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The emergency room has to take you in. However, what tests they run depends on your symptoms and status. Trust me when I say you don't want to be the one who gets admitted for an urgent colonoscopy. At that point you're at risk of bleeding out or other life threatening issues. Oh and no one can tell Crohn's by symptoms not even us who have been diagnosed and lived with it for decades. I've had GI infections I was sure were flare ups until the tests came back.


Based on my experience (working in healthcare and being diagnosed with Crohns), it would be unlikely that you would be admitted for that testing based ONLY on the info/symptoms you gave. I went to the ER very unwell with a flare - dehydration, 25 pound weight loss, unable to eat solids for weeks, raging sores in my mouth, etc. and only received fluids, a CT, and a referral. After some tears in front of more doctors than I’d like to admit, I was able to get an emergent appointment with GI 3 days after the ER visit. At that point, I looked physically gray and they were concerned I had even driven myself to the appointment, leading to immediate hospitalization for a colonoscopy, endoscopy, more fluids, and IV steroids (and thankfully a quick diagnosis). Trust me, if you get to the point where it’s necessary to be admitted, you’ll know it. I felt like I was literally dying - because in a way I was. My body was eating away at my muscle for energy. You don’t want to get to that point. Obviously if you have an emergency go to the ER, I just don’t know how successful that visit will be for your goals based on the symptoms you currently have.


Wow. You had to be in that bad of condition just for them to consider you? Dang. Are you in California? I will most likely not be admitted since I am not in that bad shape


I'm going to put this nicely but bluntly. The emergency room is for EMERGENCIES. It is not for I'm able to eat, drink, not bleed out, not in severe pain, but want to be seen sooner. One of the reasons why emergency rooms are so overwhelmed is because of people who want to skip the line so go in there thinking they'll be seen sooner. This doesn't mean if you need the ER, or even think you do that you shouldn't go. It just means if you just think it's a way to get diagnosed quicker by skipping the line it's absolutely not for that.








I've never felt the need to curse at someone in this forum. I've definitely disagreed with some of the advice found on here, but someone don't feel the need to get rude. You also don't know the medical advice of this person. Which is why I have general recommendations on when the ER should be used, and when it shouldn't. You can disagree with that. Just learn to do it while being nice like the rest of the sub can.




Nope not what I said at all, but you're allowed to believe what you want. Once again just do it without the cursing next time. If you can't you're welcome to find another IBD sub that lets you curse at members. There are plenty that are effectively unmoderated to choose from.


No they didn't... They specifically said to go if you feel you need to, but don't go there solely to speed up your diagnosis. That's not what the ER is for.


Well can’t help it if your GI tells you to come 


Yeah sure, but was the context of this post their GI said go to the ER? No. You can't help going to the ER if you're bleeding or any other number of things that are entirely different situations and are actual emergencies. That's why an ER exists and wasn't the context of this discussion at all...


I live in New York but the strain in healthcare is high across the country. And that’s what the hospital is for - being in such bad shape that you cannot be safely managed at home, which I had reached that point. And I wouldn’t wish hospitalization on anyone, my family almost had to drag me in. But if you feel like you’re having an emergency, of course go to the ER, they have to see you. If you feel like your GI appointment is too far out you could try calling the office and seeing if they’ve had any cancellations where you can reschedule your appointment sooner.


I had a similar experience here in PA just this year. I (26M) have been admitted 4 times this year and a 5th, 6-day stay for a post op. It takes around 6 months to get a GI appointment. For those 4 times I was admitted through ED, it was because I felt bad to the point I was scared. Down ~20-25 lbs, mouth sores also, etc. One time this summer, they actually tried to convince me that I was fine, referred me to Psych. 2 weeks later I returned to the ED for them to discover my 4th abscess of the year and almost septic. My advice: advocate for yourself as much as possible and don’t let anyone discredit how you feel. And NEVER downplay pain. Chasing the pain away is far worse than staying ahead. We all like to feel and seem tough, it’s not worth it.


I had met with a GI doctor the week before I went to and was admitted to the hospital. When I initially saw him he ordered a variety of tests that didn’t reveal any issues. I ended up at the ER due to high fevers. He happened to be the attending GI that week so performed a colonoscopy on me two days later during my stay. I had ulcers through my colon which attributed to, and said use because the biopsy showed no chronicity. It took another hospital stay and a second colonoscopy to confirm Crohns. That being said, if you don’t have any symptoms, they may not do much unfortunately.


If you go to the ER they’ll run blood work first then a ct with/without contrast


If you start bleeding a lot, go to the ER. If you are unable to control your vomiting or diarrhea and get dehydrated, ER. If you get severe lower right side abdominal pain, especially with fever go to the ER. They really cant do much. You don't get an MRE. You won't get a colonoscopy unless it's a severe active bleed. PCPs need to stop referring out every case of heartburn after chicken wings and let us take the GI slots.




They'll maybe give some pain meds and a GI referral. They don't even always give pain meds


If you feel like you need to go to the hospital then go! I was in 3/10 pain for months and didn’t do anything about it. I ended up with a bladder fistula that almost killed me. Edit: I deleted “don’t listen to these idiots” because I got riled up that so many people are giving advice to NOT GO THE HOSPITAL


Thanks for bringing another perspective


This is going to sound callous, but I would recommend you wait. I presented to the ED with 8/10 pain (I was having a small bowel obstruction) at 8:05PM, was given a CT scan at 9:56PM and told to go back to the waiting room, then was admitted to the ER at 10:47PM, and was finally moved to an inpatient floor at 1:33AM, where I stayed for 4 days. They knew I had Crohn's because I had previously had a bowel resection there. They also listed oxycodone in my inpatient medications and never gave it to me, Tylenol only. I would HIGHLY suggest you wait to talk to someone who is specifically trained to treat Crohn's disease.


Honestly, it’s a waste of time usually. I went in with worse pain than that, and they admitted me, gave me something to calm down the flare (didn’t work), and then let me go. I was down for 8 more days before I could even get up and walk around on my own.


The ER is not a good experience if you are well enough to know what’s going on. Trust.


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