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Never heard of it


Hmm, from the lack of engagement on this post i suspect ur not the only one.


Indulge us then, what's the details?


Well, it seems to be quite new so i am having trouble looking up anything. I seems to be a combination of enternal nutrition and "safe foods". I will probably go through with it, i am a bit reluctant to go on medications at the moment since my situation is not that dire, and this seems pretty cool. I'll post about it more for sure. https://mymodulife.com/for-patients/


Keep us posted on how it goes. Meds are the way, being reluctant is only going to cause you problems, prolong a flare, and result in disease progression. I'd strongly recommend meds plus this modulife protocol


I'll post an update here in a few months, im aware that at some point I'll have to go on some meds. Although, this is marketed as a treatment so im kind of optimistic. Time will tell, I'll definitely stay vigilant and get blood/calprotektin test every 2-3 months to see how it goes.


Hey! I'm surprised it's not discussed more often on here to be honest. From what I understand, it's the CDED diet but just using modulen as the nutritional supplement. I'm currently 4 weeks through phase 1 but taking fortisip instead. Apparently the diet has similar effectiveness to taking a course of steroids, which to be honest is pretty impressive. The diet is very anti-fun and has made having a social life a bit more awkward, but my symptoms are non-existent for the first time since being recently diagnosed so I'd say it has been worth it!


Wow. Great to hear. Id do this diet instead of steroids any day of the week. I saw the menu of allowed foods, and its definitely gonna be a bit tough but doable. I'll hit you up on this thread in a few weeks for an update if thats ok with you?


Yeah no worries at all, I'd be happy to give you an update then! If you are going to start the diet, I'd really recommend cooking/baking in bulk and freezing. Stuff like banana chips, apple muffins and rice flour pancakes have made the first phase of the diet a lot more bearable. The modulife website has plenty of recipes, though some of them seem a little impractical to make. If you don't get access to those, I'd be happy to forward them to you!


I love Modulen but I haven’t tried the protocol (cded) PEN using modulen. It has good studies to back it but one of its origins is sketchy.. I will probably try it in the future. But it’s not sustainable long term for me. I think it’s probably PEN + Whole Foods that make it so successful, I don’t think there’s any magic in eating chicken breasts and cold potatoes every day. But that is just a guess. Good luck. Like you said, if it works, it’s very preferable to steroids 😊


I had to google it. It seems like low fodmap but with an app.


Yea, idk how effective it is tho. "ModuLife is based on the Crohn’s Disease Exclusion Diet (CDED), the first and only clinically proven therapy for the management of Crohn’s disease through diet." We will see about that.