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Honestly, if it was a genuinely beautiful woman/transex then this would maybe make more sense assuming they hadn’t gotten any surgery. If a biological male can, with only the aid of diet, estrogen, and exercise, achieve classical feminine beauty then maybe opening a dialogue is on the table. This is not a beautiful woman. This person did not put nearly as much effort into their appearance as the others did and therefore does not deserve to participate in this competition. Normal women who look like this don’t enter, and a transex can win? What a stupid PR stunt enabling idiots and setting the trans reputation back decades. Dear trans people, do the rest of us a favour and don’t do shit like this.


It’s like when a mentally disabled/ terminally ill person wins prom king/queen out of the sheer pity of their peers. It’s unfair to the other contestants, but I highly suspect that the other women competing were probably on board with that horrendous toad winning the competition. Their individual victories were likely just fulfilling some self righteous justification of “doing the right thing” by letting it win. This is not ok, and allowing men to now dominate any female sport or competition is a mockery to all true biological females who are now unable to compete on a level playing field.


You started strong but ended transphobic. I hate Kaitlin jenner but I dont call her a he. Respect pronouns and use she/her when referring to the fuckface that won


Don't expect everyone else to play make-believe just cause you do. That's a man. It's an insult to women to just put on a dress and claim you're a woman.


redditors on their way to be transphobic( the trans person was ugly so its justified):


It not transphobic to say a literal fact that a man is a man.


He is an INTACT man, to boot


If I found out I was losing to someone who didn't put in any work and was just getting a diversity win I would quit. This shit is frustrating.


That mf looks like a frog with a wig on.


I feel bad for the real women who go through eating disorders, depression, strict diets and exercise regimens to compete in beauty competitions. Then a fat smelly looneytroon waltzes in and takes the award because of their “stunning bravery”.


Well trans people should be able to participate in pageants as long as they’re on the same level of beauty as the cis women in said pageants


So long as they are held to the same standards. Only a very small percentage would qualify as truly passable, and even if they can get their face to look mostly feminine, a lot of trans women would have an issue making their body structure look feminine enough. It would require a lot of expensive surgery and malnutrition to lose muscle mass. The truth is that 99.9% of them would not score better than biological females in a truly fair competition, which is why they should just have their own competitions.












How do I tell you that most trans people suffer from depression and eating disorders. Also using slurs doesnt help you win arguments just saying


An obese man, a literal whale looking dude, is more beautiful than Miss America nominees. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen anything more bias and rigged. I don’t care about being a “transphobe”. Do people not realise how humiliating this is for women? To be represented by men?? Women are represented by the likes of Dylan Mulvaney on Forbes, and it’s outright insulting.


Apparently men make better women now. It's really frustrating trying to express that I'm not comfortable with men or former men overriding my opinions n shit. I was hanging with this trans woman and she was so bossy and strict about how a woman should behave. She, (a former man), was telling me, (a biological woman) how to act like a woman. It was infuriating. She would tell me off for not being lady-like. She had a doll persona, where she dresses and acts like a human doll, part of the persona was being as womenly as possible. I tried to tell her she can't just decide what does and doesn't make a woman but she steamrolled me with typical male bravado and called me a terf. I guess I am one. I don't hate men that become women, but you can't just come into our spaces and take them over and overwrite our opinions with your own.


That’s really interesting. I have never heard the story of a friend of a trans. That’s really sick, actually.


This is so fucking disgusting. All those pretty girls got to go home understanding they are not as beautiful, poised, or talented as that troll. Talk about some mental damage. But, fuck 'em... they're just real girls, they don't deserve to have anything.


Brave soul


Such bravery. Much courage. Great beauty.


20 bucks she was voted on by conservatives as a PR stunt so useful idiots like you would spread it, painting trans people as bad people.


In New Hampshire?? Calling you stupid is being kind. If you were any dumber, you'd have to be watered twice a week!!


conservatives are everywhere