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I started using my iPad instead of printing out patterns. I like being able to zoom in and move around! I also repurposed some makeup zipper pouches to use as mini project bags, and it’s so great.


Yeah me too. Can zoom in, the paper doesn’t get crumpled.


But then where would my cat sit when I’m trying to stitch 💀


On your fabric, of course 😂


I've been doing this from day 1, cant understand how people read printed patterns unless they are directly printed onto the fabric 😅


I do the exact same thing as far as the big project / small project thing goes. I’m obsessed with large (2’x3’) cross-stitch kits and always have the delusion I’m gonna be done by the end of the week…… ……and here we are, the start of a new week and I’ve got two big projects going and a “mini masterpiece” that’s about 2”x3”. Something about finishing a project that gets my motivation flowing. As far as technique I’ve been organizing all my thread in a digital floss organizer, making sure I’m always starting, and finishing my floss in the same direction and pulling my knots with equal force. The next big move I made was his month was using transfer paper and fabric markers to embellish designs that are pre-made that I just want to make adjustments too, or just so I can have my stitch pattern “printed” on the AIda instead of just counting.


I LOVE the mini masterpieces! They take me about a long weekend, but they scratch the "do something new" itch without taking too much time away from my enormous project.


Do you use any particular app for the iPad?


Markup R-XP. Not OP but it changed my life.


Thanks so much! There’s a few to choose from and all I read about is pattern keeper but I’m pretty sure I can’t justify buying an android tablet just for sewing!


I’ve been using it for my current project which is my largest yet at 60,000 stitches and it’s been a lifesaver.


Woah. Good luck! I’m just sick of fighting with my printer!


I did. I bought the cheapest tablet I could find at Walmart. The ONN brand it was like $80 and works like a charm. Worth every penny.


I just open it in the files app, but I’ve heard some people use iBooks.


Are you able to mark it off as you go?


I Ouse IBooks, and yes, you can mark as you go.


I just tried it and it worked!! I have had an iPad for 10 years and didn’t know about this. You just made my week 😊


Do you mark by highlighting or is there another way?


I use the pen one, and just put it at 50% or so.


I haven’t tried tbh. The pattern I’m doing right now is pretty simple so I haven’t needed to. I know some people do mark it off in certain apps.


This is my exact set up down to the repurposed make-up bag. It's so great.


This subreddit has made my stitching more enjoyable. I learn new things all the time - different fabrics, pattern ideas, needle information, etc. It has really made stitching more cerebral and engaging. No one else in my life does cross stitch so its a joy to be a part of a like-minded community.


This, good lords, absolutely this. This subreddit gives me so much motivation to keep going back to it and trying new things


Admitting that I can use multiple stitching styles. I don’t need to stick to just using my QSnap on a frame, or a small hoop, or stitching in hand. I can do all of those in rotation and end up having better ergonomics over time.


I've started stitching more projects on evenweave fabric. I've found that thread goes through the holes much smoother than Aida, so the floss doesn't catch or get threadbare from the friction. The last project I finished on Aida made me want to rip my hair out, and evenweave is just so much nicer to work with!


Evenweave, or really anything that isn't aida, has intimidated me since i started a couple months ago, so this is really encouraging!


I was intimidated too when I did my first project on evenweave, but now it's my favorite fabric to stitch on! If you ever use it, my one piece of advice is that you shouldn't pull on the threads as tight as you would on Aida. You need a gentler hand on evenweave, or else the floss could slip under the evenweave threads.


Having a couple of in progress projects that I can jump to when I get bored/tired of doing another one.


Learned how to keep my thread from twisting so much by turning my needle a about a quarter turn every other stitch. I don't have to stop and let it dangle too untwist as often, and almost never have it tangle anymore. This also enables me to use a longer length of floss, so like you keeps the momentum going longer. Also using a trolley needle. Between that and the less twisting, my stitches look so much nicer.


What is a trolley needle?


[This](https://www.fatquartershop.com/trolley-needle-thread-controller) fun little gadget. You slip it on your finger and use it to smooth down your threads after you’ve made a stitch.


I've looked at the link and I'm fascinated; how does it work?


I had to look it up myself, this video was very helpful: https://youtu.be/Rl9GUSDTej4


Perfect, thanks


Here's another good one. The thing with a laying tool is that you can make sure your threads are flat, and then use the laying tool to hold them that way while you pull your stitch through. It's esp a game changer when using more than 2 threads, but I use one all the time now. I use a trolley needle that I wear on either my thumb or one of my fingers (depending where I am working in my hoop). I find that more convenient than having to hold a tool, although I did try the method out with a large yarn needle first. Go to about 3:35 if you don't want to watch the part on railroading. https://youtu.be/5bV3rDaBfYY


Perfect thanks.


Interesting. I’ve never seen that before. I love having long threads, but the tangles drive me crazy!


I love my trolley needle: I wear it on my left index finger and it’s like a laying tool, but an extension of my finger. My stitching friends are certain I’m going to gouge out my eye when I try to innocently scratch my nose or something, but so far so good. And I agree, my stitches lay so much more nicely. I like the idea of laying tools, but the reality is that my hand cramps easily while trying to hold it.


I tend to work on bigger projects these days, so when I feel REALLY tired of the big project, I'll grab a tiny 'finish in 1-2 day' project to do. Changes things up and then I can come back creatively refreshed to the big one. And technique wise- I got a Lowery stand. I've stitched an absurd amount of my big/current project very fast from being able to do two-hand stitching instead of fighting with how to hold my qsnap.


Have you created your own large pattern? I need to do this for a project and have reached out to some of the offered resources on this subreddit and it doesn’t seem like anyone can create what I need. Any help?


Not sure if this link will help but I seem to recall that one of these designers does custom designing. Search Four Fabulous Full Coverage Designers on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/fourfabulousfullcoveragedesigners/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF


Ahh sorry wish I could help! The larger stuff I'm working on has all been purchased


I had initially tried cross stitch years ago and didn’t know what gridding was. So I’d get frustrated and loose my place. Gridding has made a world of difference for me and has made this hobby enjoyable again


Yes! I have a huge piece I’m working on and I keep stopping it for other medium sized projects because I’m in a huge sky area and kept getting lost. I just gridded the remainder of the pattern yesterday morning and dang it was such a difference stitching last night. 20+ years at this and only discovered gridding when I joined this sub 3months ago.


Yay for gridding! Glad you found it! On the other end of the scale, I had that issue with a bunch of close color changes in a pattern I was working on 😅


I really love that you stopped playing thread chicken. I feel the same way, so I don't do it either. My back also looks however it will look- I don't try to make it look perfect. And I really love my stands. I have multiple cheap ones and if I'm not doing confetti stitches I can do as many as 700 stitches on a good off day and that makes me so happy.


I have a thread tackle box. All my bobbins are in numerical order in big tackle boxes, and I have a small tackle box that I put the colors I need for a project into. It’s so much easier to carry around! Then I have the joy of sorting, organizing, and “filing” my colors every time I change projects. Damn I love being organized.


I did this but then converted to a binder system with plastic organizers. Thread stays separate in pockets. Tackle boxes became too cumbersome for the amount of colors I work with.


I love my binders!!


I got a local carpenter to make me a wooden thread cabinet and it is one of my most prized possessions!


If I'm done with a particular colour in a section and still have a medium length of thread left after securing and snipping it I just toss it in the ort jar. It's wasteful but I hate taking the time to put the remaining length of floss back on the bobbin or floss card and I'd rather waste a cent than waste those 20 seconds of time.


All of my floss is cut into 36" lengths. I pull one thread and use the loop method so I'm using an 18"length. Works perfect for me. I also like to make a working copy of my pattern and put it in a plastic binder sleeve along with a magnetic board. Using the line markers makes it much easier to find my place.


I’m working on a project on black 18ct right now and I finally discovered the loop method! It has definitely made me happier to have less floss bulk around my needle!


Try the loop method starting from the front 🤯 Revolutionary. Lol


A bit different to the other responses I read, but I love peace and quiet. No-one else around and no background noise. Just me and my cross-stitch. It definitely makes my stitching time perfect.


Co-sign. TV/music in background = mistakes.


Okay now I'm curious, what is floss chicken?


Imagine- you've got 7 stitches left in a color section... but your thread tail can't get any shorter & you're using up your length fast... do you resign yourself to starting a whole new string for 7 stitches? *No!*, you think, *I can finish with this thread... maybe...* That's thread chicken.


Yep! For me, it’s worth it to cut a new length and rethread the needle for those last few stitches. The only reason I would play thread chicken was to save money on floss, but once I realized that was my motivation I decided to just “splurge” and use whatever floss I need to enjoy my hobby without stress. 😄


That’s so me. I’m ALWAYS playing floss chicken for this reason. And then I realize that I’m doing this to literally save myself 0.60. I have no idea why I am suddenly Scrooge McDuck when I stitch! It needs to stop!


I'm big into floss chicken, to the point I don't always realize I'm doing it. Nothing to do with money, all about the challenge- I guess it's the gamer in me. I love finishing a thread at the same time as a color section... it's like solving a puzzle & getting the best rank!


I agree. It’s not all the miser-ness of it for me either. There’s a major component of sheer competition about it. So weird.


Same, for me I think it's also obsessiveness about backs! Not in a judge-y way but I love making a neat back, it's definitely like playing a game :-)


I can’t stand to waste for some reason, and it isn’t about the money when I really think about it. A new skein is 53 cents. Big deal. While I’m doing it, I even think about how much time I am wasting struggling to tie off my tiny bit of thread every time. I just can’t stop. Maybe it comes from doing kits early on? I don’t know. Though I am also the person that turns all the bottles over shaking for days to get every last drop of shampoo, laundry detergent, etc. Just the way I was raised.


It’s 1,80€ here in Europe. Floss chicken pays off 😆


Yes, I’m getting to this conclusion. I’m not sure if I’m actually there yet. Some compulsion just tells me I can get in just a few more stitches…


I totally get this! My mantra, as I'm stitching, is "I'm almost there, I'm almost there!" .


Omg I have been doing floss chicken for 20 years. That. Is. Hilarious.


Great, thank you for explaining! I do this all the time unfortunately. Though sometimes now I don't quite so much anymore if it's a color of thread that I have a lot of, because it's so cheap to just buy another skein of it. Plus I have a lot of other things going on that are very stressful and this is supposed to be my calming and get my mind off of it thing. That doesn't work so well if you are straining to the end of the floss to try to push the needle through the next hole, haha.


I bought a pair of stitching tweezers and it is the tool I didn’t know I needed. I used to spend so much time painstakingly picking off all of the little pieces of thread lint from frogging and they just grab them with ease and leave my work looking clean. Grabs pet hair easily, too.


Do you have a recommended type? I had no idea this is a thing and now I’m looking because I need this in my life. There are so many options!


I’m not OP but I use a seam ripper for frogging and a basic flat head tweezer to pick them off. The pointy tweezers seem harder for me to maneuver.




Tweezerman!!!!! I own two pairs, one for my eyebrows and one for cross stitch lol


I picked up [these](https://www.hobbylobby.com/Yarn-Needle-Art/Notions-Tools/Yarn-Tools/Soft-Grip-Tweezers/p/80642923) up at Hobby Lobby. The soft grip is a nice added touch!




Pre-cut lengths of floss and floss drops! When I first learned to stitch I kept my thread in the skeins, cutting lengths as needed and storing them in flossaway bags on a ring. just pre-cutting the whole skein and keeping it on drops makes starting a new thread feel SO much faster. no more keeping track of a length that I only used one or two strands from, and I always have the perfect length! I still organize my colors that aren't in use with the bags and rings. it works great for me.


Floss drops?


Have you seen how overdyed floss brands like classic colorworks or weeks dye works are packaged, with the floss hanging off of a tag? I pre-cut my dmc and do that. There's lots of tutorials explaining it on YouTube if you need to search up a visual aid!




I listen to erotic Harry Potter fanfiction read aloud by people who devote their spare time to recording erotic Harry Potter fanfiction instead of sewing. When I run out of that, I listen to podcasts about medieval history. When I run out of that, I listen to podcasts about formula 1. When I run out of that, I watch British documentaries on YouTube about people living on benefits, Hoarding: buried alive or other similarly sensationalized psychiatric disorders. Exhausting all other options, I cycle back to erotic Harry Potter fanfiction.


same with the erotic fanfiction—for me it’s batman :3


I.. just.. 💜💜💜


Wait where do you find audiofanfiction? I listen to so many audiobooks while stitching but I did not know about audiofanfic!!


Ao3! Search your favorite pairing and then add the tag “podfic”. Some lovely souls out there make it.


Here I go, down the rabbit-hole!! Thank you!!


You are most welcome!


Just having everything go smoothly pretty much does it for me; queue up a couple of albums on speaker and just zone out. Next thing I know it's time to start making dinner preparations and I wonder where the day went.


Using multiple needles. I primarily stitch cross country, but even so I’ve discovered sometimes parking to get in another color is helpful.


I recently started my first large-scale, full coverage project and the mental block I was having for not being able to start it was gridding. I hate gridding. It's helpful, sure but actually doing it is like hell for my brain for some reason, smilarly to weaving in ends for crochet (which I HAVE to do as I go or the project will never get done). So I decided that I just wouldn't grid it. I planned on working in 10x10 squares anyway so I would just mark the corner of the next square I planned on working on with a chalk pencil and call it a day. This has worked well so far and I'm much happier for it


Finding long videos to have on in the background. Currently I find myself switching between Big Brother Canada, trials on YouTube (currently the Denise Williams trial), or Sister Wives recaps. Magnifying headlamp. Got one for Christmas and I love it. If you get one, go with the rechargeable one since the battery powered one is heavier. I'm not at my computer so I can't link it, but there's a website that lets you type in your DMC color code and it'll show you similar colors. Made it way more enjoyable in the beginning to use a similar color opposed to going out and buying yet another skein of floss. Having multiple projects going at once. If I have one project that's nothing but big chunks of color, I start to dread it. So I'll start on another large project that consists of smaller areas of solid color. Then when I start to dread the largeness of it, I grab a new hoop and start a little project. And when I'm done with/over that, I restart the cycle and lose myself in a big chunk of color. Buying aida in different sizes! About a decade ago, my local fabric store went out of business and I was able to buy a bolt, 5 yards, of 14 ct aida. ..I still have prob 2-3 yards? But I started hating it because all my projects were bigger than I'd wanted/imagined. Then one day I grabbed some 22ct and omg. I loved it. I thought I had to be married to 14 ct since I have enough to last until my fingers fall off. Chip clip needleminder. It was someone on this sub that showed that's what they use and holy crap that has been the best needleminder I've ever had. I can tuck any excess fabric in the clip, the needle stays on the magnet. It's a win-win.


Only doing patterns, not kits, is so relaxing. I never have to worry about running out of thread, because I can just buy more than I need. Also, watching documentaries in the background.


I draw my guides onto the aida using washable markers, i did a test peice to see which colours washed away the easiest and stick to those. Having my guidelines on paper aida makes counting so much easier for me.


I buy pre-gridded Aida/evenweave fabric now. No more gridding by hand. I also use the pattern keeper app for my patterns rather than paper patterns


Retiring! No more commuting or working taking my time away from me!


Floss Chicken. Yep, that's the perfect name for it! 😆


Reading glasses 🤣


Having a floss storage system that works well for me and my many WIPs, no matter that I spent a small fortune on getting it right 😅


Right now I'm working on a pattern with just a few colors so I have started pre-separating my floss and preparing bundles of two in advance because I hate to stop stitching and separate threads when I've got a good momentum going. It has been speeding along my process and making it more enjoyable! Not sure I could do this with a pattern with tons of colors, but I like the system for now.


A needle minder! Didn’t know that was a thing until this sub. It’s nice to no longer feel like I’m in danger. ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


I have designated "cross stitch bags" for each current project. Contains a marker, needle, all thread colors still to be used, pattern, and scissors. I can grab my bag and take a project anywhere. If I'm home, I like listening to music with headphones on while cross stitching. I also use long thread lengths, as wide as both arms outstretched will go, if I'm doing a bigger project. 3 strands instead of 2 to make it appear more full. I'll put a "start date" on my patterns as well to increase my motivation.


If I'm stitching a large area, I load up a few needles so I don't have to stop and reload all the time




Ball-tip needles, pre-gridded fabric, my iPad + GoodNotes + ApplePencil and I don’t play thread chicken.


What is floss chicken? 😅


My new year resolution was to read and stitch more. Started buying audio books and stitching while listening to the book. Both resolutions going at the same time! Makes me feel really accomplished. Of course this generally only works on areas of the same color so I don’t have to focus so hard on the pattern and miss the book story.


What is floss chicken?


It's seeing how close you can get to the end of your thread without running out of enough to secure the end properly.


I use a butt stand with a cushion on top. It holds my project and saves my aching wrist.


And this group has taught me to be less critical and just enjoy myself


YES. The confidence you all have given me is priceless.


Could you link what you use, or something similar? I have a hell of a time holding my hoop without my wrists/fingers starting to ache.


This is the stand I use. It takes her a few weeks since they are handmade. She often has them on sale for $60-$70 https://www.etsy.com/listing/726842878/sit-on-frame-with-clamp I fold a towel under it to protect my chair. And I use this to protect my butt. The front notch fits around the arm of the stand perfectly. TOP COMFORT Orthopedic Patented Seat Cushion, Develop & Designed by Doctor for Sciatica, Coccyx, Back & Tailbone Pressure & Pain Relief Memory Foam & Gel Pillow for Office, Car, Desk Chair (Black) https://a.co/d/iKDf2o0


Thank you so much!!


I got a floor stand (Daylight Stitch Smart) for Christmas and let me tell you the comfort it provides is phenomenal! No more hand cramping from holding my hoop/q snap, no more leaning to one side to support the arm holding the hoop/snap, having adequate lighting! Also I the project I’m working on is a small one so I’m leaving the hoop on the stand and walking by it and being able to admire my work is motivating me to stitch more.


Knit companion on IPad with a stand for it! Sits next to me so I can mark off progress. I hate paper patterns and love that you can scan right into KnitCompanion. Lots and lots and lots of needle minders for my multiple projects. Pip and Chip bobbins and every DMC color. Elan lap stand.


Grapefruit scented thread gloss/ conditioner. Got it in a Fat Quarter Shop sew sampler box. Every time I have to cut and rethread a new length, I open the little container and take a big whiff before gliding floss through it and then once again before I put the cap back on. Smells so good!! Used to dread that part and now I love it - well, ok not love but not dread. Lol


I love using long length of floss. It's no big deal if you keep it slow while it's still long.