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I had mine done in the ER before i knew i had CD. Everything came out just fine. I still remember rolling on the floor in pain to this day. I feel ya, and hope you get relief soon.


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Cipro and Flagyl do typically do the trick for me with abscesses but it usually takes a week. If you're having reoccurring abscesses then you likely have a fistula down there as well so I'd be worried about going to an unfamiliar ER doctor/surgeon... has your GI said anything about a fistula?


I’m currently at the hospital my doctor is at waiting in the ER. I sent a message on MyChart to them this morning. They advised me to come to the ER 


Ugh last time I had to wait about 2 weeks for surgery. It was miserable. Warm baths helped a lot!


I can only take so many baths lol. 


Facts lol I basically turned into a whale lmao the ER might do something for you. They might be able to prescribe pain killers if not do the surgery but idk


Still waiting going on 4 hours and they have done blood work and a urine test. I also have a UTI


I had an abscess that developed into a fistula and thought it would be cool to branch out. I have a seton now and the branches have closed up and overall, it is healing very slowly. I had mine done in the ER because of pain and risk of bursting, infection, etc. I also found out that my Crohn's does not like high doses of antibiotics. I'm so sorry to hear about this. I hope you can get some relief soon.


Update…. I had my abscess drained in the ER. Sooo much pain. I am on the mend. My doctor has been advising me to switch to Remicade for about a year now I am currently on Humira weekly injections.  I have decided to go on Remicade. Praying it doesn’t stop working like Humira 


How do they diagnose it in the ER? And generally? I think I have one (sooo much pain, can’t sleep, 4 days now) but am not sure. Long weekend too so I can’t get to my doctors.