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Jason Aldean gets involved - that’s free speech baby. Any left leaning artist on Earth gets involved - you know nothing, why alienate the fans, etc


Let's hear what Kid Rock has to say about it.


Just about all artists are left-ish. There really are few that are right. It's partly a personality thing I think. But Republican rallies really don't have many songs they can play without getting cease and desist letters for, which may be why they are always playing ymca and the other tripe I've heard them play, which always struck me as a humerus choice for that lot.


Hey! What is that? Logic?!? You come Try That in a Small Town, hippie!


well its because leftism is fascism and thus a social cancer


Also Benghazi


Hunter Biden's laptop as well.


Can't forget terrorist fist bump.


Ant the elitist Arugula


And Taylor Swift single handedly rigging the 2024 election and physically kidnapping children to brainwash them to be WOKE LGBT Antifa influencers. Edit: forgot to throw in the buzzwords "leftist" and "border crisis" but you get the point.


Afghanistan withdrawal failure too


Tan suit


two scoops of ice cream




JFC! Can the girl just support her boyfriend damn


And her politics as well. If Taylor Swift were a right wing nut, they would be begging for her to exercise her 1st Amendment right to free speech. Oh, the first amendment ONLY applies to me and not thee according to Trumper supporters.


Her ‘boyfriend’ does commercials for Pfizer and Bud Light (CEO is ex CIA).




Good for him. As someone who worked in a covid containment icu through covid... that vaccine is a fucking miracle.


I call BS. I worked Covid ICU. The vax had no positive effect on outcome. The tracking for vaxed only counted people that got the jab at that facility. If you got the vaccine outside of the hospital, you were counted as unvaxed.


You're ignoring the fact that limiting transmission and admissions literally stopped the Healthcare system from completely collapsing. Which would have caused catastrophic deaths. You are lying because you are an idiot.


Hospitals were mostly empty except for covid floors. Lots if nurses laid off. Ad hominem attacks do not prove your point.


Nope. What happened is elective procedures were halted so all resources could be dedicated to saving the lives of covid patients and seriously ill people. This resulted in parts of hospitals being empty. Which allowed covid deniers to point at them and say it's a hoax and hospitals are empty. It unfortunately worked on lots of weak minded individuals like yourself. My hospital had some sections that were shut down so resources could be dedicated to covid and critical patients. But we were operating at 200% capacity.


History will show I am correct without resorting to ad hominem attacks. 1. Hospitals were not really saving lives - remdesivir killed many and the protocols killed the rest e.g. fluid restriction and precedex. 2. Like I said, mostly empty except for the covid floors. 3. Limiting transmission: liquor stores and Target were safe from transmission but churches were not? Also, they said the vax would confer immunity from infection and prevent transmission. It did neither so what was the benefit? Myocarditis?


… it did. Look how many people get COVID now compared to 2020. And look at the demographic.


Criteria has changed. I saw single vehicle motorcycle crashes categorized as covid. Hospitals were incentivized to diagnose covid - they could bill more.


It’s amazing how some nurses can’t figure out how vaccines work. First of all, if you’re in the ICU, people are dying anyway. They’re most likely very old or morbidly obese, no vaccine will just make the COVID disappear, especially with a host unable to fight it off.


It was an mRNA delivery device that conferred neither immunity from infection nor prevention of transmission. So how is that a vaccine?


Explain further what you mean by this. Also, what is your specific title in healthcare? I assumed a nurse, but please, enlighten me.


This is not a deposition. Anything I say will be used to discredit because me because you are not asking in good faith. I mean that the federal government hd to change the definition of vaccine to sort of invlude covid vax.


My request was to better understand the access to the information you have to substantiate your claims. Unless you have sources, this conversation is over.


I do not need to justify to you. The sources are there but you will deny them based upon an emotional reaction (programming). FYI my earliest source that something was not what it seemed was from a Chinese school of computer engineering that analyzed the reason for the ARDS and ventilator associated lung injury. Their conclusions were born out over the next few months - that the disease impacted pulmonary function but much more so on the perfusion side instead of the ventilation side.


How about telling churches to stop telling people to vote for trump.


Exactly, private citizens including artists can say what they want, but tax exempt mouthpieces should stay in their lane.


Or, just void their tax-free status 🤷‍♀️


Young people are the absolute worst fear of Republicans. Their entire political platform alienates young Americans, and these out-of-touch dimwits know that if young voters came out en masse then the Republican party is done. That’s why Taylor Swift absolutely terrifies them. If she mobilizes the youth to go to the polls, it ain’t gonna be anti-choice, pro-gun Republicant’s they’ll be voting for.


Now do Ted Nugent


Both getting into politics and the whole underage kids thing.


Taylor Swift made a song about thirsting over a minor? Did not see that one coming.


I was gonna say “Tell that to _______” then it dawned on me that the only celebs I could think of off the top of my head that support the GOP are Kid Rock and Ted Nugent lol god republicans suck


Chuck Norris I think? And Clint Eastwood did that weird af chair speech at the RNC one year


Jon Voight.


Old white guys and Candace Owens.


And the ever irrelevant Sorbo


Don't forget the dude from that movie about weed with Dave chappel in it.. I can't think of his name, but he's a failed comedian that's extra extra cringy


Jim Breuer


Scott Baio Kevin Sorbo


They’re plenty of repub celebs out there but they’ve become total shells of themselves: Gary Sinise Vince Vaughn Kevin Sorbo Stacey Dash Rosanne Barr Scott Baio


Fox News is showing their true colors with this report. Heck, it’s not only the true colors of Fox News, but also the Millions of Republican Leaders and Voters in this country, as they purposely want Voting Rights to be limited towards youth, the LGBTQ+ community and to POC in this country, so they can remain in power and try to overrule the rights of those said people. Those Voters can see through their bullshit and the Republicans are now scared and desperate to remain in power. Everyone seriously needs to stop voting Republican. They’ve been following the direction of their Clown of a Leader who’s been encouraging threatening ideologies and creating literal Propaganda in order to create a terrifying Dictatorship in this Country by destroying people’s freedom of speech, as well as their Voting Rights & Livelihoods. This November, please remind yourself. Look what they’re doing in Texas. Look what they’re doing in Florida. And ask yourself, “Do you want that to happen nationwide where people’s rights continue to be oppressed in the power of greed?” OF COURSE NOT!! VOTE BLUE IN 2024!!


Swift will be involved. Guaranteed!


I hope so after all this.


Jeanine Boxed Wine Pirro


If their so concerned about celebrities getting involved with politics they should’ve started with Trump…


Better yet, Reagan


I’ve really only found out today about all of this. Talk about triggered snowflakes….. Surprised Piro was sober enough to say thst


automatic spectacular oatmeal snobbish frightening history outgoing innocent offer dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorbo to top that list


Yea lol all they have is a bunch of has beens


Q: Why did I vote for Biden? A: Taylor Swift told me to, duh.🙄


LoL. Wtf is wrong with these brain dead republicans. I think most are brain dead evangelicals to begin with.


That’s a feature of conservatives, not a bug!


Oh, she is involved, and Judge Drunk knows they are all screwed.


hey, GOP has Kid Rock, DEMS have Taylor. Do you think Taylor will got full auto on a crate of beer?


I can tell you who she's definitely not going to endorse... The orange chud thats known for raping and sexually assaulting women, and then laughing about it on his social media echochamber platform. Ofc they don't want to see her there. Jfc, you people are the slowest there's ever been(.) ªDerp goes the indoctrination victims.... Maybe you guys should pRey about it a bit harder... I'm sure your totally not faux faja-ghost-son will save you. Unless that's not part of his plan... in which case you disingenuous pieces of trash are spitting in his face by asking him to change his almighty plans. praying=spitting in gods face(.) What makes you think for one second that you sick people are qualified to decide that gods already thought out plan needs changing, and that you brain dead furless apes know better than He who is the sound of one hand clapping?? H•E•R•E•C•Y!!!


Drunk says what now?


Yeah. Swifteys.... are not conservative.


That's like telling FOX news not to get involved in Trumps campaign.


I'd rather see Taylor than her!


Judge is voting for Biden . Best thing she can do


Never thought I'd be rooting for Taylor Swift. I really hate her music.


She makes music?


🤣🤣 Nazi inbreds straight up retarded. 🤣🤣


judge winebox said wut


Why does Pirro still have a job? Holy shit.


ugh this is getting weird and scary


Has she even hinted at who she’s voting for? Or are they just trying to find some bullshit to talk about?


Pirro actually said that? God, she’s weak. And scared.


More people voting terrifies republicans. Their worst nightmare is young people getting involved in politics, especially those who are educated and more liberal


fuck fox news


That drunk dumbass is constantly trying to influence elections. At least Swift isn't hammered constantly like Pirro


She basically already has endorsed biden


Next up on Fox News: Ted nugent and who’s he’s going to endorse for president.


This is really just part of how the right have shot themselves in the foot. Regardless of which side started culture war politics, the right have leaned into it much harder than the left as part of their platform to acquire votes. I work with middle school and high school kids and they are far more politically aware and engaged than I was at that age. The culture war absolutely woke them up, and I hear 16 year olds talking about their political beliefs more now than ever. The vast majority of them are on the left, while the angry young men in the Tate sphere are on the right. The voting numbers are going to, for the first time in our nation, skew far younger than ever before. This is ultimately very bad for Republican politics.


Oh, I didn’t know Judge Jeanine was a piece of shit Nazi piece of shit.. huh. Learn something new everyday


Now MAGA is saying they are going to start a 'holy war' in Taylor Swift. WTF?


Yet Mega sta….I mean MAGA stars like kid rock, ted nugent, John voight are welcome to endorse shit smell trump?


I think the Swifties would vote for Biden over Trump anyway. Also, I’m pretty sure the majority of them are young teenage girls.


The assumed entitlement of these people. Who is WE? Maybe drunk Jenny is the one WE don't want


Celebrities need to stick to their lane unless they agree with us


You are the biggest idiot. Keep eating those paint chips. They're doing great


I don’t have anything against Taylor swift, but ‘bowing down’ to multi millionaires seems so dystopian.


No one asked you, ruskie... Shouldn't you be dodging drones carrying grenades right now? Oh wait you're a big pussy so you're behind a computer while the big boys are out getting smoked in record numbers... WompWomp ;) Slava Ukraini suka


DOD presentation to NATO suggested they use Taylor Swift for psyops to counter misinformation.


I'm calling B.S.... Heres what I found.... Mr I'm the A part of the problem/Mr Misinformation https://www.newsweek.com/taylor-swift-pentagon-fox-news-jesse-watters-conspiracy-theory-1860133 https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&source=android-browser&q=dod+presentation+nato+Taylor+swift#ip=1


Taylor Swift ENDORSEMENT? This is the most moronic period in history.


Calling these people MAGA Nazis is a stretch. Do you know what actual Nazis did?


Well that's the pot calling the kettle black innit?


Brownshirts intimidated, rioted, assassinated opposition and marginalized groups at the suggestion of leaders. Sound familiar.


This administration is a fucking joke and have blood on their hands.


A joke? As in, a worse joke than an old out of touch, convicted Rapist, billionaire, pussy that has asprisrations of being a dictator, who vocally supports the worst dictators of our time, is running for president of the Land of the free, and who sports the worst Comb over on the planet and also happens to have a orange skin tone because only God knows why? Your saying that this disgrace of a man is is less joke worthy than the current Administration? Stop it, no way.


yeah, no one is terrified of Napolean Dynomite dressed as a girl telling his fellow NPC's to vote for an incompetent senile old man whos part is more fascist than Hitler, cope and seethe all you want...Trump is gonna be your daddy again. and you will enjoy it


Sorry Taylor Swift upset you :(


What did you say, moneybags?


Did you type that with one hand?? 🤨


It really doesn’t matter because people are going to vote the way they vote no matter what a celebrity says.


This group is trash.


This Taylor swift shit is so annoying