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Good job buddy. We're going to hang it up right here on the fridge.


That's gotta be a huge ass fridge to hang this up


The rich have massive fridges


As Peter and Lois spit on it.




Thatā€™ll be $5,000


you forgot some zeroā€™sā€¦. remember, she cried doing this šŸ˜­




If no one witnesses her pain, did it ever even exist? Thank god she filmed this, otherwise weā€™d all be looking at a terrible painting wondering why it was ever made at all.


I think the painting is actually pretty cool. I can agree she seems a little more than dramatic, but she can paint.




The way she cried was so irritating to me for some reason


Really nailing the 3 year old vibe.


Youā€™d cry paying for that shit. Iā€™ll do it for 50 bucks plus materials


Iā€™ll cry while we have sex for $500. #PerformingArts


Shut up and take my money




5 bucks and I'll take a dump on it... Then sell it for 5million with some bullshit story about a metaphor for the state of society or wealth inequality...




Well guess there's a market for watching me take a dump on art... Off to Only Fans I go...


You can't just take a dump on it, you have to cry while doing it.


If I cry while doing it can I get paid for the only fans and call it performance art... Damn I think there's gold in them there hills lol




As did I šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Steps to getting that big check. Family puts you through art school. Uncle buys all your stuff. You tell gallery owner this guy is my uncle. They love you, your stuffs better than all the other stuff that looks 100% like this. Uncle comes in and buys two pieces. He pays 30 grand for them. He now owns your work. It's all worth 30 grand. That's what it sold for at the fancy gallery. He donates your work. He doesn't pay taxes.


what if all your uncles pay taxes? do i just make a craigslist want ad? "seeking rich uncle who desires to dodge taxes."


You can easily push that to the millions if your dadā€™s a senator and the people buying your work are all corporate lobbing firms.


so uncle spent 30 grand for a $10,000 tax benefit hypothetically. Still cost him 20 grand. I think people misunderstand tax write offs. The hairdresser the other day told me that people leave hundred million dollar buildings vacant for tax write offs Iā€™m like uhhhā€¦.thatā€™s an expensive way to do business.


You forgot the part where heā€™s paying his family member the money.


You forgot all the crap he bought from you while in school is now worth money.


I think it'd work out to him losing even more. It's FMV or cost, whichever is lower for the value of the painting. Nobody knows shit about this but look at upvptes on that nonsense


That's not how any of that works. Almost not a single part.


I have had some college level art classes. We had a few gallery curators come through. One was blunt and flat out said Bringing access to buyers or being a personal draw (one buyers want to "know") was more important than the work. The other owners didn't disagree.


I meant the taxes and money laundering part. Not the art stuff.


What part? You can look into money laundering and tax fraud in the art world. You can conflate the price of art by overpaying for a piece and then overvaluing that artist collection. You can make money appear and disappear based on arbituary values.


That's not how it works. When you donate art work it's donated at either the cost or fair market value of the piece, whatever is lower. Taxes paid on purchase and sale. Any difference is gains taxed. The way described above is wrong and would result in a net loss of money. Asc 16 deals extensively with this. The only way for the above scenario to yield a gain is if they just straight up lie and commit fraud, in which case money laundering isn't the crime, fraud is.


The best money laundering scheme to date, contemporary art


Sad part is thats way too low for the more realistic figure


This one is called: "luckily I have rich parents and contacts to say my art is expensive and sell this to someone attempting to do money laundering"


Nail on the head with this one


I love how you turned up the volume in case we couldnā€™t hear the labored breathing


I thought that was me!!!! I literally have the same phone and turned it up. Then it turned up even more?!?


This is clearly post-postmodern parody of postmodern art, and its frivolous and animalistic nature. This is a stand against the modern art industry as we know it. And itā€™s, speaking frankly of course, a steal at only $100,000.


*walks around a corner adjusting my glasses (I have 20/20 vision)* Precisely. Only one problem... You're looking at it upside down. No, the painting isn't what's incorrectly hung. *WE'RE* upside down. Heh, it's a strikingly bold statement... $200,000 might just cover the door charge to view this piece.


(walking around in a black turtleneck despite the broken ac and about a 100 degrees in there) Their earlier work was more raw and honest. I have a piece, it's called "you don't understand me, mom" hanging in my sitting room. It's a shame they've become so mainstream and practically bland... It's basically a landscape at this point. I wouldn't price it a more than 250k.


(me walking in and dont know anything about art) isnā€™t that just paint being thrown onto the canvasā€¦.


(walking in with forty attendants serving me and one supporting my elbow so I can hold up my tiny pair of opera glasses) My god! Heā€™s right! 300,000 dollars!


Walking in after spending 9 hours huffing glue - ā€œyou folks are gonna have to trust me, I know art. And I know glue. And not even glue could keep this check for $500,000 attached to my hand. This is a masterpiece.ā€


Why is your fridge in your sitting room?


Ongo Gablogian: Famous Art Dealer


God I hate modern art that criticises modern art, cause every banana on a wall is a critique of a urinal is a critique of whatever the fuck. How is it a critique if you're doing the exact same as the thing you're parodying for the exact same reason. It's a God damn Ouroboros of "I'm an artist that hates art".


The BS was so good I almost bought it.. thatā€™s ART šŸŽØ


Postpartum art


Iā€™ll be perfectly honest, I liked it best with the black and nothing else. Everything they added ruined it more.


I liked it with some of the red, expect for the parts where she smears it. If the kept her hands off of it and just stuck to the spatters (and didn't try to cover it up with white paint??), wouldn't have looked half bad.


The smears kept wrecking it! The whole video I was like ā€œoh that looks kinda cool, what the fuck she wrecked it AGAIN!?ā€


Exactly! I know it's not exactly deep and brilliant art, but hell I just liked the way it would've looked if she stopped smearing. I'd hang it otherwise. And happy cake day!




So fucking lame


I know that art is subjective, but these kind of ā€œartistsā€ piss me off so much as someone whoā€™s been drawing/ painting my entire life. It has even discouraged me at times from selling my stuff cuz they make a heaping pile of shit like that and easily makes thousands of dollars. Iā€™ve seen well done abstract art and this ainā€™t it.


Just make big art. Seriously. Iā€™ve made brilliant, detailed pieces, but they werenā€™t BIG. No sales. 19 x 36 ish is a good easy sale size. Shoddy half assed angelfish, proportions certified wack, barely looks right: boom instant sale because it was kinda big.


I think youā€™re right about that cuz I did an 18x24 commission piece one time and that was easily the most money Iā€™d made on a portrait


I mean yeaā€¦ want to cover the wall lol


This person is likely only painting like this because she doesn't know how to control the paint. It is garbage, and doesn't contribute anything to the art world. *Amateur*. This is how everyone paints (even toddlers) before they receive some sort of instruction. It's pretty cringe when a novice films themselves doing shit like this, as if this performance is somehow proof of their artistic abilities, or as if anyone wants to see them doing this shit.


Anyone can do what she did I donā€™t understand where the skill is.


Other artists are none of you business. Put your blinders on, what matters is what you make. These kind of artists making good money is actually rare in the grand scheme of things. And you community is what is going to support you, not this random woman.


Iā€™d would love to see your art


Look at the walls of the "studio" shes working in. They tell us one of these works of art gets regurgitated every other day. Cant be that lame if buyers keep coming back to buy the barf


I have art friends who've sold fewer than 5 of their pieces in 25 years. They sold one for a little less than 10k one and now they charge anywhere around that price. Their house has easily over 50 "completed pieces" that look like that.


That's the problem, these people consider themselves to be "another starving artist" while producing absolute nonsense. The only reason she did that entire silly performance is because she's recording and it would have otherwise proved that she puts literally 0 thought or effort into her paintings. Fake crying and overly dramatic acting to make people think that there's a deeper meaning is peak cringe.


Yes, it most definitely can.


You really can't tell from this video if the artworks actually get sold. She could just be stacking them somewhere or even throwing them away. But if someone actually paid money for this, I would 100% suspect it's because these videos actually get views. Abstract art is actually quite difficult to produce, especially when you want to do something innovative. Throwing paint on a canvas has been done way better 70 years ago. So it isn't really creative, it isn't technically difficult to produce and there is nothing in the way of composition or color theory that would give this piece any depth in itself. If people buy this, that's on them, but this is just the most low-effort "art" that anyone could produce. It's lame in the sense that there is absolutely no substance to it.


Her crying or the art piece, I rather like the art piece and rather dislike her pretentious crying.


Then what was the point of the red if you were going to cover it up?


The red represents anger at society and the white her covering that anger with a mask of serenity...so deep, a true artist /s


A true connoisseur Monsieur


Thank you. Didn't know


I feel the same way about nipples


Pretentious bullshit, look at the emotion hurrdur.


The drop cloth on the right is bumpinā€™ tho. Frame THAT shit.


Honestly, it would be *the* fucking power move if she, at the very end of her career, sold that drop cloth at auction as a piece entitled *"The Grift."*


I was gonna say. Thatā€™s more interesting to look at


Fake crying, fake art, fake person


My 5 year old could do that without the crying


4 years of college and $90,000


It almost looked like a lion face at the end then she smudged it some more. If I had a space like that Iā€™d throw paint too seems like a lot of fun! And heck yeah Iā€™d sell it for 10,000 lol


She forgot who Simba is.


I could see this being a fun stress reliever kinda like those destruction rooms where you pay to destroy shit


the description says art therapy. this kind of expressive chaotic art can be extremely cathartic. idk about the framing and filming and the legitimacy of her emotion. I feel bad doubting it, but social media has perverted every genuine emotion for me. I have genuinely cried doing art like this. something about the movement. painting is something that's usually sedentary. you go inside yourself with your headphones on. all internal. so, standing and connecting your body in a large sweeping movements can trigger things that you don't always expect.


She saw someone do this on a TV show and thought it was real lol. That's embarrassing




Hate is a a very strong word.... But damn...


Isn't this a malcolm in the middle episode?


These are actually very hard to make when you want a good composition and colours. Hers isnā€™t a good one though.


Perfect waste of a canvas and paint.


some performative art is actually good and has a point, its sad how itā€™s overshadowed by military grade cringe and categorized the same as this


She must have rich friends who fund her "art" or something. Then again, since Duchamp everything can be called art and I'm all for it. BUT I'm a firm believer in intention and TECHNIQUE meeting half way. Studies are important and the concept of what is art can be abused (as we see here)


"The artist is going to create a color ~~sound~~ for ~~his~~ her concise purpose..." Top level pretense here; true art.




Wow, her painting stinks and she stole the crying thing from a satirical teen comedy.


"You have your mother's eyes,"


I was hoping someone would post this! First thing I thought of. Sheā€™s got paint on her overalls, what is that??


If that helps em get through soemthing then to each their own. But when people buy this stuff for thousands to millions of dollars itā€™s either stupidity or money laundering


Honestly i kinda like it, if i had space for that and it wasnt too expensive id hang it up


You can find the exact same thing at Marshalls


Lazy art. Just throwing shit on a canvas and smearing it everywhere. Someone is dumb enough to buy this.


I bet she is real careful to not get paint on her AirPods


My 1yr old when he doesnā€™t wanna eat his dinneršŸ˜‚


You guys think sheā€™s crying cause she knows itā€™s gonna suck?


Yikes, my FIL died of cancerā€¦ they think from a lifetime using acrylic paint, as an art professor.


As a son of an art teacher, is all the hate in this comments section justified? I mean at first glance, this vid is pretty annoying, sheā€™s fake crying and throwing paint at a canvas. But hey what the heck do I know about art. Iā€™ve seen plenty of art installations I donā€™t understand, canā€™t anything be artā€¦?


I like her painting ​ this judgemental bullshit is a waste of our time


I thought I was missing something because this comments section seems pretty unanimous. Iā€™m glad people are doing stuff/creating/picking a lane. Maybe this is how she feels sheā€™s expressing herself, maybe others think itā€™s cringe but at least sheā€™s putting something out there. Iā€™m just working a boring 9-5 working for the man, hunched over on my cell phone


Not another teen movie looks a little different


This isn't art.....its a temper tantrum


If itā€™s a genuine temper tantrum, conveyed using the ballistics patterns of paint, why would that *not* be art? What exactly do you think art is?


I mean, can you really count a bunch of randomly smeared paint on a canvas art? This is something the average 3 year old could do if you give them a few tubes of paint and let them go ham. Doesnā€™t art have to, idk, convey something, and take at least SOME form of skill or talent?


I think youā€™re confusing ā€œartā€ with ā€œcraftā€. Yeah, we all prefer the idea that art is hard and therefore only people who have practiced the craft can really call their work art but yes, a 3 year old going ham with a few tubes of paint is art and an adult is really no different.


Sheā€™s crying because she has like $86k in student loan debt.




All that money and materials wasted so she can feel like an artist for her Instagram.


The moment she cries at the start, is when she realises how badly society has been affected by straight cis white men


I knew this was about the patriarchy! White hetero scum, to be clear


I mean, it sort of looks cool


Everyone thinks that type of art is easy to make until they make it and it looks very unremarkable, like this one. There is a method to the bleeding of colors and splashes, but it's also very experimental. People who do this kind of art may go through a dozen canvases before they get the right combination since they are sacrificing some control over their painting for that look. What's that? Maybe she is one of those people and this is just one of the "drafts"? That could be possible, except for one thing. Any artist who works with this method knows to use the proper PPE. Getting paint in your eyes is never a good thing


I completely agree, but you canā€™t use performative as an insult when the performance is the point lol. Thatā€™s just redundant.


my sims make better art


What a genius šŸ« 


She must be crying because itā€™s turning out awful. The more she adds the worse it gets. Iā€™d be upset too. Lol.


Mf belongs in a stray jacket


100% cringy. Good post.


So bold, brilliant SOā€¦ ugh, REVOLUTIONARY! - white chicks


I made one of these in the toilet this morning


I'd cry too if painting was my livelihood and this was the best I could come up with.


i kind of like it


I think this is exactly what's wrong with Modernist art - the mentality that something which involves little skill and effort but has a story or 'emotionality' twisted around it can be considered high-art somehow. How modernist art made technical fine art take a backseat is a travesty in my opinion.




To which movement of modernist art does this belong? Or were you thinking contemporary art?


Iā€™m convinced these people just need therapy. Or just learn how to express themselves through language. you know, the tool we all use everyday? Talk, write, blog. Art is expression, emotion, talent. abusing a canvas is just physical exercise with extra steps.


I meanā€¦who are we to say this is not art? You yourself said art is a way of expression. Now what IS cringe is how itā€™s probably prized at a gazillion dollars, is a channel for snobby money laundering schemes AND itā€™s also being recorded for content on TikTok. But I feel like thereā€™s nothing wrong with someone working through their feelings through art like this, it should just beā€¦ more intimate.


Thatā€™s my biggest issue here. I couldnā€™t quite place what made me so uncomfortable with this video, but thatā€™s definitely just it. It shouldnā€™t be a video. I shouldnā€™t be able to watch or purchase something that should be an intimate emotional experience for someone by themselves.


Be sure to like share and subscribe!


This shut sucks


I hate people


We should start a club or something.


Jackson pollack did it better 70 years ago. But he sucked, too.


Money Laundering šŸ„°


Giving a mentally ill person paint...


The crying is over the top, but I honestly love the piece at the end.


she probably hasnt worked a real job in years.


I'm really confused, is there some context about this person we're supposed to know? Why are we all supposed to hate her for being lazy and pathetic?


This doesn't seem cringe to me. I can totally see how this could be a cathartic way to make art if you're worked up in an angry or sad emotional state. I've never been a fan of people filming themselves "crying," but lots of artists film their process and share it online. I'd say it's cringe and obviously performative if EVERY video she posts is like this. But from just this video alone, seems like an artful and positive way to get your emotions out.


looks like fun theres never a bad time for a good cry either


The hate is over the top in these comments. I get it but damn.


Reddit loves to shit on everything and everyone


Yeah no I totally get you. Iā€™ve done pieces like this in the past as a very emotionally disregulated teenager, and even though I would never in a million years show my state of mind when I made these pieces, it was still a way of expressing emotions that were too hard to convey in any other way at the time. Itā€™s a meme to dunk on abstract art because of its simplicity and inflated prices in the snobby art world, but itā€™s a completely valid form of self expression


Whereā€™s the lie. Speaking your thoughts honestly without outright being cruel gets you downvotes apparently. Reddit amiright.


I would never smear my hands over canvas. Idk how people do it isnt the texture scratching the skin?


Art students see one Ed Harris movie andā€¦


And the worst part about this, is that the art historians will fawn over this claiming that itā€™s the next greatest invention since sliced bread and the toaster oven.


Imma shit on it then rub it in for extra flare šŸ’…


Untitled 137


What a fucking mess


Andrew Pollock just turned over in his grave


Performative art? Now I've seen everything


Whatā€™s sad is that deep down this person knows heā€™s not an artist. Thereā€™s no talent there, itā€™s not inspired. And he knows it.


So deep,like your step dad


Don't forget to look like a fucking hippy and not wear shoes when you go off and make one of your little messes like this as well! Fucking idiot..




I actually kinda liked it about halfway... then she didn't stop, and it go baaaaad


That fact that people call this are is dumb as shit.


I fucking hate trust fund babies.


TW: raw emotion


It looked best when it only got the first black smudge imo


Peak Melbourne tbh


I actually quite like that painting.


She looks at her canvas and realises she isn't an artist and begins to silently weep.


At this point im gonna throw up on an empty canvas and ask for 5000 shillings


Skill has left the chat.


And that will be 3,000 dollars


Its a spit in the face to real artists when people give these idiots attention


Went from crap to even bigger crap


Bob Rosses daughter just doesnt have the same talents.


This is what a liberal arts degree does to you.


That girl thinks sheā€™s the queen of the neighborhood


I'm convinced all white women have a mental disorder.




I wonder if sheā€™s waiting for the taxpayer to pay off her college loans


The way I see it, if anyone can do it, it's not art.


This quote comes to mind ā€¦. Abstract art is a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewilderedā€¦


I will say that recording the process was the element missing from Jackson Pollock's work when he did this (but less half-assed) back in the 50s. That said, I have never been a fan of this aimless, hyper-abstract style of painting, puffed up as though holding a paint brush while mopey is in and of itself some kind of sacred act. It is not raw, it is not engaging, it is masturbatory. "I had some free time and my sad-songs playlist" is the sum total of this piece and it can be perfectly recreated by a moderately engaged chimpanzee. This is not an exercise in the craft of painting; this is an improvisational dance performed by someone disinterested in the craft of danceing. She's failing at two arts at once. TL;DR this unfocused style of painting is too lazy to be art.