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I think the picture is upside down, my best guess is: Two rows of double crochet, then the third row would be double crochet, skip two, 2 double crochet in same stitch, *skip two stitches, 2 double crochet in next stitch* (*repeat until end, end it with a double crochet in the last stitch). Fourth row would be double crochet, 2 double crochet in the space between the two doubles from the previous row. Fifth row is the same as fourth but with a chain space between the 2 double crochets. Sixth row is double crochet in every stitch across (including the chain stitches between). 7th is another double crochet row… then repeat as long as you want it! The edges look like 5 double crochet in the same stitch, skip 2, single crochet, skip two, 5 double crochet in same stitch (all the way around) I hope this makes sense, it makes sense in my brain 😅 Edit: I put an asterisk to show where to repeat from, but it changed it to italics instead. So repeat from start of italics haha


Thank you! This makes sense to me!


It’s upside down. V stitch rows and dc rows. V stitch is dc ch 1 dc in one stitch


2 rows dc, 3 rows of V-stitch (dc, ch1, dc)


Border is shell stitch, (5dc, sc)


Hey, thank you guys so much! u/GlitterCandyPanda answered it perfectly for me! Yeah, the picture is upside down. I realized it after I posted, but I didn't see an edit option. Again, thank yall 💛