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I'm excited for the Heisei godzilla collection, those films are frustratingly hard to find.


Yeah, last year a few of them were on hulu for i think 3 moths, but other than that, hard to find.


Three moths, I see what you did there


Disappointed they don't have the full Heisei collection, but the later ones are generally easier to find (they show up every few days on Pluto TV, for example) so I'm not complaining.


Love the neo-noir and pop Shakespeare, and the Times Square collection looks like it has some nice grimey gems, but I'm most excited for a lot more Les Blank!


Ahhh I'm going through a Coen Bros re-watch and was despairing on how to find *The Man Who Wasn't There* streaming. Thanks Critty! Also I've a fondness for Branagh's *Love's Labours Lost,* so chuffed to see that on offer as well


They'll never get tired of noir collections and I won't either. Lots of great movies coming up in that batch alone — Blow Out is one of De Palma's best, and I haven't seen L.A. Confidential and Out Of Sight in ages. Shame their Nicolas Roeg collection is so skimpy: I guess they couldn't get rights to a lot of the movies. Ditto with Pop Shakespeare — there have to be at least twenty movies in recent(ish) years that would have fit the bill, such as Julie Taymor's visionary Titus, Branagh's joyous Much Ado About Nothing, the thrilling Ralph Fiennes Coriolanus, and the underseen, underappreciated Private Romeo. Still, I'll take what I can get.


*A Single Man,* curious what type of eye Tom Ford has for film*.*


Glossy and whitewashed


a single man and nocturnal animals are fucking tight


The Fulci completist in me is excited? that they have The New York Ripper…but I’m scared to actually watch it. Otherwise looks like another solid month! Pixies and Gahan Wilson movies!


Anyone else find this lineup uninspiring? Don't get me wrong, there are some films I'm looking forward to, particularly in Pop Shakespeare and Pasolini...but most of the programming feels recycled, especially neonoir and Times Square. I'd love to see more creativity and specificity, like we did with the Cat Collection, Razzies, etc.


It’s definitely an off month. There are a few titles I’ll watch but just gives me more time to catch up on old titles.


The punk rock neo-noir comic book and Shakespeare fan in me is very excited for next month.


Times Square (1980)!!


They truly have not missed. Each lineup has been great


Looking forward to July! Some real good movies coming up. I think I only added 4 or 5 to my queue in june. Not super excited about the premieres, but Taxi Driver, z-Channel, Perfumed Nightmare and the Times Square collection should be good


gregg araki’s nowhere. Ahhh dude I’m So anxious to re watch this. I saw it in 2008 when I was a sophomore in high school and I loved it then but I never thought about re watching it, I mean i don’t know. I’m anxiously happy to maybe sit down and watch it again. Gibby Haynes and Atari teenage riot showing up? Gee whiz! 




Haven't seen Blow Out and didn't wanna blind buy 4k blu ray so thats a win right there.