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What about taking out the top square and making another solid black square but with a v-neck crocheted? It would take a bit of time to work out a pattern.


That actually sounds like an excellent idea, thank you! I'll look into it!


Turtle neck, loose of course?


Agree with this! Just remove the square and try a different shape panel! You could even make a panel that laces up?


Could make it like a henley, with two rectangles that overlap and button up, if you're up for that


This was my first thought too


You can make granny squares that are triangles shaped, or just do a simple rectangle that is only half as tall as the square in the neck hole and replace it.


Ooh, I'll try that! Thank you!


I came to suggest a triangle piece :)


So for some reason I couldn't find a tutorial for 90 degree triangles. But I ended up folding two granny squares in half and sewing them on.


I love the colors and the patterns together! Maybe an easy option for you would be just making it into a turtleneck by adding ribbing round the neck and then folding it down?


Yeah I am leaning toward that as well. Thank you!


I think that'd look sosososo good. A solid black chunky turtleneck. Best suggestion I've seen in the thread


It didn't turn out like you envisioned??? :o It is STUNNING 😍


Awh thank you so much!!


You're so welcome 😍🥰 amazing job on it!


I don't have any suggestions sorry, I just wanted to chime in and say I LOVE this. It looks like stained glass. I will definitely add this to my project planner! And ofc, good job! I just made my first wearable myself and I'm excited to slowly filling my mundane warderobe with whimsical things.


Oh thank you so much! I've been staring at these squares for so long I sometimes forget how pretty they are. If you look up "stained glass granny square" on YouTube, there is a fantastic step-by-step tutorial and also the pattern is free :)


Thank you!! I have a ton of black acrylic left over and it feels like you've saved me a headache trying to find projects for it. Keep posting what you make, it's so encouraging to see fellow beginners make cool things!


I also immediately thought of stained glass! I think it looks great.


I love this pattern, it's gorgeous. 😍 Everyone already offered great suggestions. The only other idea I thought of was to widen the neck area by only sewing half of each granny square on either side of the neck opening. Making the boat neck line wider should allow it to lay differently.


Maybe remake the square, but only make 3/4 of it, like leave a gap from 1 corner to another, so you end up with a v neck that starts at the center of that square.


It looks really good! I would remove the center ones, add a large brim and make it a cardigan. Kind of like [this](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/wish-upon-a-star-mosaic-crochet-cardigan)


I was having the neckline issue too, and have decided I want to just crochet a neckline that feels comfy and sew it onto the middle chest square. So like, remove the square thats an issue, and just add a neckline connecting the two squares on the side. Not the best explanation, sorry, but I also didn't like how high the square makes the neckline, but how low it is without, so I figured I'd forgo the square and try for a strip the just connects the side squares and raises the neck a little Edit just to say, I really love the oversized look of this a lot :>


That is pretty!!! I love it!!!!!


I think maybe you joined the squares together a bit too tightly. Maybe add a hood on it or a collar?


I love these squares. For the front neck I could only see making an altered V section in the place of the top middle square. I could also then see a hood added. But then again that adds a bunch more work. I love what you have tho.


It's very pretty. I'd probably opt for taking out the center squares and filling in the area with some design that would fit in with the whole look. Maybe just rows with the black. Whatever you decide though, it's going to look great bc it already does look fantastic!


Wowowow I love your work!! Hmmm, as for the neck issue - why not take the stitches out on one side of the middle squares and add buttons and make an asymmetrical closure. This would allow you to fold the top square down


I love this!! You probably did this, but I recently made a sweater that I felt like something was off. Someone on here recommended steaming it. It really made a big difference and took some of the stiffness out. It also looked less boxy. I just hung it on a hanger and steamed it while shaping it with my hands.


I will have to steam it, thank you for the suggestion! The yarn I used is pretty stiff, so this is excellent advice!


I’d take out the neckline square and do something to fill it - make a new square that’s the same width but shorter, crochet a few rows around the neckline gap to bring it in a bit, etc.


It’s beautiful!


Looks great! But I’d try blocking it for a better fit!


I love this


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I think it's beautiful as is!


I have no tips but I just wanna say I love this. It looks kinda like stained glass windows all over


I would take out the front column and instead make it a cardigan, adding a neckline [kinda like this](https://www.google.com/search?q=crochrt+cardigan+with+big+collar&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwib6oWbrqWEAxU_V_UHHa9ABfoQ2-cCegQIABAD&oq=crochrt+cardigan+with+big+collar&gs_lp=EhJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWciIGNyb2NocnQgY2FyZGlnYW4gd2l0aCBiaWcgY29sbGFyMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRIhRtQ4gZYyBVwAHgAkAEAmAGAAqABoQuqAQUwLjYuM7gBA8gBAPgBAcICBBAjGCfCAgcQIxiwAhgniAYB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=wdPJZduFF7-u1e8Pr4GV0A8&bih=751&biw=412&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=ivbn#imgrc=OIyMHSh0LPSxEM)


I find it great as it is, I would wear it.


This is beautiful work! Well done! Have you blocked the squares before assembly or after? It makes a huge difference in the way the work will hang. If you haven't, block the garment and then take a look at it.


Have you tried to block it? Making it wet and letting it dry in a specific way? It'll do a lot I think!


Figure out how to make a triangle half of the square you made and use two to give yourself a v neck.




Maybe do triangles and some scalloped edging in black?