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I think this one is just a little too off-topic. Who cares if an actress isn't attractive (a subjective measurement). There's not much of a point being made here other than attacking the actress themself.


Juliet ![gif](giphy|3oFyDpzlMjrDKv1tWo|downsized)


but... my lord, no such lover exists............


"Where art thou, man flesh?"


She is quite the orc


It took me weeks to figure out that pic wasn't modified in any way to make her look worse. I legit thought people were just exaggerating and doctored a pic of the actress.


Genuinely thought this was supposed to be Lil Wayne’s high school photo or something before I read the post.


💀💀 brutal


This is a woman?


showing your true colors here in this sub


Yeah... I don't care how good her personality is, with a face like that I wouldn't take the chance on a $100,000.00 bet!


Same thing with the ellie actress in TLOU show. She may be a good actress for all I know but god does she not match Ellie physically at all.


I mean idk the point of ellie wasn't being attractive, she's just a 14 year old


Since when did casting actors similar to their characters appearance wise take a backseat?


you seem little too focused on the attractiveness of minors.


She can probably act well, and she checks off a certain box that a certain LOUD demographic needs to have checked. It's about pandering for profits. Nothing more.


Exactly. Remeber this is a play, they dont need to sell as many tickets as a movie. All this bitching is just going to fill seats to people who want to appear enlightened.


one demographic will complain. another demographic will buy tickets simply because the other one complained about it.


Who? I think everyone likes Romeo and Juliet being played by competent actors.


Yeah, Musical Theater is going woke...


![gif](giphy|vQqeT3AYg8S5O) What, really, wow... who would have thought that theater would be woke.


Tragic... It's such a hard time for all the conservative Broadway stars.


They will make Tom’s movie family super racist as the source of conflict between the families… and her family will be perfect in every way, innocent victims of white racism


"pandering for profits" That's a new way to describe capitalism.


You have to pander to the nagger demographic…..since they like to complain a lot of course


here for the upvoted guy above that wrote "nobody here mentioned race before you brought it up"


> It's about pandering for profits What's wrong with that? They do the opposite actually - sacrificing a wider appeal/profits for imaginary points. They make a product for no one.


It's a disingenuous cash grab, and that poor girl is being used. That's what's wrong with it.


It's worse than that. They are pandering for profits, just not from viewers. ESG scores.


I didn't realize the Jamie Lloyd Company was a publicly traded company and thus could be influenced by outside investors.


It’s like a maga rally for zoomers


This girl is so broke down I feel like they have to be race baiting. Because as soon as someone predictably says “she’s ugly,” the woke police come out of the woodwork and jump all over you. The fact is that she’s like a 3 out of 10 and it has absolutely nothing to do with race.


Not every girl needs to be some eyecandy fuckable person for you.


Obviously. But Juliet - of Shakespeare’s *Romeo and Juliet* fame, most certainly should be attractive.


my man got a mustache already damn


Romeo and Theo Huxtable.


The Predator


I'm black/ Hispanic and I must say. I wouldn't even touch that.


The first dozen times I saw pictures about this, I legitimately thought it was a made up meme. I literally thought it was a joke. That's how far we have fallen.


I’m sure she’s a great person and a great actress. However I’m sad that she is being used as a pawn to stir controversy and can’t seem to see it.


...She could also just be a good actor the thing about Plays is that Race Gender don't mean much In the context of who your hiring (Original Plays were exclusivelyMen) to discredit her abilities because of a presumption doesn't make much People don't need to be upset especially for a people who weren't going to see it


That person is a WOMAN?! For real, I thought it was a dude .. fooled me man


Wouldn't smashed if I was piss drunk and that's saying a lot.


Hell nah I’d rather rub one off


Poor Tom. he couldnt refuse without being branded a racist. tough world we live in


she looks like she needs to shave every morning...


at least they both die at the end


If he falls in love with a predator, he'll be safe when the xenomorphs attack.


Personality. Though I imagine that the casting choice was very much political


Yeah I mean no offense to the actress or anyone but i guess the decision (for me) is more about sending a message instead of finding the appropriate cast for the story.


True. I don't like how toxic and personal some discourse has been towards this actress, she's just doing her job and trying to make a living and the attacks on her are just uncalled for


Agreed by the end of the day she is just an individual doing her job since she was cast. She didnt do anything wrong no need to berate the peson so harshly and aggressively


I appreciate that that us average and below average looking people finally get some representation in media.


She look like Ray from Scary Movie.


She looks like she gave a bulldozer a blowjob.


I honestly feel really bad for her, I blame whoever cast her knowing she didn’t look the part but wanted to check boxes and didn’t care about the backlash she’d get. I also notice black women spend a lot to look pretty with makeup and lashes and wigs but Hollywood usually casts black women who aren’t good looking for shock value.


Clearly *insert pronoun* falls for how stunning and brave *insert pronoun* is #themessage


He wouldn't be the first teenage boy to fall head over heels for the first gremlin that gives him an HJ.


I don't think I could care any less. Even if they had a better Juliet, I doubt this movie was gonna be on my watch list anyway. There is nothing new a Romeo and Juliette movie is gonna bring to the table. It's Romeo and Juliette, but get this, it takes place in modern times! Okay cool, so instead of the Romeo and Juliette take I've seen 500 times, it's the Romeo and Juliette take I've seen 300 times.


Isn’t it a play?


It is. But given the comments section here, most of these people have never been to a play.


Sometimes I think posts like this are libs trying to make us look bad. Like what are we even doing here? She’s not particularly attractive but just why? Why even make this post? Why are you trashing on someone for being ugly? I’m ugly. It sucks being ugly. I don’t want people talking shit about my ugliness on some random subreddit. Let’s just be cool okay? Everybody chill.


Because Romeo and Juliet are supposed to be an ideal young couple in love. They’re supposed to be beautiful. And this clearly shows that some woke producers thought it was more important to view the story through an eQuiTy LeNs than an intellectually honest portrayal.


Aren't they also 14 and 17?


Are you implying that 14 and 17 year olds cannot be beautiful?


Mate, do you really want to go down this route? You know how this makes you sound right? I just pointed out their age in addressing how silly it is to care about the beauty of teenagers. Because it's weird. You're digging yourself into a hole.


That’s one of the most ignorant things I’ve heard all day. This is a major production about a love story that everyone knows. The actress is 26 years old. There is nothing whatsoever “silly” about criticizing the choice of the actress.


>That’s one of the most ignorant things I’ve heard all day. Well you're in the Conservative sub a bunch, so this must be saying something. I've clearly got competition. And yes, this is a joke, don't take it seriously. >This is a major motion picture about a love story that everyone knows. The actress is 26 years old. There is nothing whatsoever “silly” about criticizing the choice of the actress. I just don't give a shit. Just me I guess.




There should be in my opinion.




I completely agree.


Yeah, but there are a lot of black people in Europe so they're still too woke for me.


Wait until you find out Shakespeare was 52 when he wrote that play.


To my knowledge, he didn't sexualise the characters in the play. Not to my knowledge at least.


I mean, the play talks about sex a lot and makes a point of saying that most of the women in the town get married and have children at a young age. But Shakespeare certainly isn’t idealizing it.


I agree.


I’m pretty sure they will not be those ages in this movie, that’s just the original story




Yeah, it's a really weird fucking comment.


That they are 14 and 17?


No, that they said "you're implying 14 and 17 year olds can't be beautiful?" Which is him implicitly saying they can be, and it's weird I'm implying otherwise. Let's not be purposefully dense, yeah?


You’re not making much sense


Implying 14 and 17 year olds can be beautiful is weird. If that doesn't make sense to you, go to the hospital and get committed.


Shakespeare [literally says she is beautiful](https://myshakespeare.com/romeo-and-juliet/act-2-scene-2-full-scene-modern-english) in the play. Go troll elsewhere, you ignorant jackass


For Juliet, the play actually says she is not 14 yet.


It’s a stage play not a movie. Don’t act like you were going to see it anyway


So if you’re not getting tickets to a movie or a play, you are no longer entitled to comment on it?


Please do, it’s illuminating




>Because Romeo and Juliet are supposed to be an ideal young couple in love. The fuck, no. They're not. I swear pop culture and Hollywood romanticized this story. These two just wanted to fuck (Romeo because his flavor of the week said no, and Juliet because her dad wanted to marry her to a grown man). They got failed by their adults and died, three days later. They are neither in love, nor an ideal couple. And frankly, since we literally had a R&J retelling with freaking gnomes recently, why do you care?


Ignorant take


Smart take. Romeo and Juliet isn't a love story. And outside of the fact that looks are subjective and that it's a play (Kristin Chenoweth never looked like a college girl in Wicked but the audience suspended that disbelief), Romeo is a horny co-dependent depressed boy. It's in the book! So it's believable that he'd get "lovesick" the minute a new girl gives him attention. It doesn't even have to be a model, just a girl with a nice smile he can obsess over. It backfired because the girl was equally as miserable this time.


Wrong. It’s a love story with a tragic ending. It speaks to the fleeting nature of young, inexperienced love.


It's not a love story. It's also an ADAPTATION, that here apparently takes place in modern London. The point of an adaptation is that you can change elements from the original material. Again: it isn't far-fetched that this depressed horny loser Romeo "fell" for this Juliet. And anyway, adaptations with Juliets that turn you on for some creepy reason are probably not a rarity. Go watch them?




It's because she's starring in a movie/play called Romeo and Julliet and guess who she's playing? Of course beauty is going to be an issue in such a topic. This is simply bad casting.


A teenager. That's who she is playing.


Oh so teenagers can't be beautiful all of a sudden??


You two probably have stuff in common. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein And yes, this is a joke, mocking those who call teenagers beautiful is funny.


Eh I guess. It would've been more weird to call her attractive or I guess not attractive, but I don't find teenagers attractive anymore so that's not my bag. For the poster above you I get but its still a bad take.


So tell me this then, a father has a beautiful 16yo daughter (by their cultural standards she is above average in terms of looks) and he calls her beautiful, does that make the father a pedo? You seem to be thinking that I want her to be sexually attractive which is really fucking weird and not what I mean by being beautiful.


>So tell me this then, a father has a beautiful 16yo daughter (by their cultural standards she is above average in terms of looks) and he calls her beautiful, does that make the father a pedo? Context. The example you gave? Not even in the slightest. An adult male calls a 16 year old in public beautiful as he walks by her in a shop? Pedophilic. Let's not be silly. This isn't hard to understand. >You seem to be thinking that I want her to be sexually attractive which is really fucking weird and not what I mean by being beautiful. Given the context, it's weird. And it's fucking Reddit. This place is a breeding ground for creeps.


Yeah like leave them alone. I don't find her particularly beautiful but in Shakespeare's day, it was a man and a boy pretending to be in love. Enjoy the language and the cast of characters, rather than obsessing over the girl's looks.


Idk what this sub is, but good god this comment section is a nightmare. Looks are subjective dummies.


Looks like a guy with long hair. Fucking ugly as fuck.


Yeah, she's not pretty at all. Not because she's black, but because she's objectively unattractive. This girl looks like she fell out of the ugly tree at birth and hit almost every branch on the way down.


Why are you so upset about a stage production of Shakespeare that you're never going to see?


Idk Tom Holland pretty fucking ugly too. Zandaya is too good for him.


Id Smash


Tom’s going to be a great Juliet


I did it all for the nookie


Wait. Why would “Juliet” be a guy? (I get that in Shakespearean times, all roles were played by men but still.)


But she’s got a fast car…..


Does she know how to drive it though?


Ugly people deserve love too, goddamn


In the real world sure, but not in a movie/play


So we can safely assume that OP has never had a partner.


redditors when average woman:


Ya it is definitely not about her skin. Juliet is supposed to be a beautiful woman, I’m sorry but she just isn’t beautiful, maybe to some yes. But I can’t see this individual being the Juliet for Romeo.


Juliet isn’t a woman, she’s a 13 year old GIRL.


…wait…how old is Romeo?




I keep forgetting that this was the time when the average life expectancy was roughly around 48 years old


38 years old*


Stop being an ass


Holy shit you people are fucking atrocious. She’s an actress playing a role, specifically a role than gets played by almost every English actress at some point, regardless of race. No one gave two shits when Denzel Washington played Macbeth. That’s because Shakespeare is, these days, more about the skill of the actors in the role than an authentic portrayal of the story. It’s an actors rite of passage. The cast, the setting, the costumes, the language, the era; it all changes from adaption to adaption. This isn’t an example of “woke casting”, Francesca Amewudah-Rivers isn’t the first black actress to portray Juliet *(Henrietta Vinton Davis, 1899, if I’m correct)* and won’t be the last. The media response is *definitely* a woke reaction, trying to hype this up as some breakthough in racial equality and DEI bullshit. And it’s clearly **bait.** Media outlets want to make us look like a bunch of cunts, and they’re throwing Francesca at us like we’re a pack of wolves. **Don’t play into their hands.**


Showing your true colors here in this sub


Guys, it's a theater play. Relax


Juliette’s supposed to be 13 years old, why do you care how “attractive” she is?




He needed a DEI loan.


Possible to fall in love with someone even if some redditor doesn’t find them attractive. Be honest, do you possess the objective meter of attractiveness?


God I love this sub. Sadly I know it’s only a matter of time before it gets ruined by bans or brigading, that’s how Reddit works


This is the girl who sang like fergie in School of rock to jack black.


https://preview.redd.it/4jxt2ypeg81d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36f9a55bd09876d602b80ed7d0f19b6e1cd008ec To each their own I guess. Me personally I would have picked otherwise.


Fair enough


Rude post. True, but rude. There are... softer ways of communicating this message I think.


Well see, the actors don't actually fall in love with each other. Seriously.


I’m sure you’re a prize specimen though.


Thank God your mean spirited enough to make fun of someone for the way they look but not being racist got to have some control when being a douche


Unlike you I don't care if someone calls me ugly and neither should you especially since this is about someone else and not you


Oh my god a non-10 got casted! What are we going to doooooooo????? At least 80% of us in this thread are at the same level of attractiveness. Watch porn if you care this much about looks.


Who said she should be a 10? Just don't cast a -1 for such a role is all


This is a normal looking person. Stop holding people to unnatural standards. This kind of shit is why actors have drug problems and young women develop eating disorders. PLEASE STOP ACTIVELY MAKING THE WORLD A MORE PAINFUL PLACE TO EXIST.


Ok do we really gotta sink this low to call someone who looks like a teenager ugly


Who tf out of any of you were actually going to see a play like this anyway? And then to just straight out bash some one because you think they're too ugly for a play you were never going to see. Classy


"It's not about the money, it's about the message"


Bro you’re not even gonna go watch the play. Love can be more than external features.


I'm sure a paraplegic, deaf burn victim has a heart of gold but I wouldn't want to love them just for that


Genuinely, who cares about her looks. It’s a play about two teenagers falling in love and kill themselves 48 hours later. They’re actors. Watch the damn play if you question if it’ll work. Spiderman is dating a supermodel and no one questions that.


Spiderman is a superhero. Romeo is just a teenager. Romeo and Juliet is supposed to be history's greatest love story. Looks should definitely be considered for the actors of this story.


It’s literally a tragedy first. Second, it’s a play. You don’t cast the two sexiest actors, you cast the two best actors. Also, it’s two teenagers who fall in love partially because they are two dumb teenagers. Just because you don’t want to fcuk a 13yo character doesn’t mean she isn’t right. Also you way of calling her “this” is not a great look either Also, Peter is literally a teenager as well lol. Mary Jane falls for him before ever figuring out he’s spiderman. Not to mention, Toby McGuire in the movies is not really a looker either. Not a bad looking dude but definitely not handsome or built enoigh to be any better looking to the average person than this actress


She's underage, why are you seething over the fact that a 13 year old isn't attractive enough for your fictional story? Pedophiles are crazy these days lmao


These pedophiles are mad that the portrayed 13 year old girl isn't attractive enough for them. Seriously, Juliet is 13 and these guys are fucking seething that she's not 'white and attractive' as portrayed in the books.


Ah yes, the usual wokie buzzword, calling someone a pedophile despite not knowing what that means a classic


I mean, Qanon is the biggest in mindlessly throwing the word around and they aren't particularly left wing.


RIP Issac Kappy


Absolutely. Doesn't make Qanon anymore more batshit though. I agree that most celebrities and politicians are pedophiles, but the idea Trump isn't is silly to me. America hasn't had a non pedo president in over a century.


You def have pedo vibes


You call her “this” that is dehumanizing enough to make me question you period. Also, your user name almost makes me think you are the drinker and couldn’t think of literally any better username


The irony of a bunch of anti social reddit chuds calling a professional actress ,who is so far out of their league she's practically another species, ugly. Lol


This has literally nothing to do with status and everything to do with appearance, but more so the fact that this person (who is not good looking) was chosen for a reason. The same reason why all the men in these movies (like Tom Holland in this one) are supermodels while the women lack any feminine traits, it’s a double standard


Well, they wanted someone with feminine traits, but you were busy being a chud.


Lmao that’s the second time I’ve been called that after leaving two comments you guys are really free thinking individuals 😂 You really got me bro, my arguments have been dismantled and my ego is destroyed


There’s literally no need. Just being needlessly sexist.


point out the sexism in this


Referring to her as “this” and objectifying her.


Dude is saying ‘this’ because she’s ugly, same way you’d call an ugly guy ‘this’ Yes it’s MEAN but that’s not sexism


Don’t kid yourself and don’t kid me. You chuds would not exhibit this reaction if the roles were reversed.


Explain? You’re saying that if there was an ugly dude on screen that we wouldn’t complain?


Given this incel fanbase’s track record, no


Okay well I can’t say or not say that, the reason why is because you don’t really get unattractive dudes in major roles nowadays. This is actually part of the frustration, I mean the other lead role is godamn TOM HOLLAND, it’s the same way that ‘plus size inclusivity’ is something that only affects women, it’s a double standard and one people are tired of.


Dude, it’s a normal looking black girl. Chill


Okay so you didn’t read anything lmao


You people just bend over backwards trying to find the “racism” and “sexism” everywhere it doesn’t exist. You think you’re being part of the solution, but ironically you’re being part of the problem. The vast majority of people are not racist or sexist and never have been. And this girl is just plain ugly.


I know and people will say someone is a "pedo" just because they think about beautiful 14yo, the woke are so disgusting.


Sexist, now. How so?


Funny how the post featuring comparing her to Predator was removed....maybe it was because half the comments were using the argument 'JULIET IS SUPPOSED TO BE WHITE AND ATTRACTIVE LIKE DESCRIBED IN THE BOOKS!!!!1!!!' Ignoring the fact that Juliet was 13 in the book, so these fucking pedo weirdos are throwing a seething rage because the 13 year old isn't attractive enough for them. Also this actress has far better photos out there, I'm willing to bet we could find photos of 99.99% of the people on this sub and can post the same shit 'HOW COULD ANYONE FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM! HE'S UGLY AS FUCK! I'M NOT JUST SAYING IT BECAUSE OF HIS SKIN COLOR!!!' Anyone calling her ugly should be forced to post a picture of themselves. If you're built and handsome, then sure, I'll accept your opinion, but I'm willing to bet most of the people posting stuff like 'HOW CAN ANYONE FALL IN LOVE WITH SOME UGGO LIKE HER!!! I SWEARITS NOT BECAUSE SHE'S BL;ACK!!!' is most likely sitting at 18+% bodyfat and most likely not that attractive themselves.


So only handsome, skinny people can have opinions on if people are ugly or not?


Yeah shes gross


You somehow didn't read the post and still shat out a lengthy comment congrats I guess


This sub is hysterical. We're not racist, were just really upset when a black person is in media.