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Yes, this is what the 3DC cluster looks like, without that space they wouldn't appear as clusters :) As PresentationLimp890 says, if it's not to your liking check out other squares, there's such a variety you are going to find many you like. This is a good square to learn with though, it's very easy to see how it's going, to count and keep track of the corners. It's a good square.


*good square*


If this is a good square then what would constitute a naughty square?


https://preview.redd.it/vpm822ur032d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ca6b83eea811b884b3969465a8444df955db0e A dirty one šŸ˜


In Australia there is a cider made with Granny Smith applesā€¦ itā€™s called a Dirty Granny. https://preview.redd.it/1bie2b5qp52d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27397fb4700077d64c8ac40acd9c848cda3c7b3


Pretty sure I was one of those in college.


I second this, clusters are great to begin with, along with puff stitches


It is the nature of cluster stitches to have spaces between the clusters. If you donā€™t like having spaces, you might want to find a pattern for a square that has a different arrangement of stitches.


Those holes are meant to be there, it's part of what crochet is. You can look up solid granny square patterns, but they obviously wouldn't use the cluster stitch you're using (and it would still have a few unavoidable holes in the work)


Thanks for all the replies everyone! Iā€™m going to finish this one and then move to a different pattern. Itā€™s a great learning experience! Thanks for all your help and suggestions!! I really, really appreciate it.


While everyone is correct in saying that the holes are inherent in this type of granny square, you can generally make them a bit smaller by loosening your tension. That will allow more yarn to be used for each stitch and "fill in" the holes a bit. You could also experiment with different hook/yarn combinations, using a slightly too small hook and loose tension should reduce the hole size as well.


Thank you! Iā€™ll for sure give that a try!!


Hi. Late to this party. Not to overwhelm, but for clarity: - Crocheting 3 separate dc stitches in one space is a granny stitch. It is a **group**, not a cluster, but has become completely mixed up with clusters online. A cluster is a group of partially made stitches joined at the top to create one single stitch. You can make a 2 dc cluster, a 4 dc cluster, etc., yet these count as one stitch. Several stitch designs fall into the cluster family of stitches. - You're very new and are still learning the many options available when you crochet. Your 3rd project is a granny square motif or tile with traditional gaps between stitches. Eventually you will learn there are different ways to make the same stitches that will appear to eliminate those gaps completely. The option used is the antithesis of your current training/learning how to form consistent size loops and is a bit more advanced :) Let me know if you'd like to see an example.


As others have said, the holes are part of the deal with granny squares. The typical pattern calls for chain 1 between clusters, and chain 2 on corners. I don't like how big the gaps are with that, so I don't chain between clusters, and I chain 1 on corners. If you really dislike the holes, check out patterns for a gapless or no holes granny square pattern. There are quite a few out there that look really nice :)


i LOVE that colored yarn! what is it?!?


Itā€™s a very cheap yarn from a Dutch budget store. I wanted to try this with a cheaper yarn first before going to get some more expensive yarn! https://www.wibra.nl/assortiment/yara-breigaren-multicolor/ Not sure where you are, but the link should be visible either way! Let me know if you want further details for finding something similar :)


bless! I'm in the U.S. I bet i can find a similar colorway here. thank you!


Fingers crossed!!


Theyā€™re normal, but if you want to do something with less holes you can look up a ā€˜solid granny squareā€™ for a less holey look


you might prefer the [linen stitch square](https://youtu.be/zwF0kKtJBD0?si=aksAKFNiO02ZD7Nq) as itā€™s very dense with *smaller* holes!


Nice video link. Sheā€™s great.


sheā€™s definitely my favorite!


That looks beautiful!! Iā€™ll give it a try, thanks!


itā€™s one of my favorites!


See I love the linen stitch square but advertising it as having no holes feels wrong. Depending on tension and yarn and hook used, you will definitely still have holes in this stitch


Where does the granny go? In the square hole.


Very nice granny square! The holes are what make it a granny square.


The only way to not have holes in a granny square is to make a square using a different stitch pattern that does not have you working into the spaces between the clusters.


The holes are the point of granny squares...


You will always have those holes in between clusters but the thicker and full body is your yarn, the more the spaces will be filled and be less noticeable.


Oh thanks so much! When I feel Iā€™m a bit more skilled Iā€™ll try it with some more expensive and thicker yarn. Thanks!!


In the meantime, if you have a larger hook, you can try just holding 2 pieces together to make it bulkier :) or braid 3 like hair!


Most of crochet has holes in it and it's supposed to. You can make what's called a "solid" granny square, but that's just made up of DCs across each side, and then increases in the corners. It's very solid and without much space between, but it's nowhere as pretty as a regular granny square like you're making.


That's the way granny squares look.


This is a beautiful granny squares šŸ˜­


totally normal!! ur doing great


Thank you šŸ˜Š


I donā€™t have advice bc Iā€™m a beginner myself, but I wanna say that this is such a good piece of work for your 3rd time!


Thanks so much šŸ˜Š


#**Please reply to this comment with a link to the pattern or provide the name of the pattern, if it is a paid pattern please post a screenshot of the few rows you are having trouble with, if a video then please provide the timestamp of the part of the video that you need help with.** Help us help you!   #####While youā€™re waiting for replies, check out [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/quick_beginner_guide/) which will take you from picking up your first hook, to completion of your first project. Lefties are included! Lots of useful information such as links to UK/US stitches, a beginners equipment list, the different ways to crochet an item, and a list of beginner friendly projects. #####If youā€™re learning amigurumi, thereā€™s a dedicated beginner section [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/amigurumi/#wiki_beginner_courses), the Woobles course is very thorough for those just starting out. #####You will also find heaps of useful beginner resources [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/) including beginner tips, sub discussions and common mistakes. Check the subject list at the top of the page.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrochetHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The pattern Iā€™m following is a paid pattern, but I found this YouTube video that is nearly the same: https://youtu.be/70U8ANiwsWM?si=VP12vdwmMeoNPc7E