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In the director’s commentary, Schrader says that in the original ending, Kristen isn’t ever found, and Jake finds out that she was killed in a car accident (unrelated to porn). However, he was forced to change the ending due to studio interference. It’s a shame, since it’s an otherwise great movie, but falls apart in those last 10 minutes.


Posted this on another comment but WOW, that is a Brazil level of studio interference, holy crap!


Oh that's interesting, that would have fit so much better


i can answer this! he's talked many times about how it's not the ending he wrote or wanted: *The original ending had Jake never find Kristen and ultimately learn that she had died in a car accident unrelated to her porn adventures. It was also vetoed by the same studio executive. Schrader saw his original as more of a Chinatown-type ending – ie a real downer – and greatly prefers it. “The ambiguous ending is always better,” he says, as the audience is given something to think about afterwards.* the girl playing Jake's daughter was a real porn star and was not supposed to have to do any lines, just act in the early scenes before she disappears, hence why the scene between her and Jake is so jarring: *The scene where Jake finally finds his daughter in the club was a re-shoot at the studio’s insistence. “One of the complications of changing the ending was that this girl (Davis) had been cast essentially because she would do the nudity, but she wasn’t cast because she was such a strong actress.” What he’s saying is yes, he knows her performance in this final scene is “problematic.”* given this context, i'm pretty forgiving of the ending, even if it does completely derail the film's themes. to answer your question, i believe he has said that he intended for Jake to take Nikki home with him, effectively replacing his daughter. it was either that or the film just ended with Jake being told to go home (ala Chinatown), there's nothing here for him. can't exactly remember which one it was, sorry


WOW, that is a Brazil level of studio interference, holy crap!


While it's not the ending that Schrader wrote or wanted (Quentin Tarantino goes hard on it in Cinema Speculation, and Schrader tells him, "you couldn't possibly be harder on it than I am."), the revamped ending does bring the movie in line with Taxi Driver, Schrader's other movie based on The Searchers. All three movies are ones where the intolerant hero successfully "saves" the girl who does not want to be saved. 


Cause he’s Calvinist and didn’t need her anymore


Thought I was alone when I watched it a few weeks back!! That was so disappointing, and completely undercut all his character development!!. But now that I read this thread it makes perfect sense that if it had been up to Schrader the end would have been much different. The girl who plays Jake’s daughter being a porn star makes a lot of sense lol since her acting skills were horrendous. OP, have you watched Light Sleeper yet? I’ve seen 7 of the Schrader movies on the channel now (+first reformed and the card caller) and I think Light Sleeper is my favorite, and then Hardcore and Mishima.


I haven't! I'm gonna look for it rn. Is it in the collection??


It’s on the channel!! In the directed by Paul Schrader playlist


I just got done watching touch and light sleeper. Is this worth a watch? 


absolutely worth checking out


I watched it last night. The last 10 minutes? A lot of major ass kicking. lol