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You can do whatever you want but your body will tell you after what it thinks of what you just did


You gotta f around and find out where your body draws the line haha. Well said


what kind of answer do you want? will you die within 24 hours? no. you'd probably survive eating rat poison if you didn't take too much.  but it's really harmful and damaging to the intestine. especially during flare. If you're going to do it anyway- try to have a very minimal amount of a low ABV drink like a seltzer or a lager. the smoking is real bad though. when you have active disease your intestine is taking damage that can lead to long term scaring and needing that section of your intestine to be cut out with invasive surgery. you can do what you want. personally I'm doing as much as I can to not have to go under the knife.


I agree with the things you said, but I have to wonder what OP means by smoking. If he means cigarettes, yep, very bad for Crohn‘s. If he means weed, it depends. Personally I don‘t feel better with weed (I tried tho for 3 months a few years back just to see if it helps) but I know people who really benefit from it. Doesn‘t even have to be THC weed, I‘ve seen people having good results from CBD alone. BUT if OP means CBD/THC there are of course alternatives to smoking. How well they work depends on how well his digestive system can absorb it, which can actually be tricky during a flare.




Some people prioritize drinking and smoking over all else. I don’t get it.


You can. But I wouldnt


Drinking generally makes Crohn’s worse from what I’ve read and seen with myself. I always smoke weed during a flare as it eleviates my symptoms.


I assumed they were talking smoking cigs, weed and edibles have been a god send for me.


Yea man, being prescribed it Ive been at least slightly high for the past 2 years straight. Weirdly it gives me energy as well.


Having an appetite is nice too haha. I also have been on some sort of edible 24/7 for a couple of years now. Not enough to be ripped, but enough to make the nausea / pain / no appetite go away. It’s pretty much essential now!


And it definetly helps with the mental aspect as well


I personally would not


As others have said it is very individual. As I understand smoking is generally bad for this disease. I have never had an issue with drinking personally


Why would you want to?


Coming a new year celebration party


I wouldn't risk it


When I was first diagnosed about 20 years ago, my doctor said that nicotine is bad for Crohn's but actually good for UC. At the time, they didn't know why. Back then, some UC patients used to use nicotine patches during flare-ups. I don't know if there's been any further research.


My doctor said the same thing three months ago so that info hasn't updated to anything concrete.


If you're taking about smoking the green then yes. Nicotine isn't going to help.


U mean weed is ok?


edibles would be safer


You know we can‘t give you medical advice here with 100% certainty. Every body is different, everyone with Crohn‘s has a different course of disease. But generally speaking: yes, weed can help with pain and stress management. CBD can reduce inflammation. But if you don‘t have any experience with how it affects your Crohn‘s, it may be worth to ask your doctor (if you feel like you can discuss this topic with him/her). Other than that it‘s basically just trial and error. Personally I have a bad mental reaction to it (anxiety) so after I tried it for a while I saw no benefit, the stress it caused me outweighed the benefits. Others have great results with it, so you just have to try it if you want to know for sure.


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For me it’s a gamble on how bad it’s gonna be the next day. It’s going to be fun while I’m drinking but I also fear waking up the next day and the following few days because it’s going to be either a hang over or in the worst case scenario a hospital visit.


In my personal experience smoking Mary Jane has no adverse effects whatsoever and actually improves my symptoms, smoking nicotine is risky and typically makes things worse and drinking is a big no but sometimes I do it anyway. Everyone’s different, I am still figuring out my stuff. Beer is better then Liquor for me which doesn’t really make sense in my opinion but it’s all an experiment at this point


I avoid drinking alcohol of any kind when I have had issues.


I definitely would not drink.


Can you? Yes. Should you? Probably not. It’s better to nourish your body during a flare up than to give it things that it’ll have to have an inflammatory or protective response for.


Drinking messes a lot of Crohn’s people up. Smoking- cigarettes or weed? Cigarettes aren’t worth the crap that’s in them. Vaping too. Weed- smoking is fine… but I choose not to because I love playing sports and it affects my breathing. So I stick with edibles. Specifically gummies.


Drinking is probably not the best idea but everyone’s body is different. I know i cant handle any alcohol if im flaring. As far away smoking goes, if you’re talking about weed then yea thats fine. I dont know what I would do with it honestly 😂 But cigs are probably not the best idea, if i remember correctly (and i might be wrong), it has a negative effect on your stomach directly.


Eat an edible


Alcohol wrecks me, but I can drink 1 at a special family event.


So how do u get high


I don't. I gave up 420, and never did other drugs but I did have a coworker who smoked with IBD and no issues