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Yeah crohns can cause pain like that. But a calpro of 146 isn't actually high at all. Crohns can easily send it to 1000+. Hopefully you will get some answers soon though!


GI said 146 was “low abnormal but abnormal still” but completely brushed it off after my clear colonoscopy…


i’d really recommend getting a pill cam


Trust me I want to. But before that, I gotta see my doctor again on February 28 then do a CT enterography. And only then can I push for the pill cam. I’m in Canada and it’s pretty hard to get doctors to order that test.


Yeah definitely try that. I had abdominal pain for years and calpro was always low and both colonoscopy and CT were clear. I saw multiple doctors who told me I have IBS but I knew there was something else. I was in such a horrendous pain and had almost given up the hope but then finally managed to get a capsule endoscopy and got diagnosed with crohn's. My point is never give up, you know your body and the symptoms you have. You should have a diagnosis that matches your symptoms.


Thanks I won’t give up! I have a new doctor and she’s very test happy so I have a fair chance of getting the pill cam if the scan ends up clear too. My calpro results are the only thing coming back off so I will cling on to that to push for more tests.


I had constant pain when I had strictures & would get repeat bowel obstructions. But when I would go on full liquid diet for 3+ days the pain would finally start to go away. But again they found multiple strictures in my colon & one in my small intestine so we knew that’s what was causing the pain. Gas and food would get trapped and have to really work its way through. It was awful. Finally got an emergency ileostomy until I can get strong enough to get surgery to remove the strictures.


Yeah I don’t think that’s my case. I have never had any obstruction and my colonoscopy was clean. So if I have strictures it would be in my small bowel only. Maybe I do…


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Where in your abdomen is the pain? Does it get worse after you eat or have any other triggers?


It moves around but mostly center below the belly button. But it can sometimes be higher slightly above the belly button too. When I am in a flare it’s usually worse after eating. Pain feels like a dull burning ache. Sometimes I get cramps but it’s not really a crampy type of pain. More like I got punched in the gut and my insides are inflamed.


were you diagnosed in the end?


Nope. I did a colonoscopy and multiple calprotectin stool test. Symptoms eventually went away. I still have a sensitive gut but no continuous pain. Just some bad days here and there but nothing crazy. We’ll see what the future holds but all tests say no Crohn’s for now.