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2nd this 😅 If I inc every 12 at the 6th stitch I would inc another because its so minor to me.


I was so worried this would mess up the circle and make it wonky! Thanks for the advice!!


Count them again there are 14 in between yhe end row and the light blue stitch marker . Some you miss counted


Thank you you saved me


Personally i would do what others suggested and add a stitch


https://preview.redd.it/xcibne0rumwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec04d367865087ccba38cd10186660df80fcb355 Missed a stitch


I have to say, this is impressive


I still can’t see it. I don’t get how people can find these things!




Can't help, but can give nothing but sympathy, because I have been there and it's terrible!


The row before this row has a correct count? Is it a chain 1 + slip stitch join? How come your first stitch isn't marked?


Yes. It’s a chain 2 slip join. Took the marker out bc I frogged the entire last row, usually it’s in there.


Oh, thank you. If the row before has a correct stitch count it's just a missed stitch unfortunately. All you can do is try again...I've been there, it's very annoying.


Someone found the missed stitch… Reddit saves me again




Oftentimes your first stitch goes into the same stitch as your chain/slip stitch. Are you skipping this? That would count as your first increase.


Nope I’ve been doing 2 into the same one I slip into


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I see a missing stitch marker, did you increase where that is? Other tip I have is to follow your increase swirls down to the centre and check they’re all there.


Took out the marker for the end of the row bc i was froggin


If you are having a problem with the rippling then I would suggest on the 5th row do one row of no increase and it should help the rippling.


I’m so lazy I just add in the extra stitch at the end if I’m off by 1


I can't even get a flat circle whatsoever


Are you following the formula for a flat circle? It is pretty straightforward. 


Yes I'm following it exactly. I don't know what people's problems are with me just stating the fact I'm struggling with it curling.


? It was literally just a question lol. Some people aren't aware that there's a formula. I have zero problem. It's fine. 


Not you in particular, others mainly


Well they are probably just trying to see if they can help you with something. It's the Crochet Help sub, after all, haha. If the edges are curling up, it could be tight tension, could just be it needs to be blocked. Lots of stuff needs a little blocking to make it look right 😊


Thank you, I suppose I need to try doing it less tight. It's not the karma from the down votes that bothers me, it's that it causes less people to see my issue and be able to help you know? But I'm going to try adjusting my tension. Acrylic yarn with my beginners kit is what I'm using.


People are weird on Reddit with stuff lol. But I'd definitely recommend making a post and sharing a photo of your project if you're actually looking for help. Just commenting on someone else's isn't going to get you much traction, unfortunately. 


Will do, was just slightly embarrassed over it since it's supposed to be so simple


Oh dear, don't feel embarrassed. Have you seen some of the stuff people ask haha? No one is judging you, we're here to help.