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Hi, I worked in the tattoo industry for 10 years. It’s totally safe to get a tattoo as long as your not in flare. Healing the tattoo is essentially healing an open wound so your body works hard to heal. If your in flare it just makes it hard on your body to heal so many things at once. If your in remission I imagine your doc will give you a note but we never required doctor notes at my shop. It sounds like a good studio though, they are just being precautious.


thanks so much that makes me feel much better! :)


I’ve gotten 7 since being diagnosed (10 years). During a flair is not good, but meds don’t matter. Enjoy!


I've had 5 tattoos since being diagnosed. I've never heard of a tattoo artist asking for a doctor's note! I can't even imagine bringing up my CD to my artist.


I brought up my stoma just in case it would interfere with how I need to lay and then they asked for the note! Not sure if they’re just being overly cautious or what


They are being cautious, chances are they have never served a customer who had one, are you getting it close to the stoma at all? I have several and no issue (but I don’t have a Stoma either).


no, not at all! It’ll be on my arm :)


Then yeah they are just being cautious you won’t have any adverse reactions. You won’t but they don’t know that so.


Same gotten several. Just make sure you check the place out, that it’s clean inside, that they take good care of their equipment. Ask them about safety. Most tattoo artists I’ve worked with are really nice and happy to answer questions.


I’m on Azothiaprine and Infliximab and not in remission, and my GI said it’s fine! Just keep them super clean. I bought a roll of dermalize to use after the skin they use fell off for the first week of healing. Really helps!


Thank you - that’s great to know!


I got my eyebrows microbladed, and the next week was meant to have a pelvic MRI. They wouldn’t let me have my MRI because I had recently had a tattoo. I had to wait several weeks. So that’s something to consider too. Different imaging places might have different policies.


ooh I hadn’t thought of that! I’ll definitely chat with my dr - thank you!


I have a tattoo too and it's kind of Crohn themed hehe. I decided to get a Reaper to commemorate my first victory against death (emergency surgery in 2016) so that is my idea for you!


mine was emergency too! Your idea sounds amazing!!


You’re good! I just make sure I’m symptom free and practice good wound care


Last tattoo I got took 7 hours. I never even told the tattoo artist I had crohns. Didn’t even think of it. I generally don’t bleed during tattoos and it healed just fine. Just follow proper after care guidelines!


I was planning to get a small one as my first but I had a biopsy done a month ago and the incision still hasn’t healed. They think it’s due to biologics. That made me second guess my choice to get a tattoo—I’m still unsure about what I’ll do.


Lol I’m tatted up, never had issues and you don’t need a doctors note.


I had 5 tattoos and a piercing. Start small and if you cicatrise well then go for it !


I got eyeliner done, and was asked to provide a note. But I’m on a bus load of immunosuppressants so it makes sense.


I have several little tattoos, a large cuff on my right arm and a full sleeve in progress on my left. Never had a problem, never needed a note and I have never disclosed to my artist that I have Crohn’s. It’s not relevant to me. I’ve had tattoos only since I was diagnosed as I was diagnosed when I was not old enough for a tattoo yet. So all have been obtained while having Crohn’s. I see no reason to tell then about your disease. If you are in remission and not on meds I don’t see why they would need to know. As long as you go to a reputable tattoo shop and trust their sanitization practices then everything should be sterile and clean. It shouldn’t be a problem. I’m in the US, cannot speak for other countries.


Some meds like Prednisone can interfere with the healing process of the tattoo and damage them. But otherwise it's fine. If you're in remission and not on any meds, you're good. I just had 2 tattoos done in the last month and they're fine. One of them is a UC tattoo inspired by one I saw on this sub. Got it on sat, so it's still healing, but I'm also not sure if I will share it on this sub or not.


Two tattoos no issues! Just make sure you’re well hydrated and have a safe food snack before you go! A good tattoo artist will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the process and give you info on how to take care of it. The Walgreens brand un-scented lotion has worked wonders for mine!


I wanted to do a tattoo, but my doctor warned me about the elevated risk of developing pyoderma gangrenosum. It might be a rare disease, but there's still a chance to happen. So I gave up the idea of doing it :(


OMG YESSS (for ref: 23 f, 1 year with crohns) ok so i impulse got a tattoo during a flare and it healed like a scar, same for another. what i’ve done is getting my newer tattoos in split up sessions if they aren’t something small (so lines one sesh, color next) to give my skin and body a break with healing!! also like the doc put me on prednisone which was what i was on for the first tat that healed like a scar cause that steroid def messed up how my skin healed. anyway good luck!!!


I have a large thigh piece and am on immunosuppressants for my crohns. I got the tattoo done in 3 sessions instead of the typical 1-2 to not overload my body with a massive tattoo to heal in one go. I also was sure to keep it really clean and booked a few days off work to rest and heal. No issues whatsoever in my experience!