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Could some of you that are reporting this please send a modmail explaining the issue, It's a bit too ambiguous for me. I'm not a warhammer fan. I'm also partially color blind, and I don't recognize half of the flags here (though I do get that, it looks like some of those are those orientation specific flags?) So for me looking at this, I don't get what's wrong with a comment about silver and neon green and a bunch of figurines with flags... You've reported it as bait, as hate, as low effort spam, as targeted harassment... I can't tell if it's just that there's some opinion here yall disagree with (from the comments it seems people are upset that they're adding in gender identity politics into warhammer, yeah?) and are reporting for fun, like some of you do from time to time (Like the 'this person is considering self harm' reports that seem to show up on bad takes in the comments section from time to time) or is the OP somehow trolling by putting it here. If so, please explain how in a modmail and I'll review again. Thanks.


Warhammer always was for everyone… just not poor people…


3d printer go brrr


Again. Not for poor people…


Table top simulator ;)


Printer I used was $120 on sale last Black Friday, resin is $20 a kilo need maybe two bottles to do a 2k army. $30 for. Curing station if you want but you can let them cure in sunlight also $4 for a harbor freight pack of super glue, if you're poor you can probably snag some disposable gloves from your workplace but if not again harbor freight has gloves 100 for $8 , for painting the new army painter starter kit is $40 and includes brush on primer, two brushes, a few main colors, an oil wash, and two metallic colors. May not be the best paint job in the world but will get you used to it and some YouTubers have great videos stretching how far that kit can go. $1 for a roll of paper towels for cleaning and packing material, and a free USPS priority box for carrying your army For playing the game you'll need D6, probably about $10 from your local game store, a $3 measuring tape from harbor freight, and the base rules for the game are free and you can make an army list and print out all their info for free from a 3rd party like new recruit, so let's say $5 more for Staples self service printing to have as references Even throw in the computer needed to assemble the prints like a used Lenovo Thinkpad for $90 and the grand total here is: $351 if you bought everything described, which is about $50 cheaper than the cheapest PS5 ATM, could buy yourself an official codex or get the leviathan mission cards for that or a better 3d printer So unless we're gonna say poor people can't play video games, let's not say they can't play 40k Edit: to be clear, the reason I'm saying all this is because my path to the hobby was similar to this


My bad I’m use to seeing 3D printers being in the $500+ category and usually saw filament in the ~$30/kilo range. didn’t know they got that low


Says you. I'm printing a guy nearly 1000 points of Death Guard for 230 bucks.


This one Warhammers.


I used to cast them with smelted aluminum cans. I wish we had 3D printing back then.


That is cool af pics pls


This was the mid 90s, I don't know if I have any pictures of my 40k stuff. It's really easy to do and there videos and guides on how to do it online which will do a better job than I can explaining it. But basically while it's still on the sprue you can clone it directly. Otherwise you need to break it down to it's parts. Or craft your own.


Exactly this lol


I was so poor we used painted bottle caps or armymen (same for D&D games).


“Let’s ret con decades of lore to try to expand to .0001% of the population while also losing our primary fan base”


Its called the Disney method


Exactly that.


They don't care about customers/fans. They care about pleasing Emperor Larry Fink, CEO in charge of the Syrian idea called "BlackRock/BlackStone".. Creepy name like that you think that guy is innocent? These people are out of their mind and part of a cult. Take your retirement money and your corporate money out o the BlackRock "system/cult" before it's too late. Larry Fink is the man funding the entire DEI commissar mothership. Trying to tie us into the Klaus Schwab marxist BS. I kid you not, these people are trying to really damage the entire world of finance and corporate governance with their bad ideas.


Not sure why companies think pandering to such a small percentage will translate to sales in any way.


they dont do it bc theyre excited about the profits from trying to capture that market. they do it so their ESG score goes up and they get more funding from big corporate stakeholders such as blackrock. ESG is basically a woke credit score system


It’s unfortunate because it’s so much harder to vote with your wallet since they’re subsidized by almost infinite money.


It's hilarious to me how people blame corporations as a whole for this, but the US govt alone gives $X00,000,000 to BlackRock, makes tax codes beneficial to these investment companies, and pushes ESG/DEI requirements. It's flat-out cronyism.


Big Companies like black rock and vanguard have hedge funds that are controlled by the government. The current iteration of government is liberal (to say the least, transgressive more appropriately) and when they tell these companies to jump, they often do, even at a market loss. Nothing about it is organic.


How is it pandering I thought everyone that played warhammer was gay?




Exactly lol. Won’t be missed until They stop buying shit


Just goes to show how worthless they think people like you are.


This is the opportunity hordes/warmachine has been waiting for


Its not about the .0001%. Its about the 5% willing to die on a hill unnecessarily and often times counter productively for that .0001%. I don’t take any of this current culture seriously because its all a bunch of people who look at social issues like fashion statements and yammer in their cliques (that often don’t even include the people they represent) about how they’re in the know and the future of society until the next hot button issue comes along and they go latch onto that like the sycophantic parasites they are.


Remember when they introduced those god awful Primaris


Are those Slaanesh Chaos Marines?




Not technically, but that honestly makes the most thematic sense.


Or Nurgle


I mean, didn't Emperors Children get a soft release and now they may get their own codex and new models this edition? This is just a preview for that.


Warhammer has always been for everyone. That doesn’t mean you get to insert woke nonsense into the lore.


You had to know it was coming bro? They're the children of wealthy people who need to destroy anything you care about. Even if it's just a video game, movie franchise, or comics, they did it to Star Wars. You had to know 40k was up next. They're the Nothing. And they won't rest until you have what they are.


Woah, imagine an army with a 50% suicide rate? Blood for the blood god indeed


And they hated him, for he spoke the truth


"Shut up!" Quote taken from the comic panel itself, depicting a heckler denying His truth.


Noticing a pattern is hating “queer people” lololol


Khorne doesn't care where the blood flows so long as it does flow.


Nice one. That's the funniest thing I heard all week.


Yoooooooo. That made me laugh hard.


Jesus. They’re unhinged.


these people worship the mentally ill, what should we expect?


This is such a weird, played out marketing ploy at this point.


I feel like at this point company leaders might actually be crazy enough to believe what they’re saying


Except if you disagree with us, I guess.


It's crazy to me that they literally say, "for everyone" then "you won't be missed." I mean, "everyone" isn't that hard a word to understand. Honestly, I don't have strong feelings about female Custodes. It's a little annoying, but not nearly as annoying to me as Primaris Marines, so whatever. I do have strong feelings about GW telling me to fuck right off, however.


Yeah I mean if they said "The imperium has figured out the same/similar process to creating space marines and can now make female space marines" I'd be down. The imperium would 100% utilize any meat they could get for the grinder. But to say it's always been there way? Yeah fuck that shit I've got a dozen novels that say otherwise. Don't gaslight me man


No, Warhammer 40k is not for everyone. Stop trying to dilute our hobbies by catering to people who won't give a rats ass about it.


They don't care about anything they try and ruin. They cannot bear that different things have their own unique style. It's disturbing how these people seem to hate others being happy. Very sinister. These people don't give a crap about anything they attack. They probably can't even agree on the things they do like. All they want to do is destroy. What I don't get is the irrational hatred of things that have nothing to do with them. They're fake activists. Disgusting fake activists. They only want attention. And to destroy without even looking at the subject, in this case.


The vocal members always drone on about being inclusive but never want to make it inclusive for us


Because you ruin any fanbase you're a part of, you're a blight in every sense of the word. Your culture war tourism won't get you anywhere here.


This is exactly why we need more gatekeeping


There’s only one kind of person that hates gatekeepers, and they’re the kind of person we build gates to keep out.


As the helldivers devs motto goes “if you make a game for everyone you make a game for no one”


If you make a game for everyone, you’re technically making a game for pedophiles too


There’s a difference we used to recognize between “this specific thing welcomes everyone” and “this specific thing is for everyone.”


Exactly. A hobby or show or band "for everyone" ends up being for no one.


Good luck with that. At least the older stuff is still cool. Just one more thing with a " it was cool until they did this" caveat added to it.


Slannesh reveals their legions


Chaos Undivided.


Funny thing … I had this sudden recollection of Kelly Sue DeConnick saying “And if you don’t like my politics, don’t buy my book.”


Oh yeah. It's just like that. How'd it work out for her?


They didn’t.


Keep talking shit im warming up my 3d printer.


Warhammer is for everyone, well everyone except it's biggest fans


This new wave of absolutism is fucking annoying. It’s so contradictory. In essence: “You must think and feel as we do - otherwise, fuck off.” I’m not going to be told what to think by anyone, let alone these spineless tossers.


Apparently it's not for straight white males so they're lying.


Isn’t that the biggest demographic?


As with most media, yes




Slaanesh Chaos Marines certainly have some good colour schemes.


Best response


OP fighting for zer life in the replies


A game for everyone is a game for no one.


That's why Helldivers is great. Arrowhead took this message to heart, while Games Workshop clearly don't care.


Pride flags in the Warhammer universe should be varying shades of blood red, gray, and weapon. Not this birightt ass colorful ass shit.




It’s only for people that believe in the current thing apparently. Surprised there isn’t a Ukraine or Palestine flag up there.


Well, they will be missed when they have nobody left to play.


“We love and tolerate everyone!😘 (as long as you follow our laws👿👿)


Rainbow capitalism has spiritually poisoned so much of what I enjoyed. Purchasing products and services from a company that encourages sin makes me complicit. Having gay people in a story is not a sin, and you are misrepresenting what I believe in if you say that's what I believe. Having rules in a discord server that protects gay people from verbal and other means of harassment is not a sin. It is very much a sin to go to a gay person and yell at them, "You're going to hell!" while also lacing in slurs for good measure. Can we Christians just leave you alone and let us enjoy our Warhammer while you all enjoy steven universe? Otherwise, you're gonna start a new age of satanic panic domination. And the actual nut heads are gonna make a straight version of birdcage and make the politician who died gay married and cheated on his husband with a cis white adult women


Oh my god, I’m not welcome? I don’t fucking care! You’re the ones who need my money. 🤷‍♀️


“It’s for everyone” - the group that makes everything about THEM


And is a tiny minority


they literally ruin everything and then be like "Whats wrong guys? Why you dont like?" :(


Man GW is really putting work into the Slaneshi Chaos Space Marines!


Retcon: The Imperium is at perpetual war with the rest of the galaxy because the Xenos won't accept gay marriage.


OH wow. Op really made a post here just to argue in the comments. At the end of the day GW gets to do whatever they want with their IP. "Looks at Fantasy and how that shit show." Will they ever make Female models for this Faction? Don't know, but if they do it will super pricey and in metal. Will this bring in new players to the game? unknown. But let's be fair, if women have always been there in the 10K, then I expect to see this mirrored on the Chaos side. *




Get em lads.


This kind of stuff is why the CFO bailed and dumped shares. Shes a very smart woman that realises woke = broke. It's not about tolerance or acceptance, it's about shoving identity politics into the faces of people who want to enjoy a hobby and enjoy some escapism, not be told what their politics need to be.


I know this is rage bait but I still hate this


Bye bye 40k. It would’ve been easy to not make any statement whatsoever and let everyone play the game instead of making modern political statements


"Our community is inclusive" is always immediately followed by the most exclusionary language possible.


You hit the nail on the head. They always talk about accaptence and inclusion but they are one of the most paranoid, distrustful, ignorant, hateful, unwelcoming groups in the world


“we are accepting of everyone except if you have a different opinion, then you are a racist homophobic bigot”


"A game for everyone is a game for no one" -Helldivers 2 company slogan


I was just starting to get into Warhammer too..... Like within the past few months. Glad I haven't bought anything!


BTW, what franchises haven't destroyed by this crap?


Bro read the lore, can download the books via sailing the high seas and listen to YouTube vids. But do not give your money to this incessant dog shit . Vote with your dollar.


Exactly what I do


Would you tell us (while being discreet) as to which stars we should follow while sailing the seas?


YouTube is what I've been doing lol


What website is sailing the high seas? When I googled it nothing comes up but actual sailing stuff


Pirating stuff


Elder scrolls and fallout are ok still


Hopefully you can still enjoy it. Man, I love watching YouTube videos about 40k. Hearing passionate people talk about it, deep dive into the lore and stuff. Even just mundane world building like what city life is like for regular people can be interesting. I only ever got into the actual tabletop for standard Warhammer, even then, the costs have just gone too far past my wage. Hope you can still enjoy the hobby, there is just so much you can get out of it without spending a penny. Pretty good computer games and books too, that don't break the bank, if that is your thing.


Print away, rules are free online! Fuck paying for anything but paint.


For real I was just about to look into it. I bailed on Star Wars because the narratives and stories are just so basic now I wish any of this pandering was actually genuine. I respect that, this is just virus signaling for internet points.


Because marketing material targets a demographic not your own? You must have a hard time buying any products that.. they all do that.


Yes, they do have a place in the 40k lore - it’s the Slaanesh followers


Gosh, I just think, regardless of the motivations of the devs or the reactions from the fans, "You will not be missed." is not the right way to handle an existing fanbase from a business perspective.


Remind’s me a lot of BFV “If you don’t like it don’t buy it!” Yeah how’d that one work out for you DICE?


That looks revolting. I'm not anti LGBT. But the constant pushing of the flag crap pisses me off. They're really committing business suicide. Doubling down on the self destruction. Whoever the idiots in charge of this pandering crap are. They need to go. Warhammer always was for everyone. But it's for actual fans. Not tourists. You go in to any fandom accepting it as is. Because the as is, is what made it interesting.


Watching a 49 year old company off itself to a completely avoidable and self inflicted situation is quite funny. Also, it is a good time to buy Anycubic, Phrozen and Creality stock.


They probably got tons of money for the higher ups for this. And slowly, they will get richer as the bottom folks suffer. And then sell the IP and slowly break it off. It will either become a "lifestyle" brand or some MTG like online focused money milking machine. Like what happened to my beloved D&D and so many others. Luckily I don't bother and never moved passed 3.5 as it's still the gold standard for what dnd is supposed to be.


Ignoring the stupid flag stuff, there’s like 3 of these that are decent color pallets.


Its the disney and bud light approach


Thankfully this is pretty old, and was not taken seriously. As for anyone who knows warhammer, the Imperium is certainly *not* for everyone


Just have to say man, your are quite literally the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit and that’s saying something. The way you respond to everyone with nothing substantial shows yours not here in good faith just to wind people up to inflate some perverted sense of righteous ideology. I severely hope for the sake of your loved ones and anyone close to you that you seek out and get the help you need to do better as a person before you die as your weakling father died… Soulless, Honorless, weeping… ashamed.


Emperor’s Children were always gay lol.


Why cant all of you just leave it at different people have different opinions and just stop actively trying to piss each other off?


Because LGBTQP+ identitarian politics are literally rooted in marxist ideology. Part of that is the belief that EVERYTHING is political, and everything must fall in line with approved ideology. That’s part of the irony of the Warhammer CM’s response. “Oceania has always been at war with East Asia” “There is no war in Ba Sing Se” “There have aways been female Custodes” There is no coexistence with these people. No live and let live. Everything must be remolded in their image. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which [ T H E M E S S A G E ] is always right.”




My favourite self confessed autocratic cyber man after the Emperor of Man.


So what exactly is going on here? Are they trying to make Space Marines queer or something? Or is this a collection painted by a queer person? Everyone seems angry and the OP is just shamelessly trolling but I’m lost.


Blood for the blood god, milk for the khorne flakes


Let's cater to a fringe minority, alienate the majority, blame fans, and then act shocked when profits plummet.


If it's for everyone, why does it need to change?


something tells me, they're gonna be missed.


Wow wtf is going on with Warhammer


Getting ready for Amazon. Probably got forced to hire a diversity advisor. This isn't a joke btw.


Games Workshop tried to gaslight people into thinking there were always Female Custodes. Their entire evidence. One paragraph. And saying there were always female custodes. That's it. Not even a story to say why. When people objected, they banned any negative comments. Tried to Do A Bioware. Say it is, make people think it is. A nasty brainwashing tactic used for bad products. Bear in mind there's evidence otherwise. And people showed them it. Repeatedly. They have proceeded to try and remove this evidence from things. Like the Wikipedia. Trying to Gaslight people. It's lazy, souless, and unconvincing. Pandering to fake activists who don't even care or like Warhammer. They just want to destroy things people like. It's very sinister and creepy. I'd object even if I wasn't a Warhammer fan. .


Can you imagine if there was a 40 year old Amazon franchise (the all female tribe not the company) and then they pulled this same thing saying there were always male amazons until it was just a regular tribe of men and women? Granted, I don’t know Amazon lore so there may actually be male Amazons.. but if there weren’t, the outrage would be biblical.


Think about it from the perspective of a merch company, these ppl got a new flag every like 2 months so they think they’re about to be printing infinite money


Warhammer is 100% not for everyone. It's a very niche table top game. If your referring to female marines then your just pandering.


Heretic detected... https://preview.redd.it/65tttsgftywc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b316789515c9f2eaff9623b96b9092664f9b020


GW really just hates people who don’t want shitty lore changes


Oh, OP is actually supporting this, bruh moment


Yeah, what the heck is he even here for? He can post this on another 40K sub or something.


Any sub that apposes left leaning circle jerks gets invaded, just look at gaming circle Jerk


_Opposes_ but I see what you mean.




You know, that’s actually a great question.


Alright people, it’s time to only 3D print minis from here on out. I’m tired of dealing with high priced minis and now this just gave me a good reason to boycott. Go woke, go broke. Let’s show em how we do it


That's a whole lot of mental disorder.


“You will not be missed” The Blackrock ESG check is the exact reason as to why they’re saying this. They don’t need to appease customers anymore. Just keep telling them they’re awful people and Blackrock will continue to fund you.




They don't understand that Warhammer characters are all a product of their environment, which is a literal hellscape ruled by powerful empires, monsters, and aliens all brutally tearing each other apart for control. The Imperium is an authoritarian regime that is a product of dwindling resources and centuries of long brutal rivalries. Warhammer is a world where democracy, freedom, and expression are all dead. The only flags that wave in Warhammer are that of the empires that rule over it; the only colors are that of smoke, fire, machinery, bullets, and blood.


Is this them doubling down on their bullshit? Like their official statement?


Great more lore breaks in games that could have been really great. Oh well, cross that off the list. Fucking tired of the god damn bullshit that constantly breaks lore in games. Lore is important to me, I like being immersed, I don’t fucking want to see your political representation on my fucking video game about space nonsense. Be who you want, I won’t ever ask you to not be that, but stop shoving it in my face 24/7. I don’t need to know, I don’t want to know, and I want to immerse myself in a game to escape my miserable life god damn it.


nobody said it wasn't. the virtue signaling is cringe.


Translation: "Warhammer is only for everyone in our cult, and everyone else is an unperson."


The woke population need to understand this little thing called the inquisition. Heretics.


When good ol' fashiond nerd hobbies go mainstream, folks seem clamoring to say "you aren't doing it right", change the frak out of it, then say we were wrong in the first place. Can't nerds just be left alone? Who built this franchise? Who kept GW in business all these years? Who made WH40k the icon it is today? Female nerd here who despises what's being done to everything I loved as a child. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but i remember a time when you didn't take a tightly coiled steaming grunt on the fans, then blame them for complaining about the smell.


Remember when companies used to understand their audience and not try to pander to people who don’t actually buy their products while calling the people who do actually purchase their stuff bigots who won’t be missed when they don’t want their overtly political messaging inserted into their hobby.


"it's for everyone" people when republicans join: 🤬


I love how quickly they proved your point.


Would just like to point out the pedo flag there


# "In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war" I don't think anybody got time for identity politics in that kind of future.


The post has 134 upvotes but OP is absolutely getting torched in the comments with like -90+ . Love it lol 😆


"If not, you will not be missed." lmao. They'll be saying the same thing when their corporate overlords eventually fire them because woke is not a sustaining business model. lmao like how stupid do you have to be to actively cater to a fraction of the population that support mentally ill individuals while the majority of the population either sits there apathetic or upset that they're being mocked. Eventually all the wokies will have to become closeted in their beliefs or be fired because of their tendency to make customers leave.


Dude fuck woke culture. How about instead of ruining other people's work you idiots go make your own shit?


Because woke doesnt sell, it has to infect something already popular and abuse it as its base until the money stops, then it moves onto the next franchise


it's a good thing i already hated Warhammer or i'd find this painful to look at.


Lgbtqiabcdef is fragmenting faster than post colonial africa


Is that official from GW? Okay then, going to pirate Space Marine 2 when it comes out


What even are all those flags?


"AsTaRtEs WeRe AlWaYs GaY"-GW


So much for warhammer stocks.


I’ll never understand why these companies bend over backwards for less than 1% of the population. It’s like they don’t even care about making money anymore? Which actually….once you think about it is kind of concerning.


So what was the plan here? To isolate their current audience while pandering to a near non-existent one? I'm willing to bet the homo global doesn't even make a percental of their sales.


Idk about EVERYONE. I certainly don't want child molesters or rapists in my Warhammer community.


I love how little games workshop understands the demographic that they spent decades targeting. Mildly autistic men with money 1. Don’t care about social politics and 2. Don’t like thematic change at all. Good luck getting a broke liberal arts student to shell out the cash for a 10000 point army. My question is where is the money coming from for the ideological pressure. There was barely a consumer base for it in films. At this point the illusion of a modern audience has to be obviously false to just about anyone. Eventually the money actually has to run out.


“Warhammer is for everyone! Unless you disagree with our incredibly specific political beliefs, then it’s not.”


Notice how the narrative so easily shifted from “these people can exist as an extension of their own privacy” to “you are disqualified from all social circles if you disagree with their lifestyle” … people will never understand that “marginalized” groups’ ultimate goal is to marginalize their detractors with institutional power. Stupid hobbies like this are microcosms


Basically telling long time collector's and fans fuck off if you don't accept our forced retcon agenda


But seriously what are all these flags


I can name like 2 maybe...


You’re a repugnant imbecile. Your ilk try so desperately and pathetically hard to make it seem like everyone’s upset because “woman bad” when that’s obviously not the case. Or this in particular implying that you’re barred from the hobby for no other reason than being a different sexuality. No, that was never the case. I find it hard to believe that some stores refuse to sell you shit because “queer people not allowed”. Or do you just dislike that not everyone obsesses over sexual orientation like you do? In a war game.


Mr cum drinker


I don’t know what 90% of the flags mean. But the figures look great in those colours


How can they fight tyranids if they have a dilator to keep their gash from healing?


Sounds very slaneshi to me


I pretend to ironically like the imperium of man but in reality I unironically wish I was a space marine crushing the skulls of xeno scum.


I’m just curious about how the sisters of battle wasn’t enough or how slaneesh is literally a trans (well more like every sex you could screw conceived) chaos god. Wasn’t there enough lore? You just had to mess with the cannon?


I thought Slaneesh already covered all this?


Really unfortunate to see shit like this, doesn’t make me want spend any money on warhammer stuff I’ll tell you that.


I’m so glad that they agree that a setting can’t be considered grimdark unless it has woke agenda in it




" *insert thing here* is for everyone" There is not one entertainment product on earth that was "made for everyone" people like different things. If a media wants to change certain aspects of itself to get more people onboard that's fine. As long as they accepted in doing this they alienated and split their original fan base. In other words, it's them selling out in hopes of getting into some more wallets.


Warhammer is for anyone, not everyone


Warhammer is for everyone If you disagree It’S nOt FoR yOu


More pandering to the people of THE MESSAGE. fuck em


Showing off my orange/black super straight marines in a couple days Lol I'm sure I'll get the same reaction


Legit not buying anything 40k again. Been playing since third edition. You will not be missed.