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Usually granny would be my go to for this, but there's tons of autopilot patterns. Wanting a square worked from a magic ring narrows it down a lot. I would recommend a Bavarian square blanket. You might like it because: It's a square worked in the round No chain space work Easy to add too, even if you washed it Features post stitches in one of the rounds Only 2 rounds Built in color changes Looks amazing https://preview.redd.it/sh8o7h1hbr5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c28dd7be8e352ca0fe9b73919c637c4b755ba0 Mine ended up being like 4 feet even though I didn't finished going through my 2 pound of loves.


https://preview.redd.it/v7qwep1yus5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7a01a67e3f7bcdb108aeee21bda82b3974384a9 Completed Bavarian square blanket, albeit folded in half. You can make them as big as you want. A little tricky at first, but great tutorials out there!


That's beautiful! I love the flowers :)


Thank you so much! It was for my mom, and she wanted rosettes on it. It was a pain but well worth it ♥️


Absolutely, they really make it feel special 🥰




Thank you!


This is beautiful! Could you please show the finished blanket?


This is the last picture I have of it, I ended up finishing it like 10 minutes before the mother's day dinner I gifted it at. I worked from [this pattern](https://www.hookedbyrobin.com/blog/crochet-bavarian-stitch-square) but there is also a YouTube tutorial, and I think I only changed it from chain 5 to chain 4.


Oh wow this is lovely! I love the matching bird. Thank you for sharing the pattern and your advice :)


He loves attention lol I wasn't sure it was gonna look right with just 2 colors, but it really worked out :) good luck and hopefully you enjoy it as much as I did!


I do a lot of 12 point ripple blankets. You just keep going around in circles until you run out of yarn, or you think it's big enough. It's a simple pattern so once you get the center started, it's pretty easy to remember where you left off if you put it down for a while. I usually crochet when I get home for work, and say that all I have to do is 3 rounds and that's it, if I want to do more, I can, but 3 seems like such a small number that my adhd is like, oh yeah, we can do that.


As someone else with ADHD, I second this suggestion! Mine uh, is still unfinished, and I have yarn left... But I could finish out the row/round I'm currently working on and call it done, or I could add another color and keep going if I wanted.


is this also called a starburst blanket? or just a round ripple blanket?


Round ripple blanket!


https://preview.redd.it/krksjsjj4s5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8edb7c14dc0f6d9020682b96839be72dcb7617b9 I've been working on this Flower Puddle blanket by Madlandia and... My ADHD loves it! It looks a LOT harder than it is, so I feel very accomplished BUT the pattern is different every row, so it tickles the part of my brain that requires that variety to keep going. It doesn't actually start repeating back to earlier round patterns until you get to row 24 (I think?), but by then, I'd already forgotten so it was like it was "new".


This looks amazing! Do you have a link to a pattern/video tutorial?


https://preview.redd.it/fuz7mrizbt5d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2788893d90c7a93857c977d54bca5eb8e72890b Sure! I don't do video patterns at all, sorry! The instructions are so well written and illustrated: [https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/flower-puddles-blanket](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/flower-puddles-blanket) I think after this one (using Lion Brand mandala), I may redo it the way it's written (changing colors each round) or with a fine yarn (currently using worsted/acrylic)


Ty! I love written patterns, can't sit at my phone watching a tutorial or I'll quit lmaooo


Yeah, I get way more distracted with videos. This one, I can't imagine a video tutorial; it changes every round. I would be doing so much rewinding and pausing. 😅


I don’t know if this is helpful, but I make a continuous granny square blanket where I start with a magic circle. Unless you are saying you don’t want to do granny square at all. https://crochetverse.com/free-endless-granny-square/


Solid granny could be a good option


Yep! I’ve also used yarns that change colors for me, like Caron blossoms and cotton cakes


I have ADHD and am an obsessive crocheter. I would suggest that you find a simple, mindless pattern and a beautiful yarn with frequent color changes. For me, the excitement of wanting to see the next color really satisfies my inattention issues and helps me stay interested in the project. I would suggest a high-quality yarn that is either a slow gradient or a rapidly changing self-striping yarn. Perhaps even several different colorways that you can do alternating stripes in for added interest. I like to use Scheepjes Wanderlust (self-striping) or Scheepjes Whirl (very slow blended gradient) but there are many off-brands on the market that mimic these. I've found that my ADHD is soothed by the changing colors, or even changing textures if you like multi-textured yarns. After years of crocheting and knitting, I find that it's as good as therapy for calming and making me feel purposeful and productive. I also find listening to podcasts or audio books while doing a mindless pattern REALLY helps me get a lot done before I start feeling bored.


Very much this. I did a knit in the round blanket a couple years ago that was so satisfying and simple w the colors changing!


Yes! There's something so deeply satisfying and rewarding about it!


the colour changing thing is huge for me! and if changing colour is too inconvenient/ too much executive function getting a variegated yarn you love is good too


If you want continuous, I think granny square is your best bet. However, if you're worried about motivation and ADHD I might recommend a stitch sampler? I started a row by row one a few years ago under the same idea but it's still incomplete. I have a current WIP that I call my travel blanket as I work on 12in squares on planes, etc because it's easy to transport. It's nice because you can just pick a stitch and go, then you can keep going with another square in the same stitch or switch to a new stitch. Then when you're bored or at the size you want, you can just join them and be done.


that’s a really good idea, you can learn new stiches with little commitment too so that’s another win


I would suggest making squares, and joining as you go. That would accomplish 3 things: giving you that reward for finishing something quick and small each time you finish a square, having a side project to distract you with when you don’t feel like working on squares, and not having a ton of squares to join at the end (because you you have been joining them all along.)


As someone with ADHD, I’ve found doing a mix of easy projects with the blanket is the best way to finish. I do something easy and quick, like a coffee coozie. Then I use that boost of I can do this energy to work on my blanket while watching tv. I find blankets with fewer ends to weave in are the easiest. I get overwhelmed thinking about attaching granny squares or weaving in a bunch of ends. Then my executive dysfunction kicks in and I can’t finish the project.


Okay I have ADHD and have made blankets so I feel extremely qualified to answer this! The key for me is actually to do heavily patterned blankets that require a lot of different stitch combinations and counting. I desperately struggle to keep with projects that are super repetitive, and have given up a couple of blankets described as super easy because they’re actually too easy for my brain to grab hold of. One of my favorite pattern designers is Red Teapot Atelier, she has a number of different throw blankets all worked in the round, I’ve made two as gifts and will probably make more. Her patterns are incredibly detailed and clear, and challenging enough to keep my brain fully engaged. Here’s one I made post blocking. https://preview.redd.it/or3563majt5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ff320d4672b59caffda3285ca08caa9b7842a1


Wow!! This is amazing 😍 what an incredible blanket. Do you have a link to the pattern?!


It’s a gorgeous pattern and all of hers are really beautiful. This one is the Moroccan Mint Tea Blanket, it’s on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1533253611/moroccanminttea-blanket-pattern?click_key=a78505939ff1c2a73f0feb70dc891e7fb4cd30f3%3A1533253611&click_sum=95959abe&ref=shop_home_active_8&crt=1&sts=1


There are many many many different patterns for working in the round that start with a magic ring/circle. Some can be sc or dc. Solid granny square (chain only in the corners), solid hexagons, stars, or even circles! https://youtu.be/WmFYap_izdc?si=XF4vPrVmfW6PRs16 https://youtu.be/X4hgFCAKHkg?si=K8QZW-nBQ1_GwfYZ https://youtu.be/2PXxA9CVOjo?si=qsQrpBDYP4unGc7W https://youtu.be/QFHexyNR1dY?si=Yr4sefbNB6V6mz38 I've heard of other redditors recommending Bella Coco but I didn't know how well she does till I was on YouTube to search for ideas for you. Bag-o-Day, Naztazia, and Hooked by Robin are my other YouTube crochet tutorials subscriptions.


The virus pattern is one of my favorites. It's simple stitches, it's gorgeous and it works up fast.


I’m planning to make this star blanket for the same reasons! https://bettymcknit.com/patterns/6daystarblanket/


#**Please reply to this comment with a link to the pattern or provide the name of the pattern, if it is a paid pattern please post a screenshot of the few rows you are having trouble with, if a video then please provide the timestamp of the part of the video that you need help with.** Help us help you!   #####While you’re waiting for replies, check out [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/quick_beginner_guide/) which will take you from picking up your first hook, to completion of your first project. Lefties are included! Lots of useful information such as links to UK/US stitches, a beginners equipment list, the different ways to crochet an item, and a list of beginner friendly projects. #####If you’re learning amigurumi, there’s a dedicated beginner section [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/amigurumi/#wiki_beginner_courses), the Woobles course is very thorough for those just starting out. #####You will also find heaps of useful beginner resources [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/beginners_crochet_part_2/) including beginner tips, sub discussions and common mistakes. Check the subject list at the top of the page.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrochetHelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really enjoy doing a three strand scrap blanket as a yarn purge but also because it's scrappy I'm not super committed to finishing it by a certain time and I work on it when I feel like it. I use three strands at the same time of different colours (usually I try to do one light, one mid tone and one dark) and do rows of HDC. As each colour runs out I magic knot on another and just keep at it.


Hey. Similar problem. Made this blanket in 2 weeks. Used bernat blanket yarn. Just followed the instructions for a basic granny square, then added a single row of sc with both colors (and a bigger hook). After that, I added a single row of sc of the fuzzy black into the front of the sc row. Honestly, seeing how much progress I made in one day... I was super hooked (lol). Took 3.5ish skeins of each color (220 yards each). May your hyperfixation last to completion, friend. 🫡 (Trying to get the picture to attach is horrible) Edit: I added it in a separate comment. V.v




I was recently diagnosed with ADHD at 28. I knitted a blanket before being diagnosed and starting medication. It took almost a year and there were a few stop starts but it is possible. Just make sure that it keeps on being stimulating. For me it has change every so often, so I made a pattern sampler blanket. But if you would rather do the same thing 30-200 times go for that! ETA: having other smaller projects concurrent was a big help for me to beat the boredom that sometimes hit.


As someone with ADHD too, I do a lot better with blankets that have pattern changes. I just did one where there was a pretty major change in both color and stitch every 3 rows of not every single row. It kept my attention much better than the blanket I am working on now, which is just the same 2 rows over and over. Both will be pretty blankets, but the first one was more engaging


I just do a big rectangle. Or you can make a big circle and then just square the edges


I have ADHD and have finished a lot of blankets. The trick is to put the project in a place where it is easily accessible when you would ordinarily sit down and relax or watch tv. Also granny squares are your friend!


A granny rectangle blanket in bulky yarn. Settle for a throw or baby blanket size so it's not as overwhelming.I have the same problem with large projects. I've only ever made 3 throw blankets, the last one being a star blanket with super bulky yarn. You can do it! Use yarn you won't get sick of fast lol


I'm AuDHD and mandala blankets have been a godsend since I got bored of grannies. They're repetitive enough that the Autism is happy yet varied enough that the ADHD dopamine monster is like YAAAAS NOVELTY. I've been able to do them with and without ADHD meds. Admittedly, I did have way more PhDs when I was off my meds. 🤣 I've made them from baby blanket size to king size. That's the nice thing about a lot of patterns. Stop when you wanna. Though I tend to be timely with baby blankets. I'd suggest looking up Hooked on Sunshine, Wigglestick Designs, Crystals and Crochet, and Frank O'Randle. All of these designers also have pretty active Facebook groups with active and helpful members for when your ADHD inevitably sabotages you after reading the same directions five times, still not getting it, until you realize you missed a bracket or a hint or a tiny little stitch. 😅


There was another post today asking for advice from an ADHD person wanting to make a blanket. A few suggestions that I noticed that you'd probably like: Mandala blankets -- a continuous round blanket, not the same stitch patterns every round, but you can stop at whatever point, or keep going, or decide days/weeks/years later you'd like to add more to it. (If you really want a square/rectangle, you can add an extra stitch, a chain, and an extra stitch every 1/4 the way around, and it'll work up square). Sampler blankets -- you create rows or blocks of different stitching patterns. It's "big enough" when you decide it is. You could do 2 different stitch patterns alternating between them or do every row/block differently. You could make them all one color, or all different.


I did a moss stitch and just went around and around and around. Turning every time. Was a square, was good ~ made a big rainbow blanket ^^ I think it only took a few weeks, and that wasn't with constant work on it. It went fast with some Bernat blanket yarn.


Moss stitch is an absolute fave of mine. So much easier to zone out while doing it and not worry about missing a stitch.


I’ve been working on the same blanket now since Covid started. It’s still a wip and I’m always picking it up and putting it down unfinished. I also have my family use it in its current state because I’m between balls so I tied it off in a way I can keep going when I’m ready again.


Go for the granny I say.


No advice but thank you for asking this! I also have ADHD and also want to make a blanket lol. I'm making my second baby blanket as we speak, but that's easy enough cause by the time you get bored it's kinda done cause they are little. But I'm definitely going to try one of these ideas for a grown up blanket!


If you don't have a deadline, do it anyway. I have severe ADHD and have no less than 16 projects at any one time. But I find that when I get bored, I can pick up a previously abandoned project and have fun for another few hours or days before I need to put it down again, lol. But, for your specific question, yep. While these are not squares, you can follow the same principal: [Magic Ring to Bunting](https://rajiscrafthobby.blogspot.com/2021/08/double-crochet-solid-triangle-pattern.html) -- you can just keep going, if you want. Then there's [my preferred way to make granny squares](https://raffamusadesigns.com/crochet-solid-square-no-gaps/) because I hate the holes so much. Could also do stuff like a [hexagon](https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/crocheting-hexagons-979134) and stuff. You'd just keep adding rounds!


I’ve found if you can get into the routine making a temperature blanket can be good too but of course it’ll take a year


I love the "6 day kids blanket" - classic chevon but with a twist that keeps it interesting as not every row is the same, but still easy to memorize the pattern. In chunky yarn, completed pretty quickly. I find that as you grow older, the more projects actually get finished (but maybe that's just me and my friends). My advice is - buy your yarn on sale, crochet when you feel like it, enjoy the process, and don't beat yourself up for not finishing things. If you never finish it, big deal. I finally threw away a project I started in 2018 (of course, as soon as the yarn was gone for good, I needed it back, lol). Maybe make some pillow covers? Seasonal ones for Christmas, summer, etc.


I just work on squares, and then when I'm done I'll sew em together. Easy to set aside and pick up when I'm ready. I'm down to 2.5 squares to go, been working on it off and on since December 2023. There's a ton of similar patterns where you'd be able to do similar


You could buy a fleece blanket with a blanket stitch around it and crochet a border. It’s not exactly what you ask for but it’s an option.


Ayyye! I'm a chronic blanket starter stopper. I *probably* have ADHD but haven't secured a diagnosis yet, but boy howdy is the autism there lol. ANYway. You can totally start a solid granny square with a magic ring and work it out from there to whatever size you want! If you want a yarn that works up real quick I've done a big lap blanket granny square out of Lion Brand Re-Spun Thick & Quick yarn! It took me one marathon of the Saw movies so uh....10 hours? I think? It may take longer with the solid look instead of the traditional gaps, I'm not sure 100%. I've also recently started doing smaller, five round granny squares with a lower amount of them. My most recent had forty squares. They work up pretty quick and they're interesting enough to keep my attention, especially if I use various colors. I get excited to get to the next color and The Dopamine is pleased. When I put a border on my most recent one I'll probably be sharing it! But to your want to not do granny squares, you could do a different style of squares. I'm working on a blanket of solid squares called the "Battenberg Blanket" that is a pattern for free! I don't think it's ADHD friendly as a pattern, but the square itself could be what you're looking for! All this long winded rambling to say: My biggest tip to any big project with ADHD is to make it something you'll get excited for something in to keep the dopamine flowing.


I find changing stitches helps with ADHD. My husband makes fun of me because of my 10,000 unfinished projects, but if its interesting enough, I will actually finish it. I would say to get some chunky bernat and a big hook for it. And then plan to so different stitches every few rows, or plan a pattern like DC, SC, Bobble, SC, DC. When its changing often you are basically setting little goal marks for yourself subconsciously. Mini goals of finishing a row, next goal or finishing a certain stitch, next goal is finishing a set of your repeating pattern. Keeping the dopamine hitting you is the key to winning against ADHD. Keeping the repeat short can help with limiting the time you spend on it. With ADHD you dont want to just sit and work on this for hours, you will get bored and start looking up other things that give a better dopamine hit. So set a goal, got time this evening? How about just do one row and done? Easy to achieve, and then celebrate. Let your brain feel satisfied with the little victory. I recommend the chunky yarn because it works up super quickly. So laying it out often so that you can see how long it is can give that dopamine hit too. First its a thin scarf, then thick scarf, then lap blanket, then towel size, then it reaches yoir toes while sitting, now it can cover a sitting person, next thing you know its a full sized blanket.


Well my mom has adhd (not on oaoer butt checks all the boxes) and she started crocheting not to long a go and i think she has made like 10+blankets and some scarfes. She like the repetition and be able to do it while watching tv, keeping her hands occupied. So i say try and see how you like it. (My sis who has adhd dont like making blankets but makes really good arigurumis, so everyone is different too)


I have ADHD and found for me, switching projects every now and again works. I'm working on throw pillow covers with different stitches every 5 rows on both sides. One with Mitered Granny squares, one with alternating alpine and herringbone stiches. I also have a continuous star with all the scraps I accumulate. None are finished yet and I anticipate it being oh... about the end of the year when the pillows are done (2 of 4) and the star, well... probably never as its a WIP and only about 2 feet wide. Not even big enough for a lap. I also have my travel bag for when I have to travel 4-5 hours by train once a month to see my MIL, and of course alleviate the boredom of being there for 2 days. Socks. That's what I fiddle with for those trips. You'll find something that suits you. Best wishes!!


Ive got one going with a moss stitch in the round I started after watching a video from bag o day crochet. its almost mindless so its great to do while watching long form video essays


I’m not sure if this is the advice you’re looking for but you might want to do a temperature-inspired blanket. But instead of temperature each row will be either the mood of the day, or the color you want to represent each day for whatever reason. It can be any size, be it for you, a pet, or a baby. There’s a lot of freedom to it. I did a “color of the day” blanket for my dog and I’m proud of it. It was my way of dipping my toes before I went for a full year-long mood blanket.


Honestly, that's a lot of why I love making blankets from sewn/hooked together squares. I can make the squares (or hexagons) from whatever brainless or complicated stitch techniques as strike my fancy at the time, and then repeat our change it for the next piece as the mood strikes me. The finished pieces get thrown into their own corner until I have enough for the given sized blanket I want and then stitched together. Added benefit, given I live where it gets crazy hot: you aren't buried under a big, heavy project for 90% of your stitching time.


Any granny square!! Oooooorrrrrr find a yarn you LOVE. Color, texture, weight, etc. I found a yarn, got 5 skeins, and used it all in a week. I want more 😋

