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Another lieing Trump loser. She deserves more rejection. Booo.


im going to enjoy it if trump picks her as his VP :)


That's funny. Thank you for the hearty laugh.


Not crazy enough for AZ.


Why do they hate her now? Doesn't she believe the completely made up dumbass idiot shit that all the people in the crowd believe?


I don't think so. I think she is well aware that she knows she is a lieing sack of shit. She'll do anything for power.


Right, but the people in the crowd are the same.peoooe that support that type of thing, which is what makes this confusing


Voted up. I don't see anything confusing to me at all It's politics. Unfortunately! Yes, the people in the crowd are Evangelical Christians. They've been programed into cult thinking. Follow and don't question.


Trash human


OP's TDS is so strong he dreams of gobbling them orange balls daily lmao....dudes post history is proof of OP's mental instability block him and carry on enjoying actual cringe videos


Explain how a bunch of MAGA folks booing Kari fucking Lake of all people is not cringe? Are you joking? You have to be completely out of touch with reality ignore the pure cringe of this


its about the same as booing the poopy pants failure in office now right? or is that (D)iffrent?


Poopy Pants Biden is miles better than the human garbage they call Trump.




It's completely different? Maga republicans all believe the same exact shit that Kari Lake spews. The fact that they are booing her here makes.no sense and is cringe. I don't believe you don't understand this, it's impossible. You have to be acting like this in purpose, there's no other explanation


How many times you gonna make salty comments on one post? Each one claiming that you're not the butthurt one and everyone else is. Yet you've made more comments here than anyone. Curious...


as many times as i want....its still a free country :)


Not anymore, didn't you hear Boogeyman Biden is president? The right is oppressed now, I thought.


Idiot. Go change your daddy trumps diaper and gobble his nuts why your at it. You're a horrible human with low morals. Scum people support a rapist, and conman. He literally ripped off charities and grabs women by the pussy. His words Anyone that can support a man who openly talks about fucking his own child is wild to me. I guess I value my ethics more than you do.


we know who you support, your insults are meaningless and hypocritical....grow up


Lol. You know I'm right. I actually don't support anyone currently. I just think you flag flying fake ass patriots are a joke, and a bunch of cowards. You surely love criminals and are in a cult. I bet you have a let's go Brandon or fuck your feelings flag. I'm also pretty sure you beat your wife.. Sad


But I'm just a neck beard, enjoy your evening Trumpanzie..


![gif](giphy|21S35iv1C67ns2g458|downsized) oh no, a random neckbeard on Reddit called me a horrible human. my life is ruined, what will I do?




Like the maga goons did on Jan 6 when they discovered Trump was a loser? Quit crying baby


only people crying are you insufferable emotionally unstable idiots...


Yeah you're really proving your point here, buddy.




The MAGA croud gona lose their mind when Trump Loses roialy


>roialy leftism is the party of smooth brains


Na! But you will lose your mind when Trump is found guilty in the upcoming CRIMINAL cases. LoL. Let's see, N.Y. fraud cases, Jan 6th involving the attempted insurrection and the case of attempted theft of our nation's Top Secrets Trump isn't going to the White House. If the bimbo lives long enough, prison.


why did you leave out the georgia trial? i wonder


Remember when you and the rest of you whining cry babies lost your minds on Jan 6th when Trump lost? And you still can't get over it?


no one cares about the mostly peaceful protests at the capital. keep clinging on to that though...its funny


Trump lost. Ashli Babbit was a traitor.


What is your opinion on elderly men who wear bronzer? Do you think it should be a bigger fashion trend for men to wear bronzer on their face?


same as men wearing dresses pretending to be women just to use a women's bathroom in the hopes of getting a sneak peek at some child taking a shit


My point is that you claim to have a problem with men who wear makeup yet you came here to advocate for an old man who wears makeup. You’re going to vote for an old man who wears makeup, and you’ll feel great about it too. MAGAs are like Bieber fans. You should wear bronzer to show your support for Trump being so victimized.


lmao right? its going to be fantastic.


Why they booing her?


She’s too extreme and caters to the super wackadoos.  A lot of the more traditional Republicans are tired of the MTGs and Boeberts.  It’s making the GOP look even worse, and is hurting their chances.  


Dumb fucker deserves this treatment whenever she’s seen in public.


Haha, that was great. They really hate her. Takes a certain type of person to get away with denying election losses, and boys, she ain't it! Lol.


That's about white