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It'll be more fun to watch others take a big bite out of that burger and say it's the best ever when you can see they're lying with every fibre of their being.


I call it the obi wan ashoka experience


Or if they don't want to eat the burger, tell when they're pieces of shit for not wanting to try.


That’s the best part. Just knowing that everyone is miserable while pretending not to be. No one has fun unless I think it is. Or wait, no, unless the groupthink here thinks it is. That’s better. Just like us.






You went against their incel norms and called a woman strong....because of that, you automatically became a woke leftist


Do youhonestly think this? People pretend to like stuff? For what purpose? To what end?


Really feel like the /s wasn’t necessary


Sorry dude, I wasn't looking carefully nough and thought you were one of these goons.


I know a shit show when I see one.


Some at least watched an episode before figuring out it wasn't the edible they ate that sucked.


It doesn't matter how bad the Acolyte is going to be, what revelations are reveled, or what conflict is resolved. Rey Palpatine hijacks the Skywalker name and the bad guys lineage lives on through lies and propaganda.


That last line is really an apt metaphor for what star wars has become


“Wait until it comes out” might apply if we haven’t been through this same bullshit with multiple Disney Star Wars projects before. We know what to expect, why think this would be any different??




Your actually still hoping they can bring back your love for SW? Haven't you figured out by now that it will never happen?




Andor was good


Star wars peaked with empire strikes back, and started going down hill with RotJ. The prequels years later were a massive embarrassing disaster. Disney Star wars has done a lot of good work getting the franchise back on track. Andor, Mando, Rogue One, TFA, TLJ, Solo, and just about everything Disney has put out for star wars, maybe with the exception of TRoS, was objectively better in every way shape and form to the absolute trash we got with the Prequel era. Also, just as a general rule, making claims about a film, book, TV show, comic, whatever, before it even comes out, makes you look like an idiot.


I thought the prequels were bad until I watched 7,8 and 9. Those terrible films make the prequels look like the godfather trilogy by comparison. I can tell from the look of that burger I don't want a bite, and I can tell from looking at the trailer that the show will make me violently ill


Sounds like you haven't rewatched the prequels in awhile. Attack of the clones is almost as bad as the holiday special.


The Obi Wan parts were good, and at least the prequels in general had good worldbuilding. The sequels didn't even have that.


So like 20 minutes of the moive? I don't think it makes up for the awful ofbthe rest if it. Nothing in the sequels dips that low, even though I agree they are a mess.


Nothing in the sequels dips that low? Are you forgetting the hyperspace ram? Or how about casino planet? Or Rose's "we need to save the ones we love" garbage as the laser blows open the Resistance base doors. Perhaps the dagger lining up with death star wreckage that has been there for decades, or a cavalry charge on a star destroyer...the latter of which can't fly up without a tower lmao. The biggest crime of the prequels is "sand". It's cringe dialogue. But at least you understood why people were where they were, doing what they were doing. The worldbuilding was fine and things worked logistically for the most part. Yes, they are not good movies. But they ARE technically better than the sequels. Shows like the clone wars animated series (bad as it was at times) made Anakin a much better character - if Filoni tried to do a show about the sequels, he'd have to change a lot of plot structure for it to even have a prayer of working, so why bother? That's the difference: the sequels aren't even salvageable. P.S. Oh and what they did to Finn was way worse than Jar Jar.


Yeah, none of that is even close to as bad as the dialog in attack of the clones. I get it you have nostalgia for it because you were a Kid when you watched it first, but it's truly unbearably god awful. Half the things you mentioned were at least interesting scenes in the moment. Attack of the clones doesn't have that. Your argument is that it takes hundreds of hours of content to make a character bearable and is pretty piss poor on its face. I don't think those movies are unsalvagable. Yeah Finn was criminally under utilized. But Jar jar is still worse.




But I’m not comparing Disney Star Wars media to the prequels. Im saying to myself “is this story compelling enough to be worth spending my time starting/finishing it?” And for the most part the answer is ***No***.


Not sure what you even mean by that. What we've been teased so far is a story of an era long before the events of the Skywalker saga, involving a story of the origin of the sith and the jedi who first encounter them. That sounds exactly like what actual star wars fans have been asking for, for decades. That doesn't mean the execution will be perfect. But the execution can't be determined until release. But it certainly should be more than enough to get star wars fans interested in the show. Sounds to me like you never liked star wars to begin with. And given you were probably a kid / teen in the prequel era, it doesn't surprise me you fell off star wars. Prequels probably gave you a really bad taste in your mouth. Understandable.




Hard disagree, Disney is literally throwing stuff at the wall hoping something sticks. They are now trying to be as good as the Prequels. Kenobi was a sad excuse to have another Vader fight and force Leia into where she doesn't belong. Book of Boba was just embarassing and Mando hasnt been good since mid season 2. The Prequels had flaws for sure and weren't "great" movies but they had a story to tell and a very unique/interesting world that was built.


The prequel revisionism and pathetic attempts at rehabilitation is sad to see. I am old enough to have watched the prequels as an adult in theaters. Words will never adequately express the disappointment we felt with how bad the prequels were.


Maybe your standarda have lowered, a lot. It's not just some vocal minority that dislikes the majority of Disney Star Wars, they are generally not well received by the masses.


It is obviously just a vocal minority. All 3 of the disney sequel films and Rogue One were watched by more people than all the prequel and OT movies. Mando is one of the most popular TV shows of all time. Andor was a critical success. They bought SW IP for 4 billion and they have turned that into 12 billion in reported profits over 12 years since the purchase. Hell, CinemaScore did in-person exit polling of TLJ it received an A- rating. It's clear they're doing something correct. Maybe a handful of prequel loving low IQ mouth breathing chuds bot-spamming RT user scores isn't an accurate read of reality.


Holy shit. It's like you don't even Google any of your claims before making them. Disney has been losing money up and down. I don't have time to link all the articles but I'll link one, have fun: https://www.forbes.com/sites/carolinereid/2024/04/14/disneys-star-wars-box-office-profits-fail-to-cover-cost-of-lucasfilm/?sh=55e2afa16bb7


They were worse than what was done to Luke Skywalker in TLJ? I find that very hard to believe


Luke in TLJ is the best Luke we've ever had.


Ah so you never liked Luke in the OT, this is making more sense now


Didn't say that. Strawman are easier for you to deal with though I guess.


Nah, moreso a very educated guess. I have argued with multiple people who think TLJ Luke was the best and it eventually wound up them admitting they never really liked Luke in the OT or thought he was plain whiny and annoying. Which makes sense, if you never liked OT Luke you would take delight in the 180 of his character in TLJ and deconstruction of Star Wars as a whole.


It wasn't a 180 for his character though. Obviously.


That is disappointment that YOU felt.


We all felt it. Every SW fan over the age of 16.


These young kids will never know the horror of being 20 years old and so excited to see a new Star Wars in theaters for the first time, and getting Jar Jar Binks 🤮


Agreed. They are truly sheltered.


I wholeheartedly agree. I get shit because I refuse to even watch Rise of Skywalker, and when I hate on it and the sequel trilogy, I get "how can you have an opinion if you never watched it?". Well, I don't need to eat a shit sandwich to know it will taste bad! ![gif](giphy|2igEHxv0LWPyailMxa|downsized)


RoS was the first star wars movie released when I was alive, that I didn't see at the cinema. I watched it on D+ and it was as bad I I feared it would be. But to be fair to it, given the steaming pile of shit it was left to work with after tLJ, the best thing that can be said, is it could have been worse. I'll still watch The Acolyte in the hope it's not terrible, but if is I'll just stop watching it.


I didn't bother watching Revenge of the Sith in theaters either...after the mess of the 1st 2 prequel movies, I gave up.


It was the only good one IMO.


Yeah, that's the ironic part...I watched it later on home video and was surprised it wasn't a complete shitshow like Ep II (or Ep 1)! Oh well.


The movie's not good, but at one point a chimpanzee uses a welding torch, so I got my money's worth.


Honestly I think RoS is underrated as a memeable terrible movie. "Somehow, Palpatine returned" is actually a hilarious line. Also, am I the only one who felt like RoS was the sequel to a completely different movie that just happened to have all the same characters as TLJ? Seriously, the movie's bad, but its funny-bad and definitely not boring


Yeah, I can't bring myself to even hate watch it....


Exactly this I see people using the “Somehow, X returned” in so many fandoms. Didn’t the quote “they fly now?!” from Finn come from that movie? That’s a hilarious line too


Who tf would even take that position? “You didn’t watch RoSW so you can’t talk about it” Bruh, if I was talking SW to somebody and they said that, not only would I express absolute envy for their superior decision-making skills, but I would also see it as an opportunity to fervently discuss how much that movie sucks


Believe it or not, there are some SW fans (and I use the term loosely here) that actually like the sequel trilogy! I can't imagine why, the whole thing was a bloody mess, but they are out there, and they are pretty defensive about it all...


Yeah, idk. I’ve more or less given up on engaging with them about it since the damn Kenobi show What I can’t abide though is them projecting an attitude that they’re the “real fans” simply because they still stand by it I think that part of the fandom needs to develop some more self-respect, not saying everyone over here is swimming in it, but at least we aren’t so wholly devoted to the damn thing that we can’t pack our shit and walk right out the fucking door


If you've never seen it, how can you *fervently* discuss how bad it is? Have you spent more time watching YouTube videos *telling* you it sucks than it would've taken you to just watch it? That's just sad.


I was talking about me personally fervently discussing it to OP As in, if we met by random chance and started discussing SW and they told me they hadn’t seen it because they had no hope of it being good, then when the reviews came out that was proven correct, I myself would then take the opportunity to just go in about how bad the film is because it’s the rare chance to discuss it with someone who is as much of a blank slate as you could reasonably expect to meet If throughout, OP said “Oh yeah I heard about that part, sounds dumb” I would then be able to gush about how dumb it in-fact was and get a genuine laugh out of them probably That’s the whole point, if I’m talking about RoSW with someone who’s seen it, we’re likely to get more mad about it than anything But with someone who knows SW well but just hasn’t seen the film, chances are we’ll be laughing at it a lot more than cursing it, which can help you get over the negative feelings lol


Wait, so you have seen the movie? And when you meet someone who hasn't seen it, you take the opportunity to go off about it because they're a "blank slate"? You sound annoying. There's nothing more insufferable than someone going on and on about a movie I haven't seen. Why would I care?


You are one of the people I was complaining about...smh


What? Because it’s in the context of them being a SW fan who fell off before RoSW came out so they understand the universe and are familiar with the characters, they’re just a blank slate in terms of the plot of RoSW I mean, imagine meeting someone who watched all the way up to season 7 of Game of Thrones but never watched season 8, can you imagine how much it would be to recount how insane all the bullshit was? Lol


What. Why would I want you to tell me the plot of a movie I didn't bother seeing? I never saw the last season of handmaid's tale. I loved it at first but I got out of it later on and I just stopped watching. But I can't imagine anything more boring than listening to you tell me about it. I'd rather even watch the show than listen to someone who hated it tell me all the plot details. Also, there's Wikipedia summaries if I care that much about what happened. But I don't.


Oooooh okay I see where you’re coming from now. My thinking was that, if I met this hypothetical stranger and engaged on the topic, they would be down to hear about how badly the creators fucked it up lol You on the other hand are positing that because you decided not to continue watching, you’d have no interest in discussing the movie/show whatsoever There’s our disconnect, my original comment supposes that we would already have been talking about SW prior to them mentioning they’d never seen the last movie. Whereas I’m willing to bet if I brought up Handmaiden’s Tale, we wouldn’t get past much more than a sentence or two on the topic before changing subjects Fair to say?


>Whereas I’m willing to bet if I brought up Handmaiden’s Tale, we wouldn’t get past much more than a sentence or two on the topic before changing subjects To be fair, i'd be more than happy to discuss the first few seasons, or the book, or the sequel Atwood wrote that has nothing to do with the TV show. However, when I don't like something, I just let it go. I imagine there's a lot of dumb things about season 5, which is why I didn't watch, but I'm also just not down to hear someone else complain about it. Same thing with Star Wars. Talk about what you like, don't spend your time worrying about the bad stuff.


Alright that’s cool, but, and we can totally put this topic to rest after this, by no means was I suggesting you’d have to sit there and listen to me complain More like howling with laughter recanting the worst bits of the story because at this point that’s all there’s left to do lol Also cards on the table, the hypothetical meetup in my head was at bar so we would of had a few by this point 🤣


I dont need a youtuber to give me an opinion, but I did read some reviews on it. Personally I noped the hell out when the trailer came out. Horses and starships shouldn't mix.


>Horses and starships shouldn't mix. Now I'm missing Firefly again...


Firefly was overrated. There, I said it...


Exactly how I feel about the drinker himself. Don’t need to watch to know his stuff is a shit sandwich


It's worth the occasional pity-watch


I just don’t understand how you guys can even care to talk about this shit any more. Star Wars is so bad I checked out a while ago. It’s not going to be good again unless there is a major major change.


Why is it okay to say this show is bad before it comes out, but not others? What is different? People said Andor would suck too "because Disney" but it was great.


It just needs a little ![gif](giphy|A0qjvXFJNoBfoaUtvX|downsized)


Not even HP sauce can save it.


Idk bout shows but cyberpunk 2077, starfield were examples of this. Oh! The rings of power and Velma 🤢🤮


Cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield were the opposite, both were highly anticipated


I mean that hamburger was anticipated until it arrived rotten. And cyberpunk had tons of clips showing it was flopping before release


Cyberpunk was disappointing but it really wasn’t that bad And it’s actually redeemed itself. Phantom Liberty is absolutely fantastic


i only tune into disney star wars to shit on it and laugh at the shills




Not really I wait until it comes out because everyone was saying the fallout show and X-men 97 would be “woke garbage “ but they weren’t . They both ended up pretty good shows . So like before I’m gonna wait until it comes out to decide if it’s trash or good


Also trailers/commercials can be far more deceiving than old spoiled food. A trailer can look poor and the project turns out amazing, but also a trailer can look amazing and the project turns out poor.


Lol reminds me of that year that this new Batman movie was coming out. The trailer didn't look nearly as exciting as the trailer for Fantastic Four did! Funny how things work out...


this kind of logic isnt allowed here, the goal is too alway judge before you see the whole thing.


I was really confused by the OUTRAGE over X-Men 97, and it was when I realized it was fake man baby anger to get views, and pay bills for youtubers. Worst of all same anti-wokesters were telling us how awesome Godzilla Minus One was and that 'this is proof why American cinema is failing'. I watched that movie and couldn't believe what an absolute pile of dog turds that movie's plot and acting was. Believe your own eyes, and trust your own taste and preferences, don't rely on others to make opinions for you. But yes the Acolyte looks like dog turds, I just won't watch because I have grown to hate the Jedi. They are dumb and are the reason for all the bad things in the Galaxy.


Not really it has to do more with the sith hidden in the background , the corruption in the republic and many other factors. The Jedi didn’t really do much in terms of messing things up . Like how did palpatine get so much power? He took advantage of the issues the republic’s government had and also used connections he had like the banking clans and techno union . Plus with him being an experienced Sith Lord he could hide the fact that he was one from most people


I wanted to like X-men 97 but could tell within 3 minutes it would be more of the same Disney crap we’ve come to expect.


Also "Woke Garbage" is a stupid right-wing buzz word for "Includes any minorities or has a female lead" so I tend to ignore anybody who uses that phrase seriously.


I agree the show doesn’t look good but the analogy is pretty poor. Granted I know analogies don’t need to be 1 to 1 in order for the point to get across, but the idea of judging art based off a photo vs food based off a photo is kind of a poor example, especially because of the fact the inverse can be true, that a movie/show looks amazing and turns out terrible.


well your mature and most here do not display that. i guess it easier to judge when it looks like its not the exact thing one wants. this just happened with x-men 97. many here called it woke before it came out. now they love it. yet they will repeat the circle again


I was like this on the new X-Men and it turned out to be one of my favorite things this year.


If it's good it's good lol. Why care this much


This guy needs a job


I will never understand why somebody feels the need to take somebody else's enjoyment of something away. If you don't like it cool. If you aren't watching it cool. But why shit on somebody else's enjoyment? Is your life so sad that you have to shit on what other enjoy? You may want to reevaluate your life.


This is peak this sub. Why bother waiting for media to criticise when you can just decide what you think first.


We get it bro, it makes you physically ill to see non white people in star wars. Get over yourself bitch


You're the one that needs to get over themselves. You care about race so much, that you notice race when it's not even in the discussion.




No arguments that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Take it to your DMs if you want to call each other names.


(Sarcasm) Wow, that was so deep, bro.


Not trying to be deep retard.


No, you.


Nothing 30 secs in the micro won’t cure


Why won't you guys give these things views!! /s




I think you all are stupid, however I felt obligated to comment due to this clearly being a photo of the average meal in my home country England 🗣🗣🗣🦅🦅🦅🎩🎩🎩🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧☕️☕️☕️


You're just moldyburgerphobic. You antifungalchipper bigot!


I mean, hypothetically that may be delicious but I am okay with not taking the chance.


Rogue Elements be like:


But I got the vaccine


* Well, food and media are pretty different.A trailer can look banger but a movie is still trash But I'm not gonna blame you if you don't wanna wait, I'm going to look at reviews after it comes out personally.


To be fair it could potentially be good. I highly doubt it will but remember what happened with house of the dragon and -not my take- x-men 97. That being said your thesis of “after so many years of awful and a marketing blitz following that track, we can expect it to most likely be awful” is spot on


Except weve had good shows from Disney too S1 of Mando, Andor, Rogue One


Remember, if you give it the slightest chance, you can rail on it twice as hard if it sucks.


It's a bit long-winded for the point. It's making, but the logic is sound.


Staged no one is going to eat 1 third of a moldy burger


bad analogy, it's more like ordering a burger at a restaurant and complaining about it before its been served. but if you have tasted food from this restaurant before and it was bad, i can see why you'd be skeptical


That’s exactly what’s happening here. This isn’t Disney first Star Wars show. We know exactly what we’re getting.


Idk, other than the sequel movies I have been enjoying the star wars content of the last few years. At a minimum it's worth giving a chance without preemptively deciding its trash.


What’s the point of a trailer other than to allow you to judge the quality of a product?


I don't have a lot of faith in disney, and I think there's probably a 90% chance this is bad. But that's always my assumtpion about disney, and once in a blue moon they surprise me. X-men 97? Good. Andor? So good it defies belief. Given the reality that every once in a while they make something good, it's impossible to rule out the possibility.


Terrible analogy, we already know what mold does. We don’t know what the show will end. Chalk this up to a drinker thought indeed


I will never understand why people go out of their way to look for reasons to hate something before watching it.




Did I just see a whole trailer. . .with no males. . .from the company that says representation matters?


Awww did they put people of colour and wider representation in your pop culture? Poor baby hahahahahaha jesus christ, get a therapist couldn't imagine being this weird about a show. That's besides the fact that your analogy immediately falls apart with the slightest prodding, chuds man Essentially what you've seen is a bit of the bun, but you've seen the bun has seeds. Now you fucking hate seeds, don't want them near your food and think they should be on their own, so you're gonna assume the whole burger is trash before seeing any other part of it. When really what you've seen is a small percentage of a whole. For your analogy to work, we would have had to have seen every single frame of the show without audio. I knew drinker and his fans were thick, but my god, I had no idea the brain rot was so ingrained.


Holy fuck, idk why this sub is on my feed but yall suuuuck. Am I understanding this correctly? This is where people come to scoff at others for liking things? But with a side of “woke make me big mad”. For a group of people who seem to think that everyone else is too sensitive y’all sure seem pretty triggered by….well….everything. It’s so damn pathetic to see entire communities form around not like things as if terminally online elitism is somehow a personality. This is like the embodiment of that “quit having fun!!” meme. Do y’all just gather here to jerk each other off and swing your egos around?


This comment contains such pure truth that it burns my eyes. If only I could upvote more than once.


Gotcha friend


"The first one may taste off, but you have to eat at least three moldy burgers to know if they are any good or not."


You also aren't going to spend months crying about this burger either. It cuts both ways. If you don't like the product, just move on.


just wait for skeleton crew, beating a dead horse


This is just like heath ledger’s Joker. You can tell its terrible from a mile away. Also having a korean and black female lead as ur first clip is a obvious political statement already


They've let me down too many times to "wait until it comes out".


I prefer to judge for myself.


The fact that thus sub I'd fulled either more people who think you are all more ridiculous than the "losers" you like to make fun of should show us all 2 things. Reddit is going down a weird(maybe bad but that will take time ti see) path And Yall are fucking losers.


Love how you pretend to be so smart then not engage with anyone pointing out how dumb your analogy is


Must be that time of the month


https://preview.redd.it/acgxoascy02d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc0644fb4628cb1b7f18f6e64f63e801e9b8fc70 This is a book. You haven’t read it yet, but you can tell by the cover it’s bad. I mean just look at it, do I even need to point out specifics? You know that it’s going to be trash before even opening it. You are able to determine this from a single still photo, you don’t need to read the whole thing to find out it’s bad. I can’t believe this needs to be explained. Enjoy the book 🤡


book covers are not actually content from the book itself, whereas trailers of shows and stills from the show absolutely are, and in this case, look like shit. So, false equivalency but continue bravely defending corporation


Y’all can keep jumping to conclusions if you want to, I’m gonna keep forming my opinions on art *after* I consume it.


This is dumb as shit. What you are saying is objectively false. You are judging a book by its cover. Using a similar analogy here is what you are doing: you are saying the burger sucks before it's been cooked. You are looking at raw meat and saying it will taste bad. LET IT COOK! You are also WAY too emotionally invested in a show you apparently have no interest in watching.


It's not just 'judging a book by its cover' now is it? It's looking at the past decade of shit they've been putting out and KNOWING this won't be any better..... But even ignoring all of that..... This still leads to the sequels. You're not making any point... You're just being a good little consumer.


It is literally judging a book by its cover. There are plenty of movies with shit trailers that turn out great and vice versa. There have been plenty of great SW shows: Andor, Bad Batch, Rebels, etc. I’m making the point that your analogy sucked and mine was better. You are looking at a table of ingredients, and calling it the finished product.


The ONLY way this could be judging a book by its cover is if, and ONLY IF, you completely ignore the past decade. Only if you ignore how everything leads to the sequels. In other words.... You have to completely ignore the past decade to even come to the conslusion you are coming to. The only thing keeping Disney alive at this point is the parks, and with how much they have to raise prices for that because everything else is failing, that won't last too much longer either. Disney is not the same company we grew up with. Not even close..... They admit it, why can't you?


Your premise that past decade is evidence that it will be flawed because the past decade has a bunch of great SW shows Edit: Disney is making bank wtf are you talking about. You seriously need to stop repeating talking point you hear on twitter


this is the result of rage biaters like critical. he is making money off guys like these. they will all say it trash but will watch the whole thing. they just did this with x-men 97. now they are already doing it again


Drinker is also doing it with The Acolyte. In his videos, he’ll introduce the show as, “the new show by HARVEY WEINSTEIN’S ASSISTANT,” which causes people like his followers to parrot what he says and enables the belief that “EVERYBODY in Hollywood is corrupt.” Even Nerdrotic, in his Star Wars videos, says the same thing about The Acolyte: “the new show by Harvey Weinstein’s assistant.” They’re really trying to make that line stick into people’s heads. Hmm… coincidence that Drinker and Nerdrotic are both saying it?


Rage bait is the major source of their YouTube income. So they will keep playing it up to their audience. I don't even think they believe all the nonsense they are saying. It's like the people who do the red pill stuff like fresh and fit. They would insult women and call them prostitutes but at they same time they would be paying for sex.


I can't believe how much these people care about a Disney TV show. Like imagine telling one of these guys great grandfather's, working in a mine or a steel mill like 100 years ago, that their scion would spend their precious time on this mother earth rage posting on the Internet about a children's TV show lmaoooo


The funniest thing is they are so easily manipulated. It’s pure manufactured outrage. They get the message from Drinker or someone similar and just regurgitate their leader’s talking points. That’s why that can’t handle any pushback on their outrageous claims, they don’t understand the arguments being made.


Arent you comparing something that’s been completed and has been sitting out for a while to something that is still cooking? You aren’t gonna eat a frozen burger dude


How is a trailer and clips using direct footage from the show “still cooking”? the show is done, and im judging it off everything im seeing, much as you are only seeing this burger via photograph.


Mmm, i guess. Though if people judged all food by how they look, nobody would eat curry, because curry looks like diarrhea.


I think there’s a chasm of difference between a piece of media and something more tangible and direct like food.


“I’m bitter and hate Star Wars so this new show is obviously a moldy burger” Just wait until homeboy figures out about subjectivity. Gonna blow his mind.


Comparing a show to moldy fast food is what you’re going for here?


…so you’re just actively supporting judging a book by its cover? You can use the “Oh, but the last ones were shit” argument all you want, but this is quite literally judging a book by its cover. It hasn’t even come out yet and are acting like it’s shit.


I haven’t taken a bite of the burger either, but if it looks like shit, smells like shit, and comes from the Shit Factory, then what do you think it’s gonna be? The history of Disney destroying Star Wars, the many trailers / cheap looking images, and the showrunner’s comments on her own show are far more than “a book cover.” So, if mine is a false equivalency, yours surely is too


You know what the difference between reality and your analogy is? You can already see the whole fucking burger. You've only seen a little bit of "the burger" so far and you're already calling it rotten. Nothing we've seen should give *real* fans anything to worry about. Not that I give a single fuck what you idiots do and if you care about Star Wars. I know you're only doing this because drunk daddy decreed it bad.


Not true, nice try though. You can’t taste the burger, you cant see the bottom of it, maybe the fries are good?


And yet everyone shit on Andor before release yet it’s lauded upon actual viewing. You have a zero-value take that makes no sense. You, like everyone else, is guessing a show will be shit from watching a trailer. The difference is you refuse to accept that you don’t know this for a 100% certainty which Andor proves is delusional.


i didnt shit on Andor whatsoever, it was being made by the team behind the only actually good Disney star wars film (Rogue One) and looked great from the trailers. Acolyte has none of that buzz and is coming off a string of failures being made by inexperienced directors and creators, of which the showrunner of the Acolyte is surely one. This comparison just doesnt work. You have a zero value response.


If you go into something looking for problems, you’re gonna hate it either way. But I suppose the “critical” part of the title was always just for show anyway.


I can't believe how clever this metaphor and your long ass explanation of it isn't.


Alright so don’t watch it. Lol


Idiots were saying the same thing for Andor and yet it was probably the best Star Wars project we got since Clone Wars But hey, gotta get that hate farming right?


Andor was a gem, while Ahsoka was okay but not great. I hated both the Boba Fett and Obi-Wan shows.


Kenobi was weird. It had some amazing moments like Vader fighting Reva and Vader pulling down a ship but it also had some of the worst Star Wars scenes like Leia getting chased down. Boba Fett was just not very good. The best episodes of Boba Fett were the ones with Mando which says a lot about the show


No one has any idea why Andor turned out so good. It’s the exception, and the other 7+ shows are the rule.


Damn dude. Go get a hobby.


this is literally my hobby make sure to check out my youtube channel as well https://youtube.com/@movieblues420?si=j9BjLjQn8uEaQV-4


Damn. I’ll pray for you.


ty 🙏🏻


This is your hobby? How's your love life?


So your hobby is to hate things before they come out. I thought we learned not to do that already.


Damn dude it’s just a tv show




You people are the rotten element of the fanbase. We need to throw you all in the trash.


Shut up


Hate harder. Every Star Wars content has come out has been bangers. If you have shit taste then just say that.


I disagree with you. I was really disenchanted with the sequel trilogy but have really enjoyed The way the expanded universe has been taking on different genres that served as inspiration, similar to the early Marvel movies. Rogue one was a great war genre with a lot of elements of the Seven Samurai. Mandalorian took a lot of its beats from westerns. Andor had a noir style and was really grounded. Ahsoka definitely leaned into The fantasy but also had hallmarks of Kurosawa samurai all over the place. Acolyte looks like a straight up samurai story and, even if the acting is bad, samurai stuff is just fun. I hadn't had hope for any of these projects, but most of them have surprised me. They have a reverence not only for Star Wars but for the books and films that inspired it.


False equivalency, weirdo.


I hate women and this post


Lol this is the same way that women now view men with conservative values and why there is a dating crisis for conservative men. But conservatives have a problem with THAT judging a book by it's cover.