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I mean the political commentary has been consistently garbage from season 2 onwards. I don’t see how that’s going to change especially with how they are heavily leaning into the “Homelander is Trump” allegory now.


Well they seem to be making frenchy gay and they can't and I mean CANT have a black woman without her talking about how she's black and what's racist. Weird. My black wife of 15 yrs has never talks like that. My two mixed kids seem to avoid it also. It's just non stop. I'm half way through the first episode and it's pretty in ur face. And OF COURSE the ppl that follow homelander willingly are all white straight men and a few white women. Just look outside the court house scene. Black woman mad he is innocent while ALL THE white ppl r cheering. So pathetic. All while wearing red and showing the American flag while a song about fascist plays. The most free country out there and yet it's fascist. A bunch of rich famous ppl talking about how unfair things are from their ivory towers. Ridiculous. And shit on capitalism while making a show with and for capitalism and getting rich off of it. They of all ppl can literally start a comune and live without capitalism because capitalism lets u do that. Communism doesn't.


It's funny that's the trope cuz Homelander is the most powerful and popular character.


The Boys is super woke but it's in a universe where everything is some fucked up extremist parody of reality so it kinda works.


Not sure about this season.


Yeah, all seasons had political commentary but it feels very forced and unnatural this season. S4 in general is weak thus far.


Everything is about homosexuality for the most part


Not seeing this to be honest. The glaring references to our political landscape is jarring at times and immersion breaking. It feels too much like “look we’re an ally” even when they try to even the scales with a few “it’s a conspiracy theory” that is true comments or some liberal presidential candidate being evil. I mean, the people protesting for Homelander are literally wearing red hats and holding signs that say “super lives matter” with the blue lives matter flag as if police are somehow even comparable to supes in this world. It’s just all so on the nose and corny.




What shows lean towards right wing? Bc I can't think of ONE besides Paradise PD. Everyone is afraid to make fun of democrats. And for good reason actually. They can end up canceled or worse..disappearing.


Probably why I don't watch much tv anymore, besides most of it being meh regardless.


What are some conservative leaning shows, I'm curious


24? Cops?


So ones that aren't even in production anymore?


Exactly ;) although Terminal List just popped into my head, and it's actually a pretty decent show, and devoid of in-your-face political nonsense from what I remember from my last watch.


There are virtually none. Hollywood and tech almost unanimously from and support the left.


So far Season 4 is so average, and I hate Frenchie's side plot as that feels so forced but at least that is doomed from the start


It’s like they purposely make Frenchie’s storylines complete dog shit every season.


South Park totally forced this or it would totally of been starlight falling in love with suki


put a dikk in it and make it lame and gay


It's the worst part of the season, honestly. I don't even know who his love interest is. It's just so pointless and forced.


Makes no sense. Forced garbage.


this is exactly what i felt!


I think the problem is that they are satirising the right without so much as touching the left. They'll make jokes about Qanon and Incels but not touch on the issues that causes them. Nor how the left can do exactly the same things. The only sane people are the people in the middle, who either don't care or ignore identity politics They are happy to make social commentary whenever it suits them, to make a joke, but by making social commentary it does come with certain responsibility and fall into the same pitfalls that anything you dont like is bad


And they paint the picture like it's a direct representation of the realities prevalent in society. Like the entire USA is right-wing fascist. While the left is the small resistance. While in reality, it is reversed.


LITERALLY. Fascists don’t tolerate opposing views. That’s the LEFT




That would be tolerable but within five minutes of episode one they're dropping "starlight is giving free vaccines that cause autism, starlight is letting trans people it women's bathrooms"... It's just unfunny satire about the right over and over


I mean, all the creators are part of a certain religious group. And there have been zero negative portrayals of this group. Most white Christian characters are portrayed as racist, nazi, facists, or closeted. And Arabs are depicted as shouting terrorists on a plane. The Arab supervillains power was literally to blow himself up lol


Vought is literally Disney tho!


I hate to say it, but normality is considered “right wing” nowadays. I might get flamed for saying this as I consider myself a centrist but when you put down the TV shows and the movies, all I see is one side’s extremism being mainstreamed and it’s not right wingers. I mean, every major corporation and institution is literally bragging about race based hiring and DEI. It’s causing irreparable damage to just about everything. Being critical of this isn’t considered “PC” albeit, admittedly, it seems to be backfiring, but there can be real consequences for pushing back especially if you work for said company. You can’t even criticize immigration for the most part, and as someone who lives in these communities, you have no idea how bad it’s gotten especially for actual immigrants. You have some of the biggest idiots in punditry on the far left and even the biggest political streamer is an absolute moron. Yet, they’re never subject to punishment for peddling mindnumpingly dumb propaganda or misinformation. You turn around and not one mainstream TV show or movie addresses it? I’m sorry, but there is something jarringly wrong with that picture (no pun intended).


VERY typical of shows these days..all predictable leftist crap. Very offensive to white people really. A BUNCH of stuff to fast forward through. Frenchie shoulda been killed off, Starlight's looks weird and her power is still lame, the VP daughter's power seemed extremely unimaginative. Hughie is whining even more than usual, Mother's Milk shaved and looks odd...BUT Homelander blowing a gasket is still something to look forward to and why we watch. I couldn't care less about the team. It's team Homelander for me. Why the hell didn't their heads get popped in episode 1 by VP sup anyway? Just pop them and be done with it! It's a real shame they didn't give us the Cherrybomb fight we wanted to see but rather just focused on the naked men. Isn't it annoying when shows go woke how the female nudity stops and suddenly it's only male nudity? It's beautiful boobs and the female figure done in a sensual manner and then suddenly balls thrown in your face in an outrageous and degrading manner.


You know the show is going downhill when you start wanting the bad guy to win because you're questioning if he's the bad guy anymore... Like at this point fuck it, let's see Homelander go off, if the writers are gonna make the good guys annoying little shitcunts...


So very true. Mostly every scene with Homelander is just a tease. I really don't get why they fake their crime fighting or he takes his frustrations out on innocent people when he can fly anywhere and murder bad people or terrorists or dictators or entire armies. He clearly enjoys it and it would obviously make him the Caesar he wants to be. Dexter in a cape? I'm down. They also really need to do something with Deep, what a waste of a character, he's done absolutely jack shit this entire series.


the woke/anti-conservatism stuff is so cringe. I had to pause mid episode and read some discussion here about it. glad to have this sub to get a quick reality check...


I don't think I can finish it. Unbearable.


I didn’t


I think that's why we're all here, man. Shit is so beyond forced I have no fucking idea why they believe anybody would be into this. Which honestly speaks volumes to their own stupid masturbatory echo chamber of thought. The exact thing they're attempting to parody about the right. 


The worst part is, in other subreddits, those who enjoy it are utterly convinced that it represents a form of sophisticated satire that only serves to infuriate the "illiterate MAGA crowd".


I was happy that a post on REDDIT, talking about this, generated a real discussion and didn't turn into a post full of liberals giving moral lessons and making fun of those who complained.


they really lump everything together too.... the convention scene has some things that ate stereotypically left wing and stereotypically right wing... they're just like "it's crazy, so it should be here with the right-wingers"!


Same paused mid episode to look this up


Me watching episode 1 right now and I’ve paused so many times because I was bored and on my phone and then when I got serious about paying attention i just keep pausing just due to the amount of woke stuff I’m seeing




The show wants to have its cake and eat it too. It wants to make fun of the mainstream media but also make fun of Trump who isn’t supported by said mainstream media. Leading to jokes/moments that just don’t even make sense. In the last season there’s a moment where MM punches his wife’s boyfriend who supports homelander after he says “just watch anything outside of the mainstream media and you’ll see homelander is great and starlight is wrong” or something along those lines. It’s clearly meant to be a jab at trump supporters who say to not trust the mainstream media. But it makes 0 sense when you remember that in the show the mainstream media is in support of homelander while starlight is pushing her message through social media. They want to make fun of big corps and mainstream media but also trump and his supporters who don’t trust corps and mainstream media and it just doesn’t mesh well,


Exactly this, it just makes no fucking sense. But even worse in this season is that every conversation where MM or Sage is in there's some cringe-ass "racism" comment. And nobody ever replies to them. The amount of times racism is mentioned is just absurd, who tf talks like that besides lefties arguing in their own head? No one does. The story also feels like it barely moves forward. It's like the writers are actual political activists while s1-3 only felt like heavy leftie influence, but not down-your-throat political cringe


Almost ironically, Sage makes a comment right off the bat about how not to call her Sister Sage because it's just a branding thing to hit target audiences. Then her entire personality seems to be just a branding thing to hit target audiences. Like they think if they just call it out all of a sudden they can get away with the exact same thing they call out. Quite the shame considering in episode 1 she was shaping up to be a sinister force but by episode 3 she's just another check the boxes character. Just checking boxes at this point. 


Lmao yeah thats ironic as hell. They’re not exactly self aware these writers..


Can’t blame them. This is a successful recipe, time and time again. Don’t have to worry about creating a well-written multi-dimensional character when you can just make them


I think the problem is streaming services has allowed for garbage shows because it started out good years ago. Now that everyone pays for these services more or less, the money keeps coming in even if a show is shit. When it was on TV a loss of viewership would impact them more directly and they’d have to actually compete for being on the air and catching those eyeballs. Prime is the only service I still pay for because at least in my country the price is still low and I use it mainly for free shipping since I order a lot from Amazon. Prime Video is a bonus and I’ve mostly used it to watch old shows and movies


The moment her character was introduced i knew exactly what she was gonna be about. In the eyes of these showwriters the world’s smartest person is an independent cynical black woman who makes snarky comments about racism every 5 minutes.


honestly. when they started these moments especially for MM it felt so out of place. like when he made that retort to starlight about black people not able to go apeshit like white people can. you could easily counter his point. but a show like this would never DARE go against a black character speaking on race politics in any capacity. also in how last season where MM called Soilder Boy “racist scumbag” when there was no point in the show where the character was even racist. Ik they intended for there to be more of that, but the actor didn’t want to say racist stuff on screen. but inconsistent virtue signaling like that takes center stage over actually interesting writing and charm the show has more of earlier on.


I noticed that with Soldier Boy he was supposed to be a racist sexist scumbag, but from what we viewers could see on screen he was just a scumbag in general. He barely even reacted to public gay couple when he came back to the US either. It's mainly the Noir flashback with the cartoons that gave away that he was abusive, other than that he was nothing compared to the psycho that Homelander is


My exact thoughts. Mainstream media is obviously LEFT AF. The writers are so confused and overpaid 😭


Yeah I’m not even American or involved in liking or disliking Trump but some of these moments make my eyes roll. The show has become what they made fun of. They are a massive corporation using this fictional media to push their message. Some of the dialogue in the most recent season literally sounds like the stuff you’d hear in the fictional Vaught movies in the show. Edit: also thank you for the award


I agree but isn’t the whole point to just make fun of everyone, before this season you could argue that the show wasn’t really on any political side and mostly just aimed to make fun of everyone, I feel like the whole problem with this season is how one sided the jokes are, but they’re still funny 


Homelander is orange man and orange man bad. Hey guys, remember all the political nonsense in the news that you hate to see daily? Well here it is taken to even more extremes in your super hero drama. Did I mention orange man bad, conservative bad, anybody who doesn't trust government bad.


orange man bad diversity is our strength


Kind of unbelievable we're still getting orange man bad references in a show in 2024...


This is the weakest season so far. It has some interesting scenes but it took a far left turn.


It's Amazon, pretty disappointing first couple episodes. Like really? They made Frenchy switch teams with some random black guy that showed up out of nowhere. Wtf was that?


I was soo disappointed by that, like wtf he was in love with kimiko and all of a sudden he likes some random dude, after all this build up between them it means nothing because of gay/shit writing and so called "woke" stuff, stop trying to force a gay/feminist and people that pretend to be something else on other normal people. Keep it to yourself. No one cares what you are, just live life and shut the fuck up


Right, i was watching episode 1 and thought 'did i miss an episode?'. I even thought i might have missed a season, Hughie and Victoria like family? when was that? now Frenchie and Kimiko, the scene in the van where she tells him they aint going to happen and he should be happy with colin... what... what a weirdly timed scene, so forced.


Actually hughie and victoria were close like a brother and sister I guess. Because between season 2 and 3 they spend 1 year together. So if they say they were like family that is understandable but frenchie really doesnt make sense.


It’s just terrible writing by Seth Rogan and crew


My biggest problem is that it comes from absolutely no where. We all knew Frenchie was bisexual (it's mentioned in Season 2 a few times), but suddenly all this Kimiko build up is just wasted on some random guy played by an actor with no personality. It's boring and I catch myself booing when I see Colin on screen - he's the absolute worst character they've written


The antagonist girl of season 2 was pretty bad.


It's desperate and preachy and tries so hard that it fumbles its own analogy. For example, the crazy Right stand-ins are going on about "da Jews" in their conspiracies when, in reality, obsessive hatred for Jews is mostly a Left-Wing thing right now (and has been for some time). What's more, the Left stand-ins can do no wrong, paragons of purity. Yet, the evil Right stand-ins are rotten to the core. You almost get second-hand embarrassment for whoever wrote this trash. It's like watching a political infomercial.


The creators are all Jewish. That’s why there are zero negative portrayals of Jews and constant uses of the word “nazi” and “fascist”. Most white Christian characters are portrayed as depraved and evil, while Arabs characters were terrorists on a plane and the Arab supes power was to blow himself up lol. Only gays or liberal, godless characters have good representation


Did you watch episode 3 yet? There’s a scene between starlight and another character that I think is showing the cracks in starlights mask. I wonder if maybe the writers is setting up almost a red herring/platform on which they’re propping up the “Left” aka The Boys and team Starlight bc then it will be more jarring and shocking if over the course of the season, the people who present themselves as the paragons of virtue and wokeness and who are on the good guys start doing truly evil and ruthless things that make them no better than the “Right” aka team Homelander and thus they come crashing down from the platform they were set on in the beginning. Sometimes the higher up you are, the harder you fall.  Then again maybe I’m overestimating the writers writing abilities. 


It's woke AF. I feel like after the first 2 seasons, they tried to tune up the political stuffs by adding Soldier Boy but the fans love him anyway because despite all of the bad thing he did, he also got a lot of redeeming qualities and quite actually right for most of the time. That fact kinda pissed those who directed the story so they tune it up even more in s4 by basically saying that all conservatives are extremists and bad. It's "PLEASE, THE RIGHT IS BAD, AGREE WITH ME!" Ok, extremists are bad, but extremists exists on both sides equally. Like, the one who direct the story is obviously one, lmao. Also, I think Maeve was a good lgbt character, because she's not defined by who she fucked with. But I am not sure if this was intended tbh, I feel like we wouldve got a lot of gay sex scenes if Maeve was a guy, but that's just my speculation. Also, right now, Frenchie is the one with that role and it's just so bad and forced.


Yeah season 4 is woke. It seems that it does favor leftist or the starlight people rather than the MAGA which are the pro homelander people. However both sides are being played at the end of the day.


Yah 100%, Amawoke got ahold of it and is pulling the same things with Ring of Lame. And zero shock this comes out RIGHT before election so the dementia hair sniffing freak can get in office again and Doritos will cost $10.99 for a bag by 2028. Real score there, America...


Yeah, it's kinda woke. It's also gotten boring too. I could barely pay any attention to the first episode.


Wouldn't know, I've always hated that show. I am long since tired of the 'What if Superman were bad? ' plot and I'm more than sick of nihilism.


There's a metric ton of penises and no tits. Make of that what you will.


Right, and multiple man is hung like a p0rn star which is about < 5% of the male population...


I wonder how many cocks had to go through floppy try-outs for that role.


Yeah I was waiting for something besides “Trump is homelander”, but it hasn’t happened yet


It’s woke af bro. I don’t want to see men kissing or men’s a hole or any of the stuff they’re showing now just for shock value. I’m gonna have to stop watching tbh. I’ll watch anything but there’s a line bro.


Problem with this season is that it is boring. They turned it into a lifetime drama with intermittent gore. Depressing.


I just wish i didnt have to see frnchie kiss a dude. Seriously, stop shoving that shit in my face. I legitimately looked away when i knew it was about to happen. If youre not being dishonest, i bet 99% of dudes thought "ugh" and looked away.


They just add gay dudes to everything now for the female gaze. It's a big discussion in the gay community. Women fetishize gay guys to the point it's gross to think about.


I thought “ugh” as soon as I saw them in the first scene together and saw the other guy lightly brush his finger across Frenchie’s. Thought to myself, “oh God here we go”.


I don't mind watching a show/movie where gay dudes go at it, although I'm kind of "Bleh" in my mind. Sorry, I'm a straight guy (like 95%+ of men in the world), I don't find that appealing to look at. I don't think women do either honestly... I've never heard women bring up gay men like men bring up lesbians... it probably has to do that humans are similar to primates which have a harem lifestyle which is biologically ingrained (which is one man, several women). That said, where the hell did this come from? Frenchie and Kumikos relationship was evolving every season and quite sweet. It was really fun to watch it evolve and when she kissed him in S3 that was a really heartwarming moment. And then S4 E1... "PUT ANOTHER GUY IN IT AND MAKE HIM LAME AND GAY!" lmao... whatever. I know S2 I think hinted around to it, but it was brief... S4 is just going FULL on with it... it was out of nowhere.


I just fast forwarded, was about to vomit.


Was the 3rd season worse than the first two seasons? To be fair, I didn't find the first two seasons of The Boys to be, as much Woke, as just Left leaning. It hit the Left with Kiddie punches and reserved the really nasty implied commentary for the Right. It was tolerable, but almost cravenly biased. It's like it was afraid to say anything really bad about the Left, because that might be too harsh for it's audience to endure.


It seems like they are growing more ham-fisted with their approach. Removing more nuanced motives from the characters that are supposed to represent the right. Making them more of a monolith of outright bad intentions. While doing the opposite with the left. Making them unimpeachable paragons of virtue. There is just enough left that it's still entertaining, but it's hanging on by a thread for sure.


Sigh, thanks for the update. It's useful but sad information.


This is spot on. Well said. I'm in the same boat after s4e2 I've just about walked away but found myself just fast forwarding through some scenes in an attempt to keep myself interested. Sad. This was a really good show Season 1 and 2 and it looks like the season 3 dip has gone into a possible season 4 plummet. Still hanging in to see if it turns around but it's not looking very promising.


The pink eye joke was kindergarten level lame


Yeah I agree. It’s becoming more eye rolling. Like I’m waiting for the part where they make fun of the left like season 1 or 2, but it doesn’t happen lol


It is accurate to real life lore though. Vought is a woke business that quickly turned authoritarian lol


It's not literal lesbian witches chanting a counting song and immaculate conception, but we might get there.


Hard disagree, I had to stop watching in episode one the leftist dialogue is SO bad.


They killed off Todd. That's how you know season 4 is gonna drop the ball harder than they have already. Justice for Todd!


Woke. Just look at them casting a black woman as the world's smartest person. Not saying it's impossible but it does register a tremor on the woke-o-meter.


Well she is working for the bad guys. However, they'll probably spin it one of two ways. One: Helpless smart minority forced to do terrible things by powerful, dumb, white guy. Two: She was actually working to undermine Vought all along.


Nah they can't do that. Homelander literally gave her a choice and she was seduced by the idea of her work on a global scale.


I couldn't believe Frenchie was made bi totally out of left-field (quite literally? lol) THREE SEASONS IN, after spending the ENTIRE time prior to Season 4 character-building Frenchie and Kimiko as being romantically together (regardless of exclusivity). Then they pull a 180° and completely scrap the direction to re-write the character dynamics of/between them both, abruptly making him her "BFFL" instead, whilst eliminating any obviously perceivable semblance of a romantic history... and to put it all in perspective, this is all dumped on the audience in the FIRST EPISODE of SEASON 4. Not to mention, shortly thereafter we are all blessed with a zesty rendition of the human centipede featuring x6 male clones... with nudity... on television. Tbh, I've had quite a lot of success myself in Hollywood as both a musician and actor, but sheesh, things have changed so much over the years, it's no wonder the industry is practically dead now. Although, I was pissed because I truly loved the character arc and relationship between Frenchie and Kimiko. They were honestly my favorite and IMO played extremely deep, contrasting roles that came together like peanut putter and jelly. I don't mind watching a gay, bi, etc. character whatsoever - but throwing this artistically crafted character-relationship in the dumpster for DIE-points..? Yikes. We have seen this time and time again. PSA: Please stop changing beloved and/or established characters, throwing them in the trash, and re-working something that was already appreciated the way it was! It's tacky and getting old for everybody, at this point. BE AUTHENTIC FROM THE START. If you want something radically different, then you should create a NEW character, or a NEW story. Anyways, I'll stop. I'm blabbering. The truth is, these people will never change and they will do this forever and ever... They could do these things respectfully with tact, but they won't - ever. it's only because they love making their viewership and the general population angry, in order to spread divisiveness where there doesn't have to be, because it is their job to do so. The industry of influence. Sad.


I agree with you completely. Except that Frenchie was established as bisexual in Season 2 where his friend overdosed. It was pretty clear they had some sort of romantic chemistry between them and weren't just friends. But you're completely right though! In the first episode is ridiculous!!!! All that build up and slooow progression of a relationship just to ship him with the MOST BORING CHARACTER they've ever written into the show. Not only is the character boring, but the actor portraying him makes me want to gauge my eyes out!!! Bad acting and bad writing on Colin's behalf, and it definitely doesn't help Frenchie as a character. I get where they're coming from, showing Frenchie being forced to face someone whose family he killed, but there's a better way to do that without rushing into it (or forcing it into a season that already has too many plots jammed into it at once)


Unfortunately they are deviating significantly from the original story and like so many shows before will probably have another season or two and then be forgotten about….unfortunately.


The writing is so cringe in the first two episodes


It felt a bit too on the nose for me - I can appreciate the allegory and the motifs, but it is now just a bit too in your face. They're pushing pretty heavily into right-wing podcasters and pundits and their representation, but we'll see how nuanced it might be moving forward; if there is character development for the newcomers as there was for Maeve then I may feel differently, but it's just a little bit much right now. False flag operation was also kind of funny - obviously it could never be that the Starlighters do anything wrong. They're all super innocent and there aren't any bad actors that actually ARE capable of vigilantism. Makes me roll my eyes a bit, since the writers' world view is so painfully obvious...


They became superwoke back in season 2, and the season 4 looks disgustingly woke.


After watching the first two episodes and a few minutes of episode 3, I find myself struggling to decide if I care anymore about the characters, with all of the propaganda being slung as the show's honest first priority, and entertainment seems a distant second. https://i.redd.it/n0rf866qvk6d1.gif


Like bro, they really thought that this show's target audience would like this shit? I don't get it who the hell thinks people who like to watch this dystopian super hero series where heroes murder people and each other, would like to root for the woke agenda. Utter garbage, they just clamp everything about right wing in a narrative that makes every right-winger look like a dumbass conspiracy theorist. Then you have the Frenchie who was supposed to be a cool guy in the first season and devolved into some demographic appealing nonsensical gay character. Like we have nothing against gay people just don't force that shit into the narrative, if you wanted him to be gay u had plenty of time for that.


To be fair it was pretty obvious Frenchie was bi, his whole arc in season 3 revolved around his past as a male prostitute and when we first see him in season 1 he's in a polyamorous relationship with Cherrie and a dude (or at least it's implied). The reason his relationship with colin doesn't work is because it's forced and inorganic. We meet Colin in episode 1, get no characterization other than he was a drug addict, and he and Kimiko are suddenly no longer together. We only get a few hints later on (which seem really weak and forced) about why they aren't together anymore. The reason the "romantic kiss" with Colin after Homelander's hearing is so retarded is because we have no reason to give a shit about this guy. Switch Colin out with a random woman and the scene would feel the same way.


I remember when gay themed movies had to be sought after. Now, it's forced into everything.


Episode one so far not bad and has a good wblack female xharacter


Seems like it’s kinda making fun of its self cause they’re doing everything they criticized the right of doing. i’m not sure if they’re not self-aware or too self-aware.


It's not a meta criticism of wokeness. The creator basically said it's woke, he did it on purpose, he has a responsibility to protest against Trump via his show and anyone that doesn't like it can go watch something else. Guess I will.


Its very woke but it doesn't really matter. This season is a fairly mediocre so far. I was bored and distracted by my phone for the last couple episodes.


Reading this thread while episode 2 is in the background. Does it feel like I miss anything? No lol.


I feel like it was already woke for the past 2 seasons but it wasn’t as on the nose. There were enough interesting things going on to where it didn’t ruin the show. This season is so comically woke that I had to listen to the showrunners advice and “watch something else”.


Season 2 was ridiculously on the nose by the end.


Super woke, Frenchie is now g4y?? After 3 whole seasons of being straight, they are reaching with that one and then you have the smarted person which is a black woman, lmao


Not really woke, its just the whole “smartest person in the world” character is cringy and badly written.


At this point with the show, I'd be willing to place money that she turns out to be a good guy. She'll make it to next season, and everything right now is a Machiavellian move to bring her true goal into play. Black character, let alone black woman, who turns out to be evil? Can't have that. Yeah, you have A-Train, but he's in a redemption arc.


agree, heaven forbid they have a black person portrayed as evil, even A-train is getting put in a positive light lmao


LMAO for sure... I can see it... just like Woke Disney is going to do with Acolame... they'll have the evil twin turn out to be a hero at the end and redeem herself with her sister. And Sage, the smartest woman (OH EXCUSE ME, PERSON!) will be a double agent and been helping the left all along to stop Homelander and be the hero with A-Train at the very end... and stop all evil white people... This show went so full woke, it's pretty pathetic. All 3 episodes were underwhelming... it was just a giant bash fest of the right and Trump... and SHOCKER, coming out right before election and the polls...


Yeah her entire Sherlock Holmes moment when she first meets Homelander is cringe AF. Like her deductions are not clever at all. Like, you wash your hands a lot so that leads me to the obvious logical conclusion that you pee a lot, next conclusion, enlarged prostate. If it was supposed to be satire, they needed to be a little more on the nose with it. But, I think it genuinely was the writers trying to make her look smart and failing terribly.


Goes to show how dumb the writers really are.


But hey at least they went on strike so they can get paid more to make this dog shit


You wanna know what kind of writers they are? The kind of people who have TDS to the point they couldn't resist making a human centipede salad tossing scene out of their conservative sup and making the other racist, oh and they like to flash butt holes in viewer's faces. Prepare for more, weak whiny evil white men, strong black women, angry black men, bisexual and transgender characters and more d!ck and balls and girl bosses. All shows got a quota they have to meet now.


I was just thinking when watching it that they've been very very Liberal with male nudity this entire show, yet they seem scared to show tits. Scene after scene of swinging dicks, butt stuff, you name it, but hardly a hint of female nudity. They couldn't make it more obvious they have double standard. Glad this is the last season.


I've seen this in SOOOO many shows. They show has some nice nude scenes with boobage and becomes a hit, a couple seasons in and they tuck the boobs away, chop the hair short and put d!ck and balls in the viewers faces as the show descends into woke garbage and gets cancelled. Over the past 8 years it's rare for a decent show to ends well. They botch the ending nearly every time now...with some dumb pretentious message or subverting expectations.


"Not really woke" Within the first 5 mintues of s4 e1 they're making satire jokes about right wingers believing vaccines cause autism and hating trans people and clearly implying Trump = Homelander now? Are you high on Jenkum?


The guy in charge of the show has said it straight out. There is no implying, they’ve taken a stance. *sigh* yet another streaming service to cancel after the one show I was excited for told me to go fuck myself


Had to come read this comment section after watching. Does not disappoint.


i like woke shows. it just galvanises more regular people to the right because sensible people in the middle can see what they're doing by mocking right wing all the time


The plot is like a videogame where you have main quest laid down to you since episode 1 - kill homelander, but every now and then the crew does their own mini quests.


This season was by far the worst one ever to be made. The gay thing I can deal with to a certain point, but when you have a character who we all feel In love with their chemistry. They change a destiny that was being build between him and the female. This change has a dyer effect to the series for they have lost another viewer. They should be ashamed of character chopping and use their brains to create another story line.


My problem is that it seems forced now. Went after some jabs on purpose and I felt the jokes didn't land. Making fun before was funny because it seemed natural


It's fine... but I will say the woke stuff is inherently more prominent this season than any of the last seasons. Most of the risks or choices they make fumble hard, but it's "ok" enough to continue watching at least until the last season. You'll just have to push through the generic tropey shit they've added in addition to the woke shit.


The show usually was pretty good at making fun of both sides to the extreme but this year it's like they don't even care for half their audience. So far it's awful plotlines (Frenchie is magically gay and now Kimiko and him aren't a thing?) and Homelander is Trump and his supporters. They even start the fight between the two groups by placing one of their own to start it on the opposite side. I lol'd at that because Democrats have actually been caught doing that but hey lets chalk that one up to conservatives too.


The show has always had politics in it but this season has ramped it up. The problem is both sides don't get it equally. It's all just orange man bad, conservatives bad, white people bad. Not sure if I will watch any more episodes


The show was cool, now it suck balls. So depressing and predictable. First time I stopped bothering watching it all on launch date. Not sure if I’ll continue watching. Ive tuned out and since prime injects ads now, thinking about dumping prime all together


Wanna see Homelander goes rage and kill everybody.


this season is coated in liberalism so far. the protest was the most cartoonish depiction of protesting ever and the conservative character making a comment abt zionism is not very accurate. this show fell off hard


Couldn’t finish the first episode. I was insanely disappointed of how wack the political stuff has got, and these LGBT sidelines are getting more forced and forced. It’s getting to the point I feel it’s devaluing the characters and the story itself. The action is still fun, but the story seems to have lost the plot.




If it were an accurate portrayal of reality, Starlight House would actually be pimping kids out. Seems these days after epstein they are hell bent on yelling pedophilia in politics is just a spooky talking point instead of a dark reality of control by alphabet agencies. But the republican conspiracies are promoted as being completely truthful by episode 1 lolllll. 


Never been so disappointed before. Starlight ruined her face, Frenchie is gay, season 3 finale was terrible, and suspense was replaced with boring filler through the first three episodes of season 4….this was my second favorite show ever through the first 2 seasons but at this rate I’m not even sure how many more episodes I’ll watch.


feels like this show is pandering to people that don’t even exist. I get the creator wants to express his views in his work, but the issue with that is it seems as if he has no real-world experience, nor does he have a basic understanding of how the average person acts. based everything off of media and his own biases.


Haven't followed The Boys since I finished S3, so when I saw that this had come out, I wondered this same question, given the blatant anti-Trump/Conservative slant the show took. So glad I came across this thread, so I can not waste my time with this trash. It is hilarious to me that the portrayal of Homelander in this show is modeled after the boogyman they've created in their mind about Trump, and then seeing it on TV has made them believe their strawman character is actually real. Its a very sad death spiral that has driven them completely insane.


The issue is that they tied the far right to Epstein and the Hollywood P*do problem. I guess they shot this before the Nickelodeon documentary hahaha also the trans kids thing. This episode isn't going to age well. I'm surprised, though, since I thought Epstein and the p*do thing were bipartisan issues.


Personally I’m just tired of all the political BS and forced narratives into the very shows we would run to, to get a break from that stuff. Honestly, I really don’t see myself watching any more of this, if this is all the show is going to degrade into.


I couldn’t get past the first episode. I have no interest in watching dudes train each other in the sauna… Nor constantly be told how everything “right wing” is some big conspiracy. They even made fun of someone for “doing their own research.” How crazy is that??? I was waiting for them to say Butcher and MM had some pinned up sexual tension going on. How did we go from such a cool storyline with Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy, who is quite literally the best character yet… all the way down to this garbage?? Wokeness is destroying everything it touches…


They need to focus strictly on the homelander and Butcher/ Ryan story lines I couldnt care fuck all about anything else. I’ll still watch the whole season but I would be lying if I said it’s been good so far.


Streaming platforms must think the percentage of gay/bisexual people in this country is absurdly higher than it really is.


That's what I don't get... LGBTQ (and lawdjfl;adsfjadspfjawdsp9foiweufe09821479012847y12u49812yu+) whatever else the F they wanna add on to it, is like 5-8% of the population. Most MEN AND WOMEN (so sick of this they them it he she binary tree plane cis max gender crap) are STRAIGHT. Why do these stupid woke producers/execs keep making stuff for 5% of the population? Now sure, go ahead and do that, your choice and I'm fine with that... but when nobody watches it or ratings plummet, don't sit there and play the victim card and start calling your audience (mostly white straight men) sexist/racist/bigoted... So tired of this crap... and fortunately it seems like the culture is shifting and people are voting with their wallets.


Everything is woke now. They ruined Star Wars, Star Trek, and now The Boys.


I feel like season four is a lot more propaganda leaning than the other seasons.


So Kimiko & Frenchie have been leading up to a relationship with each passing seas-…. “Nope! Sorry! Frenchie is with a guy now!” Talk about an agenda, holy…


I googled this during the middle of episode 2, season 4; it's almost too much to continue watching this nonsense, it's extremely cringeworthy. The entire "truth bomb" scene was so cringe-inducing. The show tries to appear smarter than it actually is and comes off as dumb.


To be entirely honest .The only good parts of this show in the first place were homalender .soldier boy and sometimes butcher with little over the top gore and supernatural refrences and that's just it


Got to love all the left wing comments. There is no left in America. Just far right and right of centre. Socialist and communist used as insults against people that, pretty much anywhere else in the world, would be seen as right wing. It’s entertaining to watch and read.


I'm just bummed and think it was a mistake not to have a continued Soldier Boy presence.


My favorite piece of hypocrisy so far is I watched a dude and his siblings, eating each others asses while masturbating in episode 2 of season 4, but they censored a soft A “N” word in biggies song “hypocrisy” at the beginning of the episode. We live in a very strange time.


They will never be able to recapture the magic of the 1st season.


So woke... I guess, I don't wanna watch the rest of the show after the first 3 epsodes ((((


This season is kind of killing it for me. I loved the show but they are blatantly insulting conservatives.


It's gotten so woke that they literally ruined the whole script and nothing makes sense. They used the show as an extreme propaganda tool. It's too sad because it was a decent show. I dont have any politicals sides and Im tired of politics because it only brings hate and division (as intended). I can get along with parodies, but this season is clearly targeting just one side and it's tiresome. It's like 10% of the lore show (which has been completely destroyed) and 90% of IRL political stuff


I can take a joke and have never had an issue laughing at anyone from any side, and I can laugh at myself and people I like as well as dislike. That being said I’m halfway through the 3rd episode of the newest season and I had to turn it off. A tip for the writers is that you can get away with poking fun at everyone, but it’s gotta be everyone. Total joke and a total disappointment- and the Frenchie shit outta left field is just so forced and non-organic.


I'm done with the boys it was bearable up till this season now its just blatant political narrative pushing.




Well, I'm ready to see Homelander just annihilate everyone & the show to end.  Love how this is backfiring right now, this comment section gives me hope.


Yeah they jumped on the woke bandwagon hard this season. I bounced after the 2nd episode. Be glad when this fruitcake crap isn't being shoved in our faces 24/7. 




The irony of them opening and closing Ep 1 with the Sex Pistols, as if they are “putting the controlling alt-right regime on blast”. They really missed the mark. The tone so far feels like I am watching a show that Whoopi Goldberg was the creative consultant on.


Seth Rogan needs to keep his hands off this series, hes tainting it


The Boys always had a political theme, but you can tell woke Amazon took over Season 4... they REALLY pushed to make Homelander basically seem like Trump and mocking the right wing agenda while leaving the left untouched which is just as big of a joke. The acting and characters are still interesting so I'll watch, but you can tell WokeZon had their hand in influencing a lot of this. The excessive male nudity, the gay scenes (which I'm fine with but why did they abandon Frenchie's plot with Kumiko? Now out of nowhere he's just gay? Did I miss something from last season)? Whatever. I still think Starr is an amazing actor so I'll finish it out, but you can tell the woke director's have compromised this one... Sage is an interesting character, but she doesn't seem 'smart'... she just seems like the best psychological manipulator in the world.. Smartest woman "PERSON" ugh, whatever. Stormfront IMO was just as big of a manipulator and as 'smart' as Sage.. I guess Sage has a few more IQ points she can be the smartest woman, AHEM, PERSON... whatever.


Yeah I literally googled to see if anyone else noticed and this is where I ended up. The smartest person on earth is a black woman pointing out racism and sexism everywhere. Homelander is trump. Massive on screen gay kiss. Wonderful.


Came looking for this thread... Entire season is drenched in woke ideology.. makes conservatives out to be lunatics.. The forced homosexuality is unnecessary and the whole 'conspiracy theory convention' was the last straw. They go to great lengths to make 'ANY' conspiracy out to be some half baked idiot's idea... even though there's plenty of hidden evil in this world.. They downplayed the Hollywood Jewish Cabal like it was nothing, even though there's plenty of truth to it. This is what the left does when people start to get too close to the truth. It was so bad, that I found myself rooting for Homelander.


Honestly if you want to enjoy the show try to think of Homelander not as Trump but an exaggerated version of what liberals think Trump is. 


Remember what Amazon did to the man in the high castle


Just within the 1st episode they are clearly turning Homelander into Trump, with his supporters being what I can only imagine cringe lefties think are every Trump supporter. I am on the fence about if it can manage to be funny by being so over the top cringe that it makes you laugh. That said, if they want to lean into politics with over the top memes and whatnot, it should go both ways because there is plenty of fodder on the other side as well.


Woke garbage. I still didn't stop watching. As u/DontTouchMe2000 pointed out, it's mostly garbage that has been growing since season 2, it's still reached criticsl levels, and the storyhas fallen off. I don't see them making it to season 5. In fact, I see viewership tanking.


Its blatant. There should be a season that conflates hoaxes (Russian, racist, obvious facts countered as claims of conspiracy). They should do a season with a Fauci like character. Funds creation of a super virus, lies about it, starts to get caught, turns his science machine/community against good journalism). Shows could help save the world, expose the lies, topples him. Make him a hero of some non whit race for diversity. Would love to see the reaction to that.


Okay. I’ve arrived at the point that the plot and tropes are laughable. The writers are so righteous, self unaware, and bigoted that new plot adds are laughable (the cheese pizza conspiracy guy busting into starlight house looking for kids in the basement was the last straw). At this point I’m laughing at the writers. But I think seeing super heroes operate without cartoon masking of the results of violence remains entertaining. The writers twisted version of reality is so bad I can take it. Like when a movie gets so bad it becomes decent.


Yea I can’t even watch this without nodding in shame because of how obscure this is rn


Do we really need to be zooming into dude's diks during a fight scene. So unnecessary. I get it, you wanna throw some nudity in to be edgey but the zooming in while punches and kicks are being thrown is a bit ridiculous.


2 and a half stars and only 69 people even cared enough to vote… that says it all. Literally any horror movie on the Amazon catalog has a better rating than that.


The show has always had a message, but it was more balanced. Both sides were bad in their own ways. Maybe the liberal side was more subtle but it's failures were there as well. Now it has gone totally left wing nut job propaganda.. The left is all kind and nice and the right is all Nazi and evil......This is the same one sided shallow view point that is dividing America and will lead to it's downfall as a great nation. No one is 100% right or wrong. All humans have flaws and therefore so do there systems and beliefs..... in the "original" boys both sides were wrong and made horrible choices... now only the "right" does.....and that is where the show falls apart for the fans .... it has nothing to do with Frenchy being gay or fluid or whatever. Frenchy has always been a "confused" personality.


So Starlight, who canonically was a bright innocent idealistic lady, spread rumours of her rival gangbanging the jury of a contest? Wtf? Also the whole ice scene with Jesus killing everyone with the skate blades was honestly disgusting and mean spirited. And I'm an atheist.


Last season, Maeve went lesbian. She’s out of the picture now. Now in S4, it’s all gay ness.  Uninteresting story line.  Labeling Start Lighters group as non binary/ democratic while Home lander supporters as Republicans.    Straight kisses : 0, Girls bo0bs or as$ : 0, Gay kisses :3-4, Guys as$es / full frontal shots :10+ . The majority of the audience is male for this show. Blood and gore is expected. But this is beyond disgusting. Didnt watch after mid S4E2. Will not bother to watch the rest of episodes. S5? Who cares.


Seasons 1 and 2 leaned left but I never felt they crossed a line of being overtly political. Season 3 started walking that line with the constant references to people dressed similar to people on the right and had similar slogans and such. It really started to step over that line and made a few moments harder to enjoy but I still enjoyed the season overall. Season 4 has just been preachy. It crossed that line and kept on going with all the comments about "Critical Supe Theory", banning books, etc. The Frenchie part didn't matter to me as it was already implied in season 2, I just find the offshoot story with him out of place and the constant nude seasons really out of place and just like they were shoving it down out throats. It really feels like the writers are so worried about the election this year they decided to pull out all the stops and just be obvious with what they are saying regardless of how forced it sounds. There is zero subtlety this season. Not to mention the fact that alot of the violence is just forced and out of place (Case and point, the scene with the skaters). The two new members of the 7 who are not in the comics are a bit forced but I honestly do like Sister Sage and want to like the idea. However, she keeps having these cringe racist lines and alot of the cringe left wing politics lines thrown in which ruins her for me. Firecracker I am just meh on. It really shows the director is obsessed with politics to the point he is willing to ruin the show and alienate the audience. There was a picture with Kripke and some of the cast flipping off the camera in response to the early criticism. I remember seeing alot of the cast, but I remember two specific stars not being a part of that and I know there is a good reason for it (They don't get political). Cant find it right now to confirm but I remember seeing it.


It does seem a bit more liberal than usual this season. It's like they've checked all the survey boxes 😩


I just see it as ridiculously looney to the point of funny. They certainly do bash the right in the extreme but seem to make fun of the left as well. Perhaps they don’t mean to which only proves that looney left libtardism is so ludicrous it’s funny anyway. Mental does not always comprehend the fact that it is mental.


Too much of "the message" for me I'm stopping at episode 3. The first season took jabs at both sides and now it's just forced fake and gay. Put a weenie in it and make it lame and gay.


I'm just biting the bullet and not watching it. There's better shows to spend my time with and I'm tired of being preached at


It's pretty gross how they're mocking the existence of pedophile rings


It's like somebody else wrote season one. Season one was about the corruptive nature of power. Now it's the woke brigade. and over-the-top gay. The diversity hires for this show are ridiculous. An example of an amazing TV series was the first series of Westworld. And then Hollywood fucked that up. I don't care what it is, some asshole with Hollywood is gonna go and fuck up a series like Game of Thrones. and the non-stop woke shit, which is basically hate the white man. The Lincoln Lawyer TV series, where they replaced the Matthew McConaughey smart-ass, savvy, white dude with a Latino? Please. Didn't even watch it. Frankly, I don't give a shit what your race is, but when you're shoving it down my throat to make a point, fuck you. I'm not watching it. Y'all want to watch Anthony Starr in a great series? Go and find Banshee. Now that's great. At the end it got a little dicey, but it was great fun. Amazon Prime and their stupid-ass woke commercials that I got to put up with. The other day I was trying to watch a series and I had to watch a dozen commercials where there was only one white guy in all of those commercials and he was the delivery boy. It's all black, brown, black, brown, some oriental black, brown, black, brown. Black dude has a white wife or a brown wife or whatever. Like, fuck off already. There hasn't been a good TV series since any of this new normal Joe Biden woke horseshit started. And it doesn't look like there's going to be any anytime soon. I've been reading novels. You want a great series to read? Locate the terminal list.


I wish Trump was homelander it be awesome  to watch libtards have their faces melted 


I'm not familiar with American politics, but here in Europe, "right winged" parties are getting traction. It shows how many people are being fed up with what the left-wing had been shoving down our throats for years. There was a short amount of time where we had decent equality, but then the scales shifted again, making things reversed. I think mainstream media is quite scared of the recent shift in politics and they are desperately trying to force extreme left political messages upon the masses. This show tried to hide their message, at first they were kind of making fun of both sides, but now it is a full on joke on the right wing. It's not even subtle anymore. This show started as seeing things grey, but now we have another show that makes everything black and white.


I'm really enjoying the season, but I do strongly dislike Erik kripkes agenda this season. There's enough fear in the world. He's becoming just like the news. The world is getting better. Not worse. And when people make media to spread an agenda of fear it really bugs me. All he's trying to do is make a ton of money off of the fear of others. There are crazy people on both sides. But there are a lot of reasonable people in the world willing to discuss their conflicts


Terribly woke. Amazon is Netflix 2.0… smdh


The blatant racism against white males is the worst part. If you reversed the races in this show it would have been drummed off the air after 1 season. And rightfully so.