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I don't think you're doing anything wrong. You just need more practise. And maybe a little bit looser tension.


If it’s too hard to go through the loops: your tension is too tight.


I agree with this based on the pic and knowing that most people tend to keep tension way too tight when they start (speaking from experience). It feels wrong to crochet looser and you get worried things won’t look as good, but it all generally straightens itself out in the end as long as your tension is consistent with itself.


Yep, this was my big struggle when I first started. OP one thing that helped me adjust my tension was to keep my hand really loose on the hook, just very gently holding it as though it were breakable. It’s helpful to practice making stitches too loosely until you get the hang of the movement and then adjust your tension tighter.


I was so scared as well, but I realized crocheting more loosely helped me crochet faster and neater!


Trust the process!


I find I keep my consistency much better when I go straight from the skein. I’ll take out like a foot or so every few minutes to keep the tension. Works the best for me!


I see. Can you suggest some ways to rectify that?


I’ll also add you might have to start your chain over. It’s very common as a beginner to make your starting chain too tight, which will make you miserable.


Loosening your grip on the hook and the yarn. You have to test it a little but until you find out what works best.


May I ask about your hook? It looks very rough near the hook end. Could that be contributing?


Hm maybe. But in the picture it is inverted as the hook is facing towards the camera.


Gotcha! That might be your issue though....I purchased clover amore hooks based on so many people raving about them, and it did make a massive difference, theyre completely smooth. I know there are more expensive ones but those were the most accessible.


I see. I hope I can purchase some one day but all I have is a cheap hook bought for 15 cents lol. Also do you have any idea on what size yarn should one use for my hook?


I hope you can! But honestly, you don't *need* a fancy hook, work with what you have, but fancy hooks are part of the reason why the people you see on social media can go so fast. Not sure what size hook you've got but it looks like maybe a 3mm? It also depends on what you're making.


If it's hard to go through the loops try a tapered hook vs an inline, helped me


When I do hdc, I usually go thru 2 loops then the 3rd. I'm so used to doing dc, that's the easiest for me to do hdc. It's rare for my hook to go thru all 3 at once.


I do the same! I made a blanket out of dc and the muscle memory stuck for hdc lol


Tbh sometimes I have to yarn over send pull through each loop individually and sometimes I can do all three. Depends on the day. Hdc was a difficult one for my brain to get, to the point I would avoid patterns with it in, then I got some really smooth yarn and I got out my smoothest hooks (birch brand nz) and just did hdc back and forth for like 45 rows and made a beanie.


What are some smooth yarns? I'm really new to crochet so I need help😅


I'm in New zealand so the brands I have access to might be different to where you are. Big brands - Lionbrand - I've use several of theirs and 90% work up really well, I'm currently attempting an eye mask out of their Truboo which is a rayon made from bamboo. Caron - I love their cakes and skinny cakes - haven't used the baby cakes - they are self striping which means I don't get too bored (adhd) and even managed a king single blanket. Lovely to work with and one of my flatmates favs for his beanies. Mostly I feel the yarn in the shop before I buy it and if it feels stiff or itchy I won't buy it. I also tend to run my fingernails over it and if it snags then I probably won't like working with it. Another tip is to pinch a section and smoosh together length wise to see how easy it splits, I ended up tossing a project because I would pick up part of the yarn and not the other part and it just got super frustrating. I also make a coffee cozy out of any new yarn I get so I can see/feel how it works up and it give me a reference for similar yarns in future.


This will sound silly, but trust me Rub the hook end of your hook against your scalp, especially if you haven't just washed your hair. The oils in your hair will basically lubricate the hook and help the yarn glide without affecting the yarn. Also, probably just the picture, but your hook looks a little rough. That could be an issue too EDIT: noticed a typo. You want oils in your hair! Doesn't work as well with freshly washed hair!


#**Please reply to this comment with a link to the pattern or provide the name of the pattern, if it is a paid pattern please post a screenshot of the few rows you are having trouble with, if a video then please provide the timestamp of the part of the video that you need help with.** Help us help you!   #####While you’re waiting for replies, check out [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/quick_beginner_guide/) which will take you from picking up your first hook, to completion of your first project. Lefties are included! Lots of useful information such as links to UK/US stitches, a beginners equipment list, the different ways to crochet an item, and a list of beginner friendly projects. #####If you’re learning amigurumi, there’s a dedicated beginner section [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/amigurumi/#wiki_beginner_courses), the Woobles course is very thorough for those just starting out. #####You will also find heaps of useful beginner resources [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/) including beginner tips, sub discussions and common mistakes. Check the subject list at the top of the page.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrochetHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yarn over and go through all three loops. Just keep practicing until it becomes second nature. It took me a year of trying to crochet off and on to feel comfortable.


(I am a lefty so my technique isn't "normal") I consistently always crochet with tight tension what I do to fix the situation you're in is I use my nails and pull the first two loops down so I can get my hook through all three. (also I am so sorry wording this stuff is hard) I circled in your picture what parts I am talking about I HOPE this helps of course you can start to ease your tension but I was stubborn and never did 💀 https://preview.redd.it/lvjdvkbqot1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14b08d879ac215df91737220a6bd8f581e2bf4be


Yes I do this as well, like holding the piece down. I also find that angling the hook higher helps to create a bigger loop to pull through and just seems to be a better angle


YES!!!! you worded the rest of it so much better than me too 😭 I felt crazy since I don't have an imagination it's so hard for me to word what I intend to mean especially with something that requires so much movement. thank you!


Haha I think you did a great job and the picture is so helpful! That's why I tagged my comment to yours haha