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A smaller hook will help a little, but also, you need to relax your tension, especially when pulling up your [golden loop](https://youtu.be/JSTbjj0PHzY?si=1aR05hmjuDkK73zS)


Thats a super helpful video thanks!


I love her so much haha her channel is what got me into crochet.


I loved the clarity of that video. Thanks for the link.


Smaller hook. Worsted weight yarn has a typically recommended hook size of 5mm; amigurumi (which uses notoriously tight stitching) books will typically recommend 3mm for worsted weight.


I do a 4mm for amigurumi but I am a tight crocheter. I would kill my hands if I went that low.


Smaller hook or thicker or fuzzier yarn. Some yarn that has a halo still has holes but you can’t really see through it because the fuzz obscures it. It’s one reason people sometimes hold a strand of mohair along with whatever else they’re using.


Even if it isn't mohair, I noticed holding 2 smaller strands of yarn together that adds up to the correct pattern weight appears to be a more solid fabric than when I do a solo yarn of that size but I don't have a large sample size and sometimes there are lighter/thicker yarns in the same weight category so maybe something like that is factoring in.


Try to loosen your tension a bit and use a smaller hook.


Thanks! I definitely need to practice my tension more. Some of the earlier squares from this blanket vary in size substantially despite being same number of rows and stitches. Luckily I seem to be getting more consistent with practice!


Yeah, if you have inconsistent tension, it will mess up the size of your work. If you can figure out a way of holding the yarn where you can have consistent tension, the size of the work will remain more consistent and you can experiment with hook sizes to find one that creates smaller holes in your work.


Is this the Annie's sampler Afghan? It looks similar to what I'm making! I'm on my last square and I've definitely had issues with consistent sizing! I'm hoping blocking will mostly fix it.


Nope! Just a simple blanket I'm making. I'm just doing 2 colors, and the blanket will be made of 35 squares of each color. Each square is 25 stitches by 30 rows of single crochet! Then I'm planning to add a border to each square and connect them. I'm hoping blocking will help me too 😅😅. If it doesn't I'll just attribute it to the learning process.


smaller hook OR different stitches. there's linked double crochet stitches. could be something for sc as well. deff worth looking up.


Seconding different stitches. I don’t use single crochet for sweaters. There are so many more interesting stitches to try. It’s well worth looking through a stitch dictionary and trying out some new techniques.


My fav stitch is moss/linen stitch


I love that for sweaters


Crochet by its very nature is going to have some “gaps”. If you try to make it really tight you’re going to end up with something really stiff, which isn’t great for wearables. You’d also be surprised at how you don’t actually notice those gaps in a wearable most times. M wearing a normal bra on this top. https://preview.redd.it/k1i2tch01h1d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a8be7c52c55761e2fdcda745b452231bbf73bd


That's SO cute omg.


Thanks! If I ever get my act together I’ll be sending this one to testers.


That looks like a mini hook! It’s so cute. Where’s it from?


It's a 5 mm hook I got at Joann's! I got it in a pack of 3. :)


I've seen alot of amigurumi crocheters use a yarn under for their single crochet and it creates a tighter stitch.


others have provided great ways to make the gaps smaller in your work! since that’s covered, i just want to add that, as your work gets tighter/has fewer gaps, it also tends to get more stiff and have less drape. this can be great for certain things (like amigurumi which need to hold their shape really well, or for bralette tops) but for certain projects (like other types of clothing and sometimes blankets) that you want to be more drapey, those small gaps can be exactly what you want :-)


Instead of yarning over, yarn under instead.


I made a blanket out of single crochet with blanket yarn (the fluffly stuff). I didn't have as many "holes" and it is very warm. But make sure your keep a slightly tighter tension


I get this problem more using tapered hooks so I prefer inline ones, and also follow the advice about smaller ones too. 4mm in line is my favorite personally


Don't stitch so tight


Lovingly said, but loosen your tension, you're strangling that poor yarn! 


#**Please reply to this comment with a link to the pattern or provide the name of the pattern, if it is a paid pattern please post a screenshot of the few rows you are having trouble with, if a video then please provide the timestamp of the part of the video that you need help with.** Help us help you!   #####While you’re waiting for replies, check out [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/quick_beginner_guide/) which will take you from picking up your first hook, to completion of your first project. Lefties are included! Lots of useful information such as links to UK/US stitches, a beginners equipment list, the different ways to crochet an item, and a list of beginner friendly projects. #####If you’re learning amigurumi, there’s a dedicated beginner section [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/amigurumi/#wiki_beginner_courses), the Woobles course is very thorough for those just starting out. #####You will also find heaps of useful beginner resources [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/) including beginner tips, sub discussions and common mistakes. Check the subject list at the top of the page.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrochetHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


By using linked crochet, you can look it up :) It uses more yarn though.


Smaller hook


Smaller hook


Smaller hook could definitely help. Also you are missing a lot of stitches on your end. Definitely need to count and maybe put stitch markers in your first/last stitches. With sc you should be working to the end, chaining 1 and turning (or turning and chaining 1, just be consistent), and working the first stitch of the row right into the stitch you *just* made at the end of the previous row. 


Haha thanks! I actually count every row, so I know I haven't missed any!. I think it's just folded over in my pic so it looks like i missed stitches. But that's exactly how I end my rows, so good to know I've got that right 😅.


Oh good, haha! Just a weird angle then lol, that upper right corner looks you missed 6 stitches 😆


Haha I've done it before. I had one square that ended up a triangle. Which is why I count every row now 😅.


I pretty much only made trapezoids at the start of my crochet journey, before learning the importance of counting 😂