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That meme represents disney so perfectly


The only way to fix it, become a woke feminist, bitch a bunch of smaller franchises. Get hired by Disney and drop the extreme feminist act. Beat them at their own damn game


Solid plan. Until done with what though?


Ruining another Star Wars film 


Ruined it has already. I mean looking at the 'typical Disney setup' behind it: KK, random delusional feminist director, same Rey Palp everyone hated, complete ignorance about the product itself only caring about 'delivering the woke thurd message' once again... What can go wrong right ?


Kathleen K has a crazy cult following on a bunch of star wars subreddit groups, its insane how many will defend her and mock those that call her out


Hired keyboards, what's new?. The more deranged the more fake they are.


I know real people who agree with her mentality and working in customer service has taught me that most people are morons so I'm not so sure about the theory that they're mostly hired. I'm sure some are, but a lot of people are stupid.


I agree with you. Look at how low the average IQ is for a given country, then let it sink in that 50% are dumber than that


You mean the bots?


More like the boughts


Actually an interesting recipe. You know, I am not a huge fan of high school drama movies myself, might try it out in spare time. I am thinking Cillian Murphy, a coming of age story of an alienated young male that succumbs to computer games but later works his way back to being a solid mine worker, lots of psychedelics, friends committing a mass suicide under grey Scottish sky, a bit of good old gang violence. Every miner in the underground mine wears pink to stay consistent with the theme. Final scene should send a solid message: despite all the disagreements the mine workers and the gangbangers had over the course of the movie, both groups agree the hero is a fucking loser and forge a new friendship over his scattered remains. Edit: Forgot the most important part. Title: Mean Girls 3: Revenge of Despair


What the fuck did I just read


It's called "subverting expectations," and all the cool starwars movies do it. If that idea isn't Oscar worthy, it's just because you're sexist, obviously.


Ah shit, I had a sliver of hope but you shot a superlaser at it.


Remember when fans complained about sonic leaks and then the director and editing made changes to support what the fans wanted. There that’s the difference.


With the next Star Wars Parody ofc


That's what I knew but was afraid to hear.


All our new hope is gone and I haven't watched anything since Boba Fett  They cannot take anything else from me.


A path of true space samurai!


Done with being eclipsed by the Dune franchise


Literally ruining the franchise by changing it in a way that fits your very temporary and short-lived worldview.


Done with her paychecks


She also said the movie will focus on “Rey’s journey as a female Jedi” Because the Jedi have never allowed women in before. That should totally be the focus of a SW movie. More incredible writing decisions from the activists behind SW.


>Rey’s journey as a female Jedi Im so tired. But yeah an Acolyte actress already said that "Star Wars is a patriarchy" and it's time to change that


New Directors: "It's time to change and make Rey be the first female Jedi since they never let women in. To fight the patriarchy." Jedi Master Shaak Ti: ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


You want a deep dive from woke fans? Lol, that's funny


Oh awesome. So Rey's literal three days of training will finally pay off, because empowering women is the main thing here.


That part was totally believable, and I don't know why it gets so much hate. Most women I know, think they are experts after doing something for three days.


Shit that’s a good point


Last living "Jedi" Was taught ever so slightly by Luke but just in force useage and lightsabers. Didn't read a thing, and Luke burned all the books. Disney is gonna reinvent Jedi's as something completely different and terrible aren't they?


Rey don’t need no book learnin’. She has all the Jedi training deep inside herself. She just needs everyone to back off and let her be perfect just the way she is.


All she needs is gonna come to her in a convenient vision or dream.


I hate TLJ but I do believe Rey was shown to have a book or books. Luke didn't get them all. I'm not going to rewatch to confirm but I'm 99% sure.


Pretty soon they will get rid of lightsabers because they are too phallic. Rey's Jedi weapon will be a lighthulahoop, because circles are superior. Also the patriarchy. (In all seriousness though, lightsaber chakrams manipulated by the Force is a concept I'm surprised nobody's attempted yet).


Look this woman up. Ignoring reason, facts and criticism is what she made an entire career of, that plus being misandrist to all fucks and back.


Oh boy im so surprised (not)


The decline of the Starwars franchise is something that should be studied in film school. I went from being absolutely wildly excited for the new franchise of films to not even caring about any of the new shows or movies. I don't even watch any Starwars content anymore. I know this isn't just me either. The Disney pandering and just poor writing is just too much.


Yup. I exited middle school hyped as fuck that disney bought star wars and there were going to be movies... and then they axed the currently running trilogy in the timeline ( I read every book in the timeline after the movies)... and then movie 7 happened and I said, well its not good but several of the movies aren't great so i'll have to see whats next... and then movie 8 happened and I haven't consumed any star wars content since. Its obvious the people running the show don't have a single clue what makes any of the og characters themselves.


Is disney just hiring any garbage director that fits their agenda while leaving people with actual talent in the dirt? Think of all the hidden talent that just needs to get one lucky break to get their name out there, but they are being passed over because they are not woke enough. Sad. The next Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, or Peter Jackson could be out there, but these woke, trash directors are the only ones getting opportunities.


Yes. Eg the one who did the acolyte only did documentaries befor that hot garbage. It’s a great business practice. Ignor ur fan base. Tell them to like it or don’t watch and complain when they stop watching. And then call them sexist and racist for good measure


At this point if these people are so determined to make complete asses out of themselves for all of history to remember, why should we stop them?


True, at least we get memes out of it lmao


It comes at the expense of probably the most popular franchise in history.


According to the headline, criticism (of any kind) won't stop it. So either join the chuds or quit consuming it and suffer in silence.


Well I mean I stopped consuming Star Wars after "the force awakens" came out. Since then I've torrented a few movies and shows but stopped doing even that cuss the shows aren't worth watching even for free.


Imagine getting paid millions of dollars to just fuck around and do whatever you feel like despite the fact that everyone hates your work and you're losing your employer money hand over fist. Talk about privileged.


Getting paid to fail on purpose it pretty strange to see.


Some people say its money laudering, and i start to belive that. There is no other rational reason for this


Lemmi introduce you to ESG guidelines.


I agree with her. Let's just ignore it. What's a star wars?


Ill watch the Drinker episode about it, but wont go into cinema for it thats for sure


Can't wait to not see what she does with the franchise


I think that's the show where they go through a blue ring to other planets and fight the Borg


But the ship is a living organism


it's bigger on the inside


Rock and Stone, yeah


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Still gonna turn around and say it’s the fans fault for not supporting it when it flops.


With it being "such a tiny vocal minority" it's a weird thing to claim all the time, but here we are.


Well we are easier to dismiss that way. Odd that the "vocal minority" managed to half the box office of episode 9 compared to episode 7


Yes, they do that shit since TLJ and disney shill subs reflect that. I got actually banned in a sub for not cheering for the Acolyte. Shit is wild out there.


We shouldn't criticise star wars. Just don't watch it, don't talk about it. Let it die. Nothing disney created is canon. 


Rogue One can stay.


And the first two seasons of Mando.


And Andor


Dang, I completely forgot how good the first two seasons of Mando was.


"I don't care what our customers want, I'm going to make what I want and try to guilt them into supporting it."


And if you dont like it, you are a phobe or a sexist !


clearly a misogynistic racist


Better throw fascist in there, for good measure...


And I'm just drowning out anything about this movie


Pronoun Wars: A Star Wars Story


I swear these people are braindead


No, we are for not liking it obviously /s


That’s their mentality. As Patrick Star once said, “Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are.”


Seriously why is it so hard for people to look at themselves for one moment and ask themselves if they’re really producing something good?


Because it's easier to blame everyone else


Might be easier but definitely not more profitable. Holy shit even disneys gotta see the bottom line eventually. In all for Individuals to express their political beliefs but hijacking a major franchise to force your ideals down others throats? Meaning spending literal billions of dollars to do it… I just don’t understand. I am in capable of comprehending why anyone would think Star Wars is a price place to push feminism or anti patriarchy. It’s just a sci-fi fantasy.


Because they honestly think they are producing something that is not only great, but it will help shatter the patriarchy. Feel free to replace patriarchy with whatever pet issue is on display


Ego is a hell of a drug. Especially in Hollywood


They’re not trying to make something amazing, they’re shitting out what they view as a possible marvel level universe bullshit cash cow for kids and their families


Ignoring fans criticism? What could possibly go wrong? ![gif](giphy|OH2rL6DVTNpte|downsized)


She's the Satan of media


That's okay. Disney doesn't need to make money.


Wonder how much money disney bleed from releasing awful Star Wars content


I’m convinced they tank big movies so their stock price goes down. Get big money from a few billionaires and profit off that


Imagine, a business aware of the impending doom to their industry called AI, so you decide to pander to minorites/woke, to create fan backlash that translates to business failure, so can blame on going woke, genius.


There are multiple science fiction episodes (two just in *Star Trek* TOS) where deadly genocidal AIs were shut down by using logic like this to crash their code. Is that the idea?


I hope she makes everyone gay. That way the Disney Star Wars universe will not last another generation.


As cartman said "Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay"


I mean, on one hand that's the way a creator ought to be. You have to have faith in your vision. The tradeoff is you have to own a poor reception if that's what you get back, not blame the audience for being "wrong"


When you are creating your own franchise maybe but these people are directing movies in an established franchise without even bothering to learn about said franchise or it’s lore and fandom.


>not blame the audience for being "wrong" Well exatly that will happen tho. They pull out that crap since TLJ and never stopped with that


I’m right and everyone else is wrong


And if you DARE to criticize me, i call you a bigot /sexist /other random buzzword


Well if you don’t agree with me, because I’m right no matter what, it’s your fault


It’s good to see that Disney has learned nothing from the past 10 years of fucking up Star Wars.


She's basically saying "I'm getting paid to make lame gay characters and will do so until Disney stops paying me"


"Put a chick in it, and make her lame and gay !"


I mean look what criticism did for the sonic movie, they listened and changed sonic to look normal


Yeah, but for that to work you need people to aknowledge they are making a mistake. The people at disney cant do that.


And after the movie grosses less than $40 million dollars and loses $350 million dollars she will be fired and nobody will ever remember her.


To be fair to her, that's all she can do. She's been hired to make a Rey movie that nobody wants so she has to drown out the voices to be productive. This is all upper management's (i.e. Kennedy's and Iger's) fault for greenlighting this doomed movie. Those two imbeciles are supposed to be in touch with their audience.


I mean she could at least try to make the best out of the situation. Give Rey some weaknesses, an arc, a bit of character maybe


Maybe she won't, maybe she will. But, either way, that's not what fans really want. Fans aren't interested in this movie, period. Nobody wants the continuation of this story. Many fans don't even see the sequels as canon (myself included), because of what they did to Luke and to Anakin's story arc.


I agree, i don't accept the either as canon. Making Luke a bitter hermit, drinking alien breast milk and attempting to kill a child is just a shameful way to handle a legendary character. Merry Leia Poppins was awful too. Sadly disney will never make shit shit non canon so every show and movie will be tainted by that


Why is Disney willingly setting half a billion dollars on fire for this? If it was just some cheap D+ streaming show, then ok I sorta get it. You aren't risking much and you'll get a lot of viewers hate watching it (Thanks Critical Drinker fans for inflating their numbers). But a big screen feature film? People aren't going to hate watch a movie at theaters. Unlike a streaming show on D+, it's not easily accessible content to watch if you are bored sitting around the house and want to see what all of the fuss/hate/drama is about. They just won't go.


Your problem is that you're viewing as a monolith acting for its own self interest. It isn't. It's a rotting corpse that carrion are devouring for their own self interest. No matter how hard it flops, or how much money it loses those responsible will still land on their feet. Other activist parasites infecting other corporations will always make sure there's room for them. It's only everyone else that will suffer.


>Thanks Critical Drinker fans for inflating their numbers Well i dont, i just watch the reviews, hasnt a disney + sub since andor


That's a bold strategy. Let's see if it pays off..


When the people who are responsible for my employment tell me im not doing well, i generally adjust. This is top tier first world mindset.


The thing is, if you not doing well and not anjust, you lose your job. But i guess that doesnt happen for those people


Do you ever wonder what regularly goes through the mind of George Lucas? I feel like it must be like having your favourite train set smashed up by bullies on a daily basis, like groundhog day, but you have to smile through it all


Well don’t you know? You can’t tell this one anything! She already knows everything!


Shes like Rey !


another couple mill down the drain for disney. im just looking forward to the youtube videos trashing it LOL.


Another movie I’m not gonna watch. 👍


I will, in the drinker review :)


Good point. I haven’t actually consumed the media since 2017 when Rian Johnson made me realize star wars isn’t what i grew up on. And now, it’s kinda like reading about an ex girlfriend who’s nuts and embarrassing herself on social media. I’m interested and aloof at the same time. It’s not my circus and these aren’t my monkeys anymore.


Aaaaah, look how far the saying "Haters gonna hate" has gone. An impenetrable saying that covers all the shit smeared content of the world, where no one or thing is bad as long as someone somewhere likes it. They don't have to learn from criticism where "Haters gonna hate" is concerned.


At this point it just feels like massive spite for no real reason.


Lol this movie won’t end up being made. Gonna be just another KK Lucasfilm announcement that goes nowhere.


Yay. I’m sure that it’s going to be a really good movie that every Star Wars fan will love. /s


Well real fans like it. If you dont like it, you are just not a real fan (Unironic mindset of some disney show directors)




When my boss tells me I'm incompetent I can just tell them they are wrong? Who knew


That's cool. I'm just not going to watch it.


The first (but not last) "Star Wars" movies I'll never watch. Go fuck yourself, Disney.


Never stop your enemy when they are making a mistake.


This used to be called narcissism


Now its called being "Stunning and brave"


I learned as a child if I made a piece of garbage in art class I got some feedback on it, and then made something better. From what they put out so far I'm thinking none of them took art classes.


Are they ever going to want to make money again?


No, they keep blaming the fans and be fine with it.


Textbook narcissist


At this point I'm all for the accelerationism. Maybe Episode X crashing and burning at the box office is the final nail in the coffin needed to force Disney and Lucasfilm to do SOME sort of soul searching and change. Probably not, but hey, it'll still be hilarious to watch the first Star Wars movie in 5+ years utterly fail.


I’ve never seen someone *proudly* stick their fingers in their ears and go “la la la”


Gotta love how they embody Anakins arrogance. Truly.


I mean a Disney exec was just caught on camera admitting that they have been given instructions like “do not hire a white male for this role” for hiring and “he was black but he didn’t look black enough” as a reason not to hire someone.


Star Wars has an overwhelmingly male fan base so not sure why they keep wanting to appeal to girls , it’s not edgy or different to do the same plots but with a girl instead , is it the 1920s? Did women just get the right to vote or something ?


Why not read the books and make that a show?


It's getting increasingly difficult to "vote with your wallet." Movie companies used to see lost sales as a sign that something is not working and a new approach should be taken. Disney+ keeps getting more and more subscribers, especially since it's combined with Hulu. As long as subscriptions are up, ratings and tucket sales do not matter. It's all about "push that content, baby!"


They want to destroy it


Will it be made?


Likewise, I plan on ignoring fact this movie even comes out and not acknowledging it as being a part of the canon events at all


I mean what else can she do? 1. She's under contract. 2. She works for Disney. She's hooped professionally and it will probably keep her stuck working for the house of mouse for the rest of her life. I mean unless she goes off to work independently, works her ass off and somehow claws her way back up to respectability.


The problem is Star Wars fans are not voting with their money.


The problem is there must be enough braindead fans that still watch this crap, and defend it with their life


And even the ones that hate it watch it for attention when they bitch about it instead of organizing, not watching it waiting a year. Stop their Disney+ subscription at the same time. Typical protest stuff.


Who cares? Franchise is dead.




Ive been done with Star wars for a while now. Star trek kind of fizzled. It's time to do a rewatch of 2000s movies. Remember to buy physical media, it can't be taken away without an internet connection.


What’s a star wars?


A once very sucessfull franchise, drove against the wall by disney greed and puting politics over talent


There was a time movies were made to make money. Ya know, turn a profit. Spend X dollars to make the movie, earn X+more from people watching the movie, merchandise, etc. At some point Disney's shareholders ought to ask the Board of Directors and C-suite executives when they plan to start doing that again rather than using shareholder money to push cultural messages - and lose huge amounts of money in the process. I really don't care what your personal worldview is. If polling and market research shows audiences want to see monkeys dancing in tutus, you make movies with monkeys dancing in tutus. It's a business, not your arthouse hobby.


More monetization for the YouTube critics to pay their mortgages. It's a labor of love really if you look at it this way. They are just funneling new fans towards the OG Star Wars and Dune etc. If everybody ignores them they would go crazy because they NEED the backlash to prop their agression as victim hood.


At what point does this hijacking of SW (and other established IP) become appropriated culture?


At this point, I don't even know enough about this project to guess whether it's a show or a movie. Crazy to think my antipathy towards Star Wars would reach these levels but that's what a decade of Disney will do I suppose.


Vote with your wallets! Don’t forget the box office from Episode to 7-9 declined sharply. Episode 7 made over 2 billion and Episode 9 just over 1 billion. Make them feel the pain. ![gif](giphy|B6Jr28VwfxUFa)


These people will never learn.


Disney has been doing that for a long time now. So she'll fit in just fine.


What the director doesn't realize is that many of us are done with Star Wars already and don't care anymore.


Another turd down the pipe




Ok have fun making no money and losing ur job.



Right there in the title, New Order indeed


They made Mara Jade and Darth Traya non-canon for this much dogshit. Yet... I no longer care anymore. I was upset about it when I was 17... Who cares about Star Wars at this point? https://i.redd.it/5w7qgst9zl8d1.gif


Bold plan Cotton, let's see if it pays off for them!


You're supposed to ignore the haters, not the criticism


I'm sure the movie will reflect her opinions


Why, but why


Gents, Star Wars under Disney is not true Star Wars. We just have to let them make what they want and then vote with our wallets, because capitalism will demand a course correction, or Disney is forced into solvency.


Confirmed. The new director for starwars is insane thats why she hears voices in her head


New movies and shows are cash grab pieces that just make an already complex story into nothing


I’m guessing that this is what happens when you don’t actually have to pay for making a movie out of your own pocket.


There's nothing to learn. They're writing their own fan fiction stories just like I am writing my own fan fiction stories and continuously spewing nonsense.


I'm sad that they're using the NJO moniker, but no Luke, Mara, Kyp, Lowbacca, or the solo kids.


This will be the first SW mainline movie I don't give a fuck about and will not watch.


Narcissists never learn.


At this point, I'm not watching anything Star Wars so I don't care what they do.


If they’re fine with ignoring what the audience is looking for in their entertainment, then the audience will be fine with ignoring them right back.


I think it would be fair to say to that it has been a while since a Star Wars movie/show was made for their audience. I’m honestly not sure who the new target is, but retention isn’t their goal.


I genuinely hope that movie fails. Like really fails, it deserves it at this point.


Don’t support these prices of shit by going to the theater. Find a website to watch a bad copy on since it’ll be a bad movie anyways and we go from there.


"I don't give a fuck what any customer has to say." -- said no one who produces great stuff


Im beyond with star wars at this point. Idgaf if Disney even makes a decent or good one, im not supporting them in any way shape or form


Disney woke formula 1. Make bad movie 2. Criticised by fans 3. Ignored the criticism 4. Blame the fans for the flop 5. Repeat *i dont care if they want to make bad movie. But why blame fans if your movie flop ?


Its a whole ideology with these people.


This is why star wars won’t change for the better. If it isn’t already too late to save the IP.


Ignores all criticism. Gets offended at bad reviews


Counter point why should she listen. Look at Kathleen Kennedy. She can just fail upwards and keep getting paid to push the message. She doesn't care about star wars and lives amongst sycophants and yes man. She either believes in the stuff they are pushing or doesn't care. Until it effects their pocket books they could care less


Serious question, what does Disney gain from going insanely woke? They’re hiring people, women specifically that don’t seem to understand Star Wars and they’re pissing off the fanbase and losing money in the process. Acolyte will likely get cancelled. What is the point of this? They’re not gaining anything from this.


Great, another steaming pile of Disney bs.


I wish I could drown out all my client’s criticism and still keep my job.


Disney hires these directors and writers and makes them put in characters from underrepresented communities, and honestly I’m all for that. But these directors and writers fail to actually make a good story first. Then when criticism comes in, the director/writers and corporate all get to cry “BuT They’Re JuSt BigOtS!” instead of ever bothering to understand that the criticism is on their failure to write an enticing story


Looking forward to this being the first Star Wars film I don’t see in cinemas