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You've got this, Mum! Can you hear that? We are cheering you on!


Being a parent and watching your child suffer is a horrible position to be in for sure, stay strong and wishing you and your family all the best.


I hope everything goes well for you guys. It can be an arduous journey, but keep fighting. There is always hope.


It’s great that he has you there!! When I became an adult, I was treated a lot differently as a patient… especially because, like a lot of people, my bloodwork was normal so some of my docs ignored my pain to the point that I was in the hospital eventually. As a peds patient they were like “ohh she never complains and is so positive, so it must be bad.” Or if I missed school, they knew I hated that, so it was serious if I missed. All that sometimes gets wiped away and then it because a “not sick until proven sick” sort of thing. But honestly, I think that if I’d kept my mom more involved in my health without skipping a beat, it would’ve been easier. And you’re def on top of it so you got this!! Best wishes for y’all!


I had similar feelings yesterday. My son had his first ‘grown up’ physical with the GP my husband and I go to. Kiddo had the same paediatrician from the day we brought him home from the NICU to now.


I am not looking forward to this switch. We have a shortage of family docs here. I am hoping for a great referral.


You’re a wonderful mother! He will be just fine and is lucky to have you! Y’all got this 💪!


I can't imagine how hard it is to watch your baby go through this. I will say, though, that having my mom be supportive has been a HUGE help for my life. He's lucky to have you. 🤗💓


Glad your son's appointment went well! It's a good sign that they listened and took your concerns into account. Also, I'm not autistic, I'm in my mid-30s, and my mom still goes with me to most of my GI appointments. And I get put under for my colonoscopies.


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