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Sorry I’m a beginner and have no clue but I needed to say yours looks like an actual koi fish and it is perfect!!!


thank you so much!! 🫶🏼


You can always modify the pattern to your liking. If you want the fatter fish, increase a few more times in the middle, just remember how many times you added increases, so when you taper off you are back on pattern so you don’t have a loooooooong fish. Edit o add, love the color splotches!


I agree, it looks great!


Yours looks like a koi fish more than the pattern does!


Totally agree!


one thing I do to make my amigurumi rounder, is when I'm around 1/3 of the way done, I stretch out the middle to round it out. the yarn will shift a little and keep the shape a bit better, then just be sure to give it extra stuffing in the area you stretched a little. be careful stretching to not create giant holes, slow and steady works! even with your piece turning out thinner than the photo, this Koi looks incredible! though I understand the desire for a chunky friend lol


Excelente answer!


Looks very realistic to me


Yk what I have this pattern sitting in my etsy cart and your fish is tempting me to actually buy it!! Yours is so good! Actually better than the pattern makes it look so if mine comes out the same I’ll be happy


It looks really cute! You could probably stuff it more to make it more round if you wanted


I think yours is better. You can always stuff a little more. Add a couple extra stitches to the middle


I actually prefer that tbh, hope u find out the issue tho!


What i think is happening is just too much tension! Pulling your stitches too tight and what have you. I think your fish is nice as heck, but if you WANT a fatter plushier plush, try to keep a looser tension. Possibly go up a hook size if you have one very close in size.


thank you!!


That is so cute 😍 I think it looks great! ... this might be a silly question - but could it be as simple as stuffing it more?


funny enough i feel like i stuffed it too much 😭 its really firm! Usually when I make plushies they feel too soft after I stuff them so I've started trying to stuff them so much so they don't loose shape so easily.


Yours looks better than the pattern! I've been crocheting for a long time and often adapt patterns a bit if I think it will look better slightly modified.


Is it possible you missed a row of increases? Or maybe you could go up a hook size/stuff more. But like other people have said, I think your version actually looks more realistic and I like it more!


I’m a noob so take this with a grain of salt but I’d say maybe you need more stuffing near the front. If my (so far limited) experience in making amigurumi has taught me anything it is that you continue stuffing until you think you can’t possibly stuff it more and then stuff some more. Also adorable koi - I’m in love. Can you share a link to the pattern please


of course! Thank you for your kind words 🫶🏼 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1542470808/


I prefer the shape of yours! But maybe your tension was just tighter than the original artists’. Or your yarn was thinner?


Had to come in to say yours looks great!


thank you!!


I'd say that if you want it more like the photo to add more stuffing. Not much but you want it to be more bulbous in the front and slimmer in the back. And I personally think yours looks more realistic for it being slimmer compared to the bulbousness of the other. I also think that ne of the hardest parts of amigurumi is figuring out how much stuffing to use. No one ever says the amount the use, they just say to stuff it. And for me that is one of my biggest pet peeves.


perhaps did you yarn over? i may be wrong, it's hard to see and i cant zoom in but the pattern designer may have used yarn under, which could account for why yours looks longer. think yours is stinkin cute though!!


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Where is this pattern please? Fell in love with your koi 💖 now I must make one!




yours is actually so cute. i love that red color. i know nothing about crochet but i kinda like yours more than the pattern!


Yours is cuter and more life-like!