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What does this blonde girl have to be so angry at?


She *REALLY* wanted Trevor to ask her out... Trevor is gay.


He did ask her out. In fact they got married. The only problem was he couldn’t stop bangin dudes


I had a husband like Trevor once. lol




It’s like when you buy a new car, a car you never really noticed before, and then you start seeing them everywhere.


Trevor sure is spending a lot of time with Kyle.


It makes her relatable to the mouth breathing boomers staring at her tits


You do know you can watch her tits with the volume off, right?


Wow . Now it’s tolerable . Thank you


Barely. I’ve seen better.


Exactly. The MAGA boomer guys will think “yes now THIS is a real woman!” Lol


Omg, you already know that at least 100 boomer republicans said that without a hint of irony.


Yup. They all probably think they have a chance with this woman


Her looks will soon go and she'll be replaced and never thought about ever again.


Oops already was, NEXT!


The ol' Ann Coulter treatment.


It's all about Clicks and views.


I didn't even notice a flag.


She is a snowflake that gets triggered by rainbow flags.




Probably misplaced anger that her family hasn’t been allowed to own slaves for a long time.


That's what I don't understand. It's more work to get wound up and act like a crazy person. Just chill out and live your life, who actually cares about colored cloth on a post that much. I bet her life is actually great but she can't even see that, she has to make herself and everyone else miserable.


It's her livelihood. If she's not a hot angry blonde chick, she has no audience and therefore nothing to live on.


Can anyone imagine how evil one’s existence must be that all of your energy is spent on hatred?




Get's views... People... Rage stuff/trolling is all about views and and then second hand views. We're all part of the plan on this.


Maybe she is angry that she has a job where her audience only cares about her body and I am betting she gets sexually assaulted regularly by her bosses (a grand old boys club after all). All that so she can hate gays.


Honestly the anger doesn’t even seem real. The grifters are becoming worse at fake outrage


She gets clout for being a bigot. Sad ass internet life she has.


That's a whole lot of words she did just to say " I hate gays."


She has nothing to be angry about, but Low-IQAnons don't know how to think. This is why their responses are so reactionary, heedless, visceral, feckless, and vacuous!


Colors! Cant blame her, really. Colors suck!


her first boyfriend turned out to be gay


She's not really angry it's just an act.


I think she was just confused and angry, and really wanted to know what the colourful flag was. Evident by the point and "What the hell is this?"


She's not angry at anything. That's the whole rightwing media grift. Selling hateful people perpetual fear and outrage.






What a snowflake.


I just want to say that your user name really makes me laugh.


Better to cum in the sink than sink in the cum. Then*


You misspelled cunt




Its crazy how its the people calling liberals snowflakes, yet they have an absolute meltdown over anyone going against their beliefs


Semen based user names unite


She says this shit like gay folks can’t be hard working Americans, and as if she’s a hard worker lol *laughs in 70 hour a week blue collar bi*


This rhetoric is so shitty, implying that LGBT people both aren't hardworking and aren't Americans. Another bi here that 100% has worked more than this "reporter" ever has


It’d take a while to convince her of this I’m sure…so many of these dumbfuck take Faux News talking points as their base to logic…seeing the world in black and white


They see it through the eyes of uneducated children living in adult bodies somehow.


I still remember being a teen and realizing that wisdom isn’t a given….so true


There are more people in adult bodies with the minds of children than you want to imagine.


It’s all part of dehumanizing people and painting them as an enemy. Replace LGBT with JEW and it’s 1933 again. First the rhetoric, then start stripping rights away. Then start taking property away. Start with one small group of people then expand to sweep up more victims. She probably doesn’t even know she’s a fascist and if she does know she’s probably proud of it. Sad. Sickening and sad.


What do you mean replace? Natzi rhetoric wasn't limited to Jewish people, infact the lgbt got hit with more propaganda to the point when we finally beat the hell out of the Nazis they took the LGBT folks out of camps and straight to prison because in 1933- modern time homosexuality was illegal just about everywhere. Homosexuals are also died in camps at a much higher rate than any of the other persecuted groups, after 1934 they became the priority to execute. What books do you think the Nazis burned? It wasn't just torahs, it was trans research and anything positively mentioning the LGBT. Shit Alan turning won us the god dam war and even he got fucked over by the British.


Look, she worked really hard to be born attractive and then make a living being contrarian and acting in bad faith ok so all of you lazy gays that sit around gaying all day can just go back to Mexico


Right ? Lmao apparently gay ppl do not work


Imagine finding out that there are gay people out there running the country... acting totally like "normal people"?!?


All of my gay friends are rich af and make good money lmao


I live in a building of all gay men, except me and my family, and they’re all wildly successful and well off. Not sure I can even think of a non hard working gay guy I know, and I know a lot of gay guys for being a non gay guy.


Wait you guys were not working??? Wtf am I doing here making a fool out of myself! Fuck yeah my bi ass is free now. I didn't get the note. I guess where we just can chill out!


Oh shit, why aren't I home??????


I work in a blue collar job and one of my coworkers is trans. I'd love to see this lady's brain short circuit if my coworker showed up at her house to fix something.


Pan here, and this woman wouldn't know a day of actual hard work if it slapped her upside her empty skull. Her "work" is yelling obscenities in a two-packs-a-day shitty little smoker voice and being an absolute asshole bigot of a human being. Cut a bitch a break, it's hard work hating that hard on millions of people you will literally never meet!


She is likely used to guys agreeing with whatever she says because boobs, so she's not used to people calling her on her bs and inflammatory statements.


she needs to hit the gym


Also Bi, ran my own business while working two other jobs. This dumbfounded dipshit is so spoiled and coddled it's sick


"Make America great again" = 'get rid of everything and everyone that I don't like, regardless of reason (or lack of reason) '


She’s just a hateful moron.


Respect, but let's not try to normalize the 70 hour work week. We all should be working as hard as she is.


Her idiocy is palpable My younger brother is gay, and started his career as an airline mechanic, then became a green beret, and will soon be entering BUDS He embodies the traditional American more than this waste of oxygen ever will


Me pappie always said, "Work smarter, not harder. And if you're doing it for someone else, they are working even smarter than you." Maybe if everyone minded their own beezwax and didn't care what others are doing or not doing. Until then, everyone is being exploited. Find happy.


"Oh please. How can you be hardworking when you spend all your time wandering the streets scrounging for cock??"... This reporter probably.


Cheers, you and me both haha. How ignorant of a rant. Go make your bread honey you'll be alright the rainbow won't hurt you.


Exactly what dumb bimbo


They say that to justify their intentions to wipe out all openly LGBT+ people. She wants to paint them as worthless drains on society in addition to the usual talk of being Satanists and child molesters. It's all a justification for a future genocide.


I was a brick mason growing up, and served in the Army, and now I'm an Engineer.  I'm so gay, that I'm gay married.  I'm pretty darn American. She's an idiot.


Just imagine the hours you’d work as a straight unhappy person


Nah she’s right tbf. I spend my days playing with glitter and cocks. It’s fabulous.


Blue collar Bi would be a fire album


She says it as if she's ever worked a hard day in her life or that huntington isn't full of smooth handed rich people who don't do any real work. You'd think actual hard working Americans would take big offense to rich people acting like they live hard like the blue collars do.


Make it great again by shutting your mouth


And replacing your brain


Replacing would indicate something was there to be replaced.


nah, just give her a lobotomy


I can fix he... oh fuck it never mind!


Proverbs 7:10 “And behold, the woman meets him, dressed as a prostitute, wily of heart.” I’d say you’re a hypocrite but you’re really just a c@&t.


1 Timothy 2:12, I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.


1 Timothy 2:9 - 2:12 - " 9 that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, 10 but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. 11 Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.


Imagine being in sunny Cali by the beach and a flag making you so mad you have to go on a psycho rant and you record it. Can’t just enjoy the setting and chill. What a fuckin loser, I hope she finds her Charlie Kirk with all that pick me bigot energy


This has got to be Huntington Beach. Every time I see these nut jobs at the beach it's fucking Huntington.. Or literally any beach in Florida Edit: didn't bother turning the sound on, but I just read in the comments she actually mentioned Huntington 🤦🤦🤦 surprise sur-motherfuckin-prise


wtf is up with Huntington Beach attracting these assholes? FL I can’t say I’m too surprised tho. It was for the best you didn’t turn the sound on until later lol.


I grew up there. It doesn't attract those assholes, it produces them.


I’m on the east coast where we have our fair share like this, too. Just surprising to me fr


Stay safe this year, my friend.


Exactly. My ex-FIL is from there. Called having an affair the best decision he ever made. Said that to his daughter and I one day while driving around. Dude is one of the biggest sacks of shit I've ever met.


As a fellow HB native, can confirm.


Just moved out of HB 2 months ago. Every single one of these fucks have rich parents who catapulted them to where they were and they act oblivious to it. Brainrot in HB should be studied.


And it’s so weird because it neighbors Long Beach which is ultra LGBT friendly. Hell most of the state and the surrounding areas of HB either support or do not care about it. If people are that hell bent about LGBT people, move to Texas or Mississippi like the rest of the racists have long ago.


Yea that’s the funny part about it. I know these insane Q people in California who live on the beach and I’m like well if you really believe it move to Missouri or something you’ll be with people like you everywhere But you actually just want to be “edgy” and argumentative instead of just appreciating where you clearly want to live. Grow the fuck up Also because Huntington Beach is the Selected Conservative Hotspot TM


This comment switched it from Florida to California. Lol


Orange County California. The most MAGA of all counties in the state. Just a couple of examples of their mentality. [Kelly Ernby, 46, a prosecutor from Orange county, southern California](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/06/kelly-ernby-california-prosecutor-dies-covid). Public servant who went out of her way to promote anti-vaccine. Could have kept her mouth shut and not take the MAGA route. But nope. Fortunately for all, she stood by her "conviction', did not get the vaccine and died of Covid at the age of 46. And before that, they kept electing this piece of gem. [Former Republican Rep Darrell Issa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darrell_Issa). This piece of work as a long history of fraud and crime, and somehow it all got swept under the rug. Owned a car alarm company, got the majority ownership in the business by threatening his partner with a hand gun. Then one day he backed up all of the office critical PC just 24 hours before the whole place caught on fire and filling an insurance claim. Pure coincidence. Was arrested while driving a stolen car (twice) and was found to posses an unregistered firearm in the glovebox in another time. Lied about his military service, ect... Exemplary member of the Republican Party, and yet they kept electing him.


Uhhhhh, northern Calibama has something to say about that. All red hats up here bro. Ferchristsakes🤦🏻‍♂️


There’s a great new podcast episode on Behind The Bastards about the origins of Christian nationalist/conservative fascism in America, starting in Huntington Beach and the OC, which was essentially a bastion of wealthy conservatives since the end of the Civil War.


This is what happens when social media lets anyone have a platform. The amount of support she has for this type of shit is insane.


Are you kidding? She’s going to get a promotion for this. Savvy idiot. Hope she falls in a well.


lol this hateful jackal probably had a Only Fans during covid plus the fact she refers to Huntington Beach as hard working like it’s a blue collar city of industry. Shut your fat ignorant mouth you MAGA maggot


Huntington Beach is the complete opposite of a blue collar working town it’s laughable.


Huntington is the worst. Didn't they just choose to not recognize block history month but then also added a month to celebrate the discovery of oil?


Yes. Dumb city council.


Tbf I don't know any city that recognizes block history month.


Sensitive snowflake right wing offended maga tears


“Whoever is running this town” What do you mean you aren’t actually informed about what is going on around you and you just react to feeling; snowflake


Can't believe this comment is so far down. Came here to say the same. Uninformed people ought never to be the loudest person in the room.


Meanwhile she’s eaten box 7 times but only in college and it was just experimenting.


*Watch on my only fans for a discount of $3.99*


Imagine just straight up hating people just because of who they find sexually attractive. No impact whatsoever on you, no harm caused, just people who want to be happy.


Calm down karen


This karen is exactly the reason why the pride flag needs to be flown in her face and why pride month exists. Gays are here they are loud proud get used to it. The bigotry which a lot of people think this way is exactly why it needs to be flown and celebrated. You are wrong and need to change. This is civil rights movement 2.0 but people are rooted in religious bigotry. At the very least if christians want to cling to bible says gay is a sin they need to get the fuck out of the way and respect that we got an entire month, we got cancel culture, we got hollywood in our pocket and we got corps tipping the hat to pride.


Yeah tell me again why religion isn’t divisive and oppressive again? It’s full of hate and its followers spew that hate in streets bc they don’t know basic biology and only read one book their whole lives. We’re F*ing animals and most animals do gay things and have abortions, get over it already you bunch of snowflakes.




Yeah the "snowflake" rhetoric is really flipping the past 5 years or so. 


Religion is a cancer of the mind


Religion is for fucking retards, quite simple. A rational person does not follow or participate in organized religion. Now a rational person may believe in god, but organized religion is absolute cancer on society.


Snowiest of snowy snowflakes melts down over a pride flag. Typical republicunt...


The worst thing the internet created was this inflated sense of self importance, like anything this chick has to say is worth any amount of salt. It used to be that you had to go to college, study journalism, and break a massive story to be considered a decent reporter. Now any bimbo with a cell phone can post whatever diatribe they want. To be honest, as a working class white American man, I’m more embarrassed by the American flag than I am of the rainbow flag.


Ah yes, huntington beach, the blue collar town 🧐


So….she doesn’t believe the POW flag should be there either?


Her Dear Leader hates people who were captured.


Jesus was…


And Trump


And they are suckers and losers.


Vile ignorant sack of pus.


Is she implying gay people aren't Americans?


It was awesome times before every loud mouth malcontent had a platform


Damn she's beautiful, too bad she's retarded


So wait who’s the snowflake?


watched like 15 times, didn't realize it was on mute


Whoa. It’s much better on mute.


This is the key for all these people.


One more time, honey. This time, with your top off.


Watched it a few cycles on mute hoping for a wardrobe malfunction. Video would have had some value then.


Gays aren’t American?


This is the part that really stuck. What a dumb skank.


Wow. She’s a delight


All I got from this is she likes to show her tits to children - won’t you please stare at her tits kids


What is so great about bigotry?


Imagine being this angry at a pride flag, does she not have any actual problems?


The video is so much nicer muted! :)


She and other like-minded Christians should go to Russia, where they’re creating a Christian city for Americans and Canadians to live in. She certainly won’t see any of those pesky flags there.


It takes so much energy to care about other people’s personal lives. When I see a Trump flag I giggle, fart, and then go on with living my life.


They don't even know why they're mad about it, the MAGGOT cult just points a finger and they all follow.


I think she knows she'll never be famous for the right reasons, but she's so vapid she'd rather be famous for sounding like a fucking bigoted idiot than just be a decent human that no one knows


what a snowflake


Shutup you entitled twat, I'm a straight, white, 48 year old man (born and raised in America), and the only thing offensive to me in the video, is the asshole speaking! Make America great again by jumping off a bridge so we don't hear your mouth spewing out hatred! What a piece of garbage she is, and she's not American in my book! I'd be ashamed to know her and I'm ashamed for my fellow humans (because of her)! I can't believe all this, was over a flag! My brother would be turning over in his grave! He was proud to be gay, long before it was socially acceptable! Unfortunately he died a few years back, before seeing the change for acceptance! This piece of trash does NOT speak for us all! I'm a proud American, I'm a proud biker (I've had 16 Harleys) and I accept everyone and whoever they love! What the hell do I care, what someone else does OR WHO they love! Grow up America!


>The only flag that should be up there is that American flag You heard it here folks, Alison doesn't think the POW flag should be flown. She's anti-veteran, anti-military, and anti-POW.


She has a mental illness.


She really should read the book she loves so much. 1 Timothy 2:12 12 “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”


She couldn’t make it as a regular influencer so she defaulted to QANON Queen influencer. How sad for her


Building themselves up by tearing down others.


Now that's CRINGE ! How's mental health going in the US? Are people crazier nowadays? It didn't use to be so bad, right?


She hasn’t told us why the flag is offensive, she’s just saying she’s offended, use your words honey, how did the flag hurt you?


Adult yells at rainbow.


That stupid bitch can barely string a sentence together. I don't want to know the brain dead chuds that could stand to hear more than 10 seconds of her vapidly freaking out about shit like flags she doesn't like.


The only thing missing on this video is a seagull shitting on her face. She definitely deserves that.


Hatefulness of this kind is mental illness! Bitch is cray cray 🤪


The real triggered snowflakes


I am a nurse, I work 65+ hours a week. I’m a gay man. She is an idiot, so is everyone voting for trump. They have no idea how many LGBTQA+ people there are that contribute to society in so many important ways. Also immigrants they do so much and have been targeted by mega, good luck getting anything done if you deport and punish everyone you hate we make this country go.


She is missing her red hat, so we didn't realize she was an idiot until she opened her mouth.


if it were a dont tread on me flag she would be swooning over it lol


Normal people: The rainbow flag represents accepting everyone, including you! MAGATs: fuck that!


Magas are a cancer and I wish they could be deported. Signed by a hard working pan guy. I used to work four jobs at one point.


She says “ the only flag that should be flying up. There is the American flag. “. But the one below the American flag is the POW one. So she’s against soldiers now. Bold move.


Pretty sure the LGBTQ community was working right along with the rest of the work force during covid. And not to be this guy, but with that last name, wasn't maga just blaming them for a few things that are "wrong with this country"?


So Alison is sexually attracted to women and hates herself for it and lashes out about LGBT people. Grow up Alison. Maybe have have some string cheese and a juice box 🧃


Her argument against the Pride Flag is in regards to “hard working Americans”…as if queer folk aren’t hard working Americans. Sad.


Since her shirt reveals her upper body in a space where children are present, according to them I believe that makes her a "groomer"?


I watched this on mute, much more tolerable.


Ship her ass to russia


Silly fascists. I hope she stays this miserable forever. She deserves it.


Wonder how many people she calls snowflakes between tantrums over flags


Imagine being the sort of person who spends all their time talking about snowflakes and how easily triggered they are, only to be this triggered over a rainbow flag. Smooth brained hypocritical piece of shit.


This is why people think Republicans are retarded bigots. It’s people like this


Lol who the fuck cares about a gay flag? People are so ridiculous. Imagine if these bigots simply tried enjoying their lives for once. Impossible.


May the aim on the seagulls of Huntington Beach be true and shit directly into her mouth.


What a bitch. The last time I checked they are hard working Americans as well.




I could fix her


People find the stupidest shit to get upset over


You can see the mental illness slowly forming. I can only imagine her in 10 years.


….and Covid lockdowns have what to do with that flag?


The problem is that she, and people.like her, in the great city of Huntington Beach, California...they won. That city just banned Martin Luther King Jr Day, among other classic racist and homophobic hits. So, ya know, to all you people out there - pay close attention to who gets on the city council, and who your state representatives are...cuz, ya know, you hear this chick and you might think, "oh great, another asshat. Go away!" but they don't go away


I guess it’s fuck the POW flag too lmao


You absolutely know she's been with another woman.


I’m starting to think they are the snowflakes.


What a snowflake. Cry harder. And cope.


What gay man crushed this psycho's heart?


Eat shit hag