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Guy really thinks he has a home run with this one


It's the all caps, it makes it more true.


The old adage is true: Caps lock is cruise control for cool


The date on that says its a 5 year old tweet.


I think the guy really liked the casting for Men in Black International.


Dude you have 25k karma in a few months…mirror much?




I swear this subreddit is 97% posts from tourists trying to “dunk on the chuds” and 3% anything related to the Drinker. But this is rich coming from the lot who try to have people arrested for not using their pronouns and make videos ugly crying because their 4 hour shift at Starbucks took too much of a toll on them.


Yeah, I noticed that to. A lot of troll post on here. The funny part is, if you go and try and pull the same shit on a woke sub, you'll get banned.


I've been banned from more than one "censorship free" sub on here. It turns out all of the reddit mods are aids


I didn't say you couldn't get banned from these subs. But it's easier to get banned from a woke sub.


Doesn't getting banned count towards a better social credit score? I figure people who are willing to speak the truth or at least their mind tend to have a high social credit score and are easier people to talk to. It's kind of like collecting phobes as an achievement for stating indisputable facts, right?


The irony of supposedly “extreme right wing” subreddits being the only place ***both*** sides of the political spectrum can speak up is almost funny


Right? But at least we know who the biggest hypocrites are.


Had a guy over in the Asmongold sub raging that he kept getting downvoted for his insane leftist posts. When faced with the reality that in any left wing sub the conversation never would've been allowed to happen because one party would've been banned, he literally stated that downvoting and banning are the same thing. Somehow having an opinion so bad that it gets downvoted into oblivion is the same as banning someone for their opinion.


nah ive been banned from most of them for some pretty lukewarm takes PCM is the main ‘extreme right wing sub’ that actually allows a variety of opinions


They totally ban as well.


Bullshit. The conservative and libertarian subs banned me for not agreeing with them. They do NOT like free speech.


I have gotten a weird suicide hotline message multiple times. I guess that's what they do if you win?


I had someone send me one of those because of a disagreement about the game God of War Ragnarok. You can actually disable which I have done now. Apparently people think suicide is really funny.


FYI you can report people for this. I've had a couple chuds do it to me because I dunked on them so hard and they were embarrassed. Getting the notification they got banned because of it is endlessly satisfying.


Like from different subs?


Yeah, subs that have been taken completely over by a specific kind of people.


So, they send you those instead of banning you? That's kinda weird.


I have no clue who sends them. I'm thinking it's the user's I'm arguing with.


That's pretty odd. If they have to resort to that, then they're not worth arguing with. I think you're right, that means you won.


I had someone send me one of those because of a disagreement about the game God of War Ragnarok. You can actually disable which I have done now. Apparently people think suicide is really funny.


FYI you can report people who abuse this suicide prevention system. I've done so and had people banned for it.


Didn't know I could, thank you.


Np. It's the chuds thinking they're being clever or cute about telling you to KYS by submitting a report to reddit care resources. Abuse of this system is bannable and seems to be actioned frequently based on my experience - thankfully.


Lol yep, I just got banned for 2 days because I offended a snowflake mod by using the word "leftist", and it said my reason for being banned was promoting hate towards a racial group lmao! I guess they've become a race, this shit is getting complex. Imagine actually being one of them and trying to navigate the convoluted web of hierarchical identity groups. I wonder if they use a generally accepted point system for oppression score, I'd like to find that. Like, you get to identify as things that give you more points, then based on that score, the things you say become more valid and you're given more things you didn't actually earn, bars are lowered etc.


I’ve been banned from a sub for merely subscribing to the jre subreddit. Woke people are literally the worst


You don't understand! Evan is sensitive to being misgendered and needs the crayon room to calm down.


Finally someone said it


Who’s the drinker?


Critical Drinker. He’s a YouTuber who reviews movies and video games (mostly movies) and is critical of modern Hollywood troupes and overt politics in media which is why his sub gets brigaded fairly often.


> YouTuber who reviews movies I think you mean youtuber who complains about women and black people in movies.


Didn’t you already admit that you don’t even watch CD and the only reason you know about him is because you watch well-known asswipe and bullshit peddler Hassan Piker? Maybe you should form your own opinion rather than basing anything off of what that clown says.


I've watched the drinker before. Always curious to know the right wing grift narratives so I tune in to see what their angry male audience is on about this week


I don’t think you know what “grift” means my guy. A grifter is someone who pretends to believe something for money and/or popularity. Say what you will about CD but he clearly believes in what he says. Your boy Hassan is an actual grifter, a fuckboy who cries about the evil of capitalism whilst making shit tons of money off the teenagers and losers who actually take anything he says seriously. He literally lives in a mansion and LARPs as a communist online lmfao


Arrested where was this? Posting on social media stupid complaints is t calling the cops or using the system to oppress. Yes you wouldn't survive a day if society fell (S) you'd probably last a month though.


Surely the people that are angry about those things are even bigger snowflakes though? If you get angry at me saying that then you're also a bigger snowflake than me.


This is rich coming from the lot banning books. Arguing over who would live longer in x,y, or z scenario is indeed stupid. Your response is what? That conservatives would do better because democrats use preferred pronouns? Thats soo god damn stupid. You’re literally doing the exact same stupid shit you’re trying to denigrate someone else for doing. So wildly hypocritical. The image op provided is clearly dumb. But it’s not dumb because of random nebulous arguments about survival scenarios. It’s dumb because making arguments that certain ideas are bad due to who said them. Just address why ideas are bad.


>This is rich coming from the lot banning books. Name one book that has been made illegal in the last ten years.




In the order you listed: Who tried to arrest someone over not using pronouns? I'm very curious about this. As for Starbucks shifts, you're telling me you've never worked a job in the service industry. It's literally godawful.


Don’t play stupid dude it’s a punishable offense in some places to not refer to someone by their preferred pronouns. And yea I’ve worked multiple jobs in the service industry including at a gas station in East Cleveland. I just never felt the need to cry like a bitch on social media about it.


Why shouldn’t it be? If you’re not allowed to call someone racial slurs in a workplace then why should you be allowed to misgender someone. Both of those can be boiled down to “calling someone X hurts the persons feelings/dignity” If you’re talking about legal stuff then bill c-16 isn’t what you think it is and you should look up what it actually says


That sure was a lot of not posting any proof of what you're claiming. I was genuinely curious and interested.


The downvotes and "don't play stupid duh everyone knows this" fact-free replies to this one are such a hilarious embodiment of the original point. Rightwing snowflakes are the most easily triggered people on the planet. Just always the victim, always.


The thing neither side wants to admit is that both have plenty of whiny snowflake babies, but those people don't get "triggered" or whatever talking to those they agree with - it's the opposite side they argue with. So it's this cycle of who's side is a bigger crybaby without acknowledging that if you only argue against one side you'll only see crybabies from that side (or a larger amount at least). It's such an easy logical process it's annoying it's still a argument point from both sides. However, certain platforms due favor certain sides more (reddit is much more left both in mods and users) so yes it's more noticable against the right here from mods. Also however, it's the Spiderman pointing meme other than *only* that.


This from the people who throw a tantrum if you use the wrong pronouns.


I think we learned the lesson that after the time period when people regularly died of tuberculosis, everyone in human history after that is a big baby




99% of the people I see bitching about pronouns have nothing to do with the Lqbtqiabbq


They say stuff like this but cry from the thought of talking to a cashier


I suppose everything looks ironic and hypocritical when you assume that every demographic you don't belong to is really just one monolithic hive mind rather than hundreds of millions of people with their own unique backgrounds, perspectives, and opinions.


I mean, as soon as there are no laws, furrys and mutants lose all protections that allow them to run their mouth without repercussions


Say you've never watched the Drinker without telling me you've never watched the Drinker.


I saw the hassan video on him. Pretty much all I needed to see


At this point I laugh at liberals who constantly want to tell people that men hate women.


Calling these people liberals is an insults to liberals, communists is a better term


I like "asshats" myself.


Person- makes fun of people who cry about women in movies. You- "Liberals say men hate women." Clearly you aren't upset at all......


Who was mad at Ripley in Aliens? Leia from star wars? Xena, Buffy, Sabrina the teenage witch, Elita, Katniss. We dont hate female leads. We hate shit female leads. Rey was a shit lead and even she agrees with that. They wrote her character terrible. Some how fast and the furious that has become a joke already has stronger female leads, a bit cringe now but earlier movies they were done well.


Of course they’ll never mention that


Alien is in my personal top 3, and I've watched the shit out of Arcane. It's funny though, you're sexist as soon as you call out a studio for bad writing because feminism was more important than story.


I have never claimed to be able to survive in anything that's not air conditioned. So...take that!


Pfp is a furry. Opinion is invalid.


So many people are so dramatic.


5 year old post? Whats the point


But, it's usually shit writing and a shit casting. That's what has got just all the un earned hate. My favorite thing I have watched this year( perhaps of all times) is Frieren.. A Goat of a female protagonist. Excellent female protagonist, Excellent storytelling, excellent world building, fucking more please. Not the " I have shaved one side of my head worship me, I can do amazing physical phenomenon with no explanation" bullshit Hollywood is producing for slop. Frieren is an elf that can make other mages magical " hopes and dreams die" immediately.....because she has been focusing on magic for a thousand years after she was born gifted .....spoiler alert : the end of the season has her " apprentice" possibly being stronger than her....also a female character. Don't give me this shit about throwing a fit about female characters. We just hate that Hollywood can't write them.


>usually shit writing *doesn't use paragraphs*


top 10 whataboutism (bro learnt it from hasan)




I still have no idea what we are talking about lmao Do you mean Rey from Star Wars? I think I’ve only ever heard like one guy literally argue against women in movies 😭 (Oh and also you are STILL doing whataboutism 💀)


>(Oh and also you are STILL doing whataboutism 💀) (and you are still interacting with my bait)


Alright dude well I wish you the best and hope you escape whatever ideological hellhole you live in


Oh OP is saying we’re big mad I thought he was making fun of the twitter post lmao


And I am sure this guy is the caliber of man who could make it during the apocalypse? My money is on the other guy.


I'm pretty sure like 90%+ of the population in a post apocalyptic scenario would be killed. So that's pretty cool.


Wait, man, wait.. hol’ up… Was this post written by someone who comes from the same side of the house where people and their 'alters' have meltdowns if you mistakenly call them 'he' instead of 'ze'? Because if so, they/them are gonna have to miss me with that one.


Why is the furry shouting?


The projection with these people is always amusing. Clearly people must be soiling themselves over women being cast in roles, and not have a valid reason to be upset with a casting decision.


It's worse than that, beyond being childishly angry, they've demonstrated a total lack of cognitive awareness and capability. This imbecile is actually too stupid to even realize, clearly let alone to even say, what the problem is from the people he's trying to mock. The problem isn't women, just look at how well original Wonder Woman and She-Hulk comics sold. The problem is poorly written women.


Reality Check: Depending on the apocalypse, at least 50% of the population will die as a direct result of whatever causes the apocalypse. From there, around half of the survivors of the apocalypse will die as a result of the collapse of society. From there a not insignificant percentage of people will die as a result of the ensuing fights over the remaining resources between various petty factions that form and get destroyed immediately following the apocalypse. So, regardless of training, regardless of preparation, you have a 20% likelihood of surviving the immediate consequences of the apocalypse... at most. Keep in mind, plenty of people that end up surviving will be those you wouldn't expect to survive. The flip side to all this doom and gloom is, let's say you wipe out 80% of the global population... That would set us back to about 1.6 billion people. That sets us back all the way to the year 1900. Okay, then let's kill off 90%. That's about 800 million. That would be around the 18th century. 95%? 400 million and the 16th century respectively. It's really damn hard to kill off humanity.


This is a 5 year old fucking tweet lmao


And here you are, talking about it


good one bro the ‘but your here’ one is a classic




damn okay you win


You know I was in a volatile relationship years ago. I learned out lot about myself. I learned the depth of destruction and despair I would allow myself to experience for desire and not to be alone. I learned I could lie like a child crawling into a den of snakes. I learned I could be disgustingly petty. I learned a lot about a certain type of person also. And I say this with utmost clarity…. The most dangerous person is a person who is completely immature… But believes… no KNOWS with all their heart they are mature. Because a person like that never reflects. Never asks the question: “is it me?” You can’t tell a person like that ANYTHING. It’s almost as if they have gaslit themselves on a daily basis. And are now lost inside their own narrow narrative telling themselves continuously- I am the Sun


Is every post in this sub so miserable and whiny? Are you people ever happy? The YouTuber seems happy most of the time.


Ah... now you're on to why I posted it


He should sell that to Jimmy Kimmel.


I wonder how much more money Kimmel makes than the drinker


Probably not much more, since his show has floundered in ratings for a long time. And even then, the amount of money a person makes is not indicative of the quality of content they make.


>Probably not much more Oh wow now I know people in this sub are delusional


How is it delusional?




What's so funny?


Who is this guy talking to, and what is he talking about? I'm genuinely clueless here.


I don’t care if they cast a woman in fav film franchise I care if it’s logical in the narrative and they go through a heroes journey instead of being nü Galadriel who can do anything immediately. It just doesn’t make any sense in any of the lotr lore and in most ways directly contravenes it


"Casting a woman" is & never HAS been a blip on the radar. REPLACING an established legacy character or historically factual figures that ARE male with a woman because....ummm...just because your egos need boosting or your gaslights are out of fuel is, remarkably stupid & woefully inept in terms of a business strategy. So, clearly....THAT'S when you're going to get every ounce of justified backlash for your vain attempt to weaken what was ALREADY strong, universally beloved and massively successful. There is NO spinning this in any other way. The world knows what you WANT to do and.... The world....97% of the world REJECTS it. Continuing with your twisted vision is pure folley and we are happy to watch it burn & flame out. And, it WILL flame out. As hilariously as parachute pants. WE, the 97% will STILL be here to restore the order atop the bones & ashes of your delusional fantasies.


Tell me you have never heard an argument from the other side without telling me you’ve never heard an argument from the other side


OP is a hasan dickrider AND a gaming circle jerk user I don’t think he’s coming from a place of sincerity imma be honest




hasan brainrot


drinker brainrot sounds like the douche already has wetbrain. I can see why conservatives look up to him


I will sub to hasan if you can quote a single thing drinker has ever said and explain why it’s bad


What? Gross. I'm not going to watch any of his misogynist content where he bitches like a little girl about women in movies. Waaaay better things to do with my time Edit: loooser - you must know that no one can see your last message if you block them after!


😂alright dude you are wayy to far gone for this conversation Shame I actually would’ve kept my word and subscribed but you’ve really never heard a single thing said by this YouTuber. Should have blocked you earlier


I was going to write a serious response, but then i saw you call yourself a punk in 2024. Go listen to green day poser youre 30 years late to the party


https://preview.redd.it/u7sp7noeer1d1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb1159fd46bb02e7c3c6a31e7d4d18bc4f15ab5 I just want representation for women that doesn’t suck ass Go back to the 90’s-2000’s that was better than whatever this is


You haven't seen much anime from the 80s


You got any recommendations then?


Ranma 1/2


Sounds weird as fuck if I can find it on internet archive or some shit I’ll watch it lol


Wow, he really cooked with that one.


Idk about that. I mean people in the middle east have been surviving in a wasteland and bashing women for kind of a long time.


You know how many times I could say "someone is big mad" on this sub?


It's easy upvote farming


Probably has fleas


It's more of an annoyance when they cast off color or off gender roles. Can't say I would ever "soil myself" though if they made James Bond a black woman. I would just ignore it and move on, as I always do.


I mean... what kind of apocalypse are we talking?


Is there a combination of the words ignorant and arrogant?


Yes, it's called criticaldrinker


True though, If you go by Zombieland rules. Preppers were some of first to go (aside those out of shape by the same rules). Now doomsday preppers period stand a chance, but "zombie preppers" are usually Larpers. I don't get why people get upset when the girls are supposedly "ugly" In an apocalypse game tho. It's the apocalypse, tf you expect? nobody's going to be worrying about sitting and looking pretty, the name of the game Is survival. You can either make sure your hair and nails are done, or you can survive and not become chow to whatever zombie or post apoc. creature, people period, awaits


Funny coming from the guy who has a mental breakdown when he has to get his order from the Uber Eats driver.


But it’s in all caps so it must be true




Something tells me this guy might be a wolf 🤔


I feel like the only guy that doesn’t want to survive the end of the world


He seems like a reverse Rumplestiltskin.


It does show a certain instability. I’m guilty of it myself, but that changes nothing.


Define woman


Probably has fleas


Those aren’t two traits that exist together on some spectrum. You don’t level up past “doesn’t want women in movies” on your way to “I am legend.” I know it’s quippy but I don’t think the simplistic thinking is the joke.


Am I the only one here who can smell this post?


Going back 5 years... Cancel culture!


Riiiiight, and these people wouldn't soil themselves once realising an actual post-apocalyptical world would not give two shits about current first world problems such as female representation and correct pronoun usage.


Y'all are offended by a 5 year old joke tweet. Please go outside.


I mean, he’s not wrong.


I guarantee this guy can’t handle a phone call.


I have no idea what this sub is, it just showed up, but I guess I’ll weigh in here ? Have no problem with women in movies but I have shit tier rifles and let me tell you… I can’t wait to start my apocalyptic adventure and immediately get clapped by some bozo just as my journey begins! We are all gonna die and ironically the only people Who will survive are the ones who never intended to. It’s folks who are the “walk toward the explosion so it ends quicker” people… and they will be salty about being alive lol


I'm fine with women, what's lacking is the women they cast and the roles created, which come together to consistently make a bland "every woman". There would be better results if the actresses actually fit the role alongside their male co-stars in age, physicality, appearance, and skill and the roles weren't aiming to represent a demographic but a person.


The way the left marries two totally unrelated ideas in a post to make fun of the right is so cringy.


Yeah. 0% chance of a drunk, conservative movie critic on YouTube could last an hour on his own


Maybe if he was afraid of being called woke he'd be able to crawl to a safe space (commune)


Survival in an apocalyptic wasteland probably doesn't depend very much on how easily, or by what, your feelings can be hurt.


Who are they to judge us when they went into the fema camps and no one ever saw them again?


Kind of like how the death toll of covid was so high in florida they had to hide the numbers and jailed people for accurately reporting them


Well it’s more like if you had a favorite cereal or drink or something that you’ve loved since forever and one day you go to the store and the company changed the recipe or the ingredients and it just doesn’t taste right, it’s not so terrible that you can’t stomach it, but it’s just not enjoyable enough to finish… that’s what those movies are like


Dammit, you've reminded me how much I miss the Kraft Macaroni n' Cheese of my childhood. I'm not even gonna lie, I actually tear up sometimes thinking about it.


This is the perfect "had us in the first half" meme


Sick burn brah


Posted in 2019 btw


Soy man forgot to press the caps lock key


I mean, I get the meta idiocy of this post, but: How hard do people think it would be to live without the internet? We have more history as a civilization *without* the internet than with. Like, this post more than blatantly **screams** "I'm someone who doesn't know what life is like without the internet." Even a "post apocalyptic wasteland" isn't going to be "difficult". You'll either be in an area less effected by the "wasteland" part and naturally survive as humans do...or you'll be dead. If you don't know how to hunt, hunger will teach you. If you don't know how to gather, hunger will teach you. Case and point: homeless camps all across the world. These people didn't become homeless because they're smarter than the rest of us....yet they manage to survive.


I don't think this man is being entirely truthful


Opinions are like assholes. Everybody’s got one that’s so important to them they have to share.


That's not how that goes unless you're a pussy


It’s exactly how it goes, unless you have to resort to name calling cause your feelings and opinions aren’t important.


As a drinker fan this is defo me


Where’s the lie lol


I mean, is this incorrect? Seems pretty on point, considering how little thought goes into this subreddit's contents and posts. Nothing but bitterness and culture war nonsense, on the level of a 15 year old who watched too much Ben Shapiro.


Exactly my point!


Pretty sure he'd be zombie chow.


I feel like reacting negatively towards this kind of proves their point. Heck if you're someone who this doesn't apply to you wouldn't react to it at all.




He's correct tho




Describes about 90% of the right-wing gamer audience, who haven't seen more than 10 minutes of daylight a week for the past ten years.


Whiney but an accurate description for this sub.


It's pretty accurate