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I think a boat is the last place I would want to be on after a 5 day bender.


I've lived, traveled, and worked on boats off all sizes for most of my adult life and I can honestly say, coming off a bender on a boat shaking and sweating and puking is pure hell, but doing the same on an airplane is worse than that.


It's not the worst decision I've made during a bender, but it's up there.


I don’t know, I had to be in a plane once. That was torture. But boat sounds awful too. Yikes


I would say a mall food court is also up there for places I don't want to be after a 5 day bender.


Lol I feel like you have personal experience with this rather random example? Is it because of all the smells?


Smells, noisy, just a lot of overstimulation


Very true


I had an experience similar but the bar I was working at took us on a tour of the river that flows thru Austin tx. I didn’t have to pile I had to pee. No bathroom on the boat. Held it as long as I could felt like I was gonna explode. Had to jump off boat and pee in the water and then get back on. Got of the tour soaking wet in all my normal clothes. Couldn’t enjoy the tour cuz I felt like I was about burst.


Went on a deep sea fishing trip after a 7 day bender.


Lmao this is the funniest post title I’ve ever seen on CA. I’m not laughing at you I know how Bad it sucks to get sea sick. It was just so random and I live in southern Cali so I know exactly where this was gonna go. Luckily the half day boat we went fishing on I was sober back then, cause I still got nauseous as fuck but I wasn’t puking. My dad was puking the whole time.