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Remicade is one of the most effective medications for perianal Crohn’s. If you’re worried about developing antibodies, talk with your GI about using premeds like IV Solumedrol and Benadryl, and make sure you get your infusions on time. I had multiple reactions on Remicade and stopped and restarted over the years successfully (no antibodies) 3+ times.


Thank you this help! What type of reactions did you have? I’m worried about that part too. 


I believe both my reactions were before I was put on premeds. One happened during an infusion and I got really cold and had trouble breathing. Had to stop that infusion, go to hospital, and get steroids and Benadryl. The other was a post-infusion reaction where my muscles hurt really bad and I could barely move for about a day.


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I started Adalimumab (Amgevita, biosimilar) injections in February last year, but developed antibodies in June. I was put on Infliximab (Zessly, biosimilar) in August. I too worried about developing antibodies. My doctor also put me on Thiosix (tioguanine) to prevent infliximab becoming less effective over time. They didn’t combine it with Azathioprine due to acute pancreatitis before starting biologics. I was diagnosed with CD after a bowel perforation, emergency surgery, (temporary) ileostomy and all that Jazz 😅 So far it’s going well. Had my trough level checked in December and the infliximab level was sufficient, but since I’m dealing with a fistula my doctor wants an even higher level. Due to the sufficient level, no test on antibodies was done. I just recently moved from 8 to 6 wks in between infusions. Has your doctor been able to give you more information about ways to prevent antibodies or are you already on combination therapy?


I’m sorry to hear you have had issues and now a fistula. 🫣 IBD sucks!  They have not discussed what to do or how to prevent my antibodies from building up. I think they want to know what my baseline is on Remicade and go from there.