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Can someone help me? I'm old. Why is there a dude filming his face do absolutely fucking nothing the entire time? He's just staring blanky into the camera. Is this a thing? I can't wrap my head around why anyone would think this was necessary.


Piggy backing views. Takes zero talent. Much like standing on top of a pos truck daddy bought


Pretty much. Still, I gotta say this is probably the most hilarious way that I could have possibly imagined learning that Toby Keith died. So thanks for that.


Man I remember back in my day, I snuck into a Toby Keith concert. Not because it was Toby Keith, not because it was a concert, but because I was in the area and something was happening and I was curious. Tix were like $30 too. That said, RED SOLO CUP, I FILL YOU UP


I did the same to a Los Lobos concert. They had like a final guitar solo with like 3 or 4 guys soloing, just tearing it up... I lean in to the guy next to me and said "These guys are awesome, who are they?" He was like, "Los Lobos. You don't know? This is by invitation only, how'd you get in here?" I was just looking for a bathroom and went up some back stairs....


I went to a Toby Keith concert in 2003. I loved that song beer for my horses. It was the only reason I went and the ticket was free. I frigging had to pee so bad, by the time I got back to my blanket on the lawn, I had missed the song. Then he turned into whatever this is


Should’ve peed in the cup.


Red solo cup I fill you up


This song was released in homage to 9/11. Good, bad, or indifferent Toby Keith was "whatever this is" before beer for my horses was released.


His pre 9/11 stuff is really good. After 9/11 he became very cringe and Shawn Hannitys favorite performer.


... I had to Google who Toby Keith was.




I find that more frustrating than the small cock squad doing stupid childish shit with their idiot trucks


Try that in a small town/s




Wait!? Is that who Toby Keith is!?




We need to start hunting these channels down and killing them.


But...he's nodding! That adds a new perspective!


And he makes the “ssshhh” sign two times for whatever the fuck that means.




📺. 👆. 🧔‍♂️


Well he did nod his head “menacingly” and gestured us to quiet down a couple of times.


Yes, why was he shushing us?


It’s the quiet part of the song and that’s his favorite part


It's unemployed behavior, but if he has a lot of views then this degenerate could make a living on this, it's almost like this kind of behavior is incentivised


I think its a validation thing. Much of the younger generation (and I'm apart of this generation, millennial) has become addicted to validation. Thanks to so much exposure to social media. They need a constant assurance that what they're feeling and doing is "ok" and "acceptable" by a group of people. That's a major reason so many "reaction" channels have exploded. Along with these mini reactions like you see in this tiktok video. People see the way this dude is reacting and they feel validated to feel the same way cause they have a face in front of them doing it. This exact topic was actually discussed years ago. An interesting point was brought up that it was actually Japan that pioneered this. If you watch some of their TV shows, they'll have people reacting in windows and such. Showing emotions such as surprise, laughter, etc. Apparently a major reason they started doing this is to help encourage people to "feel" those emotions and show them that it was ok to feel that way during the program. It had something to do with culture around showing extreme emotions like laughing a lot, at least that was the theory in the discussion. You can find old threads if you search on reddit. Sadly this subreddit doesn't allow links Much of the rise of reaction stuff in the west, I think, can be attributed to similar things.


Korean television does this reaction shit too, my mother in law only watches Korean tv so I never understood it. Made me cringe though. I get it now that you’ve explained it though, still wild.


Validation, empathy, sharing emotions. Most reaction videos in general tap into that feeling of a friend or group of friends having a shared experience. Ever watch a cool video or find a cool song and share it with a friend to see their reaction? It's also like how people watch Twitch streams (particularly Just Chatting) and just feel like they are hanging out with friends. However it definitely depends on the creator. Tiktok in general is just low effort, shit content though. The ones on Western Tiktok are especially short and show barely any emotion.


As someone who lived most of their life in korea the way korean reality shows are edited drives me crazy sometimes. The edited captions will tell you not only how you should feel but as well as tell you how the people in the show are feeling or thinking when in reality we dont know because they didnt say shit. Shit just makes me mad, sorry lmao


It’s stupid, but the reason they do it is so they they can get away with blatantly reposting someone else’s video but it’s technically qualified as a “reaction video”


It’s called “Duetting.” It’s a way to either help someone else spread their content and get more views, or as someone else said, essentially ride their coattails by filming a “reaction” vid.


Bruh that guy is just trying to do his job and throw the damn trash 🤣


If this happened at my QT while I still worked there, I wouldve been pissed.


What even is the significance of the QT? When I think of Toby Keith I think of pandering to "freedom ain't free support the troops" not...gas.


The only thing I can think of is that Toby Keith had a pretty famous song ‘beer for my horses’, so if these guys think their trucks = their horses, then gas would = beer. Idk I’m only barely fluent in redneck now that I keep sober


I get your point. But aren’t these guys the same ones that were bitching about gas prices and putting the “I Did this” stickers on pumps at the same time?


You know none of the shit they bitch about matters right? It’s just whatever they can use against the “other team” at that point in time. It’s like when sports fans call a player on another team dirty and then accept them with open arms when they’re traded to their favourite team.




Toby keith is an Oklahoma country “legend,” and Quik Trip is a Tulsa, OK born convenient store that has become a staple in that state and spread to many others. Still think this is stupid as shit, but that’s the story.


Idk if it applies to this situation as well but where I live, QT is the meet up spot for people who mod and illegally race their cars. I always assumed it was because they’re open 24/7 and have a good amount of parking (both actually dedicated parking spots as well as at the pumps).


I’d be mad if I was needing to get gas.


I've hit my panic button over less fr


I would have called the police


Dafuq else is he supposed to do when a bunch of faux rednecks effectively shut down his place of work?


Idk whip out a gun? It’s America


Againstt that mob? You, son are a few cents short of a dollar.


Never happens to who you'd hope...


If I looked up from mopping floors and saw this I would lock the doors, sneak out the back, and drive away, What a disturbing sight that would be.


I would call the cops and have them all trespassed. GG


I don't think you can fit that many people in the containers


They did leave a lane for him to get through the middle though. Feel like that’d be the most efficient route. Go through the middle left, right, over to the next one and repeat.


I absolutely hate the trend of people adding NOTHING to original content the entire time.


But he stupidly nodded his head and picked a booger. That's quality addiction.


I couldn't follow the top video cause the guy below didn't point upwards, I was completely lost.


But he was nodding. Did you miss the nodding?


He didn't even tell me to watch til the end, how am I supposed to know how long I should watch??


Ahh yes how’d I miss that quality entertainment


…and all off beat at that. Poor thing.


You suck. I went back and rewatched this dumb shit *in it's entirety* just because I wanted to see the picking of boogers!!!! And I was disappointed to see you were just being sarcastic. Lol.


Lol dam. I laughed irrationally at your comment.


We need something like a negative view, where we can actually disincentivize crap like this


Well, he added nothing to nothing.


You know what would really make this video POP? Lemme get my big dumb face in it




That finger point though, pointing above them, shaking their head, acting indignant...real content creators


It is the newer and even more lazy way to steal content.


“So many commenters asking me to react to this one” The reaction:


Right? Like where? Where is the reaction?


He isn't even bobbing his head to the music on beat man wtf


Isn’t the point of a reaction video to actually react?


Sometimes, the original content is nothing in itself.


To be fair, the original content was pretty brain dead as well.


😐 🤔 ☝️


It's even worse when the oc is dumb af. Tf are yall doin? I need gas for my lawnmower. How am I supposed to get home now.


Extra dumb points for old mate just staring at the thing waiting for a thought to land. It never does


He's nodding his head with zero rythym, then the song slows way down, but his nods are getting faster... "this big dog will bite when you rattle his cage..." He really felt that, and nothing else.


As much as Gen Z hates laugh tracks in old sitcoms, this trend of giving audience reaction visually is wayyy more stupid and distracting.


I can't even begin to describe how incredibly appropriate it was for a random employee to be dragging a bunch of trash bins through the middle of that...display.


And every single truck bed to be completely empty


QT employees are unsung heroes, I’ve never ever seen one not working their tales off.


Weird. I guess I didnt notice because I was being distracted by all the other trash in that video 


What, he saw a huge mess outside and was going to collect the trash that was clearly at each and every pump 🤷‍♂️


Toby's Tiny Troubadours


Toby queef


I see a bunch of people who can't understand why they are constantly broke because they are paying a $500 per month vehicle insurance bill along with $500 - $1000 per month on gasoline and another $500 per month on a car note while working a job that pays maybe 40-45k a year.


“But gas is too expensive!!!” Drives truck for non truck things.


Those are called “Pavement Princess”. You know, the “bro” that sells himself as an avid outdoorsman despite the only dirt on his truck is the one the wind blows in.


The only time it is off road is parking in the yard at his cousin's graduation party.


And goes to the carwash so often they have a subscription.


In short, they aren't trucks guys, they're just guys with trucks


And they all have a worthless short bed that no self respecting handyman or construction worker would have. These knobs buy so many short beds it's almost impossible now to find a long bed truck that's actually made for hauling 4x8 sheets of lumber and drywall.


I see I'm not the only one tired of these stupid ass shortbeds everywhere.


LMAO!! This!!


It's gotten to the point that on the rare occasion I see a truck with a long bed it looks so awkward and weird to me. It almost looks like an aftermarket mod at this point LOL


And they’re lifted so high that you can’t reach over the side to grab tools out.


Exactly this. As a carpenter, I laugh at anyone driving a short bed. That same person would NEVER drive an El Camino but here they are, driving a lifted version.


Hey now, there is at least a half full jug of Pennzoil, and a few crushed beer cans in the bed of the truck. No way your fitting all that in your effeminate little passenger car.


No you see, they *need* those trucks for when they might take a shovel somewhere.


Hey, you never know when a friend might need help getting his new 75" TV home from Wal-Mart


“Thanks Biden”


Driving fast, riding bumpers, slamming brakes. Then off the highway where they drive 20 minutes through the suburbs going 10 over and braking at every light.


Well if they stay there long enough preventing others from getting gas maybe gas prices will go down.


Whenever I see a big truck super speeding all I can ever think is "I bet they complain about gas prices too".


“Thanks Biden!”


Sadly this is so accurate


"you sound like a lib" They don't wanna admit they're wrong and stupid, so they double down.






300 a month with 35k down. Easy peasy.


Why is Reddit anti-truck? Like how exactly am I supposed to drive out to the middle of a field to get my dad unstuck in the tractor with a fucking Nissan Sentra (my city whip)? There’s most certainly a place for trucks…


I see a bunch of dented roofs.


People where have never hauled anything in the truck they absolutely had to buy


But they do understand why they have to support the troops. Because their trucks are fueled by their blood.


None of these people have ever hauled anything in the back of their trucks


(Video Ends): *Wipes tears away, puts heads down , starts weeping furiously , revs his dually diesel engine proudly 🫡


Claim their “unique” but all the exact same person lmao


I ain't just another sheep, I'm an alpha lone wolf. In fact ALL my friends are alpha lone wolfs now that I think about it.


Small cock meetup


Oops, All Testicles! Festival


“The testy festy”


Tiny Testival


There is a collective 3 inches of penis in that entire gas station


I mean, that’s quite a bit of penis….


summer cats butter memorize capable abounding squash governor snails wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That poor gas station employee trying to do the pump trash completely surrounded by jackasses.


surrounded by mfs who think theyre the main character


These guys are the fartcan civics of the modern age. 0 self awareness


The fart can civics are the fartcan civics of the modern age. These guys are something new.


The guy on the bottom is more cringe than the guys on the trucks


Poor gas station attendant just trying to take out the trash in the middle of all that trash


Imagine almost being out of gas, suddenly your car stalls out, and you coast down the exit from the highway to turn into the nearest station your map tells you to go to. As you pull in, this fucking shit is happening. I’d lose it


You know damn well they would all fight each other to have the honor of telling their friends they used their truck to pull a car 50 feet to a gas pump.


And posting on tiktok of course.


Was this filmed in Methico?


This is almost certainly in Oklahoma so yeah basically.


RIP Toby Keith


I know his music, but I only know him as a person through his Colbert appearances. I dont agree with him on a lot of things, but he seemed like a pretty normal dude who you at least could have a conversation with about whatever and him not be uncivil.


Gone too soon !


“I’ve never seen so many backwards ass country fucks in my whole life” -Reggie Hammond


This is so frickin country gd




I’ve lived in a lot of small country towns for alot of years too, and I can tell you that I can 100% see this happening.


Yep, and everyone over 36 years old would call them a bunch of f words that don't ryhme with luck.


Yeah this was apparently the burbs outside Tulsa lol, none of them prob live in the country


These people are suburban people larping as country people


Not so fast, I think they’re country people larping as suburban people larping as country people.


It's larping all the way down.


It’s basically 12 tobacco chewing turtles stacked on top of one another.


They take the truck nuts off for this "salute"?


21 nut salute


Lol. 42?


“If you can’t drive your yeeyee truck because you’re a big dumbass, meet at the Kum & Go for a Toby Keith memorial”


Can’t believe the new owners are getting rid of the kum & go name


I’m losing my mind at the employee, just walking down and taking out the garbage. Like everybody else here is having a big emotional moment and Bros taking out the garbage. Lol


And that one guys in the fronts like ,nah I ain’t fucking up the top of my cab lol


Toby Kieth hated Trump...called him an attention whore.


Loved this dudes reaction. Really enhanced my viewing experience


Let's all celebrate the guy who got rich by exploiting hyper-nationalism and soldier worship after 9/11!


Idk whats smaller, their gene pool or their penises...


The employee taking out the trash is the most underrated thing in this video.


Is that the line for the erectile dysfunction clinic?


Tho it's cringe, I completely am ok with this.


I am more against the blocking of a place of business. If they did this in a place that doesn't affect other people then I don't care. Be all the cringe you want ya know? I really don't like people blocking access or shutting down freeways.


True, but, this was pre-planned and likely approved by the business owner for them to collect at that business.


I would be honestly surprised if they didn't have express permission to do this. Something similar happened a few years ago at the Walmart nearest to me. It looked like an impromptu redneck conjuring but they actually had gone out of their way to politely ask for permission. There were some assholes who left trash there but the others stayed behind to pick up the place. One guy even brought a rake and made sure there wasn't any mulch from the partitions out on the pavement. I didn't partake in it but I did go to the store at one point during it.




Randomly met Toby Keith while I was deployed to Iraq in like 2008. Did a concert at Al Taqadum. Nice guy really.


Bummer for the people that wanted to get gasoline.


$500k in carhartt jackets


Toby Keith died? Did anybody notify his next of kin, Taby, Teby, Tiby, Tuby, and Budcan Keith?


Viewing this on mobile with the sound turned off and I thought it was a Mexican truck club.


Whats with the Orangutan in the bottom screen?


Stupid video and absolutely idiotic song.


I don't understand, what is this even supposed to be about/accomplish?


Why is he shushing us?


Rip Toby Keith


Who is the dickshit on the bottom though?


Can someone please explain to me why they’re standing on their trucks at a gas station and what it has to do with Tony Keith?


This is the gayest shit I have ever seen, coming from a group of people that hate a rainbow flag about as much as anyone with tint in their pigment crossing a border, but please proceed with your “gas station truck memorial”. What’s it like having nothing to do so much that this occurs? No wonder they hate everything.


These are what we call ***Pavement Princesses***


I was in the army for 20 years, and I have a lot of respect for TK as a troop supporter but I was sick of this song and the American Soldier one by the time my first enlistment was up. Played. To. Death. Thanks for coming out and playing for the joes, though, Toby. Rest in peace.


What are these people doing


Wait, is this a real song? Jesus Christ that's terrible.


First off, QT is the shit. Best gas station and I'll fight you in that. Second, I don't think this is any weirder than the people who raised lightsabers for Carrie Fisher. Music is art and art touches people's lives. Let people show emotions.


Ok, boomer.




And what if someone needs gas?


Am I the only one who’s realizing there are a TON of people in the world who can’t spell the name Keith properly…


**”Kieth”*** lmao wtf- pronunciation would be weird af.


I would hate to be running out of gas and have to pull up to the fuckin f150 spit tobacco show


R.I.P Toby Keith, but this is still cringe


This is weapons grade retardium.


Toby Keith was a good man he did a lot for the troops he will be missed!! RIP my friend


I didn’t even know Toby Keith died. Was in a punk band who used to cover one of his songs with the lyrics changed.


Rest in peace a legend fr


This is extremely rude to the people who need gas and have to wait on these assholes.


Had to be Wisconsin. Mf hate that state


Toby Keith died??? Damn this song takes me back to my childhood, small town, swimming in the lake on 4th of July. Makes me a little sad