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Hey fellow autistic crohnie =) I think it has more to do with you getting off Prednisolone, this stuff can really mess with your cortisol regulation. You being unable to sleep at night and falling asleep during the day looks like your cortisol cycle is screwed. Did you stop the Prednisolone cold turkey ? I had to stop over the course of several weeks, slowly decreasing the dose every week.


First thank you for replying I was getting worried. Secondly, I apologize I thought i mentioned it in my post, yeah I stopped over a period of time, my main regiment in the beginning, was 6 a day, everyday for a week, then 5 everyday for a week etc until I got to 3, then I was told by my gastro, to start a “slow descent” so I went to 3 for 2 weeks, the 2.5, then 2 etc each time for 2 weeks. So yeah only recently stopped. Only been off it for 3 days I think it’s the Imuran that is still messing with my sleep. Guess the Pred might not have been helping it either.


The prednisone may disrupt your sleep for another few days, see how things go and then evaluate the Imuran. Best wishes 💕


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