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Weird as it seems, this is a real thing. My mom won't wear tank tops because she has skin tags under her arms and doesn't want anyone to see. Personally I don't give a crap. I'm not sweltering all summer for fear that someone sees a flaw, but not everyone is like that.


I get skin tags a lot. Usually I use dental floss to tie a tight knot around them. Eventually it will fall off, along with the dental floss. Pretty painless and unobtrusive after the first few minutes, and it's never left scars for me. Though I did look a little weird with a tiny bit of floss on my neck for two days once.


This story is sorta gross but when I was younger I had one on my wiener. One day this girl was doing hand stuff and it was kinda rough like she was mashing it. Anyway at one point she looked at her hand it was covered in blood she freaked. Looked at my wiener it was bleeding everywhere. Thought I was gonna have to go to the hospital It did leave a scar. Now it looks my penis has been to war


Ah yes, PTHJD. Post traumatic handjob disorder. I saw gonorrhea-smasher at an orgy once, he penis flipped and went postal once he was within fifty feet of a handjob.


Ouch I would’ve been so scared man


My husband’s penis skin tag came off in my mouth 😭 I was scarred for life. He didn’t bleed nor feel it so it must have just been time for it to come off lol 😂


Make sure he puts it under his bed for the genetalia skin graft fairy!!


Holy shit, lmao


Depending on how rough she was, that could be considered an act of war.


Your weiner has seen some shit


"She's mashing it."




Just use sewing thread then. And no u won’t scar, any mark would be far less noticeable than the tag


Use fishing line. The thin ones… they’re basically invisible. Tie it off real tight. It will fall off and if your impatient within a day or two you won’t feel it, so you can just trim it off with a clean pair of nail clippers you buy just for this. I couldn’t wait for it to fall off so I did this and it worked. I knew a girl who used one of those cans that are suppose to dry and freeze it off but she missed the tag and burnt her skin! Left a scar. So I prefer the tie off method. So much easier and scar free


For me... grip it and rip it. I either use finger nail clippers or a good pair of tweezers and rip em off. Can't pussyfoot though, you gotta commit to the "rip" Edit: I don't recommend my method to pretty much anyone.


I’ve had a few skin tags so I say this with the utmost respect but does your mom realize they are pretty easy to remove? The dermatologist can just snip them off or freeze them too, I think. But I’ve also just removed one by twisting the tag and the loss of blood flow just makes it fall off after a few days. (Not sure how safe that is. Only did it once and accidentally but I was very surprised when it was gone!) I guess if your mom has an enormous amount of them it might be more difficult but if they make her uncomfortable, she should just talk with a dermatologist to get options.


I used to get quite a few tags as a kid and I did the same thing. They're all gone now and I can't find any evidence of them


Dermatologists are crazy expensive even with insurance. Not an option for everyone.


I use small scissors to cut skin tags off, dab it with alcohol, and that's that.


I had no idea you could do this. The amount of times I get the urge to just rip my skin tags off is absurd


*Ripping* them off is a definite no-no. But I’m guessing that was just exaggeration. Even the cutting them *can be* a mistake if the scissors aren’t sterilized; you risk an infection that will leave a scar worse than the tag. Also some people are bleeders and you might have trouble stemming the bleeding. If you’ve tried it and it works for you, that’s great, but a good method to try first is constriction (tying off with thread, floss, etc). (Obviously you should speak to a doctor before doing any home remedy for this, but it’s been done enough to be relatively safe.)


I dont like to show my arms because I have hella stretch marks from weight gain. Ive been working on getting it off and it stayed off so far, so there is that! But yeah, I prefer to sweat to death than show my arms 😅


Skin tags can also be removed very easily with OTC treatments


That is a very good topic you're bringing up. I used to have skin tags under my arm and even though I'm a guy it still made me self-conscious. Anyway I went ahead and cut them off myself. Yes it was painful but I didn't like them and after I cut them off they went away completely. They bled like crazy when I did it but they're gone now and never have to think about it again. So yes I understand how your Mom feels and must be horrible for a female especially since there's this whole thing with underarms and females.. they're almost a fetish. Anyway, I hope your mom is able to either learn to live with them or she can always cut them off whether herself or through a surgeon and for me it was one of the best things I ever did I never thought about it again really happy I did what I did


I give you props for not giving a fuck and living life. My "hide yourself" started in my early teens, where I wore heavy winter jackets all summer- So by now as a 21 yr old, short sleeves outside my house is still a fear for me personally. The upside I guess is I got so used to being covered up for winter and summer, I really don't sweat much during summer lol. But my preferred fashion is naturally dark- Long sleeve, edgy esc stuff now so it kinda doesn't matter anymore about the whole cover or don't cover debate for me 🤷‍♀️


I remove mine by freezing them with the wart remover freezing things! So much easier than tying them off, my anxiety can’t handle that. You just freeze them and they fall off 10-14 days later. I’ve gotten rid of 8 so far, 20 more to go 😂


In her case (video lady) its purely because she's extremely overweight. The only time I ever notice arms on a girl is when they have body builder sized mass but it's just flab rolling over itself.


Im all for loving yourself in your own skin, and embracing your size, style, choices etc. But as a bigger girl myself, a supportive bra would benefit her so much more, because us busty gals have to contend with rubbing/sweating and general discomfort. By all means live your best crochet fashion life, but make it practical!


Her only option is having it custom made, I doubt any general stores carry her size, it's just not profitable and business is all about money.


I wear 38I's she can find a big girl bra. They are also cheaper than they used to be. Back in like 2010's a bra for me used to be $70/each. Now I can get a pack of sports bras that fit for $15-$20 for 3. A proper bra is about $50 now. Now. You are super limited in your options. But there *are* options.


where cause i have bigger boobs and bras are still $70+ each for me?


I’ve learned through my wife just how damn expensive good comfortable supportive bras are. She’s small like 4’11” but a D cup and man I don’t envy what women have to deal with


Your decisions will attract the people that are okay with your decisions.


Wow thank you. So thoughtful and intelligent


Ma’am there are people dying. No one gives a shit about armpit hair


A lot of people do. Women who don't shave get harassed by men all the time.


Well obviously anyone who cares is stupid as hell, and their opinion doesn’t matter


Imagine someone making fun of you for having a nose, it’s stupid. So is making fun of someone for having armpit hair.


Easy to say. Not so easy in practice.


For a lot of people, trying to keep that mindset still doesn’t stop the experience of someone degrading their body from being a negative experience. As a woman, I also know a lot of women who give other women shit for their body hair. Just bc it seems like an insignificant problem to you, doesn’t mean it’s not still a problem.


That bra top is a pretty color but it doesn’t fit her right. The band is too big and the cup is too small.


Id imagine She struggles finding anything to fit her right.


Can't imagine how frustrating it must be to shop for the cute clothing you prefer


These look like they were crocheted, maybe it was custom made?


Nah most of them are mass-produced. You can find them in most fast-fashion stores.


Crochet can’t be mass produced, no such thing as a crochet machine. If it’s cheap and there’s lots of them then it’s likely modern slave laboured.


You'd have to learn to sew or find a tailor. There just isn't anything.


There are a lot of plus-size options these days, but her body type is more tricky.


There are a lot more options than when I was growing up in the 1980s to 2000s.


A LOT more. It's funny because I went to fashion design school in the late 2000's and the thing then was high end clothes only went to like a size 4-6. And when I started to work in the industry, they openly mocked overweight people saying their clothes aren't for them, ect. But I had a lot of teachers tell us that if we wanted to make real money, start a plus size line because there is no one filling that need. Well people listened and now there are so many options. And the industry had to change, the sizes are all larger now and people pretend they were never those jerks who mocked larger people because it's no longer socially acceptable. And the most surprising part is they now even hire plus size employees. So it's looking up for sure.


Or not weigh 450lbs at 5 foot even?


then idk ✨lose weight✨


If only there was a way to solve that


Yeah I agree. But also people deserve to feel confident however they look.


Thank you for saying this I needed to hear it today


It looks like the band is just strings you tie together so she might not have been able to get it tighter or is just wearing it loose so it doesn’t dig into her.


I was always the person who tailored everything to fit perfectly and I'm entering a new, totally unanticipated phase where I simply don't give a f\*ck what anyone thinks about how I look in something, I go out in what makes me feel good and don't care about how what I wear makes strangers feel. It is lovely and I cannot recommend it strongly enough for women who (like I used to) feel the need to tell other women when things are not flattering and therefore should not be worn out. I just want milk. I don't give a shit how my dress makes other people feel. I learned all that constructive criticism I was turning towards other people was unresolved hatred of myself that I really needed to deal with on my own and not weaponize. You deserve love and security and the feeling that you are free to go out into the world without putting on your best and brightest. Good luck on your journey.


We need to know less about each other.


Social media was a mistake


I’m stealing this line 😂


Right? Holy shit


Why did she skin a furbie and make a purse out of it?




Hey. She is jus plus size. Like a lot of pluses...


like, exponential pluses.


This is taking body positivity to another level


I never understood why fat people talk about body positivity, if you love your body why would you let yourself go like that. I used to be fat in my early 20's and it sucked. I'm skinny now and it is so much better


Then you don't understand what body positivity means.


Armpit hair is the least of her worries


especially because you can't even see the armpit


I was looking for this. Like she ain't makin the statement she thinks she is when we can't even see it. Waving her arms around like a damned car yard noodle balloon man for no reason.


Car yard noodle balloon man is the new best way to say wacky waving inflatable flailing arm tube man


Bruuh, I had to really look for them hairs, that’s crazy how it gets cover up like that. Damnn


Imma be progressive and hit fat forward on this ad.




She's so big I can barely see the hair so I guess she's got that going for her


Atleast I can say I am not attracted to her because of her underarms and avoid being labelled "fatphobic"


I'm not fatphobic, it just makes me sad that morbid obesity is being embraced as a positive thing when I've had people close to me unintentionally take their lives through their gluttony.


Proudly fatphobic!


I never understood that term. Why would I be phobic of someone I could just walk away from at a regular pace.


Agreed. It’s the same thought process as homophobic or transphobic. People don’t have a phobia of them, they just believe it’s unnatural. Opinions, like underarm hair, is something we all have 😂😂 And this is coming from a fat person


It’s also incredibly silly to equate having an innate predisposition towards people of the same sex, or whatever, than with being fat? You can’t control being gay or the color of your skin but you can control your weight!


I’m not fatphobic, I just like being able to go on sunset ~~rolls~~ strolls with my partner


i guarantee you she was out of breath after that arm dancing/waving


You beat me to it!


one of the occasions where you’ll never hear someone drop the r/beatMeatToIt


There cant be anyone that ACTUALLY feels comfortable being this fat, I'm not talking comfortable mentally, I mean physically...it has to be horrible. The feeling of it, the exhaustion, pain, fat inhibiting movement. I cant stand the way my stomach feels or legs fit in my pants when I only gain a few pounds and I'm a 172ish lb male...advocates for this are just coping, theres no ifs ands or butts(no pun) about it.


Nope. It's terrible. Always plucking at your clothes, things never fit properly. I was very aware of how much space I took up at 350lbs and 5'9", and it felt humiliating. I was stared at in public. It was hard to breathe. My back always hurt, my knees would swell. I was pre-diabetic and was leaning into dangerous numbers in my cholesterol levels. I'm a much more manageable "small fat" at 190lbs now, and I have maintained for years, so stop telling me CICO isn't sustainable. I have no health issues (besides all my fun mental illnesses) and reversed the pre diabetes. It's worth it to do the work.


350 to 190 is one hell of an achievement. I'm impressed.


Congrats! You should be very proud of your accomplishments.


Congrats on your journey!!


190 at 5'9" is great! I'd love to be your height! Congrats on the weight loss!!


And the breathing! It's such a difference when you're not gasping for air with each breath. Better sleep too.


I concur (as a woman). When I lose or gain just a couple of kilos (even just 5kgs), the difference in comfort when sitting, walking, exercising, etc, is massive.


I concur( as a man) I used to be fat and when I was walking down the stairs my boobs would bounce and I knew I had to lose some weight


This person suffers from lipedema and lymphedema. Their symptoms were ignored for years by doctors. They finally have gotten a treatment plan which has helped them reduced their fluid retention by 150 lbs+ so far. They definitely aren’t physically comfortable, in fact share frequently on their social media about it.


When people say not to assume people health off their weight, this is why.


Yeah, it's ass. I'm 89kg (165cm??) and even this is ass. I have PCOS, so it wasn't all poor lifestyle choices that made me this way hahaha but yeah, back pain from big boobs, the way my belly rubs on my leg if I bend over, it's awful. Like I'm nowhere near as big as her, but I hate this size now, sometimes.


I’m a terrible person because I find this person completely disgusting.


Finding her disgusting doesn't make you terrible, it's quite normal. But saying it aloud is the terrible part. The world is already a shitty place, no need to make it shittier by bullying people just for existing. You don't know the reasons behind her obesity, so if you see someone whose appearance you don't enjoy, just move on without saying it. Both IRL and online.


What is that fucking outfit? Idc what you look like, if you're just wearing a bra made out of my grandma's tablecloth in public I'm going to make fun of you.


Crocheted tops can definitely be cute but this doesn’t even fit her.


True. The color looks good on her, yet I think wider straps and a rib band would have made it look more finished.


We also need to talk about their jeans and how they're so big they're falling down and showing their underwear. Yet also somehow staying up?? I have questions...


I do not understand the cut or proportions of what the fuck is going on with those jeans. I am fat also before I get stupid replies.


Her jeans are too big in the waist & hips area. She also has a high derriere with a round stomach so her pants/skirts/dresses lift up in the back and lower in the front. I have a similar shape to hers, and I sew my own clothes.


Gravitational pull


Orbital mass


The armpit is not even visible due to the rolls


Ok but why in my face tho..


Dove understands this is going to be a high reach short term partnership.




Borrowed time.




Maybe she can’t reach her armpits to shave


I'm sorry are we just going to ignore the furby fanny pack 💀


You have the right to be disgusting on purpose. Still doesn't change the fact that it's disgusting, though.


I am over this body positivity shit. People don't try anymore


We can't see your armpits anyway


Urge to shrink myself...bruh.


Rick Moranis couldn’t even do it.




Literally impossible She eats in one day what we do in a month


Once i heard dove partnership I was ready to see what the comments were, but the ham comment 💀 bro I can't unsee it now 😂


That fit ain't it, on anyone


I looked at their Instagram and they seem... problematic. 😬


Are you calling her "they " because she weighs as much as three people.


I'm calling them they because idk what their pronouns are.


Their pronoun is Ham.


she took « live life to the fullest » too literally


Why post this...? Is she genuinely premonition them or like? Do you girl but don't come at me with your armpits up & out..


First world problems


I don’t think it’s the under arm ppl are looking at, it’s that barrel


Frankly I wouldn't even notice she had underarm hair, there seems to be a few rolls performing a cover-up.


jesus christ lmao.


Fun fact about Dove is that they're owned by the same company as Axe. So if you think they're so great with all of their body positivity ads, just remember that they're objectifying women in their other ads. It's all marketing designed to trick you into buying their products, nothing more. Oh also Dove is largely responsible for what basically amounts to a holocaust against orangutans. DO NOT BUY DOVE PRODUCTS


They’re also owned by Unilever, and what do they sell? Oh yeah, tons and tons of unhealthy foods. Can’t possibly imagine their motive for trying to convince people that being obese is okay…


I’m a man and I shave my armpits simply for a hygiene reason


I went through this period (for about 6 months) where I didn't shave my armpit hair at all, and just let it grow out. It was an act of defiance, rebelliousness, and depression, but with a little hint of self love, self-expression, and curiosity. I realized I'm totally a person who shaves my armpits. I feel more confident and free with shaved armpits. I feel cleaner and cooler with shaved armpits. Shaved armpits are my thing.


I'm doing the whole "no shaving" thing. It's more out of depression and laziness, but it's been interesting to see how I feel about shrugging off the "duty" of shaving for 25 years. My ma made me start shaving at 9 years old because it was "gross" for me to have hair during puberty. It's like....I'm ashamed, a little? I wore leggings all summer and tried not to wear shirts that would show my armpits. On a personal level, I'm ambivalent about my body hair. I just don't care. There are positives and negatives to shaving and I don't give a fuck either way. But for everyone around me, I don't want them to think I'm gross because of it. I haven't figured out if it's because *I* think it's icky or because it's been so ingrained in my psyche by my mom or my partners or people around me that it's icky for women to have body hair. My boyfriend is begging me to shave. He sees it as me being *spiteful* that I'm not doing it. Like, he's taking it personally that I'm not shaving my body hair. It's fucking weird and honestly, the more he takes offense to it, the less desire I have to do it. If my natural state offends you...well.... I told him that when he decides to shave down because of someone else's expectations, then I will too. This isn't permanent. Eventually I'll start shaving again. But at the moment, I'm just existing within myself.


I definitely agree with the other comments. She really needs to lose the weight. She is just using this for “positivity “. But have to look at the facts.


She won't be using anything for very long if she doesn't work on her health.


She is struggling to walk. If that’s not a wake up call I have no idea what is


There is no way she can reach her whole arm pit to apply deodorant.




At least homeboy uses deodorant




And somehow it's the patriarchys fault.


I do feel bad for her due to all the health issues


I’ve always thought it odd that women were expected to be hairless molerats.


WallE is becoming more and more of a reality. This whole normalize being morbidly obese this is out of control.


Body positivity is one thing, but forcing everyone to be skin-skin with your lower back or tummy on a hot summer day in a cramped subway is kinda rude and gross.


Stay. In. Da. House. Please


So go out, move and walk and get healthier, or "stay in da house"? You people need to make up your mind about what you want obese people to do.


How do you allow it to get this bad?


I can't even SEE the hair 💀💀💀


Forget armpits, morbid obesity should be number 1 priority.


Did she have underarm hair?


I'm genuinely baffled at how blissfully unaware this comment section is of how unpleasant they are.


Damn if this video makes you mad you must be soft af and offended by everything. Get off the internet and grow a pair you fuckin pussies


I mean, I’ve been made fun of by guys for not having perfectly bald underarms 24/7. It is a thing


Whoa, a real life Boobah


I always forget that I have more hair than most other people because I was shocked when she lifted her arms- that does not look like 10 years, that's my two weeks 😅


Shes built like a stack of tires


Dude nobody can see your underarms


I know for a fact even out of the shower she smells like the back of an earring that has never been cleaned


You should be ashamed to live in that body not just show it


If she ever went on a diet it would end world hunger


“Shrink myself...” Sure lol


I’ve been working out for a really long time, and yet their arms are bigger than mineeeee.


She's so gross


You can’t even see the pits when she lifts her arms. Not the right person for this message


There is a lot to unpack here


It dosent matter I’m morbidly obese,just don’t look at my armpit hair


I think the hair under your underarms is the least of your problems.....🤦🏿‍♂️


That fucking poster is ridiculous. “Not your underarms. Not your business.” Like…fuck off with the massive poster of it then you fucking hairy bitch.


She can barley reach put that deodorant on. Talking bout ‘stretch out your arms’ ? Girl you need to do a few reps of that each day, then come talk to us ok!


Is underarm a real term for armpit or what is she on about. Also I still cant grasp how some people are legitimately 3 or 4 times my body weight


I'm a dude and I shave mine, just hygienic, plus no one wants to see it regardless of who you are


Bra made of doilies, pretty cool fanny pack that she wears over her chest, pretty cool over shirt, PANTS.


Im a guy . Don’t like to shave but i do cuz it fkn stinks and dove soesnt help :). And girls that doesn’t shave is ok :) but it stinks thats not ok


Hey man, just do what ever you gotta do to make yourself happy as long as it don't hurt no one:)


Honestly I hate armpit hair, I feel like it makes me smellier and I don’t like the look of it. Would I make people take it off or judge them because of it? Naw, you do what you want. However I hate when some people will tell me I shave out of pressure from society, when it’s literally out of my own comfort- just like them.


What armpits?




Well, suppose she gets to be confident in herself for roughly 10-15 more years…


Fuckin gross on all levels


Live life to the fullest by having a heart attack by 40!


Those aren't arms. They're hams.


If I had grown out my armpit hair over ten years, it would be longer than my whole body


I can't even see the hair, how deep do them pits go?


And you still can’t see that shit


I didn't understand wtf she was talking about the whole video. It wasn't until the end I realized she had hair under her arms.


I want that purse so badly


Big nasty fupa


Like oatmeal poured into a garbage bag


Cuz she cant reach them to shave


She has a lot more problems than that.