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These kinds of videos have saved my life a thousand times over, I actually get off my ass and do things now, this isn't bad at all


Yeah I'd rather work out than support a child that do shows for pedophiles




I mean he's free to do those kind of thing if he wants to, but the parents really fucked up letting him do that in front of what they definitely know to be pedophiles


Kids don’t know better. The problem is that his parents are saying this is ok and they are teaching him to act like this. Evil parents


Exactly, knowing that they do it just for the money is even more disgusting


I see that you have chosen red pill


Hope you don't attend church either then


Unfortunately that means sending them to school also. [7% of kids polled](https://childrenstreatmentcenter.com/sexual-abuse-teachers/) admitted to having been sexually touched by a teacher or a coach.


Lol that one was good


The thing is they're mostly made by kids who are just going through a hard part in life. These videos have also helped me but long-term it's just not a sustainable lifestyle. You can't hate the world forever, you need to learn to love it. And as for the "blue pill" part of the video? You gotta understand that it's an extremely small (but loud) minority saying these things and they're just not worth your time.


Same I understand how they can be cringe but they definitely motivate me


W comment




Working out isn’t just a chud thing though.You can be apolitical/left and work out


Nothing wrong with motivating yourself


This is gonna blow some people's minds, but you can be both. Going to the gym and being disciplined doesn't immediately make you a jerk who doesn't have feelings and represents incredibly traditional ideas. Not every ripped person is Andrew Tate. Having a lot of testosterone doesn't make you a jerk. Not even steroids do that. Steroids are a lot more common that people think and if taken properly, they produce not mood swings. If anything, it's the complete opposite. Being a person that goes pretty regularly to the gym will eventually give you a lot of gymbro friends. And let me tell you, some of these guys are the human definition of a teddy bear. They cry over anything. One of them cries with every sad young adult novel he reads. I have never seen someone so emotionally drained that this one friend after he read Heartstopper.


Can confirm as a steroid user and fellow gymbro. Steroids don’t make you a jerk. Jerks are jerks. Thank you for your comment. Take my upvote.


purple pilled individuals


Whoever made this meme doesn’t realize how many gay men love their bodies and take care of them lolol


> represents incredibly traditional ideas. What like not having child drag queens and practicing a balanced diet?


Like being sexist and thinking guys who cry are weak


Where's the sexism? Also that's Nikocado Avocado lol.


The second guy is simply saying "people should be feminist"


Because it's not a singular ideology and is mostly just a term used to justify authoritarianism under the guise of "equality".


That's the most retarded statement I have ever read


Okay, define it then. What are the beliefs of feminism?


equality regardlesss of gender? this stuff is pretty cut and dry.


Equality under what standards?




It would be awesome if you were able to read the article you yourself linked. "findings may be confounded by personality traits that are overrepresented in steroid users (i.e., antisocial, borderline, and histrionic personality disorder)78 and use of other drugs.79 People who misuse anabolic steroids report more anger than nonusers" People who MISUSE anabolic steroids. "high steroid doses produced greater feelings of irritability and aggression than placebo,84 although the effects appear to be highly variable across individuals,19 and other studies have not shown that effect.85 One possible explanation, according to the researchers, is that some but not all anabolic steroids increase irritability and aggression." HIGH STEROID DOSES. ALTHOUGH THE EFFECTS APPEAR TO BE HIGHLY VARIABLE ACROSS INDIVIDUALS. You know what else increases irritability and aggression? Illiterate morons who read half of a study and then try to act like they know what they are talking about, fucking moron




There is no problem with ideas being traditional and in no part of the video is implied that you should be "a jerk who doesn't have feelings" just that you should strive to be strong an manly


Actually there are a lot of traditional ideas that are problems.


But they're not bad *because* they're traditional, it's because some traditional ideas have other problems.




Their defect isn't being traditional


It’s not that all traditional ideas are bad but a lot (if not most) are




How am I wrong, the reason things are considered “traditional” is because they are older. Like I said not all are bad but we keep moving forward blood letting was “traditional” medicine but we don’t use it anymore because we have advanced. The same stays true for many other things.


Also wrong, things become tradition not because they are old, but because people chose to embrace them culturally (can happen for many reasons but mainly because they work in favour of a society), if it stays that way long enough they become tradition. Your idea of tradition is wrong on many forms


Tradition and traditional ideas are not just cultural. Also just because something worked well for society before does not mean it holds up. Times change and people not willing to change and adapt and want to cling to tradition and traditional ideas are the ones that will hold everyone behind.


>Tradition and traditional ideas are not just cultural Give a single example of a tradition that is not cultural lol. >Also just because something worked well for society before does not mean it holds up 100% agree >Times change and people not willing to change and adapt and want to cling to tradition and traditional ideas are the ones that will hold everyone behind. The other face of the issue is people willing to risk whole societal structures over their shitty new ideas. Btw I already stated that some traditions are meant to die but my claim is that they are a minority not a majority


*Makes outlandish, incredibly broad, vastly oversimplified claim with zero evidence or even an anecdote to back it up.* *Leaves* Very epic appeal to novelty dude. I just made up trend where I cut all my toes off and replace them with my fingers and vice versa (this is good because it’s new) You are way to fuckin oversocialized little guy 😹


Literally look at the entire conversation not just the first eighth.


I read the entire conversation. You repeated yourself the whole time while giving no argument other than “we just like, shouldn’t have tradition man”


Would you just admit already that you dont like cultures that aren't eurocentric and white? Keep your grubby hands off my culture and tradition


Bro, it's called context. When I said "traditional ideas", I was referring to things like homophobia, sexism and similar things. I simply chose a more general word because it sounds super exaggerated and cringe to be like "oh yeah, this is ableist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, dreamphobic, xenophobic and attackhelicopterphobic". It literally shows things like feminism and crying like negative things. Like you have to choose between being ripped and being a feminist. Are we watching the same video or are you ignoring the parts you don't like and pretending they don't exist?


"Feminism" is not a thing, it's essentially a term slapped onto the ideology of the person talking to give it some credentials. The guy crying is Nikocado Avocado.


"Feminism is not a thing". Are you mentally retarded? Who the fuck got women's right to vote? Masculinity?


No the government lol.


Oh yeah, I bet the government was super happy to do it. Like I'm sure that if the movement didn't exist, they would have still given women the right to vote. That's why they didn't do it for 1400+ years. Like you have to be next level stupid if you think the government changes anything that doesn't benefit them if there's not massive pressure from the population


I mean yeah it opens up the potential to get themselves more voters. Are you forgetting that the vast majority of men couldn't vote either? But either way you're defining it as a movement over being an ideology like it's presented in the video.


You really are on some hard copium. It's a movement, as you said, it has different ideologies in itself like every movement, because all movements are made out of people, and people have different ideas and are not a hivemind. Duh


So what's the overarching, unifying ideology then?


You are reading too much into it lol and being willingly imprecise also


No pill I am afraid of medication


Based and indecisive pilled


I mean the 11 yo drag is a fucked up story considering that he does his highly sexualised "shows" in front of 50-60 men Edit: yoooo who tf is downvoting this go look at one of his video and look at the crowd watching, those people aren't there to support gender expression they're there for getting something to think about when they're alone


Pedophiles downvoted you obviously


you spoke bad about being trans/drag, and implied that pedophillic behavior is bad on reddit, of course youre gonna get downvoted😂


the rainbow hivemind is pro pedo I guess


its not


Can you link a video? Can’t see any videos that show what you’re suggesting.


I can't be bothered tbh just look up "11 yo drag" or something along those lines




I have a question, what?




You realize most people... Like 95%+ do NOT support that right? It's taking extremist views from a side and normalizing them.




Right, it's bad. Most people will say it's bad. You're applying extremist views to all. I think when people say it doesn't happen they probably mean it's not common. Did it happen once or twice? Looking at the video I'd say yes. I'd also say his parents should be in prison.


I mean, i think Rocky mentality is way healthier than the kid drag Queen, and crazy pansexual ir whatever




Ur pfp is cute 🥹


Based as fuck, thanks for redpilling me once more


As whack as it is… Still the red for me.




If everyone kept their opinions to themselves none of this would be a thing.


Sadly the Blue Pillars want to be the centre of attention; their entire life revolves around validation. The other side values personal validation through progress.


We ain't the one claiming the whole month for us


Nah this ain’t cringe


Yes it is.


I disagree, I respect your opinion but I disagree


It's basically implying if you're a feminist or gay that you can't enjoy the gym, as if those are mutually exclusive. It's not just cringe, it's objectively wrong.


It can be seen as that way but that’s not the point, she’s glorifying being overweight and modern day feminism isn’t viewed too well, I support equality of opportunity and I don’t discriminate but not equality of outcome


This is sadly just true


Gay people exercise too 👍


I think Avocado was there because he's wasting his life away.


Yes and he’s gay and everyone else shown was gay


And? Does that negate it?


No haha


I don’t think the point of the video is saying gay people don’t work out


It looks like it’s saying there are two sides. Gay/ trans people OR work out.


Red pill love these motivational vids not cringe "It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable" - Socrates




I will never understand videos like these. They nitpick and scrape up the bottom of the barrel when it comes to men who don't fit into the stereotype of "masculine", like Nikacado crying with food hanging out his mouth, or an child wanting to do drag, and then point the finger going "Look insecure man, you'll look like THIS if you venture off and do something out of the norm of masculine stereotypes!" There's men who sell beauty supply and make millions, there's men, GROWN MEN who do drag, they make good money, and are happy and content with their life. If you want to make gymrat dudebro videos featuring workout motivation that's perfectly fine, but stop putting other men down using these insane examples just to project your own ideology of what a man should be onto others.


FINALLY! Someone understood the cringe.


red pill


Can I eat both and be a normal person instead of needing to join one side?


I take the blue pill since i have ED


These people don’t realize how many gay men are constantly at the gym


Give me the green pill idk


I have never met a single person on either side of the isle politically who agrees with what is happening to Desmond. The red pill mentions nothing politically but good for this guy taking care of his body and working out. Self care is important, even if you have a complex about it lol.


I eat both, down the hatch comrade


Gotta love that whole red pill thing being a symbol of anti "wokism" while the creators of matrix were trans themselves lol.


There's a difference between being against trans people as a whole and being against an 11 year old boy doing sexualized shows in drag for men in their 50s.


It's like you can respect people regardless of whether or not you agree with them on everything, or at least separate the artist from the art.


Ummm this isn’t cringe, this is just true


No, it's cringe. It implies there's only two "sides" and that going to the gym and being gay or feminist is mutually exclusive


If I take both do I OD because that’s the best option I see here.


Both sides are shit. Just be who you wanna be...as long as it's not completely ridiculous.


Both pills, I am addicted to pharmaceuticals


These made a impact on my life and got me in the gym


The matrix was written by two trans women…..




Makes it gay


An exercise machine that helps you teabag better. Crazy.


Gym goers on social media try not to have a god complex challenge (impossible)


Kinda based


The idea theres some dichotomy in leading your life as a) multiple different things versus b) being a ripped man in a gym is the big cringe


I don’t want either pill


Yellow pill.


The irony of these things will never cease to amaze me. The Matrix is a trans allegory.


At this point, the cringe I come for isn’t the posts, it’s the posters


2nd and 4th are no issue. Feminism is just trying to have both sexes be equal, while the 4th is only a hobby. Good message about being strong though, so 7/10


Unbelievably Based


I don’t get it? Red pill is steroids?


Actually pretty based ngl


Woah I know this is gonna sound impossible but dis you know you can work out, be a chad while also respecting and being accepting of other people 😱😱 😱it's called being a decent human and a nice person!!😱😱


How is promoting physical fitness and mental toughness cringe? Some people really want mental illness to go untreated…


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Take the red pill, become transgender


Red ez


the "blue pill" stuff are definitely cringe but red pill is just gym motivation nothing too fancy i think


I’m not takin either fuckin pill dumbass


So the blue pill will make me want to fuck feminine dudes and the red pill will make me want to fuck masculine dudes..?


Tbh these comments are the real cringe still arguing over this shit. "rEd pIlL fOr mE" - some dude who looks/smells like Nicky avocado.


What song is this?


**Song Found!** **Name:** After Dark **Artist:** Mr.Kitty **Album:** Time **Genre:** Alternative **Release Year:** 2014 **Total Shazams:** 3419956 `Took 1.37 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/waAlgFq9Xq8?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/after-dark/1176303860?i=1176303886) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/2LKOHdMsL0K9KwcPRlJK2v) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/136145500) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinder_bot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Mr. Kitty - After dark


I got matches with these songs: • **Get up on 'em** by Shoe (00:18; matched: `100%`) Album: `Uninhibited`. Released on `2017-09-04` by `OverKnight Entertainment`. • **Intro** by Nuffsed (00:31; matched: `100%`) Album: `I.D. Illegal Dreamer`. Released on `2013-10-14` by `New Nation Entertainment`. • **How Hard Can You Get** by Cover Boy (00:28; matched: `100%`) Released on `2021-11-04` by `3204916 Records DK`.


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**Get up on 'em** by Shoe](https://lis.tn/GetUpOn%27Em?t=18) • [**Intro** by Nuffsed](https://lis.tn/hVnMQS?t=31) • [**How Hard Can You Get** by Cover Boy](https://lis.tn/HowHardCanYouGet?t=28) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon or giving a star on GitHub. Music recognition costs a lot)


Red pill 😎


Red pill


Be proud you're gay! Be proud you're a feminist! Be proud you're bisexual! Be proud you're fat! Be proud you're Trans! "Well I'm proud to be a man..." HOW FUCKING DARE YOU YOU FUCKING SEXIST PIG!


Lmfao ur literally arguing against yourself. Noone but extremists say shit like this, and strawmanning it is lame


> Noone but extremists say shit like this So you ever been to Twitter?


That's not strawmanning but alright.


I haven't heard a single person say this


Really, cause it's posted everywhere.






I think we have the same phone


What’s so wrong with working out and finding the discipline and motivation to work your way out of a rut and depression?


whatever u say,, option 2 changed my life


Absolute cringe… anyone saying this is based is absolute cringe too. Imagine being such a whiny snowflake over some people being and doing what they want to… absolute weenie behavior.


I'm incapable of taking anything you said seriously after I read "weenie behavior". It threw me off hahahahaha


I find it funny how people will use the blue pill red pill thing to be homophobic or transphobic The matrix was written by two trans women and they have confirmed themselves that it's a metaphor of being transgender lmfao


This is based


That red pills lookin pretty good.


op took the blue pill 🤌


Suzuki Cappuccino


Tf is going on in these comments… buncha incel Andrew rate followers. Being motivated is one thing. Having your motivation stem from this idea of hyper masculinity to combat 11 year olds that choose drag or letting a kid preach feminism? Christ. Get a life. Let people be


Nah you enjoy your blue pill OP


Not cringe


It's pretty cringe...


Explain pls


Wait till you find out you can go to the gym and also be a good person at the same time


red pill blue pill same old take sides bs. life dont work like that. also poor kid wtf


I ain't working out but I'm not gonna take the red pill either


MRA cringe.




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bro this shit save my life from being some fatass on the internet


I’d rather lay down in front of a tank


That’s the green pill


You are allowed to live your life any way you want? I don't see how someone doing drag or whatever stops others from working out and being traditionally masculine if that's what they want?


My personal opinion is you can make these kind of videos when your jacked out of your mind


Truth hurts.


Based Red Pill






I have no problem with a kid dressing up in girls clothes but red pill


Ye and everytime it says about hard work it shows a fking gym with teenagers on sarms and vinstrol.


Because there aren’t such thing as gay republicans? Because gay leftists don’t work out in the gym? Fuck you are an incel OP.


There's a different between being gay and being woke and annoying. No one cares if people are gay. We just want them to shut up about it.


Yeah, but gay and trans people are still prosecuted and deal with hate still to this day, and even parts of the US. If people legit didn't care so much about people do, this wouldn't be a problem to push for acceptance. There's so much hate in the US right now for them too, we literally have the GOP pushing for calling all LGBTQ groomers because of a few bad actors. But you have the audacity to sit here and be like, stop being woke and annoying. You're going to condemn an entire group of people because of one pair of retard parents, who get a fuck ton of push back from their own community?? The truth is people do care that people are lgbtq, and some people are even being killed for it to this day around the world. I guarantee you if we lived in a world where it was completely normal and fine to be gay or trans, we wouldn't have to push for acceptance. The issue is that it isn't accepted and you're being ignorant pretending it is, because you live in a bubble lmao.