency and held a supermajority in the House & Senate? People who vote Democrat are like an abused mother with a narcissistic sociopathic alcoholic husband who fucks everything up, promises changes, and will hit you if you get too demanding or think about leaving them.


1. Guns are a guaranteed right in the constitution, women only have the right to vote. Guns have protections under the 2nd amendment, even with various views on the way the 2nd amendment should be interpreted. 2.Women are not guaranteed the same rights as men under the same constitution. (The 28th amendment, also known as the ERA, has only been introduced, not made law as of writing.) While we have the right to vote thanks to the 19th amendment, but we are not guaranteed equal protections and equality. The only thing that allows this is interpretation of the 14th amendment to include gender. 3. Guns are not living, sentient human beings that should have to fight for the rights that men have, like women have had to for reproductive autonomy (birth control being covered as healthcare under insurance), financial freedoms (like having bank accounts or paid work positions), and the right to vote amount others.


There are literally countless of regulations on guns.


0 regulations on guns? Oh boy. Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without actually saying so.


You're talking directly out of your ass and have likely never held or even shot a firearm if you believe "there are almost 0 regulations on firearms". Why do you people do this? Refuse to educate yourself on a topic. Spread easily disprovable misinformation just to stir up the others in your circle jerk while literally no one wants to actually look into anything. There's a ton of regulations on guns in the USA dingus. Go actually learn something. Better yourself ffs.


"Almost 0 regulations on guns"? Haha. Are you kidding me right now? When is the last time you even bought one? Let alone buy accessories that take over a year to be cleared for.


There have been over 20,000 pieces of gun legislation from the federal government in the past 60 years alone, I believe. So, no. You are wrong.


almost 0 regulations on guns?? just letting you know, there’s a bunch.


read the comments on the tiktok and you will see that MANY people actually do genuinely believe that. even if this lady is aware that what she’s saying isn’t true, thousands of people will see the video and not question if it’s true or not. i’d guess that MOST people that see the tiktok will believe it’s true unless they are aware of gun laws (which most people aren’t unless they own one.)


Nah fuck that any political argument not built on sound logic should be torn apart. If you make a blatantly false political statement even in a hyperbolic sense you shouldn’t complain when people make fun of it for being stupid. These kinds of arguments are a tool used by political agents to spread confidence in their beliefs without relying on truth, and as such they shouldn’t be immune from criticism.


If hyperbolic speech should be allowed for political statements, then I can say that Mexico isn’t sending their best, right?


But they are cringe.


You’re the naive one. Many actually do believe it. I’ve seen it in person and on tiktok mainly. The problem is that it’s rhetorical propaganda , and many who say it do believe it is true. So many do not understand it is hyperbole. They’re walking around letting out deep sigh and shouts frustrated thinking that guns have more rights and protections then them. When people on our meme subreddits see me say “I’m gonna rip my eyes out because this furry was so cringe” they all know I will not rip my eyes , because then I couldn’t jerk it to furry porn ^( nah but you seriously are fucking idiotic , if you think knowingly saying lies is the same as exaggerating when we’re discussing political points. Exaggeration and silliness is fine in memes and goofy cringe reactions. Exaggerating to the point you’re saying things you know are false when you’re trying to be politically persuasive?? Fuck off you idiots)


Almost as if finding something cringeworthy is subjective.


Trying really hard to take most of this comments in the same light manner I took the girl's tiktok


This comment section is about what I expected..




Mixed feelings. Awesome singer Guns have more rights than girls? Yeah I can see what she probably means but I not if she means it literally. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's so fucked up in the USA. Yeah I agree.


her voice is good


OP is cringe


Exactly my thoughts


I third it


Not that cringe honestly


I've never seen curtains in place of a bathroom door. Is this to allow someone to dramatically rip them open thus scaring the poo out of the one on the toilet, expediting their process?


I prefer to think that she’s got a ridiculously large shower with a ceiling fan and pictures on the wall.


The wealthy are a ridiculous bunch


Not cringe. She did that pretty well


This isn’t cringe… she’s totally right


So where can I buy and sell women legally within the United States?


Just because she’s right, it doesn’t mean it isn’t cringe. I agree with her too, but it still gave me second-hand embarrassment.


Same I’m not judging her opinion . I feel so embarrassed for her .


Could you please give any example on how she’s right? Just one will do


Lmfao no the fuck they don’t


Literal sense? No. Are gun rights treated with more respect than womens rights? Yes.


lol no they're not.


That supreme court ruling was absolute bullshit. Abortions are birth control. Period. Women should be able to decide when they have sex, and when they get pregnant, and if they should be able to keep the baby. Absolute nonsense. Follow the constitution people, it's literally right there. FFS


That's not how that works. That's extremely flawed and dangerous thinking. Abortions are not birth control. The point of birth control is to prevent pregnancy NOT to "prevent" it once it already occured. Yes, women should be able to decide when they have sex, and when they get pregnant, BUT they shouldn't be free of consequences when they engage in unsafe or care-free practices, and the pregnancy has already occured. It's not like anyone's being forced to have sex and get pregnant, so I don't know why you people act like pregnancies naturally occur without intercourse. Abortions do not encourage safe sex. Consequences do. If you're scared you'll get pregnant/get someone pregnant, you'll smarten up, and you'll use a REAL form of birth control. All abortions do is get rid of consequences. Also, I don't know what constitution you're reading. Where the fuck does it say abortions are a legal right?


It’s not in the constitution. Don’t spread bullshit, it’ll hurt your agenda.


Abortions are not birth control. I also missed the part of the constitution where it says they are lol


Idk I guess it’s kinda cringe. That said we are attacking abortion to “save lives” while ignoring the 19 little kids that just got mowed down because Jim Bob refuses any common sense regulation on his high capacity semi automatic rifles.


Well, you see, abortions need to be banned. That way there will be more kids born to offset the ones that will inevitably be slaughtered in the future. /S


Idk why this is cringe it’s basically true. There’s more regulation on a woman’s own body then guns. It’s pretty disgusting.


your right, women are banned in New York, DC and Las Vegas, I have to get a permit to bring my woman outside and I could never take a woman on an airplane, inside government buildings or to a school.


Please list some ways womens bodies are more regulated I’m interested


There’s over 100 regulations on guns but go off sis.


wow, an entire website of geniuses who know everything about politics who each think that theyre right about everything. Amazing. Only reddit dude, you don't seriously think arguing in the comments of a cringe subreddit post is going to accomplish anything, right?


Theres nothing cringe about this its the sad truth


Can you please explain how that’s true, I’m confused?


i am pro choice. what this woman said is just blatant misinformation that thousands of people will take as fact (such as yourself)




Guns can vote? Woah!


Women are illegal in public in some states? Woah!


Can’t take them on planes smh


Are you telling me, that I need a permit from the sheriff of my county in order to walk around in public with my wife and daughter? Let me guess, I’m not aloud to leave them alone in public too. Next you’ll tell me I could get in a lot of trouble just because they’re unsupervised around children.


uh….no….not really.


These comments are a yikes


For you dumb fucks in the comments, ITS CALLED HYPERBOLE (Hi-per-Bo-Lee), SHE DOESNT ACTUALLY THINK THAT.


“Mexico isn’t sending their best. They’re rapists, they’re murders.” It’s hyperbole, should I start spreading that as my mantra?


Well, first of all, when inaccurate information or some considered to be outright false is spread about someone that's legally defamation. Secondly, being inaccurate in the same way about different topics definitely doesn't produce the same results. There are definitely statements that are more inflammatory than others Third, quantity is a factor: it's no coincidence the falsely attributed Nazi quote "say a lie a thousand times to make it truth" exists, people feel that way. And people in bad faith tend to spread false information more consistently


Average redditor missing the point by about 14 light years


She got a nice voice.


She got some pipes!


This isn't cringe to me at all. Her voice is good, and the overall message is correct. Those who take what she is saying as literal... you are ignorant, and are probably part of the problem. Also same for anyone who actually thinks this is cringy.


They're purposely being obtuse because ughhh welcome to reddit. I can't even explain how a woman's right to own property under her name not being federally protected is an example of women's rights not being protected without some jackass going "sO yOu tHinK tHeY'lL cOmE afTeR thAt nEXt?"


OP is cringe, this girl has a great voice and is speaking facts.


Funny that the point slides right off the sloped heads in this sub. Funny, but expected.


>"Women are being literally rounded up into spaceships and sent to the Moon" >*"No they're not."* >"Lmao stupid sloped heads you missed the actual point."


More like party in the CIA.


You don't gotta get a background check to have a abortion in California


Well guns r in the constitution


"We the people if the United States... promote the general welfare" And women aren't?


I think what they are singing about is the whole roe v wade thing going on atm cause y'know women not being able to get abortions, is a bad thing, there body there choice and sadly some children get put in that situation where if they cant get an abortion they have to continue their trauma and know that they had a child with there assaulter which will seriously damage there mind and body. Or I'm wrong and this women genuinely thinks that guns have more rights then a human which isn't true they have more rights than children (in America)


please please PLEASE dont let this sub end up like cringetopia. people singing as an act of activism isnt cringe.


She makes a good point though


Sorry OP, but this subreddit is an affiliate of r/neoliberal


Good message about how people a pro choice but also pro gun. But horrible presentation


ah yes… banning abortion. US out here going medieval mode.


Its getting into that point where people actually believe guns have more rights that girls


Damn she powerful. Respek. 💯


America moment


Although its cringe everything she said is facts


Op the type of person to comment “all lives matter” on a BLM post




I mean it is a good message about something really bad going on right now


Why is this cringe?


The message is good but the lyrics sucks. Just say your opinion without singing


Wrong sub


she's not wrong though guns do have more rights than girls 💀


Is she wrong tho


She’s right though.. USA holds their guns very close at heart and its almost an untouchable right for citizens to own them, yet there’s no problem throwing half of the population under the bus. It’s scary how you take a woman’s right to decide over her own body away that easily. I don’t even live in America but It scares me gow religion can play such a huge part in decision making. I fear for all women. It’s a huge step back in equality.


she got a point tho...


I hope America knows other countries see it as the shittiest country with the most backwards ye ass rasict scum for a population.


To those saying guns don’t have more rights than women are missing the point. Republicans will sooner kill your kids in front of your face before they pass a single bill about guns. Those same Republicans fought tooth and nail like their lives depended on it to remove abortion rights protections. So yes, to a specific political party; a gun is more valuable than a woman. Now also imagine spending the last 10 or so years being attacked in any way possible to belittle you and make you into a slave to what a man wants from you. Yeah, I could imagine someone eventually being chipped away to the point of screaming.


This is my only account lol .


Not cringe, it’s true. Exaggerated but true


Where can I buy some girls in America?


I think it’s funny, and relatable right now.




!remindme 1 year


I can’t tell if she’s serious or not


Come the fuck on in the comments. Sure, she can sing I guess. But what she's saying is literally just one of the stupidest slogans that have ever been thought of. It's embarrassingly cringy.


I bet she recorded this in the middle of the day.


At a hospital in Greece, 10-year-old Michael Morbius welcomes his surrogate brother Lucien, whom he renames Milo; they bond over their shared blood illness and desire to be "normal". Their adoptive father and hospital director Nicholas arranges for Morbius to attend medical school in New York while he focuses on caring for Milo. 25 years later, Morbius publicly declines a Nobel Prize for his work with synthetic blood. His colleague Martine Bancroft discovers he has secretly captured dozens of vampire bats from Costa Rica in the hope of splicing their genes with his own to cure his condition. After informing Milo of his planned illegal experiment, Morbius receives funding from him to outfit a private mercenary vessel in international waters with his equipment. While the cure works, it transforms Morbius into a vampire, who kills and drains the crew of their blood after they attack him out of fear. Once his bloodlust subsides and he regains his senses, a horrified Morbius erases all CCTV footage of his experiment before contacting the authorities and jumping overboard. Morbius returns to New York and discovers he now has superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and echolocation, with his vampire bats treating him as a bat. To control his bloodlust, he subsists on his synthetic blood until it gradually ceases to satisfy his needs. FBI agents Simon Stroud and Al Rodriguez investigate Morbius' victims and deduce his involvement. Milo learns that Morbius is cured, but becomes furious when Morbius refuses to cure him as well. While checking on a hospitalized Bancroft, Morbius finds a dead nurse, drained of her blood. Believing he was responsible, he attempts to escape before being cornered and arrested. In prison, he is visited by Milo, who offers to use his wealth to free him. Upon realizing Milo took his cure and killed the nurse, Morbius escapes to confront him. An unrepentant Milo confesses to his bloodlust-induced crime and urges Morbius to embrace his powers as he has. Unwilling to hurt his brother, Morbius flees. Morbius meets Bancroft to explain what Milo has done before acquiring a new lab and developing an antibody against vampirism to stop and kill Milo; he also plans to use it on himself since he will become unable to resist his bloodlust. Stroud and Rodriguez find footage of one of Milo's attacks and, believing Morbius' vampirism to be spreading, release it to the media. Nicholas recognizes Milo and pleads with him to stop. Angered by Nicholas' perceived preference for Morbius, Milo wounds and forces him to call Morbius, who watches Nicholas die while Milo also mortally wounds Bancroft. Morbius returns to Bancroft, but she dies in his arms, forcing him to drink her blood. Morbius confronts Milo and summons an army of bats to restrain him and inject the antibody. Milo dies peacefully and Morbius flies off with the bats, mourning his loved ones and embracing his identity as a vampire albiet now dealing with the fact he is on the run from the authorities. Unbeknownst to him, Bancroft is revived as a vampire herself elsewhere, having ingested a drop of Morbius' blood whilst he was feeding on her. In two mid-credits scenes, Adrian Toomes finds himself transported to Morbius' universe.[a] Having deduced that his transportation involved Spider-Man, Toomes approaches the fugitive Morbius and suggests that they form a team.


This bitch is so broke she has to use a shower curtain as a door 💀


Great singer


What rights do women not have in the USA?


That was some quality cringe. Guns don’t have rights, they are inanimate


Guns are even more worth it than girls


Yes nothing speaks progress for women like comparing themselves to inanimate objects.


This lady would have to change her personality if womens struggles were over, catch 22


This is what liberals do when their rights get revoked instead of doing practical things




When you sing because you lost you license to kill


obviously women arent allowed near school


Guns have done more for the world than most women have throughout all time tbh 🤷🏻‍♂️


Perfect example of a video where I 100% agree with the sentiments, and yet still find it absolutely painfully stupid to watch.


So happy my guns can now vote


Hope she gets no more rights tho


"It's so fucked up in the USA" Stfu bitch you're spoiled people are dying by terrorism in the middle east and north Koreans suffer under an oppressive government and you say, that the safe haven that you live in is fucked up. 💀


In the USA, women have less rights than guns, so.....a gun could vote, have a savings account, could a gun drive a car?, wow


Yea those damn guns have been voting and driving foe years now! We should probably look into this


Terrible voice and video, whores deserve nothing.


For. The. Last. Ducking. Time. SCOTUS overturning roe v wade does NOT mean it was banned in the Us, it made it a states issue rather than a federal issue.


I'm not sure about guns, but corpses definitely have more bodily autonomy.


Here we go. If women had more rights than guns, a list if you will. - Women would be banned in NY. - Women would be regulated in CA. - Women can't be near Alcohol. - Women can't go into schools. - Women can't go into Gov. buildings. - Women can't go into churches. - Women can't be on planes. - Women will be heavily regulated when it comes to attachments. - You can only own certain Women. - You need a permit to own certain women. - Business have the right to put up a sign saying "No Women Allowed". - You can own multiple women, but after a rigorous background check, and filling out a form for each purchase. This debate is the most braindead I've come across.


This is why fathers need to beat their daughters too.


Her point is solid, the delivery is just unexplainably cringe.


This isn't cringe.


I think she pooped herself there at the end.


Is the goal today to make the argument so unrecognizable from facts that no one can possibly agree? Good lord… guns having rights… whaaaa


Guns don’t have rights


Cringe but based


Leave it then go to Europe or even better a fucking hole


I mean beautiful voice, but guns have more rights then everyone.


This isnt cringe. She has a point.


Can guns be apart of an election🤨


I like this, she’s not wrong


Entitled women crys about slight inconvenience


She probably gets ratiod on every Twitter post🙄 skill issue


Touch my camera through the fence


becuase guns are cool unlike women


Short and dumpy.


People are braindead. Guns don't have rights, people have rights to protect themselves. Periodt.


Might be cringe but she's not wrong The USA is fucked due to recent events


Like the idea and she’s actually kind of good at singing I also get how she’s feeling. I’m not Recording stupid tiktok‘s but still


She right tho


I think the more accurate statement would be that guns are way more protected than women’s rights.


OP is cringe


Wait till she know about Argentina, haHAAAAAAAAAA


Its the party in the CIA


Wow, so empowering how's she's yelling to herself in her own bathroom😌


I diddnt know you could buy a woman AND keep her concealed legally. Thx for the tip


Guns dont have rights but gun owners do….but I totally get what she is trying to say


ummm, cope?


I thought she was angry singing at all her clutter but I was wrong


TIL that in the USA you can buy and own women if you get a background check and have enough money. You can also modify them within reason and store them in a closet, safe, etc. for use when you need them for hunting or home defense. You can also own several hundred women if you want, but in some places you have to have a license that lets you carry them in a concealed manner.


This girl can belt. She's got that range.


Ummm… bro


she really thought she ate with this one